[Tests] GMAT Club Reviews

GMAT Club Tests
GMAT Club Tests offer hard Quant CAT tests and a smaller number of verbal tests (over 1,100 quant questions and 388 verbal questions). The questions are generally above average difficulty though some easier ones have been introduced as well. You can see the exact distribution of questions here. To learn about the scoring algorithm precision, please see this discussion. Finally, GMAT Club tests require a subscription but 10 days a year, we offer them for free on US public holidays.

[Tests] GMAT Club Reviews

[Tests] GMAT Club GMAT Club Tests
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September 29, 2021

Joined: Jan 21, 2021

Posts: 126

Kudos: 230

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V32

Awful Verbal and good quant


I received access to the test for 25 kudos and solved them constantly during the last 3 months. The good thing about the GMAT Club test is that there are over 30 (quant +verbal) tests available.

Quant section is harder than most of the OG question and much trickier; however, its seems question bank for each test is limited and once you solved most of the hard question it will start showing 500 level question. This seems unrealistic to me since I guess in real GMAT test will maintain giving hard questions if you solve hard questions correctly. Besides, once you solve enough questions you will get familiar with what the GMATCLUB tests, the patterns sometimes repeat making it easier to solve.

The verbal section is poorly constructed and not representative of the real GMAT. Test makers often make unwarranted assumptions and test some obscure stuff.

This was my brief review of the test. Overall it is worth try you have enough prep time and run out of questions!

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September 26, 2021

Joined: May 28, 2021

Posts: 133

Kudos: 140

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q50 V46 (Online)

GMAT Club Verbal test


The verbal test has some good questions, but overall the test is not adaptive. I got 9 CR, 11 SC and 16 RC questions - not balanced compared to GMATPrep mocks.
I have made only 2 mistakes within the first 24 questions, but the algorithm gave eight 500-level questions.
I have seen an enhanced score report of an exam with V42; the guy who took the test made 8 mistakes. I also made 8 mistakes in GC verbal test-36 and received 35.
During the test, RC passages seemed very easy. And yes, I was not given any 700-level passage, despite my good performance.
I think, improvements can be made regarding the adaptiveness of the test.

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September 26, 2021

Joined: Jul 05, 2018

Posts: 378

Kudos: 407

Verified GMAT Classic score:
600 Q47 V26

High quality tests if u aim Q51- Great supplement for your prep-


The GMATclub tests are of very high quality and offer detailed analytics post-testing. Although a bit on the harder side the tests give you a very comprehensive set of questions with quality explanations. You will be able to improve a lot on quant and these tests are truly going to help to reach Q51 if done consistently with diligence, GMATclub tests in line with the Gmat club philosophy are there to help you get the most benefit for the least investment. In fact, most of us get is free along with some other test prep tool. And if you are not yet using your free Gmatclub tests you can do so if you have availed Magoosh/e-GMAT. This is a must have test to empower you on your testing journey.

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September 18, 2021

Joined: Jun 14, 2020

Posts: 63

Kudos: 80

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V33 (Online)

Very indicative of real test scores, but need slight improvement


I have given all 9 verbal tests in GMAT Club and 3 Quant tests, and can say the scores and difficultly level has been fairly indicative of my actual capability. Though I would caution to supplement this with other platforms e.g., MGMAT, Veritas which are slightly better
As other test series, GMAT club also pools these tests from a common pool of questions. At start, the quality was extremely good for 3-4 tests where I consistently scored V34-36, this was also my score on other platforms e.g., MGMAT, Kaplan. But then suddenly scores dropped to 25s, which demotivated me big time. I was consistently given 700+ questions (almost 60-70% of test) - I liked the practice but then the scores didnt mean much in my mind. Subsequent tests felt quite easy where I even went to V43, and of course was pleasantly surprised with this. But again I knew this wasnt my level cause I wasn't scoring it on other platforms. I assume something is wrong with their algorithm as my friend faced similar issue. But overall the quality of questions are good, and explanations satisfactory.
I scored Q50 consistently in my Quant - I was scoring similar on GMAT prep and MGMAT platform, so I think this is fine and nothing to highlight

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September 16, 2021

Joined: Jul 13, 2020

Posts: 41

Kudos: 29

Self-reported Score:
660 Q50 V29
710 Q50 V35

Great Way to practice


I was lucky enough to get GMAT club test subscription while i was attending a GMAT MBA spotlight webinar (now you know, there are many positives of attending a webinar).
The tests are very organized and helpful and abit tough too compared too actual level of GMAT. but that is what you need while practicing. Also, the solutions are there and you can ask your doubts very easily.
GMATClub have put great effort in keeping the feel same as that of GMAT exam and that is worth it.
(You should give it a try. You can also get 1 week trial subscription if you subscribe to their Youtube Channel)

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September 13, 2021

Joined: Aug 16, 2020

Posts: 24

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

Best tests ever


Definitely harder than the real thing, but I was able to manage a Q48 in my first attempt solely due to these tests.

Very good interface, good questions as well. Some are calculation intensive but totally worth it!

Solutions provided in the comment will provide ways of doing the question much better than you could've imagined.
Take as many of these as you can. Nothing to lose

Dont get too affected by the scores, they vary quite a bit, I haven't taken the verbal tests so cant comment about them, mostly stuck to official sources and got a V41 in second attempt

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September 10, 2021

Joined: Nov 19, 2020

Posts: 32

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:
580 Q47 V24

Course Review


Best in the Cohort of companies. Although I ignored GMAT Club tests in starting because of difficulty level. I regret it. I scored 580. But this time I am determined to get that coveted 700. GMAT club tests are really the path to Q51. I have participated in GMAT club Olympics and even won prize. I have started participating in SC , CR butlers. (Looking for kudos:) Quants is bit difficult but i think its necessary to have that temperament and the methods used by Bunuel have no comparisons . I know these things will definitely help me.I am thankful to GMAT club owners and looking forward to use the tests again.

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September 10, 2021

Joined: Sep 09, 2019

Posts: 152

Kudos: 52

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V44

Excellent for quant


Excellent source for quant questions. Probably the best source, if I may. But there are way too many ambiguous questions in verbal that might demoralise you, if the team can sort those questions out, then it’ll be amazing. However the quant tests alone are incredible value for money so that works out. The scoring is also a bit on the lower side, if you get a Q45, that would translate to roughly a Q49 on the actual test, so keep that score deflation in mind. The difficulty gradient is also very good as you get plenty of 700+ questions that test your core concepts rather than make you brute force your way through.

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August 31, 2021

Joined: Apr 04, 2020

Posts: 19

Kudos: 29

Best Resource for achieving High Quant Score

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GMAT club tests are an amazing source to practice questions. I would specially recommend it to people who are aiming for high scores in Quant because the quality of questions is really good ranging from beginner to advanced level questions. Expert replies help you to understand different approaches for answering particular questions. Through the analytics tool you can closely identify your weak/strong areas and work Club question bank has 1600+ questions with 25 Quant CATs and 8 Verbal CATs. Also after every CAT you have attempted an average GMAT score of you current performance is generated which can give you a good idea about how you are likely to perform on test day. You can also chose to study in timed or untimed mode as well.

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August 27, 2021

Joined: Jan 21, 2018

Posts: 108

Kudos: 70

Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q49 V31 (Online)

Best for Quants preparation


1) Much harder than the actual test
2) Questions mimic the nature of questions on GMAT
3)Interface is the same as GMAT
4) Free test is available.
5) Great analysis tool.
6) a High number of tests.

1) Analysis of some questions(though rarely) is not great.
2) Verbal section scoring is not very close to the real exam.
3) RC questions are easy as compare to real exams.
4) Some quants questions are lengthy.

I have used the tests and they helped me to score Q49(I wish to score Q50/51)
I suggest every aspirant give it a shot. and It will only increase your appetite for difficult questions

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