Target Test Prep Flexible Prep Reviews

As of February 1, 2024, the GMAT Focus is the only GMAT. But not to worry: Target Test Prep™ (TTP™) will give you only what you need for the GMAT Focus Edition and nothing you don’t need.

Target Test Prep™ is an innovative test prep company that has been helping students break long-standing barriers to success on the GMAT for the past 16 years. TTP™ has created a powerful, online self-study platform that helps students earn impressive Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights scores with the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course.

The Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course is accessible on all devices and includes the following:
  • 52 rigorous chapters broken into 1,500+ lessons
  • 4,000+ realistic GMAT Focus Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights problems
  • 1,300+ instructor-led HD videos
  • 1,200+ digital flashcards for studying on the go
  • 130-point score improvement guarantee
  • A personalized study plan and daily study calendar
  • Customizable practice tests
  • Intelligent analytics and a detailed error tracker
  • Live online support from GMAT Focus experts
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a full-access, risk-free 5-day trial for FREE and get every lesson, every practice question, every tool and feature that the TTP course provides with a paid subscription.
Don’t settle for GMAT Focus prep that gives you only some of what you need. With the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course, you get everything you need to succeed on test day!
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Based on 398 reviews
February 22, 2020

Joined: May 10, 2019

Posts: 4

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q43 V44

I wish that I would have started with TTP from the beginning


Improvement 100 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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I signed up for the GMAT in June last year. I bought the official guides along with the books of a well-known and widely used provider. I studied from the books for about 3 months and took a mock test in September - I wasn't happy with my Quant results. While the guides were helpful for Verbal, they were not so much for Quant, so I decided to sign up for TTP and start from scratch following a recommendation from a close friend. I found the methodology of the course to work well for people like me who have packed schedules and limited time, as the study plan is already designed and organised – you just must follow the course step by step. The course is flexible depending on your target score, and if you aim for the best results it can be very time consuming, but it is absolutely worth the investment. I booked my first GMAT attempt 4 months after signing up for TTP and scored a 710 despite not having had enough time to finish the course. After that much practice, the quant part of the test felt just like taking one of the end-of-chapter tests in the course. You end up doing a lot of problems testing the same concepts from different angles, and the solutions are intuitive and well explained. Furthermore, the team always responds very quickly through the chat feature and is always keen to help in case you don’t understand an explanation.

I now plan on using the built-in analytics feature to work on weak areas and re-take the exam in the coming months to improve my score. I would absolutely recommend TTP to anybody who’s just starting their GMAT journey.

Good luck!

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February 19, 2020

Joined: Aug 18, 2018

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q48 V40

I hadn't scored 710 if it wasn't for Target Test Prep

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Improvement 20 Points

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As a lawyer, I had real difficulties with the quant section of the gmat. I had been studying for more than 1 year and a half, used several types of resources such as Manhattan books, Kaplan, Total Math, Magoosh, gmat club tests, in-person classes, and when I was already loosing hopes I found Target Test Prep. It was by far the best resource I had found for the quant section of the gmat and the first one to have theory for every topic with specific sets of tests ranging from easy to difficult. When I finished all the lessons and tests, I practiced randomly for more 2 days, took the test and scored a 48Q! Had I found it earlier on, it'd have saved me a lot of time and struggle.

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February 11, 2020

Joined: Nov 28, 2019

Posts: 9

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V44

Excellent structured GMAT quant prep!


Improvement N/A

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I only had about a month and a bit to prep for the GMAT, alongside work, and knew I needed to solidify my quant skills. I didn't even know how to start preparing for quant in a structured way, as the only resources I had were practice questions where I had no way of knowing whether I had truly covered every chapter (like an actual study course!). TTP was exactly what I was looking for - it has the entire content of GMAT quant broken up into the relevant chapters. Even the actual chapters are broken up into bite sized pieces of information/formulae which feels less intimidating than opening a book and seeing pages and pages of text. The end of chapter tests are a great way to ensure that you have mastered the topic, and are often more difficult than anything the GMAT will throw at you, so a great way to prep for hard questions. I thoroughly recommend TTP for anyone who is taking the GMAT - even if you are decent at math like I was, there are so many nuances to GMAT quant and the types of questions they ask, so I guarantee you will come away from TTP prepped and in the best position to write the GMAT!

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February 10, 2020

Joined: Jul 25, 2019

Posts: 6

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

Very easy to use


Improvement N/A

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Target Test Prep has helped me greatly in my GMAT quant section. As an avid reader already, I had no trouble with Verbal. Target Test Prep helped me score a Q46 on the exam (could have scored much higher if not for nerves !) and helped me achieve my goals in that test. 10/10 would recommend.
The best thing about the course is the clear video instructions and steps. very different learning experience than just text. complete game changer for me
Keep in mind that you SHOULD supplement Target Test Prep ( or any other test prep for that matter) with Official Guide.

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January 29, 2020

Joined: Jul 19, 2019

Posts: 3

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q46 V42

Fantastic for Quant


Improvement 40 Points

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TTP was amazing! And really helped especially if you need a refresh in math. It gives you everything you need for the test and uses a scientifically backed process to teach.

Note that the course is a commitment though. Be honest with yourself: you have to dedicate time to doing the work. Moreover, TTP estimate for the time commitment is on the low end: if you really review your chapter tests and official tests question by question it is going to take longer than 180 hours that they quote. I would give yourself about 3 to 4 months to do this course. I crammed it into 2 months and felt like I was burning out and not deriving all the value that reviewing your mistakes and weak areas gives you. To be honest, the fact that it takes a long time to truly learn something is not anything on TTP, it is just a fact of life, there are no shortcuts.

So in sum TTP give you everything you need and it is set up in a convenient package (they don't stress that their website is mobile friendly!) on the train!

Area for improvement: They need to do verbal.

As for raw data: my my official practices I was getting around Q47-Q49. My Q46 on test day I blame on the horrible cold I had - isolate yourself the week before the test!

Overall 10/10. Great job. If you are dedicated, you will not be disappointed. Amazing value.

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January 21, 2020

Joined: Jan 21, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q47 V46

The real deal


Improvement 40 Points

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A lot of people mention TTP as a great way to bump up quant. It's true. Running through a couple sets of number properties and psets was far more efficient for me than, say, watching videos (but granted, I only used TTP for my final month of preparation). Looking back, I wish I could've used TTP for my first few months, too. Thanks, Scott + Jeff!

(More details - having spent a week running through as many questions as possible on TTP for the free trial, I ended up signing up for a month and spent my last week shoring up verbal. The bet paid off. The golden rule with all test prep material holds true here: you only get as much as you put in.)

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January 20, 2020

Joined: Jul 27, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

Best Quant Prep, period.


Improvement 20 Points

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Target Test Prep is your one stop solution for raising your quant score. It's an incredibly thorough course, and your quant score will absolutely increase substantially if you take this course. GMAT Quant is notoriously difficult, and it was a long road getting to an 700+ score. I started my prep with books, but Target Test Prep proved to be much better. It was interactive and charted my progress. Plus, I could take practice exams, which is crucial for preparing since it is a timed test. My Also, Jeff provided incredible customer support along the way. Seriously, if you are reading this review right now because you're considering different courses to improve your quant, just do yourself a favor and sign up with Target Test Prep right now. It really is simply the best.

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January 08, 2020

Joined: Jun 23, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V44

If you're weak on Quant, take this course!


Improvement 70 Points

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I'll start off by saying that I owe my GMAT Quant score (49, up from...much lower than that) pretty much entirely to Target Test Prep. Coming into my GMAT prep, I hadn't taken a standardized test in almost 10 years and had not thought about geometry, probability or rate problems since probably freshman year of college. TTP was perfect for me because it really walks you through every major topic and hammers you with questions to make sure you're really comfortable with each type of problem you'd see on the test.

TTP might not be a good fit for you if:
-you're not a self-directed learner, since there aren't scheduled classes or accountability.
-you don't have the time to put into it. I got through it in 3 months doing 3-6 hours per day, and wouldn't recommend skipping modules or tests
-you already have a strong foundation in the quant topics. While I still think there's value to be found in the sheer amount of practice questions TTP has, it really breaks down topics that I could imagine might be oversimplified if you're more recently familiar with these topics

My advice is to do the free trial and see how you like the style of the lessons and answer explanations. The video and written explanations for problems really clicked with me, so I knew pretty quickly this was going to be the program for me. The interface is really clean and easy to navigate too, which I appreciated.

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January 06, 2020

Joined: Aug 22, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V39

Worth Every Penny


Improvement N/A

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The team did a fantastic job developing this product and it cost very little relative to the quality. I had done zero quant prep heading into the course and over a few months (while working full time) was able to score a 47Q in my first GMAT attempt. The course does a good job of walking you through scenarios and question formats that you're likely to see on test day. I learned alot of clever ways to rearrange questions and to organize my work.

Huge thanks to TTP, they did a great job. I learned alot and feel good about my score.

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January 03, 2020

Joined: Jan 02, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V39

Great Experience


Improvement 60 Points

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I was a humanities major in college and took the GMAT years after any formal math education. I have never been stellar in quantitative subjects, but had a decent foundation in concepts. I credit my quantitative score almost entirely to the few months I used TTP. I used some books and other guides to supplement, but I believe the TTP program is what truly made the breakthrough difference from low 40s to high 40s/50 on practice tests.

The modules are easy to follow and are complemented perfectly by the equation guide. I used the equation guide as essentially a review sheet before taking practice tests and the real thing- something that I believe helped immensely. I was routinely hitting 47-50 scores on practice tests leading up to my official test. I bought into the program- I did all of the quizzes as recommended. At times it did seem like overkill and I just wanted to move on, but I trusted the process. Sticking with this advice definitely helped as many of the concepts and steps in problem identification became second nature to me.

In terms of customer service, any time I had any sort of question, Scott or a member of the TTP team responded almost immediately. Scott showed in interest in my path and followed up after the program to see how everything went.
I recommend this program to anyone studying the GMAT and needs that boost in the math section. I only wish that TTP would come out with a Verbal section as well. If they do, I will purchase the program again.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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