GMAT Club Tests Reviews

GMAT Club Tests offer hard Quant CAT tests. The questions are generally above average difficulty though some easier ones have been introduced as well. You can see the exact distribution of questions here. To learn about the scoring algorithm precision, please see this discussion. Finally, GMAT Club tests require a subscription but 10 days a year, we offer them for free on US public holidays.
4.6 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1162 reviews
November 23, 2020

Joined: Feb 21, 2018

Posts: 126

Kudos: 130

Self-reported Score:

The best GMAT-like tests


I took these exams 1 test a day for 26 days and reached a score of 50.
It has amazing analytics to gauge your strengths and weaknesses. This helped me improve my quant and verbal skills and also pin-pointed my flaws in verbal accurately.
Review each and every question and make your own quizzes for the weak areas. After the end of all practice questions, I feel much more confident in Quant now. The questions are close to what the actual GMAT asks or maybe even tougher.

Without any second thoughts, go ahead and subscribe to the GMAT club test and get the most that is possible.

All the best for your GMAT.

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November 17, 2020

Joined: Oct 15, 2017

Posts: 324

Kudos: 167

Hands Down the best quant prep tests


Even though the quant tests are tougher than the practice tests / the real exam, they prepare you for the worst case. I have found them to be really helpful in improving my accuracy as well as the timing in the quant section. Though i come from a quant heavy background my first test score was 42, which served as an eye opener. Since then i have been striving to increase the scores and was able to get some 50's in my pocket. The best part is that you can export all the error log onto an excel and it has helped me revise my weak areas before a mock

In 3 of the official mocks i was able to score 50,51 and 51 respectively

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November 12, 2020

Joined: May 17, 2018

Posts: 6

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
700 Q47 V39

Definitely worth it!


I purchased the GMAT club tests and I have to say that the questions were absolutely brilliant. There are about 1500 questions and I liked the fact that I can choose what mode I want to practice in. So I did CATs, quizzes in practice and exam mode. Could filter topics easily. All the error analysis helped me. I didn’t have to maintain an error log, it was all available there in various formats and with various filters. Quant questions are challenging and well rounded, covers everything. Verbal I feel is not like the official questions but never the less good for practice as the required concepts are tested. I feel like it’s a must do for quant.

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November 09, 2020

Joined: Jun 21, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V37

Great source for 700+ test questions


The test questions are harder than on actual GMAT, and this helped me with better resource management. This helped me with time management and avoiding errors.
The ability to select test questions and test sections comes in handy as you can choose the questions that you are weak at.
The test answer solutions are helpful in improving your understanding of the fundamentals.
Finally, the analytic section is a great tool to monitor your progress. It helps with understanding how much time you have (over)spent and helps you understand where you made mistake. It also compares your performance to other test takers.

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November 08, 2020

Joined: Dec 14, 2019

Posts: 827

Kudos: 918

Self-reported Score:
640 Q49 V27
660 Q49 V31
720 Q50 V38

The only tests that will keep you at bay


GMAT Club tests are one of the hardest you would encounter for the GMAT preparations. But these tests are so amazingly prepared that if you hit Q50/51 in these tests, you can be rest assured you are all set for Quant. These tests are specifically designed keeping in GMAT regular traps in mind. The solutions are not lengthy by any means. It requires smartness to solve some of the hardest questions. Few of the questions would take hardly 10 secs if you apply the right logic. This is very much in line with what GMAT expects from you. You can expect yourself at the edge at all times when you are giving a GMAT Club CAT no matter how good you are at Quant. I highly recommend giving these tests if you are to appear for GMAT anytime.

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November 06, 2020

Joined: Jul 03, 2016

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5



I have used GMATCLUB Test during my preparation & practice stages of my GMAT Exam. Frankly speaking GMATCLUB Tests are very good in preparing you for the Real GMAT Exam. I used GMATCLUB Test after practicing each Quant topics, solving 20 odd questions, and once I was comfortable with each topic, then I used GMATCLUB tests to my advantage. GMATCLUB Test prepared me to score from Q-42 to Q-49 in my actual GMAT Test. I suggest everyone to take GMATCLUB Tests during the last leg of their preparation. GMAT Club tests are the ideal test , which accurately mimic ,especially Quant section of the actual GMAT Exam. It Makes you prepare at harder level for the actual GMAT Exam

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November 05, 2020

Joined: Jun 04, 2020

Posts: 24

Kudos: 16

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V33

Undoubtedly the best quizzes to score well!


I was skeptical about crossing even 600, as I did not practice quant or verbal for at least 4 years. I studied the Official Guide first and got my basics fine-tuned. I realized that I was horrible at Verbal, and so I took the E-GMAT verbal course. To my surprise, I found the complimentary GMAT Club Test with the course and I opted for it.

I started attempting 20 questions a day of quants section from club tests. On the test day, I realized that my score in Quant improved significantly from 44 to 49, while my Verbal improved only from 30 to 33. I was able to score 680.

If I break up my time devoted to each section, I gave only 40 minutes to Quant and 2 hours 20 minutes to the Verbal section every day. The results prove that the GMAT Club tests have a lot of questions to prepare one to surpass the Q47 mark quite easily. Thanks to GMAT Club, I can definitely say it could happen because of the tests and quizzes.

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November 04, 2020

Joined: May 30, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
610 Q48 V25
680 Q48 V34
710 Q49 V36

As helpful as a private tutor

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GMAT club tests were recommended to me by a close friend.
I started my initial GMAT prep using OG 2021. Although I was satisfied with the verbal question back, quant questions were pretty average. I needed something they could challenge me & give me the real exam feel before the actual test. So I went for the GMAT club tests & started evaluating my performance on a regular basis. Believe me, the Quant questions in these tests are going to blow your mind. They challenge the way you approach the problem, your basics & provide you a stressful experience much harder than the real exam.
For verbal prep, I had other sources as I didn't find the GMAT club question Bank consistent enough.
Overall, GMAT club tests are absolutely amazing and I recommend every test taker to go for these.

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November 04, 2020

Joined: Feb 21, 2018

Posts: 2

Kudos: 5

GMAT Club Test


Quant tests have excellent selection of questions. I have given around 10 quants CATs and scored on an average Q45. If someone critically analyze gmatclub quants CAT he or she will be able to scrore Q50 provided he or she revise the concept in which preformed poor in the test. Verbal CATs are also very good. I have given around 5 verbal CATs. My scores fluctuated very much. Scores fluctuation may be because of my experiments for giving verbal test in different test environment. Verbal CATS need some improvement as per my assessment. I would also like to tell that more detailed explanation of verbal course would be better.

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October 24, 2020

Joined: May 31, 2017

Posts: 743

Kudos: 677

Self-reported Score:
610 Q44 V31

Best Test Series for Quant


I was weak in GMAT Quant, my scores were always hover around Q40. I was looking for a reliable source that can help me improve in Quant. I realised that my basics were strong, but i faltered in practice and also especially in medium to hard questions. After some deliberations i decided to go with GMAT Club Tests, which i realised later as a excellent decision on my part. I did not use the GMAT Club tests as a Quant section tests since i was not at the level where i was pushing for Q49/50. So, I devised my own strategy.

I took the GMAT Club tests as section wise quizzes. I would read a chapter in Quant megathread and then practice the same section as quizzes in GC Tests. First i would create a set of 500 level questions, practice it and then analyze the results. Then i move to 600 level and then finally to 700 level questions. I did this for all the sections in Quant. I guess there is around 1000+ questions in question bank.

I know that this exercise takes time but the end result would be very successful. It took around 2 months to complete the entire exercise.but at the end of the exercise i was consistently scoring at Q47/48 level in all the tests and mainly my confidence in Quant increased multi fold. This is not an easy thing to say coming from a person who dreaded Quant only a few months earlier. I atrribute this success mainly to GMAT Club tests. Once you mastered the 700 level questions, i am sure you woud be at Q48/49 level in GMAT exam.

Bunuel have provided elegant solution to each and every question in GMAT Club tests. I will always look out for his solution because one can learn so many new things just be following his solution.

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