Admissionado Admissions Consulting Reviews

Admissionado is a boutique MBA admissions consulting firm. Admissionado stands out from the crowd by recruiting the sharpest diagnosticians (is that a word?) on the planet, who achieve results by developing strong personal connections with each and every client. Learn more about their unique approach and value.
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Admissionado Admissions Consulting Reviews

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September 23, 2017

Joined: Jul 05, 2015

Posts: 11

Kudos: 1

Changing their tune after the sale


Mark is a very nice person that boasts an incredible resume (Brown, Harvard, and Stanford GSB), so when I selected him as my consultant, I was very confident that I was in good hands, especially since he seemed VERY confident in me during the during the free consultant. He would throw out names like Stanford, Kellogg, and Wharton when suggesting schools I would be a fit for. I was not sure where to apply at first, but I knew I wanted to aim high and during the free consultation, Mark echoed my ambitions.

That changed after I signed with Admissionado. I gave my suggested school list (all M7s) to Mark and he immediately changed his tone, saying they were too risky. Despite this, I decided to go ahead and aim for my dream schools.

Mark is very good at writing an essay (poetic phrasing, good language, etc.), but he does miss the mark with content. For the majority of my essays, Mark had me focus on my career goals while de-emphasizing my personal story, which in hindsight, did not allow me to stand out from other people with a similar career background and aspirations. After submitting my essays and ultimately getting dinged without an interview, I had friends/colleagues who attended those schools review my essay (something I should have done before submitting). They all echoed the same thing - that my personal story was missing. They emphasized that my leadership and work history was reflected pretty well in my resume and that my career goals could have been stated in the 500 character box provided on the application, but my personal story, the one that truly sets me apart from my peers, the one related to my extracurricular activities, and the one I was dying to tell, was missing.

During the next round of applications, I wrote an essay with my personal story with feedback from my friends from the school (another M7) and ultimately received an acceptance.

Overall, Mark was very timely and made himself available for long phone conversations pretty much any time I needed him. Additionally, he is a very eloquent writer. The quality of my writing improved greatly with Mark's help and I couldn't have written my last essay as well as I did without his help with previous essays. However, I think he was short sighted when suggesting the content of the essays he helped with. I would recommend Mark and Admissionado only to help polish the essay, but not come up with the content from scratch. The process overall was a little stressful, especially with the dings I received after following his advice.

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October 19, 2017

We appreciate the feedback. If it means we can get a little bit better, we'll take it. We wish your experience with us matched the standard we hold for ourselves which is... the best it can possibly be. While our recollection of our process together diverges from your account in a few places, we'd rather take your word and focus on areas we may stand a chance at improving. Again, all feedback is welcome, and helpful. We're die-hard perfectionists by nature, so we will not stop until our satisfaction rate is as high as it can possibly be, 100% of the time.

One minor thought about school lists. We're always eager to aim high with everyone who's willing to take the shot, and we'll be very honest about our thoughts on their chances at a given program. The one thing we aren't likely to say, perhaps ever, is that applying exclusively to M7 schools is a risk-free proposition, even for the most badass of them all. So we look to achieve balance in an overall list of target schools. Now, if we garbled our perspective there either during our initial consultation or after the work began, that's an honest oversight for us. We love taking smart risks with individual schools, but when considering a full slate of target programs, we have one eye on balance, always.

At any rate, we understand you're going to end up at an M7 school after all, so heartiest congrats, and regardless of everything, we're rooting for you to keep kicking ass...

June 15, 2017

Joined: Jun 15, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

Great experience with Admissionado


I know that the whole process of writing essays, adequating your resume and etc. can be very stressful. However, with the help of the consultants of Admissionado, the process was as smooth as it can get.
After doing the GMAT, I had two months to finish my application, which can become very tight if you get distracted. However, the quick turnarounds with insightful tips and ideas from my consultant, I was able to finish it with some margin, with time to revise it.
But it was not only about velocity. The treatment received in Admissionado, the quality of the crew there and the genuine desire to help as much as possible those applying for an MBA were really important to me.
At the end, I was admitted well before the expected date (August 1st), thanks to the help of that company, which helped by to show my best characteristics in my essays.

I couldn't be more grateful to Admissionado. These guys rock!

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May 14, 2017

Joined: Apr 16, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44

Admissionado Deluxe Review


A family friend who works in the industry referred me to Admissionado, and overall I had an excellent experience and would highly recommend them for anyone going through the MBA admissions process.

Arguably the most important part of your MBA application is your story of an MBA combined with your existing experiences will help you achieve a career goal. This is essential to getting into the top schools, and Lee did a phenomenal job helping me craft and refine a narrative that worked with my professional background and career goals.

The most time-consuming process of the applications was definitely writing the essays, and Admissionado proved extremely helpful. They are very fast with their essay turnaround times (72 hours at most, though usually faster) and I felt that the edits significantly improved the quality of my essays.

I felt that the Deluxe package was well worth the extra cost. Your resume is often the first piece of your application that MBA admissions look at and I thought that Lee’s reviews of my resume were very helpful. In addition, I thought that being able to discuss essay/resume edits over the phone was really valuable.

The interview preparation was also great and something that I think every applicant needs. To succeed at interviews it is very important to practice, and the mock interview sessions over Skype made me feel prepared and comfortable for the actual interviews. Especially for the behavioral interview questions, Lee did a great job helping me decide which of my experiences to use for different types of questions.

I honestly could not imagine going through the application process without a consultant like Lee and the rest of the Admissionado team. They helped ease my concerns, and made me feel confident about my application and interviewing abilities. I ended up being accepted to 3 of the 5 schools that I applied to, all ranked in the top 10, and I can’t be more excited about starting my MBA this year.

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May 11, 2017

Joined: Aug 03, 2016

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q51 V35

Admissionado Junior Deluxe


Apart from the personal profile and goal guidance, essay assistance and letter of recommendation support, something that really helped me was the interview preparation and mock interview.
First, Mark helped me identify which were my best stories and how to analyse them under the STAR approach. This helped me shape my top professional achievements and mistakes into stories that would highlight my strenghts, leadership capabilities and areas of improvement.
I didn't have much time to prepare for my mock interview, in which I felt I did pretty bad. However, Mark told me I had good stuff to work on, and pointed out which things I shouldn't waste much time on.
After only a few hours of practice I felt I was ready to face my first interviewer for MIT.
Although I felt I did much better on the following three interviews, I got admitted to all four schools for which I was interviewed!
I don't believe I would have had the same results if it weren't for Mark's help!

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May 04, 2017

Joined: May 04, 2017

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REVIEWER IDENTITY VERIFIED by school email address [?]

After making a last-minute decision to apply round 2 this year, I chose Admissionado to help me navigate through the application process. I was aware of how challenging it would be coming from a competitive demographic bucket and being a re-applicant.

From the beginning, the Admissionado team was different from the 7 other admissions consultants that I considered. John spent > 1 hour speaking with me during the “Free” consultation and showed a level of interest + enthusiasm for my story beyond any of the other firms. John/Claudia/Lauren were super quick to respond as I narrowed down my choice of admissions consultants and ultimately, Admissionado met all the criteria on my wish list (tons of experience/success sending applicants to H/S/W, advisors who actually went to those schools, an established process for navigating the application end-to-end, and creativity/a bit of quirkiness in their approach).

I ended up choosing a 3 school Deluxe Package (all services included) and it was the best decision I could have made.

Admissionado’s support helped me get through applications for 4 schools to meet all the R2 deadlines. My advisor, Rafael, played so many different roles throughout the process. Part coach, part counselor, part motivator, and part mock interviewer, Rafael helped me get through the highs/lows and all the late nights to get my applications in tip-top shape. I can confidently say that Rafael’s guidance and support structure was the pivotal driver behind my interview and eventual acceptance into Wharton (with scholarship!). The admissionado team knows exactly what they’re doing and I can’t recommend them enough.
Thanks so much Rafael, Claudia, Lauren, and John!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system or .edu email address and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 26, 2017

Joined: Oct 17, 2014

Posts: 8

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V38

Admissionado Junior Deluxe : Excellent service


I liked Admissionado right from my first call for profile evaluation. My consultant was able to highlight strength and weakness in my resume and subsequently suggest focus areas for the application. Second step was the brainstorming session, in which he encouraged me to think about everything I have accomplished since my undergraduate education, hence ensuring I do not overlook any significant resume point. Next, the team helped me create a comprehensive summary document and order my resume points in order of their impact. The summary document proved very helpful while writing the essays.
During the essay editing phase, I observed that even though it is mentioned on their website that they will edit the essays 4 times only, my consultant and essay reviewing team were committed to help me achieve the best draft, no matter how many questions/edits I needed. Secondly, they adhered to their committed 72-hour timeline and in fact almost always responded much faster (within 24-48 hours). Their attitude was always positive and encouraging, which went a long way to ensure I enjoyed the whole process.
In conclusion, from my personal experience I found their brainstorming session extremely insightful and essay editing process well-structured and personal. Therefore, I would recommend prospective applicants to strongly consider Admissionado for MBA application process.

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April 10, 2017

Joined: Apr 09, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q49 V47

Great Experience


I decided to go with Admissionado after interviewing at least five potential admissions consultants. Admissionado stood out for two important reasons. First, Claudia and the Admissionado team were very helpful. They worked with me to find the support package that worked best for my needs.

Second, and most importantly, I was so impressed with my consultant, Damon. From the beginning, I could tell that he was doing this for the right reasons. He wanted the best for me, and was willing to put in the work and the brutal honesty to help me get there.

To start, Damon laid out a clear and rigorous plan that helped me stay on track. Throughout the process, Damon pushed me to think deeply and tell my story in a rich and compelling way. He provided great guidance and feedback, but ensured that everything I wrote was my own.

Damon was not only insightful with his feedback, but incredibly quick and responsive. He made sure to never be a bottleneck in the process even though we were moving quickly.

I'd highly recommend working with Damon and Admissionado if you're serious about your applications. Thanks in part to Damon's guidance, I now have my choice between two of my dream top 10 programs.

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April 08, 2017

Joined: Aug 15, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V38

Admissionado: Excellent Service


When I started thinking about MBA application, I spent quite some time on my goal and targeted schools. After I finalized my school list, I decided to get consulting service to sharpen my application, especially with my essay writing. Admissionado was introduced to me by a friend who was previously admitted to a top-ranked MBA programme.
After getting to know Admissionado, I also checked other applicants’ comments on GMAT Club and found most of the comments are rather positive. So I decided to have a try and contacted Admissionado. After I filled out the questionnaire, I got a prompt reply from Claudia. In her email, Claudia also helped me pair with a consultant, John DC Miles, to assist me based on my background. Then I scheduled a time for a video chat with John for a free consultation. I was pretty amazed by how efficiently Admissonado works. In my first conversation with John, he shared with me his thoughts and also proposed a strategy for my application based on my own background. I can tell that John spent quality time on going through the materials I submitted. The first talk lasted for one hour. In this session, John asked more detailed questions about myself and tried hard to understand my strength, motivation and personality. One day later, John sent to me a well-organized report which summarized earlier discussion and formulated an application strategy.
After another call with Claudia, I understood more about different packages and eventually decided to choose the junior Deluxe for two schools. This package is more helpful for applicants like me who needs more assistance in shaping essay writings and does no require more phone conversation.
The essay edits usually took 72 hours or less. It means that you can expect a reply with all the edits within 72 hours once they receive you draft. In my application for the second school, John actually helped return the draft within two days for the last two round edits, just to meet my application deadline. But this fast turnaround does not sacrifice the quality at all. I’m so grateful for the high quality work provided by John and the whole team within such a tight schedule.
After I submitted my applications, I also purchased another interview package to help with my interview, as I believe John will again help me ace my interview.
Long story short, I was admitted to one of the two top MBA programmes I applied for. This is indeed a great result I want to see, but what equally important are all the advice, edits, encourage and experience provided during this long, tedious and painful process. When I walked down this road, I did not feel lonely as I was fighting with the support of a whole team. They want you to succeed and work hard to help bring the best out of you.
I highly recommend Admissionado if you ever think about getting consulting service for your MBA application. I also highly recommended John for his comprehensive experience, excellent advice and patience. I also want to thank Claudia and the whole team for the prompt response and all the support provided to me. Your supports make my MBA application easier and more fun.

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April 08, 2017

Joined: Jul 13, 2015

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

Admissionado with Yaron Dahan


I came to Admissionado after getting dinged without interviews at three schools (Wharton, Yale, and Columbia). I realized that there were major flaws in my profile and I needed help fixing them. My friend worked at Admissionado in their Beijing office as the director of undergraduate admissions consulting. He also applied to business schools the previous year with great success, ultimately landed at Boothe, and he recommended their services.

After an initial consultation and a ding analysis with Yaron, the consultant, we pointed out several shortcomings in my profile:

1. Lukewarm GMAT score of 710.
2. Lack of super employer and high salary. Non-traditional MBA background. With 6 years of work experience, I had worked at 3 different companies spanning education, sales, and HR.
3. Lukewarm undergraduate GPA of 3.45. Liberal Arts degree.

Yaron explained that I didn't have strong enough numbers to be a "numbers candidate" but had potential to be a good "story candidate." He suggested that I play the numbers game and apply to 8-10 schools. I was hestitant to take his advice because the service was very expensive and we would have only 8 weeks to apply to 8 schools. At the same time I also felt dejected from the round 1 rejections but I was committed to going to business school no matter what. I ultimately ran with his advice and applied to 8 schools, all with deluxe packages. And I did not regret it.

Here is what Yaron did well:

1. He overhauled my resume. My previous resume had too much jargon and did not have an extracurricular/community involvement section. He made sure that every bullet point followed an "action + impact" formula. I came to realize that the resume is super important as it is the first thing adcoms look at.

2. He did an extensive analysis of my work experience, extracurricular activities, and personal/family background to find the most interesting things about me and craft them into a compelling narrative.

3. He helped me prepare for my interviews.

4. He was on call whenever I needed him.

Overall, I think the thing to keep in mind when choosing an admissions consultant is that you are paying for an editor. The essays are important because it's one of the few things that you have control over. Although you think you know yourself well, an admissions consultant can tell your story better. Yaron and I went through four drafts of every essay and his edits came back within 24 hours. With every draft, my essays not only improved but I also learned more about myself. Working with Yaron gave me a process and a discipline to work within that I would not have had on my own. There was an ease of mind knowing that all I had to do was follow their process and everything else would work itself out. The MBA admissions process is like wedding planning. You are only going to do this once in your life. If you are unsure of yourself, it's best to get a consultant to walk you through the process.

Here are my results with Admissionado:

1. Cornell Johnson -- On Campus interview --> Admitted with scholarship.
2. Duke Fuqua -- On Campus interview --> Admitted
3. UCLA Anderson -- On Campus interview --> Admitted
4. NYU Stern -- Waitlisted without interview
5. Dartmouth Tuck -- Open interview, on campus --> Dinged
6. Northwestern Kellogg -- Open interview, off campus --> Dinged
7. UMich Ross -- On Campus interview --> Dinged
8. UVA Darden -- On Campus interview --> Dinged

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April 04, 2017

Joined: Apr 03, 2017

Posts: 8

Kudos: 2

Admissionado - 5 star service, worth every cent!


Admissionado's service was excellent. My consultant was extremely knowledgeable and responsive. Her feedback was candid and strategic. We had an initial consultation phone call, where we went over my target list of schools and she gave me advice on my likelihood of success with each one. We then met in person to strategize on how to best showcase my strengths and explain my weaknesses. We also reviewed my intended essay topics to get sense of how to approach it. I got into 3 top 10 schools, including 1 top 3 school and I couldn't be happier. Their package was the most value for the price and in the end it was absolutely worth it. Thanks Admissionado!

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