March 07, 2012

Posts: 80

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:
660 Q47 V34

Best Admission Consulting Service


I was extremely impressed by the professional way Admissionado (formerly Precision Essay) handled my requests and concerns. All the guys at Admissionado are extremely sincere and committed towards making my candidature stronger. I shopped around and must admit that Admissionado is by far the best out there. They are extremely fast in getting back to my responds and I really like their attitude.

I used Admissionado formerly for my essays and the mock interview and was quite late for the Round 2 deadline. Before Admissionado I thought I have some really god essays, but after Admissionado I had stunning essays :-). They are really quick and really helpful. When I think about it, I never had to wait for a reply more than half a day. Lauren, who is the director of Operations, is so quick in responding that I sometimes thought she would never sleep :-).

Moreover Richard, who helped with my essays and interview preparation, is really great. He helped me to transform my essays that highlighted my strengths in terms of my work experience and community service and downplayed my weaknesses. He was extremely personable and easy to work with. What I really value is how reliable and punctual he was and that speaks for the quality of Admissionado. Every time I had an appointment, it was right on time. This shows that they really care and want to help you.

I really appreciated to work with Admissionado and always will recommend their service to anyone who is looking for a strong and reliable consulting service. If I were to do it again, there is no doubt about Admissionado. I actually regret that I did not discover them earlier in the applications process.

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