Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66610 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

wannabeMBA10Re: Unlike mainstream American businesses, more than half of which fail28-Jul-2021
jaysangtani3007Re: Not all life depends on energy from sunlight. Microbial life has been28-Jul-2021
MarcostRe: Downzoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction of housing28-Jul-2021
ABHI1909Re: Chinese public buildings erected under a construction code of the Sung28-Jul-2021
AboharaHistorians sometimes forget that history is continually being made and28-Jul-2021
jaysangtani3007Re: Advertisement: Today's customers expect high quality. Every advance in28-Jul-2021
SucharitadasRe: Newspaper editors should not allow reporters to write the headlines28-Jul-2021
tyson111Re: Since it has become known that several of a bank's top executives have28-Jul-2021
Athena22Re: In current historiography, the picture of a consistent, unequivocal de28-Jul-2021
24PGRe: Airline Representative: The percentage of flight delays caused by airl28-Jul-2021
24PGRe: In Wareland last year, 16 percent of licensed drivers under 21 and 1128-Jul-2021
24PGRe: The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long28-Jul-2021
crazyBunyRe: Thelonious Monk, who was a jazz pianist and composer, produced a body28-Jul-2021
crazyBunyRe: Although when a hagfish is threatened it will secrete slime that is s28-Jul-2021
wannabeMBA10Re: Lacking information about energy use, people tend to overestimate the28-Jul-2021
rjjr0224Re: The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with28-Jul-2021
pkleoRe: Because postage rates are rising, Home Decorator magazine plans to max28-Jul-2021
hbkharshVerbal Expert Topic That “-ing” word probably isn’t a verb28-Jul-2021
wannabeMBA10Re: Among the objects found in the excavated temple were small terra-cotta28-Jul-2021
Akash2308Re: While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of28-Jul-2021
AbhibaruaRe: The Rorschzch test is gaining new respect as a diagnostic tool because28-Jul-2021
jaysangtani3007Re: Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs are growing in market share as a28-Jul-2021
AJJimmyQOTD: Geologists believe that the warning signs28-Jul-2021
thinhleRe: Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than28-Jul-2021
AJJimmyRe: In some species of cricket, the number of chirps per minute used by th28-Jul-2021
adityavinitdixitRe: Correctly measuring the productivity of service workers is complex. Co28-Jul-2021
Sridevi31Even though the direct costs of malpractice disputes amounts to a sum28-Jul-2021
NPGeorgeRe: Last year Comfort Airlines had twice as many delayed flights as the28-Jul-2021
bubbles37GMAT Ninja LIVE on YouTube! Series 3, Fall 201928-Jul-2021
bubbles37GMAT Ninja, LIVE on YouTube! Series 2, Spring 201828-Jul-2021

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