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Latest Reviews

Review for: [Tests] Experts' Global - 15 Full Mocks Experts' Global GMAT Practice Tests by shrnik19

  September 17 | 2024

Anyone who has exhausted official mocks or are looking for a budget friendly replacement (Official mocks are still the best!) should give EG mocks a go. The questions for quant... Read more

Review for: e-GMAT Online Focused by srishtisehgal

  September 16 | 2024

The course is overall good and quite comprehensive. While looking for a course, I needed something where I could flexibly study on my own as I have a tasking job... Read more

Review for: e-GMAT Online Focused by Apala1990

  September 13 | 2024

eGMAT course is one of the most trusted resources in GMAT preparation. The coursework is extremely detailed and the process skills built in a step by step format is very... Read more

Review for: Fortuna Admissions The Admissions Director’s Evaluation by tgM7bXLa

  September 13 | 2024

Caroline gave me the perspective and advice I needed. Caroline gave me the perspective and advice I needed. Despite being a somewhat unconventional candidate, I went all in on INSEAD... Read more

Review for: Target Test Prep Flexible Prep by Bratati24

  September 12 | 2024

Very well thought out, TTP's course essentially helped me comprehend questions differently. I love how they have an option to customize difficulty based off target score, cheat sheets, practice questions... Read more

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