Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66609 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

SofiaDahiyaRe: Until recently, scientists did not know of a close vertebrate analogue25-Jul-2021
habibmbaRe: Veterinarians generally derive some of their income from selling sever25-Jul-2021
cindyxxRe: In little more than a decade, Argentina has become the world’s leading25-Jul-2021
sham264Re: In Wareland last year, 16 percent of licensed drivers under 21 and 1125-Jul-2021
Sinha97Re: Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if25-Jul-2021
atrip009All GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic25-Jul-2021
Sinha97Re: Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephon25-Jul-2021
krittapatRe: Some anthropologists study modern-day societies of foragers in an effo25-Jul-2021
krishna019GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Guide for Beginners25-Jul-2021
LamboWalkerRe: However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in25-Jul-2021
Pramodk9Re: Hurricanes at first begin traveling from east to west, because that di25-Jul-2021
chinmayeeshenviRe: At the end of 2001, motion picture industry representatives said that25-Jul-2021
chinmayeeshenviRe: Not trusting themselves to choose wisely among the wide array of inves25-Jul-2021
pingale1997Re: Books in European libraries last longer than books in libraries in the25-Jul-2021
testtakerstrategyRe: According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by Asso25-Jul-2021
AjayAnandRe: A new satellite sweeping over the poles at altitudes of up to 32,00025-Jul-2021
sjsdceRe: Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until th25-Jul-2021
JadAsmarRe: In an experiment, volunteers walked individually through a dark, aband25-Jul-2021
krittapatRe: The discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black25-Jul-2021
ag28Re: A site once used as an observatory by the Anasazi, ancient pueblo25-Jul-2021
krittapatRe: The discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black25-Jul-2021
Vivek1707Re: In some species of cricket, the number of chirps per minute used by th25-Jul-2021
YuldashoffRe: Most of the country’s biggest daily newspapers had lower circulation25-Jul-2021
doddysinghRe: Although there is no record of poet Edmund Spenser's parentage, we do25-Jul-2021
reysStart Here For CR: GMAT Ninja's Critical Reasoning Resource Collection25-Jul-2021
ag28Re: Although when a hagfish is threatened it will secrete slime that is s25-Jul-2021
reysStart Here For SC: GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Resources25-Jul-2021
NPGeorgeRe: Guidebook writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and hav25-Jul-2021
NPGeorgeRe: Although the discount stores in Goreville's central shopping district25-Jul-2021
wolfmanRe: Tanco, a leather manufacturer, uses large quantities of common salt to25-Jul-2021

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