[Tests] GMAT Club Reviews

GMAT Club Tests
GMAT Club Tests offer hard Quant CAT tests and a smaller number of verbal tests (over 1,100 quant questions and 388 verbal questions). The questions are generally above average difficulty though some easier ones have been introduced as well. You can see the exact distribution of questions here. To learn about the scoring algorithm precision, please see this discussion. Finally, GMAT Club tests require a subscription but 10 days a year, we offer them for free on US public holidays.

[Tests] GMAT Club Reviews

[Tests] GMAT Club GMAT Club Tests
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July 04, 2018

Joined: Jun 04, 2018

Posts: 663

Kudos: 737

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q47 V44

A lot of help for a little price


The GMAT Club tests are very helpful to gauge were one stands in terms of the Q and V capabilities. Especially the Quant questions are very challenging and the explanation helps a lot when it comes to getting an understanding of the respective topics.

Furthermore, I think the GMAT Club tests offer the best "bang for the buck" in terms of sheer volume of CATs. I am not aware that any other company comes close to offering such a number of tests in a similar price range.

Therefore, I would recommend the tests to anyone but especially to those of you who might be on the lookout for a helpful tool which comes at a bargain!

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July 07, 2019

What were your scores like in these tests?

July 04, 2018

Joined: Jul 27, 2017

Posts: 17

Kudos: 3

Best Test to increase your Score

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I purchased the Gmat Club Test and found it really helpful.test mode - even though some of these questions are available else where, it's hard to click each link and read questions and answer. these tests provide the questions in a testing situation. lots of practice in quant- most are difficult questions. My weakest math is algebra (I usually plug in numbers), a lot of these questions are high yield (algebra and inequalities) where plugging in numbers won't work Review each and every question and make your own quizzes for the weak areas.After the end of 1500 questions I felt much more confident in Quant . There was a lot of improvement in DS , my weak area as the test covered each and every type of questions .The questions are close in what the actual GMAT asks .It was surely worth every penny spent. Verbal is poor question quality explanations for both QV are shoddy at best. I don't mind the extra practice questions,

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July 03, 2018

Joined: Nov 21, 2013

Posts: 9

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:



GMAT Club tests are a life saver. The quantitative part of GMAT preparation is taken care by these 26 tests, totally worth the money. The detailed solutions and explanations at the end of each question are pretty useful as well. One thing that always stood out for me was how they made the questions more difficult with little tweaks that test the conceptual understanding.

The verbal part is decent, although a couple of questions and explanations can be misleading. I liked the reading comprehension section the best as a couple of the passages were very challenging for me.

Highly recommended for Quant. A must have if you are aiming at 49+ in Quant.

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July 02, 2018

Joined: Aug 01, 2017

Posts: 6

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
700 Q49 V35

Accurate Quants Tests

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GmatClub Quants Tests contain quiet relevant questions and concepts that tested in real Gmat test. If you get a consistent 50 or 51 in these tests you can be assured of scoring at least a Q 50 on D day. Questions pertaining to some topics such as number system, Inequalities and modulus, speed time distance, work rate time make you master these topics. With the right mix of a lot of seven hundred plus level question it prepares you to do well in the gmat exam. Over all a highly recommended test suite for quants practice. Kudos to the team. Thank You U.

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July 02, 2018

Joined: May 26, 2015

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
730 Q49 V40

Very good


I heard about this course from a friend of mine. I was inclined t take offline GMAT courses and was sort of doubted about taking courses online. However, without doubt, the course provided all I needed to combat the quant section of GMAT. The course comes up with clean solution and problem sets and a greatest kick is the online selections that can be repeated anytime under any circumstances. Even though I was bombed in math during my college years, the course helped me overcome that fear and eventually, my math score improved over 200 points. If you find yourself fallen behind in math, then I definitely recommend this course. this course is basically what and all you need to combat the quantitative section of GMAT.

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July 02, 2018

Joined: Feb 09, 2012

Posts: 9

Kudos: 1

Best Course for Quant


One of the best course for quant. Just follow each topic learn the theory answer the questions you are on your way for Q51 in GMAT.

The quant part of the CAT have the best questions that you will find anywhere. And it's not just the questions themselves, the explanations provided also help you uncover many shortcuts and help strengthen your core concepts. Admittedly, I found them to be a little harder than the GMAT quant questions, but that should help you be better prepared for the final test. And also, you can take the quant section or verbal section one at a time, which gives great flexibility when you are hard pressed for time.

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July 02, 2018

Joined: Feb 26, 2017

Posts: 24

Kudos: 5

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Gmat club test series


Gmat club test series is really helpful. If you ask me to describe GMAT club in a sentence, I would say, "Gmatclub is the mother of all Gmat preps."

Gmatclub has everything you need for the preparation. Even the resource such as Manhattan, Veritas that you buy is mostly available on the website with detailed explanations. Forums are well organized you always find experts online all day. Most significant and useful threads are bookmarked at the top of each subsection like sentence correction. You can find threads that have the toughest and trickiest questions to work on and complete compilation of questions found in other branded resources in one file. Easy googling of the questions would lead you to right thread for that particular question. The built-in timers and error logs are best tools to analyze and scrutinize your performance

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July 02, 2018

Joined: Sep 29, 2017

Posts: 89

Kudos: 60

Self-reported Score:
720 Q49 V39

Very good quant exams, below average verbal exams


I activated a 1 week subscription to the GMAT Club tests and took numerous quizzes and CATs for both verbal and math. The math questions are very well designed; to the extent that they actually teach you shortcuts and many principles which save a lot of time on the real GMAT official exams.

The verbal exams I did not like. The sentence correction questions focus more on the meaning of the sentence and specific verbiage rather than what is correct overall. There is no better way to describe than to compare to official GMAT questions directly. At least I have never come across a question on the GMAT which will have essentially 2 correct answers. The GMAT club test will say one is wrong because it does not like a word in one of them (not a conjunction or alike btw).

All in all, buy these to improve quant. It’s well worth the price.

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July 02, 2018

Joined: Mar 27, 2012

Posts: 4

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:
640 Q50 V29

Really good to ace your dream


One of the really good collections of questions compared to other test providers. Quant questions especially 700+ level are very good if you are aiming for Q50/51. Overall good collection and nice ease of access complemented with cool features. The questions are of a higher difficulty level, on average—more 700s than on the real exam—and there is an excessive emphasis on geometry and, especially, probability and combinatorics, both of which comprise, maybe, 3/4 questions at the higher end on an actual exam. I felt that these CAT problems are very close to the REAL GMAT CAT exam since most of GMAT Club’s questions seem to be created by manipulating past questions and past real exam questions. But RC seems to be more difficult than GMAT PREP tests. Really good test questions provider...

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July 01, 2018

Joined: May 22, 2017

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
680 Q50 V32

GMAT Quant

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GMAT Quant tests are extremely helpful and very close to real life GMAT exam. These tests helped me achieve my goal of a perfect score. These tests should be taken periodically before the GMAT official exam to benefit the maximum. It is important that these tests are given frequently. The tests cover all the main topics and going through the solutions helps to understand the concepts more clearly.

GMAT Verbal wasn't as helpful and I didn't try out too many of the available tests. I focused only on Quant and used other sources for Verbal. Overall, it is a great value for money.

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