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The school has provided a great program for students that also work full time. There are many options for night and weekend classes with many available seats in those classes. The capstone project, GAP, provides a fantastic bonding experience for you and a small group of MBA students as well as extensive real world consulting experience with an actual international company.
However, as much as the program harps on the FEMBA experience being similar to the MBA experience. There is definitely less day to day interaction between the FEMBA students (as most of us are working full time and do not have time to socialize). Another negative is that there are still many events and classes that take place during the standard M-F 9-5 workday which fully employed MBA students will have to miss.
Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
Career opportunities provided by school
Culture & Student Support