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Anderson offers a great environment where the students, alunmi and the school all work together to help you reach your goals. I am especially indebted to the students and alumni for their dedication to help the first years in recruitment. The culture allows for the first years to take advance of the experience and trial/errors of the second years and also for the second year students to give back to the community by helping the first year students prepare for the interviews. The career services works hard to help each student strengthen his/her candidacy.
In terms academics, there are some really good and interesting courses offered. there are many opportunities to specialize your studies to the area of your interest. Although Anderson offers a collaborative environment, the students are still very competitive and their diverse experience offers an interesting and helpful discussion both inside and outside the classroom.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
Student body, diversity
Culture & Student Support
Career opportunities provided by school