Target Test Prep Flexible Prep Reviews

As of February 1, 2024, the GMAT Focus is the only GMAT. But not to worry: Target Test Prep™ (TTP™) will give you only what you need for the GMAT Focus Edition and nothing you don’t need.

Target Test Prep™ is an innovative test prep company that has been helping students break long-standing barriers to success on the GMAT for the past 16 years. TTP™ has created a powerful, online self-study platform that helps students earn impressive Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights scores with the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course.

The Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course is accessible on all devices and includes the following:
  • 52 rigorous chapters broken into 1,500+ lessons
  • 4,000+ realistic GMAT Focus Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights problems
  • 1,300+ instructor-led HD videos
  • 1,200+ digital flashcards for studying on the go
  • 130-point score improvement guarantee
  • A personalized study plan and daily study calendar
  • Customizable practice tests
  • Intelligent analytics and a detailed error tracker
  • Live online support from GMAT Focus experts
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a full-access, risk-free 5-day trial for FREE and get every lesson, every practice question, every tool and feature that the TTP course provides with a paid subscription.
Don’t settle for GMAT Focus prep that gives you only some of what you need. With the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course, you get everything you need to succeed on test day!
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Based on 398 reviews
July 02, 2023

Joined: Jan 30, 2022

Posts: 29

Kudos: 19

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V39

Thank You Team TTP for the 90 point increase!!!


Improvement 90 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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It is a very comprehensive course which holistically prepares a test taker for the real GMAT Exam. The entire course is very systematically designed with an objective study plan, which is adapted to the test taker's schedule. I had an excellent experience interacting with my mentor, who readily offered course corrections whenever I approached him.

Would make the product better:

Nothing. You are absolutely Bang On as far as GMAT prep is concerned.

Well I had opted for a Flexible Plan with Verbal Improvement as the goal. I finished the course in a month. The Verbal Course was a game changer for me. Excellently explained with great practice questions. In fact, Scott's words - "All right Team TTP" kept reverberating in my ears throughout the two months and beyond. To be honest, I exactly did what the Course asked me to do - took notes, revised, gave chapter tests, re-revised in case marks were below the threshold. At the end of the Verbal Course, I could feel the difference. I was much more confident than I was earlier while doing the verbal Practice sets from GMAT Club and Official Sets and fared much better.
While I had enrolled for the course primarily to improve my Verbal, I even did the whole of Quant Course in the 2nd month as a tool for revision. And what a comprehensive course in Quant they have. Revision of Quant was a cakewalk thanks to TTP.
A big shout out to Marty, who was my saviour. He was there whenever I approached him. His words of advice were solid and straightforward. His plan for me coupled with Error Log of TTP Course helped me a lot improve my scores. During the GMAC Official Practice Tests, I moved from V28 to V40 and scored V39 in the final exam. Thank You Marty from the bottom of my heart.
My course subscription ended 3 days before the exam. I got a mail from Scott about my exam and I mentioned that My exam was scheduled 3 days later. And he extended my course subscription for a week so that I had access to the error logs and could attempt custom tests.
In short- Thank You TTP. I couldn't have achieved what i did without your help and support.

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June 29, 2023

Joined: Dec 22, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V38 (Online)

Entering the 700 club with TTP


Improvement 100 Points

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TTP was a lifesaver! Last December, I was introduced to TTP by a fellow friend who has also benefited from the program. I started my GMAT journey not knowing anything or how to start the preparation but TTP was able to break down the entire GMAT test structure to me clearly. TTP provides a clear strategy and structure for me to plan my study and the platform is beautifully crafted to help me track my progress, further motivating me to stick through and practise hard. What I particularly liked about TTP is that there are both video and written explanations to the questions. I usually prefer reading to listening to video explanations, as it allows me to train my eyes on reading comprehension and how to read fast. The text is also easy to follow and fun to go through. Here’s my detailed feedback on each component:

Quant: Extensive conceptual lessons focused on strengthening mathematical foundation and drilling through Easy-Medium-Hard practice questions (there are hundreds of questions to try and fail and then try and succeed!)
Verbal: SC section has outstanding learning material, sharpening my grammar skills and my understanding of sentence structure. CR section was a bit lacking in content but still sufficient in providing me with a thorough sense of the types of questions tested. RC section was extremely helpful; I learnt to be careful with the subtle trick answers and trained my eyes to pick up markers that signify the author's intent (they provide an exhaustive list of markers, which greatly improved my comprehension ability)
IR: Aha… usually left behind by other programmes but TTP crafted a great lesson for me to master this section effectively and efficiently (I could not afford to spend too much time on IR)

I improved my overall score by 100 points. TTP is indeed worth the investment!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
June 06, 2023

Joined: Apr 25, 2023

Posts: 4

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q48 V48

770 (40 pt. increase) with Target Test Prep :)


Improvement 40 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Ability to take (via Expert+) someone already scoring very highly to the next level: started at a 730 baseline and was able to consistently make 750 - 770 on practice tests and the real exam after 3 months of Target Test Prep

Would make the product better:

Need more verbal content, felt like I was cycling through the same questions so had to elect another service

I got a 730 score on the GMAT in college, then took 3 years of a break off the exam. When I got back in the swing of things, I wanted to elect a service that would not only bring me back up to speed to a score level comparable to when I took the test last (730) but also give me the methodology to exceed my prior score.

TTP was able to do that by providing methodical ways to answer both verbal and quant problems that were proven, repeatable, and guaranteed strong scores on my practice tests and on my actual test. As a software person / product design person, I also really appreciated how the digital platform was designed for test success, and felt like all the features of TTP were pushing me toward a better score goal.

It was a very time-taxing journey (maybe ~200 hours total), but I am so glad that I opted into getting TTP to get me the GMAT score of my dreams. Now onto applications :)

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May 31, 2023

Joined: Apr 19, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42 (Online)

Thank you Team TTP!


Improvement 40 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Easy to use, beautifully designed platform that engages the student and facilitates studying for long hours. Strong Sentence correction curriculum. The Error log page is a lifesaver.

Would make the product better:

I felt that I was not able to improve my reading comprehension skills a lot. Not sure what could have helped though

The platform is beautifully designed and is very easy to use. I know a lot of people might not find this aspect very important, but when you're on a very tight timetable with a full-time job, it is essential that the platform engages you to sit for long hours.
Another feature I liked was the timetable's customizability. I was able to enter the number of hours I want to dedicate on each of the days of the week and TTP created a timetable for me. Having a timetable to rely on is very important! Another feature I loved was the notes-making functionality. Anywhere on the course, whether that be inside chapters or practice tests, you can highlight key points/ sentences. You can also save questions you got wrong and leave a remark as to what went wrong. All these notes can be reviewed together on the 'Error log' page. This was my go-to page for revision before any mock. I used this even before my actual GMAT exam.
I used the platform for 2 months to complete the verbal section and a few chapters from quant. To maximise the outcomes from TTP, I would recommend completing the course which might take up to 3-4 months.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 16, 2023

Joined: Mar 14, 2023

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q48 V49

Best GMAT Course


Improvement N/A

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Flexible and comprehensive

When embarking on my GMAT journey, I knew I wanted to leverage a prep course to provide me with effective study materials and a flexible schedule that could be customized to my needs. Again and again, my research pointed me towards Target Test Prep. As soon as I started the course, I knew the reviews were right and I had made the right decision. The course is a one-stop shop for all things quant, verbal, IR, AWA, and test strategy. I worked through the TTP 6-month course and found it was perfect for my busy working schedule and, ultimately, led me to achieving a 760 (Q48V49, IR8) score. Thank you to Scott, Jeff, and the entire TTP team. I would recommend this course to everyone looking for an awesome GMAT prep experience and score to match.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 15, 2023

Joined: May 15, 2023

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V39

Great for Self Study


Improvement 80 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Clear deliverables and thousands of practice problems.

Quant is really well done and great to practice.

Would make the product better:

Full Verbal review section could be helpful.

Full Practice Exams included in the pack would also be helpful as you had to buy your own practice exams after the first two free ones from

Great test prep program! Will use again if I ever need to take another standardized test.

I think that the Quant section is excellent, close to perfect. I basically had everything I needed for self study and was glad to see that videos were included to show you how to do problems you get wrong when you complete the lessons. The quant review chapters are also really helpful because they help to solidify your knowledge.

Verbal was good overall, hoping that they will create a comprehensive verbal review section as this would be super helpful during final week prep.

I definitely found it worth the money since I had to study while working full-time and you can access materials at basically any time.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 06, 2023

Joined: Dec 25, 2022

Posts: 6

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q50 V44

Great for Quant


Improvement 20 Points

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The Quant learning path is exceptional and there are ton of questions available to get up to speed. There are different difficulty level questions available so that a student at any current quant level can use it to get to Q50 or Q51.

The custom tests option is also quite good to test out few specific concepts.

Would make the product better:

I've expected the verbal content to be on par with the Quant content when I signed up for TTP after reading about it on Reddit. It is also quite an expensive subscription for people outside US.

If you are struggling with Quant, it is a great resource to get to Q50+. The learning path, the question bank and the analytics will help you a lot.

However, the verbal questions are unnecessarily hard, and quite low in number.

The SC questions, particularly, are very different from what you would get in GMAT. In GMAT, the SC questions are amalgamation of all the different SC concepts. In TTP, the SC question bank has questions that test only a particular concept of SC. Knowing about the concept prior to answering the question is not going to be the case with GMAT SC. You wouldn't know before answering the SC question, what concept is being tested and one of the crucial aspect of GMAT SC is being able to identify markers for the questions.

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April 17, 2023

Joined: Oct 04, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

750 on first try after 2 months of TTP


Improvement 100 Points

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Very well organised material with tons of practice questions and very well explained methods of solving for quant.
For verbal, the theory is very well explained and examples are useful. Incredible resource.
I went through the official guide for 2 months and got 650 on a mock. After 2 months of TTP, I got 770 on my mock and 750 on my actual exam on the first try.
TTP made me feel so confident in my quant skills that I wasn’t even doubting a 750 going into the exam. Cannot recommend TTP more. Im super duper thankful for this resource. I def would’ve struggled to even touch 700 if not for it, as a fashion designer who haven’t done math in 7 years.

Would make the product better:

Nothing to improve tbh. Just brilliant. Maybe fewer emails as they feel spammy.

Very well organised material with tons of practice questions and very well explained methods of solving for quant.
For verbal, the theory is very well explained and examples are useful. Incredible resource.
I went through the official guide for 2 months and got 650 on a mock. After 2 months of TTP, I got 770 on my mock and 750 on my actual exam on the first try.
TTP made me feel so confident in my quant skills that I wasn’t even doubting a 750 going into the exam. Cannot recommend TTP more. Im super duper thankful for this resource. I def would’ve struggled to even touch 700 if not for it, as a fashion designer who haven’t done math in 7 years.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 13, 2023

Joined: Mar 19, 2023

Posts: 7

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

TTP turned my Q43 into a Q50 in 1 month


Improvement 70 Points

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Great lessons, interface, questions, there is everything you need at the pace you need, at the depth you need.

Would make the product better:

They could have mocks of their own. Create a new qbank dedicated to these mocks. This would be amazing because I've found only the 6 gmat prep mocks to be useful in the GMAT prep. We need another party making mocks that are actually gmat-like and from the quality of their questions it could be TTP.

This is the best bang for the buck if you like self-study like I do. There is everything here needed for you to get a Q50 or Q51. If you do not have a solid math base, the program will get you there. And if you have a solid base to start with, you can do like me (though it might not necessarily be their recommendation) and do the chapter tests and read the chapters as you need to refresh. There are three different difficulties (easy, medium, hard) for each of the topics and both PS and DS exercises. Doing their DS exercises was my prep for Data Sufficiency.

I also really liked the Sentence Correction course. The cherry on top is the fact that you can speak to a member of the staff at any time through their chat. I needed some guidance after taking the diagnostic prep and also needed general advice after taking my exam and they were very helpful.

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April 10, 2023

Joined: Oct 05, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
780 Q50 V48

Thorough and Solid GMAT Prep Course


Improvement N/A

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Target Test Prep carefully teaches the underlying grammar, logic, and mathematical principles of the questions that the GMAT will pose, equipping students to do well.

Would make the product better:

I have no recommendations for improvements. The course is very solid.

Target Test Prep helped me understand the principles behind the questions on the GMAT exam, gave me large amounts of practice problems with which to test my understanding, and helped me pinpoint areas of weakness for further review. TTP focuses on teaching the foundations of mathematics, grammar, and logic rather than teaching “tricks”, allowing users to develop greater consistency in answering the GMAT’s questions. TTP also helped to lend structure to my preparation efforts, by virtue of being organized into chapter form and roughly alternating between verbal and quant test topics. Additional helpful features included notes on how to efficiently parse questions to determine what grammar principle or math technique to use to solve the problem.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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