July 10, 2014

Joined: Jul 10, 2014

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I contacted admissionado (Claudia and Lauren)when I was waitlisted at UT-Austin in April 2014 to chalk out the waitlist strategy. To start with, Claudia and Lauren were blazing fast and awesome in responding to my emails and queries. I remember Claudia spending over 30 mins on the phone with me to understand my situation. After that, once we knew that McCombs was not accepting any material from waitlist applicants, Claudia and Lauren did not push me to pay and sign up for their services (may people would take advantage of your vulnerable emotional state in a situation like this). They continued to follow up with me for 12 weeks without asking me to sign up for any kind of services. After being on the waitlist for 12 weeks, I almost gave up and I contacted them back to get my ding review done so that I can work on the gaps in my profile, before I reapply. Again, both were super prompt, we exchanged about 50 emails in 2-3 days, Lauren spent another 30 mins on the phone with me without me yet signing up for any services. During the telecon with Lauren, I decided to sign up for the ding review and Lauren sent me an invoice, and then I asked them that I would wait for a few days before paying the invoice since I need a break from the MBA stuff, to be able to think fresh. They completely understood this and supported my decision. During the waiting period, I got admitted to McCombs and I emailed Lauren and Claudia and I could picture them jumping with joy with me for the admit. All of this for a unknown person who did not sign up for any services says a lot about Claudia, Lauren and Admissionado.

October 09, 2015

I am confused. Did you get admission in 2015 or 2014. You said it was Waitlist then ding then got admission. Is it possible to get admission in the same year after ding. in Gmatclub you logged in only once and there are no other messages? What strategy did you apply to get admission?

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