Target Test Prep Dedicated Study Reviews

As of February 1, 2024, the GMAT Focus is the only GMAT. But not to worry: Target Test Prep™ (TTP™) will give you only what you need for the GMAT Focus Edition and nothing you don’t need.

Target Test Prep™ is an innovative test prep company that has been helping students break long-standing barriers to success on the GMAT for the past 16 years. TTP™ has created a powerful, online self-study platform that helps students earn impressive Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights scores with the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course.

The Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course is accessible on all devices and includes the following:
  • 52 rigorous chapters broken into 1,500+ lessons
  • 4,000+ realistic GMAT Focus Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights problems
  • 1,300+ instructor-led HD videos
  • 1,200+ digital flashcards for studying on the go
  • 130-point score improvement guarantee
  • A personalized study plan and daily study calendar
  • Customizable practice tests
  • Intelligent analytics and a detailed error tracker
  • Live online support from GMAT Focus experts
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a full-access, risk-free 5-day trial for FREE and get every lesson, every practice question, every tool and feature that the TTP course provides with a paid subscription.
Don’t settle for GMAT Focus prep that gives you only some of what you need. With the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course, you get everything you need to succeed on test day!
4.9 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 207 reviews
October 13, 2021

Joined: Oct 13, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q49 V46 (Online)

A GMAT Gamechanger


Improvement 80 Points

Course Target Test Prep Dedicated Study

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TTP was a gamechanger for my GMAT performance. I wanted to achieve a score of 750 to get into my desired programs, but TTP helped me exceed that goal within two months of prep. At first, I was concerned that the course would be too long, but I found it to be the perfect length for me to accurately learn all concepts.

The course follows a structured and methodical approach to learning. It allowed me to master each concept before moving onto the next one. I honestly believe that following the lesson and test plan laid out in TTP is enough to take any test taker to a Q48 on a consistent basis.

For the verbal section, the TTP curriculum really helped change my approach. Previously I relied on my ear to determine if an answer sounded right. TTP taught me to instead analyse every answer option and understand why it is correct or incorrect. This took my verbal score to the next level. The critical reasoning resources were fantastic. I found them to be more challenging than the options presented in the actual test. This meant I would rarely get any critical reasoning questions wrong in my official GMAT practise tests. The TTP curriculum was invaluable in providing enough practice to quickly analyse these questions.

Scott and the TTP team provide second-to-none customer service. You can tell that they are passionate about helping their clients fulfil their GMAT scores. I'm very glad I used TTP as a learning resource and believe they are responsible for helping me exceed my score target.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
October 12, 2021

Joined: Aug 10, 2021

Posts: 2

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q45 V40 (Online)

Highly recommend for Quant review


Improvement 90 Points

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Prior to starting TTP, I took a practice GMAT and scored a 32Q and an overall score of 610. I dedicated about 6 months of review through TTP and ended up with a 45Q and overall score of 700. In my practice attempts, I scored all the way up to a 49Q and 740.

I really enjoyed how thorough the course was and the wide variety of topics it covered. By constantly quizzing you throughout the chapters, and then provided benchmarks tests along the way, you had a good understanding of how well you were performing and recalling topics from earlier in the course.

Highly recommend if you are looking to focus on improving your quant score.

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October 06, 2021

Joined: Jul 28, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q46 V42

Excellent resource!


Improvement 100 Points

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During my year-long on-again, off-again relationship with the GMAT, Target Test Prep was a constant for my Quant studies, and was ultimately the tool that helped me go from Q38 to Q46 (620 to 720 total).

TTP is a well-structured resource with all of the GMAT topics organized in a clear and sensible manner. The format eliminates the guesswork and makes it easy to track progress and revisit topics, which is especially useful when life gets busy and GMAT studying gets temporarily pushed to the back-burner.

The seemingly endless number of practice problems of varying difficulty levels made it easy to properly account for content I already knew well or needed to study more. The instant feedback after completing chapter quizzes made studying engaging, and helped me get into a groove when persevering through long study sessions.

The Analytics feature, with performance analysis by topic and customizable quizzes, allowed me to optimize my study time, making review and practice sessions extremely straightforward and valuable.

Finally, I experienced amazing customer service and support from Scott and the rest of TTP team. They genuinely root for their users and are always there to help!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
September 17, 2021

Joined: Jul 06, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q43 V44

Well Structured & Thorough Course


Improvement N/A

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When I initially decided to start studying for the GMAT I bought some prep books and tried to self study but did not feel like I was making much progress. I talked to some friends who had recently taken the GMAT and they recommended TTP so I decided to give it a shot and right away felt much more productive with my time spent studying. The course provides a great structure for working through all the possible Quant topics with detailed lessons, examples, and sample problems followed by quizzes of varying difficulty related to that topic. The questions all come with thorough explanations and links back to where they were originally discussed and you can track the questions you are getting wrong so you can see what areas you are struggling with and then re-visit those questions later to make sure you have it down. There is definitely a great balance between learning new topics and re-visiting old topics periodically throughout your study plan. The thorough and defined structure of the course really helps make the study process straight forward so you can spend your time and effort focusing on learning the topics as opposed to trying to figure out what to study next or what to revisit. And throughout it all are bits of advice about general test taking strategy like when you should start focusing on question timing, how/when to guess, etc.
The TTP team is also very supportive, responsive and friendly; definitely reach out to them if you have questions or concerns and they will be there to help you out. I didnt use the Verbal section of the course very much since I was already pretty solid there so I dont have any input on that, but I was able to get a score I was happy with on my first try so would definitely recommend using TTP for the Quant section if you are looking for a thorough and structured study plan for all topics quant related for the GMAT.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
September 13, 2021

Joined: Apr 05, 2021

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V41 (Online)

Game Changer!


Improvement 70 Points

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When i enrolled with TTP, I was struggling a lot with Verbal and Quant concepts. My understanding on the concepts was weak and that was not allowing my score to increase. TTP's topic wise course structure helped me grasp each concept easily while also providing easy methods to save time. The question based learning method worked well for me in solidifying my concepts before moving to the next. I would whole heartedly recommend it to everyone starting their journey on GMAT. My score improved by 70 points through the course. TTP also provides cheatsheet around idioms and mathematical formulas which you would need to constantly keep going through to save time in exams.

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September 11, 2021

Joined: Feb 04, 2020

Posts: 7

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q47 V44

[740] TTP is the way to go. Marty is an excellent coach.


Improvement 160 Points

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My very first GMAT practice test without any preparation was around a 580. I hadn't done any quant or verbal for 6 years! I then proceeded to study by myself using only the official MBA practice questions and after two months I eventually received a 690 on a practice, but I couldn't break 700. I knew I could do better, but I didn't have any direction. I was just doing mindless practice problems. My studies trailed off and ended after that. A couple months later I decided to try again, but with some help. After reading several reviews, looking through forums, and trying some free trials, I chose Target Test Prep (with the Verbal Beta). TTP is an excellent program to follow, and it's probably the best Quant program available. It will teach you everything you need to know from the ground up. You can easily gauge your understanding with the several chapter quizzes. I recommend getting 90%+ on all Medium difficulty quizzes before proceeding to the Hard quizzes or even the next chapter (If you want a 700+ score). Throughout the way, you can chat with their coaches. Marty, who scored an 800, is a master of the GMAT and an awesome coach. His understanding and in-depth responses helped me far more than any forums. Ultimately, I took the official test three times: 710, which I ended up canceling because I knew I could do better (I was getting 760's on Official GMAT practices), 730, and 740. I know I can do even better (I only did half the Verbal beta lessons, and on my 740 attempt, my Quant score dipped to a 47 because I was so focused on Verbal that I didn't review my Quant on TTP!!). However, I believe I have a high enough score to apply to the mba programs that I want. Overall, I absolutely recommend TTP and Marty. For Verbal I followed a mix of TTP Verbal Beta, which was incomplete at the time, and gmatclub's own GMAT Ninja. For Quant I solely used TTP.

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September 08, 2021

Joined: Sep 08, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41 (Online)

Great product - improved quant score


Improvement 40 Points

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Target Test Prep (TTP) was instrumental in improving my quant score, bringing my score up to a 48 (from a 45) and bringing my total to a 730.
What I found most helpful about the program was how easy it was to navigate through the material, allowing me to target weaknesses and focus on improving components of the overall quant section. Through practice sets/exams completed before using TTP, I already had an idea going into the program what my problem areas were. This is what made TTP so effective for me because it allowed me to strategically select areas to focus my practice and ultimately improve.
Although I came in with this understanding of my own weaknesses, this program is structured in a way that would be beneficial for those coming in "fresh" as well.
I truly cannot recommend this product enough, and have already passed it along to many of my friends as they go through the same preparation journey.
Although I cannot speak to the verbal section of this program, if it is as high quality as the quant is (which I expect it to be), I'm sure it would be a valuable tool as well.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
September 02, 2021

Joined: Apr 26, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V44

From 660 to 760 in 3 Months!


Improvement 100 Points

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After months of studying both the Kaplan and Manhattan self paced courses I felt ready for the GMAT, but on test day I lost track of my pacing and whiffed on some easy questions, only scoring a 660. I felt distraught and wasn't sure if I was even going to try again. After reading about so many successful test takers using TTP I decided to give it a try.

The first thing that I noticed was how exhaustive the content was. Every single possible problem you may encounter is covered and their self paced learning allows you the ability to take it at your own pace but keeps you on track by reminding you about best practices. The chapter quizzes are broken into 15 question sections so they feel light, but in actuality you are doing half a quant section! By the end of my studying I was nailing the official guide practice tests like I never had before. Taking the GMAT became second nature and when I was in the testing center it felt that way. I thought my initial failure was because of nerves, but those nerves arose because I didn't have all the help I needed. TTP gives you that help and if you take advantage of the material, your hard work will pay off.

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September 02, 2021

Joined: Dec 18, 2020

Posts: 90

Kudos: 66

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V41

TTP - worth the money for a 700+ score


Improvement N/A

Course Target Test Prep Dedicated Study

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Hi all,

Just wanted to share my review of TTP for my GMAT studies. Prior to starting TTP in late December, I had tried self study for about two months. I then took a practice test and performed miserably. I realized that after being out of school for 10 years I needed focused practice.

I checked out a bunch of courses and decided to give TTP a try. Signed up first for their 1 week program and fell in love with the teaching style. My math was horrible (and I mean I didn't know how to divide fractions horrible) and they did a fantastic job teaching me the basics once again.

Their verbal course is also great, although I think its much more intuitive for native english speakers than non-native speakers. I received it free as its in beta, but honestly it feels like a complete course for free.

After 5 months I took my first test and scored a 700 Q47, V39. I really wanted to hit the Q49, V40+ barrier so I took another three weeks, reached out to TTP's Jeff who shared a personalized program, and rewrote the test to score a 720 Q48, V41. I honestly probably could have scored higher but decided to move forward with this score given I have a bit of a non-traditional profile/URM.

In summary, TTP was a lifesaver and I owe a large part of my success to their courses. Thank you guys!

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September 02, 2021

Joined: Feb 09, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q45 V44

Use TTP if you need to improve your Quant score!


Improvement 140 Points

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TTP was absolutely vital in scoring a 720 on the GMAT. I could not have improved my quant score so much without Target Test Prep. Scott and his team are also available for any questions you might have and to offer support when you need it, they genuinely care about you doing well on the GMAT. I ended up using their verbal lessons as well and they structure each lesson is the way that is going to push you to get that higher score. They also have lessons for IR and the AWA and I found their AWA structure to be a really great resource for planning your essay. Couldn't recommend them enough.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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