Forum Home > GMAT > Quantitative > Problem Solving (PS)
The program gave me a chance of exploring different career paths. The culture of the school is very strong. Classmates do share success so you can always find someone willing to help in any matter you might have. My section is like a small family and we look after each other. The school is very welcoming for international students and we are supported with a dedicated career advisor. Even if one's career goal is not to become an entrepreneur, the school provides so many opportunities that with a good idea a start-up can become your side activity. The school is filled with business opportunities and if that is what you are looking for, this is the school for you.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Culture & Student Support