NUS Singapore Reviews


MBA Program rating

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October 21, 2016

Joined: Jan 10, 2013

Posts: 289

Kudos: 136

Self-reported Score:
690 Q47 V39
710 Q47 V41
720 Q50 V38

In the heart of Asia


This review is for NUS

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2018

Experience during the program

A few details about me : I have a background in tech and entrepreneurship. I worked for 5 years before making it to NUS Business School. My GMAT is a 720 (3rd Attempt) and I am an engineer from Mumbai.

On my application experience with NUS : My application experience with NUS was smooth overall barring a few hurdles in the middle - for eg. my video interview was cut short due to a bad internet connection, there was generally lack of information from the school on the admission timelines etc. Overall, since NUS follows a rolling admission there are bound to be periods of absolutely no info.

On the facilities at NUS : This is where I feel NUS excels, and by that I mean that the facilities at NUS are truly world class. From the hostel (UTown) to the business school building (Mochtar Riady Building) to the labs to the study rooms - NUS really takes care of its own. Housed in one of the most developed countries in the world, NUS makes you feel like you're living the good life. This adds huge value to the learning experience.

On Singapore : Singapore is a great city to live in. There is a myth that Singapore is a bit robotic and can get boring very quickly, but that's just that - a myth. Singapore is bustling with energy, a great nightlife, a very rich local culture and a huge presence of corporates as well as startups. Sitting at the Esplanade waterfront, with a view of the fancy HQs of the biggest banks in the world, one really feels like they're in the heart of Asia.

On Job Opportunities at NUS : Since I'm still in my first semester at NUS, I'm not that exposed to the job ops available at NUS. But career services at NUS really takes the effort to organise relevant events for the MBAs - from company dinners, to networking events, to recruitment talks etc.. On the downside for MBA, NUS has a really strong BBA programme, so a lot of these corporates coming to campus are targeting the BBAs. Nonetheless, there are still lot of opportunities to network with the top companies in your industry if you're willing to put the effort.

On professors : Again, since I'm in the first semester I'm not exposed to as many professors. But here, I have had a bittersweet experience so far. Some of my profs are extremely good at teaching with a wealth of knowledge while some are not really at the level you would expect from a top B-School. I'm still keeping an open mind in this regard and I will update this section once I'm done with majority of the course.

Overall : I'm very happy to be here at NUS Business School - the biggest win is that the cohort is very diverse and humble. There's more to learn from your peers here at NUS than there is to from the books. The staff at NUS Business School coupled with the great infra make sure that the MBA experience at NUS is exemplary.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Admissions Team

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October 25, 2016

Thank you for this. I have a question - I have read from.other reviews that an avg batch comprises mostly of students of 30 yrs and above. I am 22 yrs old and about to give my GMAT. I have kept NUS as an option, but do you think it is advisable considering that I have no work experience but a good GPA?

November 04, 2016

Hey @NehaSudhir, The avg age in the batch is around 28 years. I would advise you to get some work experience before applying to NUS as it's almost impossible to get an admit without any work ex.

November 05, 2016

Hi Nitish ,

Thanks for the review, was really helpful.

I have 3 years work ex now and am aiming for next year intake. I will be giving my GMAT by December end.

1) What do you think is the ideal score to get in ?
2)How did you manage the finances ? Loans , etc .
3) How are the VISA rules in Singapore to work post MBA ?

Thanks again!

November 23, 2016

Hi Nitish,

It was really helpful on your part to describe your views on various aspects of the university and the course. I collected that you had an experience of almost 5 years and it was smooth for you to apply. Can you give any views on my profile with 3.5 years of work exp., a mechanical engineer and I have worked for all 3.5 years in the patent industry in a research firm.

Thanks in advance!

August 17, 2019

Hey, Thanks for the review.

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