Target Test Prep Dedicated Study Reviews

As of February 1, 2024, the GMAT Focus is the only GMAT. But not to worry: Target Test Prep™ (TTP™) will give you only what you need for the GMAT Focus Edition and nothing you don’t need.

Target Test Prep™ is an innovative test prep company that has been helping students break long-standing barriers to success on the GMAT for the past 16 years. TTP™ has created a powerful, online self-study platform that helps students earn impressive Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights scores with the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course.

The Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course is accessible on all devices and includes the following:
  • 52 rigorous chapters broken into 1,500+ lessons
  • 4,000+ realistic GMAT Focus Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights problems
  • 1,300+ instructor-led HD videos
  • 1,200+ digital flashcards for studying on the go
  • 130-point score improvement guarantee
  • A personalized study plan and daily study calendar
  • Customizable practice tests
  • Intelligent analytics and a detailed error tracker
  • Live online support from GMAT Focus experts
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a full-access, risk-free 5-day trial for FREE and get every lesson, every practice question, every tool and feature that the TTP course provides with a paid subscription.
Don’t settle for GMAT Focus prep that gives you only some of what you need. With the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course, you get everything you need to succeed on test day!
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Based on 207 reviews
November 19, 2020

Joined: Dec 23, 2019

Posts: 28

Kudos: 47

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42

TTP, There is No Comparison


Improvement 140 Points

Course Target Test Prep Dedicated Study

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I never thought I would be able to post one of these.

I tested in the test center today and miraculously pulled off a 740 with splits of 49/42/8. When the score popped up, I legit started crying and I am not ashamed of that.

I am from the U.S., so I'm pretty familiar with standardized testing. I scored 95% on the SAT. I am also prior military and am used to promotion testing and the ASVAB; I tested 96% on that and 99% on the officer exam. Suffice it to say, I have never had a problem with testing until the GMAT. I took a diagnostic about a year ago and scored a 600, then took the real test last December and used that score, a 670, to apply to Fall 2020 programs. With everything that happened, I elected to defer and try my hand again with taking the GMAT.

I went through most of TTP quant and was scoring again around 670-700. I took the online test August 22 and scored 700, indicative of my practice results. I don't know if something just clicked after this point or what, but I transitioned from only investing my time in math to TTP's verbal as well, and I felt better about the test as a whole. I jumped from 46/47 Q to 49, where I have been at since. I felt my sentence correction techniques getting better as well from the extended devotion to verbal, and took OG mock 4 on September 12 and scored a 740. This convinced me to move up my test date to today, September 14, in hopes of riding the peak of my efforts.

That happened. While I didn't think the test was smooth, it ended up working out. I struggled through the math; I'm not sure if I technically finished. I I had an answer selected but time ran out before I hit submit on question 31. After verbal, I was pretty convinced I did poorly and was just slugging through the rest of the test so I could go home.

All this is to say, if I can do it, so can you. I never really felt that that phrase meant a lot, but I am by no means a genius. I spent a grueling amount of hours working through TTP and honestly never finished - I never started geometry. But, if you want it, if you want a certain score, you can make it happen. I think the GMAT is more of a testament to a person's will than their academic ceiling. Thanks to everyone over at TTP!

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October 23, 2020

Joined: Sep 14, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

Got me over the hump


Improvement 50 Points

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After underachieving on the quantitative section of the GMAT a few times, I turned to TTP for a fresh look at how to approach studying the material. What I learned after purchasing the product and using it for only a day or two, was that there is a better way to think about studying for the GMAT quant section. The lessons are explicit, insightful, and incredibly thorough. The number of quizzes and tests along the way as you progress through the content is substantial, yet if you are serious about succeeding, exceedingly worth the time and effort. I loved the explanations provided for wrong answers and, as a competitive person, I liked how you could compare your progression to all others who are using the course. It provided constant motivation throughout my studying journey. No detail is overlooked in the TTP module. My recommendation to anyone who utilizes the product: follow all of the instruction. They know what they're talking about. There may be times along the way where you're tempted to skip quizzes or lessons because you're feeling worn down. Don't do it. You don't want to put in all that work and then sell yourself short. The analytics provide excellent summarized feedback to help target your efforts along the way.

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October 22, 2020

Joined: Mar 08, 2014

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41

Highly Recommend!


Improvement 90 Points

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I highly recommend TTP. The chapters were easy to study through and the practice questions got progressively harder. I was very impressed with my results. I was testing 640 on official practice test when I started studying, and ended up with a 730 on the official exam once I completed 2 months of studying with TTP. I studied for a month in March 2020 and then fell off because of covid, and then picked it back up for 1 month in September, so really only 1 month of recent studying. The value and results were more than I could have imagined. Thank you to Scott and the whole team at TTP!

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October 21, 2020

Joined: Oct 21, 2020

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V42 (Online)

Great Product


Improvement 100 Points

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Target Test Prep was exactly what I needed to get my GMAT score to the right place. The quant section is extremely thorough and has a ton of tips and methods for how to solve each possible type of question. The practice problems throughout and the practice tests of sample easy medium and hard really test your understanding of the types of questions that you will find on the actual test. Every few sections there is a practice review test that helps keep you honest to date on how much you are actually retaining. Additionally, you can adjust the goals based on how well you want to score and your timeline. The verbal section is still in Beta phase, but even in its current state it helped me score extremely well on verbal. Overall, the course helped me focus with a well thought out plan, a ton of practice problems, and learning methods that force you to learn the material, rather just zoning out on a video. I can't recommend Target Test Prep enough.

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October 16, 2020

Joined: Jun 15, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
630 Q49 V26

GMAT Quant from 36 to 50


Improvement 90 Points

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TTP's Quant course helped me achieve a tremendous score in official GMAT test. The first time I attempted GMAT was in 2018 and I scored a mere 36. After that I took a break for about a year and got back to studying GMAT with a serious intention. While I was looking around for courses that would help me achieve my target score, I came across TTP. All I have are praises for this course without any bias. The course helped me strengthen my foundations in all possible imaginable areas of GMAT Quant. It's because of TTP I was able to score Q50 on 10/13/2020. I improved from Q36 to Q49 to Q50! When TTP says they will guarantee your score will be between 47-50 after taking their course; well, they mean it! Scott and team are always there to answer your questions and help you clear your doubts. I would recommend TTP to anyone who wants to score well on GMAT Quant.

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October 13, 2020

Joined: Jul 28, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

TTP Dedicated Quant Review


Improvement 70 Points

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I scored a 34Q after 2 months of dedicated self study. After using the TTP program for 2 months I managed to improve to a 47Q on my in person GMAT. The incredibly thorough TTP program allows you to build a deep understanding of all of the skills required for the GMAT Quant section. In addition, TTP's deep catalogue of practice problems will allow you to practice the concepts learned in the the lessons while developing the confidence to excel on test day. Included in the course TTP provides an in-depth guide on the entire GMAT process as well as tips to help you perform your best on test day.

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October 09, 2020

Joined: Nov 22, 2017

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Self-reported Score:
770 Q49 V48

Fantastic Course

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Improvement 70 Points

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I've been studying for the GMAT intermittently and continued to push back my test date as I was never able to reach my target score on mock exams. My original approach was to drill OG questions, and although that allowed me to become more familiar with the GMAT, I never felt I like I was testing myself with same level of difficulty as the actual exam.

TTP was a game changer for me and helped to drive the score improvements that I was looking for. The program was instrumental in structuring my study approach and pinpoint my weaker subject areas, allowing me to shore up difficult concepts and drive rapid content mastery. I mostly focused on Quant as I was already fairly comfortable with Verbal, but both sections are well organized and the lessons are very digestible. The SC section in particular highlighted concepts that I was not privy to before, which in turn increased my Verbal score pass expectations when I had already mentally "settled" on the section. Highly recommend the course.

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September 24, 2020

Joined: Jun 24, 2019

Posts: 18

Kudos: 19

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q48 V45

Increase achieved!


Improvement 50 Points

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My Ding review from Paul Bodine (great admissions consultant) revealed the GMAT to be my biggest weakness - especially the Quant section.

TTP had great reviews so I thought to give it a try in a focused 1.5 month approach with 10h+ per day.
After doing MGMAT last year to prepare, I often thought to myself: "Wow so that is how that is supposed to work?"

Their lessons were great and the approach is so much better than MGMAT, because you are forced to practice a lot for each topic. Practice makes perfect. After ~3000 calculated problems I felt empowered to own the Quant section.

TTP also had a holistic approach with tips on how to prepare best (sports, meditation, focus...) and be your best on test day.

Overall thumbs up!

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September 16, 2020

Joined: Jun 14, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40 (Online)

Quant Savior


Improvement 180 Points

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Initially, I started studying quant through MP books, online practice questions, and CATs. After 1.5 months, I did not notice nearly enough improvement to eventually meet my GMAT goals. I switched to TTP and within 3 months of daily study, I reached the 700+ goal I needed. TTP broke down each subject and I was able to understand it before moving on to the next lesson. Its strategic placement of review tests was pivotal in ensuring that the information learned in previous modules is not forgotten. The diversity of practice problems as well as the repetition of techniques made it so there were no surprise questions/topics on the actual test.

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September 13, 2020

Joined: Sep 13, 2020

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Self-reported Score:
770 Q49 V47

TTP saved me from Manhattan Prep's awfulness - 620 to 770!!!!

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Improvement 150 Points

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I initially got Manhattan Prep's All The GMAT paper books. It was helpful to have something in hand to read, but otherwise pretty useless. I took the Official Test 1 and got a 690, then two of the Manhattan Prep CATs -- 620/630. The Manhattan Prep CAT's were confusing as all get out, and seemed nothing like the official test. I took a 6 month break after getting insanely frustrated with Manhattan Prep's web portal thing. Hot garbage.

I came back, decided to do TTP because everyone posted about it on reddit. I spent one month blitzing through TTP and got a 770 on test day, 49Q 47V.
TTP raised my Quant by a good 6 points, and took so much pressure of my mind that I was able to settle into Verbal and concentrate through it. It also had a lot of general test taking tips that put me at ease and allowed me to blast death metal on the way to the test knowing I was going to Mess Stuff Up and own the GMAT.

TTP delivered. MP was pasta garbagio.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system or .edu email address and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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