Hult Reviews

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December 19, 2018

Joined: Nov 30, 2018

Posts: 1

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MBA Class of 2018 (Dubai/Shanghai)


This review is for Hult

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2018

Experience during the program

Did my MBA at Hult Dubai (Class of 2018), and completed my electives at the Shanghai campus. Amazing, world-class faculty and a fantastic set of classmates collectively made my world a whole lot larger, and also made the hardship of going through it all worth it.

As I mentioned before, the faculty are amazing people who have done everything they could to make sure I understood the material, even with the fast pace of the course. If Hult has done anything right, they've certainly hired the right people to teach courses here. I'm certain you will feel the same way. Below I added some pros and cons to give an overview of what to generally expect. Please take this with a grain of salt though, as Hult is clearly a dynamic school and things change from year to year.


The pros essentially revolve around the people and places you get to go and see and learn from -- the experience alone has been worth every penny plus some to me. Hult is very much specialized in business, and this brings along its own merit. If I had to put my thumb on it, I would say their core curriculum seems to place further emphasis on entrepreneurship, leadership, and marketing. In these areas, the faculty are particularly strong.

The other particularly strong point would be the student body that I had the highest privilege of working with at Hult. Many of my classmates brought with them many years in their industry along with a wealth of leadership experience, not to mention their subject-matter expertise. This made our entire course become just as much a collaborative relationship between students and faculty as it was a learning experience. A lot of the things I learned while I was there I absorbed from my classmates just as much as the professors.

Shoutouts to the following people for being as outstanding as they have been this entire time: the Dubai campus career counselor (Jennifur Minturn) who has been nothing short of inspiring. She's been an awesome help even after my time in Dubai ended. Dr. Amanda Nimon-Peters is a faculty member whose brief time as one of my professors easily left a killer first impression during the program and continues to serve as an inspiration. Dr. Luis Escamilla, who was the Campus Dean of Dubai campus at the time, always had his door open to all comers and took the time out of his busy schedule to help in any way he could that was asked of him.


Here are the chief cons: The campuses and the facilities at Dubai and Shanghai are quite humble with Hult's presence still being a recent thing in both cities, as far as established universities go. Accommodation is very much an independent issue and there isn't much the staff were able to do to help. Campus facilities themselves (particularly the study rooms) are intermittently in short supply during peak times. All class groups (MS/MBA/EMBA) share the same facilities, with some having differing class/homework demands and formats with needs that occasionally clashed directly with one another. (Word on the street is that they're still actively working on doing something about the issue.)

Their financial aid and student services departments are small in Dubai and particularly in Shanghai. While the staff themselves are nothing short of amazing people, a lot of the nitty-gritty sometimes has to happen in their offices in London and Boston, which might end up slowing down things for some people. However, they have made the process for obtaining visas to get from place to place as simple and straightforward as it gets, so this is at least one less thing to worry about.

Career services is similarly limited in scope. While they do hold corporate recruiting events from time to time, these events are on a campus area that is limited in size and thus can become quite crowded. Come prepared beforehand; it gets competitive. (As with before, the faculty have acknowledged this and it is likely that there will be significant improvements next year to the "come-one-come-all" format.)

About professors, classes and curriculum

I would like to specifically give a shoutout to the staff and faculty below. These are just a few of the people that I've had the honor of working with at Hult.

Dr. Amanda Nimon-Peters: for her amazing help in my efforts to hone in on a course of direction post-MBA. She carries a wealth of knowledge and experience and it'd almost be a sin not to have a good conversation (about anything) with her if you have the chance.

Dr. Luis Guillermo Escamilla: for his tireless help in getting me through some of the rougher patches of my program, and in helping me steady my aim as I look past my experience at Hult and towards my intended path.

Jennifer Minturn: for her tireless work at the counselor's office. She's probably the unsung hero of the story and more than deserves a mention. She's always helping someone out and has proven invaluable in getting me back on track whenever I have doubts about something.

About job placement process

I have but two words for people who wish to apply at Hult: "be prepared." It's a deceptively smooth process getting in, but getting accepted is half the battle. Whatever the campus you pick, there isn't going to be much that will be handed to you on a silver platter. Additionally, you'll find that there's little time (if any) for internships before the summer starts because of the accelerated nature of the program.

From my own observations, victory favors the bold; so do the staff AND the recruiters. Given all I've posted above, I'm not sure if anything else needs to be said on that regard.

Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Culture & Student Support

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Career opportunities provided by school

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July 22, 2016

Joined: Jul 22, 2016

Posts: 1

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School with a vision


This review is for Hult

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2014

Experience during the program

I studied EMBA (Executive MBA) at Hult.
This school has a very strong leadership, they have a vision and a strategy to get there.

- The modules are focused and intense. Preparation before the class allows you to participate in thought provoking discussions.
- The focus is on real life case studies rather than theories and books, subsequently it is easier to retain knowledge but more importantly it is practical and easy to apply in your own work.

My reasons for choosing the school:
- Diversity of students; age, nationality and industry wide experience.
- Forward thinking attitude of the school
- Quality of professors and their delivery

About professors, classes and curriculum

A good school will transform your personality, it will give you the most important thing in the world confidence. I have come out a different person and so have my other classmates.
We worked hard and partied harder, keep the balance right and it will become a memorable phase of your life.

The school is working on enhancing the Alumni network and the only let down in London campus was the air-conditioning in the summer.

About job placement process

I was able to move from banking to management consultancy after obtaining the EMBA.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Alumni Network

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October 05, 2017

Thanks for sharing this, your hult review was really helpful for me.

January 10, 2018

Thanks for sharing your review!
Ruhi Chopra here, I am an Indian and planning to apply to Hult for MBA in Fall 2018 to the Boston campus.
Can you elaborate about on job opportunities available to international students; I am planning to select entrepreneurship as my elective.


July 22, 2016

Joined: Jul 02, 2016

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Executive MBA at Hult from an alumnus perspective


This review is for Hult

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2014

Experience during the program

The faculty at Hult bring their respective industry experience and insights into the classroom.Students are exposed to real life issues and appropriate pragmatic solutions to challenges as it relates to the subject matter being taught and which one could immediately apply at ones work. The EMBA program at Hult offers the unique opportunity to learn from world class faculty with work experience obtained from prominent and global companies. Moreover, the learning process is complimented through the camaraderie developed and interactions with like minded individuals from diverse cultures, academic backgrounds and career paths. This is the value preposition which makes Hult special.After completing my EMBA studies and obtaining the degree, I was able to leverage this by requesting from senior management to use the knowledge gained from Hult to get involved in new responsibilities within the company relating to business development and tender bid / technical write up preparation. In addition to the new given responsibilities, it resulted in obtaining a promotion!. My suggestion to future applicants is to think deeply on how an EMBA would advance their careers as you really get what you make out of it in terms of the overall experience, interaction with your peers and professors as well as the course work and electives.

About professors, classes and curriculum

At Hult, you will undergo an Action Project which would serve as the capstone project of the EMBA. During the AP, you will be teamed up with a real client who has a unique challenge and expects your team to deliver a workable solution to it.The process at first may seem daunting; however, as you get more and more involved in the research and slowly begin to formulate your unique solution, you gain confidence that by the end of the AP, you not only feel that you could handle any task which you might encounter in the future but makes you proactive in taking initiatives in overcoming diverse challenges.

About job placement process


Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

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June 28, 2016

Joined: Jun 21, 2016

Posts: 1

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Hult, a great International school for MBA programs


This review is for Hult

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2015

Experience during the program

My overall experience at Hult was very positive. It met my needs of having a world-class MBA education within one year in the U.S., and finding a good job as well as a most suitable career path after graduation. The class was rich in academic content and International experience from classmates of over 100 nationalities. The program was truly practical to support students in gaining skills, information and network to find jobs and establish a career in the US after graduation.
Hult MBA helped me move to the U.S. and start my new life and career here. The experience and knowledge gained from the program are absolutely useful for my career and personal advancement. I also highly appreciate the network of nice and talented friends from Hult classes.
If you are going to enroll at Hult, enjoy the great journey, learn and share learning with your classmates, keep networking and choosing the best path for you after graduation. It is important to learn well all the technical business skills during an intensive one year to hit the ground running right after graduation, but it is also valuable to make great friendships and network that will help you navigate your career in the long run.

About professors, classes and curriculum

The professors are really helpful and supportive. Curriculum is practical and intensive to prepare the students well for job placements.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

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July 04, 2016

this review is informative for me. i am an candidiate for an MBA

July 07, 2016

can you please elaborate on placement opportunities provided by Hult and what is the average GMAT score to be accepted in this school ?

Would be really helpful.


February 28, 2016

Joined: Feb 17, 2016

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This review is for Hult

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2014

Experience during the program

Hult’s Executive MBA Class of 2014, which was based in London, produced a number of entrepreneurs. And even though I was among them, I was surprised—as business school graduates (especially executive education students) have traditionally focused on big, corporate jobs

Entrepreneurship has only recently become a popular area of focus for business schools, according to Forbes contributor Nathan Furr, who wrote: “Entrepreneurship wasn’t a serious topic in mainstream economics and sociology until the last few years.” Its emergence as a prominent topic within business schools has been due to innovations in technology, which in turn has renewed a thirst for it. Hult even offers a Master of Social Entrepreneurship.

I was curious about the synergies that my fellow entrepreneurs shared, so I performed an analysis of those who made the leap. The two most common traits I found were creativity and the ability to generate ideas. As I got to know my fellow entrepreneurs during our two years of study, it became apparent that they were all extremely creative, full of ideas—and knew how to create solutions for the business problems they wanted to solve.

One of Hult’s unique strengths is the ability to attract a diverse group of students, from culture to industry experience. This is the reason why alumni startups represent such a wide mix of traditional and emerging industries.

What all of us took from Hult was the confidence to apply broad business acumen to entrepreneurship and business execution, as well as a strong, supportive and diverse alumni network. Our mindsets clearly changed during the business school journey. A number of us transformed ourselves from intrapreneurs within organizations to entrepreneurs, bringing our passions to life with a firm belief and determination that we will succeed.

About professors, classes and curriculum

On the whole, our Professors were excellent, and - as they were largely still in the business world - they were able to blend real world business examples & experience with the academic approach you would expect from a University.

There were two or three Professors who did not meet the desired level of executive education, often not appreciating the wealth of business experience in the classroom, but the business school quickly took feedback on board and looked to make improvements in faculty.

The curriculum was flexible and diverse, allowing students to take two electives during the summer period, during which time we could 'rotate' to a different campus, selecting from 1 of 6 alternative international destinations. This was a major attraction to many students and an opportunity to experience education in an entirely different culture & setting. As alumni, we can also benefit from attending one elective per year for life with a small fee.

About job placement process

Prior to starting my own business, I was leaning a little on the career team to assist me but I strongly believe this is an area of the school that requires improvement as I found follow up was slow and I didn't see much benefit. This was during my final year in 2014, so things may have changed.

Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (2.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:

I wouldn't pigeion hole as there's a dverse range

Can be improved:

Alumni Network

Read More

January 10, 2018

Thanks for sharing your review!

Ruhi Chopra here, I am an Indian and planning to apply to Hult for MBA in Fall 2018 to the Boston campus.
Can you elaborate about on job opportunities available to international students; I am planning to select entrepreneurship as my elective.
Also can you explain how entrepreneurship helps one with their career, I further plan to start my own business in future after gaining some international job experience.


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