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The full-time program offers various opportunities for student to dive in their career goals.
The school has center for Finance, Enterpreneurship, Global Career, and Technology.
Also has a very comprehensive career program for those who are seeking consulting.
The culture is very strong and our pillars of Share success, Drive change and Think fearless could be notice on the day-by-day of my colleagues, and professors.
The location, Westwood, is perfect but cost of living is high, comparing to other schools (except for San Francisco, New York, and Chicago). Most of the day are sunny and winter is not harsh as other regions.
The focus on west is more on technology and healthcare industry, if you are focusing on that, Anderson is definitely a great school to be. Moreover, other IB and consulting also has office in LA, SF and Seattle, which give excellent options after school
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (3.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network