MBA Admissions Counseling Packages Reviews

Comprehensive MBA admissions consulting services with an experienced team of dedicated MBA counselors with degrees from top schools. The team is made up of a Primary Counselor, Senior Strategist, School Specific Readers, Qualified Proofreaders, and a Client Relationship Manager. Comprehensive guidance is offered per program to ensure that you present your most compelling narrative throughout the admissions process.
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April 25, 2024

Joined: Jun 03, 2023

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Sophie got me into Stanford!

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Sophie is the MBA counselor you need if you’re driven, ambitious and want to give your best shot to colleges you consider beyond your dreams

Results: Going to Stanford - Admitted to 3 M7s, waitlisted at 2 other M7s.

Background: I’m an Indian applicant from the most ‘overrepresented’ demographic there could be.

I had exploratory calls with 14 different counselors, both locally and beyond. Within the first 15 minutes, Sophie helped me identify strengths in my application that everyone else (including me) had overlooked. From the outset, I knew working with her was going to be one of my best decisions.

I’ve identified some dimensions one can evaluate MBA counselors on, and shared my experience with Sophie on each below:

1. Empathy - Producing great essays for top colleges needs you to be honest with yourself and dive deep into your personal story. This will often mean revisiting parts of your life that make you uncomfortable. It is thus important to have a counselor who you trust discussing your vulnerabilities with. In this regard, Sophie has a unique talent for instantly creating a safe space when she senses what you’re discussing means a lot to you. At the same time, she knows how to deliver constructive criticism, and you’ll get the hint when it feels like you’re trauma dumping an essay for no good reason. Because of these open conversations with her, I felt confident in sharing these stories in my applications. It was because of her that I was able to discuss many aspects of my life in essays and interviews that I’d have simply swept under the rug working on my own.

2. Approachability - Sophie exudes warmth and energy when you talk to her; she’s super easy to work with. There were several times I struggled to explain problems I faced in expressing some ideas. Even when I was unable to put my finger on what was bugging me about an essay I wrote, she seemed to understand exactly what I was struggling with and gave perfect advice on how I could approach it differently. Such intuitive insights from her were responsible for several step shifts in the quality of my essays.

3. Mindset - Sophie has a winner’s mindset. She isn’t there to just do a job, she is committed to your success. There was not a single moment in the entire process where she didn’t match or exceed my pace. The bottleneck was always how much effort I was willing to put in. Turnaround times were great and she was always available for calls when I needed. Not once did I find myself sitting idle because I was waiting to hear back from her. Further, she isn’t someone who’ll leave you with ‘passable’ work. She was willing to iterate with me until I fine-tuned each essay to perfection, until it got to a point I looked at the essay and was sincerely amazed at what I’d created.

4. Influence - Applying to top MBA colleges will always be an exercise in mental fortitude and grit. While you are the only person responsible for managing your motivation, an indifferent counselor can certainly make things difficult. Someone who doesn’t believe in you will make you fight uphill in a battle where odds are already stacked against you. Sophie, on the other hand, is a natural leader who engages with you on a personal level. I needed to write 17 distinct essays in 2 months working full time, applying only to ‘stretch’ colleges. Naturally, there was a moment or two filled with self doubt, but it usually took just one casual conversation with Sophie before my motivation meter was back to full. When taking on a challenge as monumental as this, she’s the kind of partner you need in your foxhole.

6. The myth, the legend - I could go on for hours about how great she is at MBA counseling. But that’s not even a tenth of how awesome Sophie is. Her visible stats are already impressive (Army, Wharton, McK). But the more you learn about her, the more reasons you’ll keep finding to fanboy over. Through the bulk of your applications, you’ll probably be interacting with your counselor more than your colleagues, maybe even your family. Why not work with someone who’s not only a great counselor but an endlessly inspiring, interesting person as well?

7. Process and logistics:
Sophie’s process is extremely well curated and, in my opinion, nearly perfect. It’s efficient, and minimizes yield loss to make sure you’re always working on something that’s setting you up for success on the next thing. I’ve detailed the steps below:

Introspection - The introspection phase made me dive deep into my life story, with two crucial outputs:
- Defining my personal brand: by understanding myself better, I was able to define who I am in a way that was easy for others to understand - with enough examples to back it up.
- Identifying skill gaps: I already had a good idea of why I was doing an MBA. But through the introspection phase with Sophie, I was able to dive several layers deeper. By the end, I had nuanced answers for each skill gap in neatly defined bullets highlighting why it was a gap, why I needed to fill it and how the MBA would help me.

School research -
Same as before, I already had a good idea of why I was picking the schools I was applying to. But Sophie helped me dive many levels deeper. For every school, I was able to 1 - find exact resources to fill my gaps across several dimensions (curriculum, culture, resources, etc.) and 2 - speak at length about how I would make the school a better place given the skills I had. And because of the work we did earlier, this was a lean process with zero waste. Whether it be a conversation with an alumni or scouring the website, I had a clear idea of what I wanted to understand.

Essay feedback -
Each essay went through multiple iterations of feedback and modification until both of us felt it was the best it could be. The process was fairly efficient with minimal yield loss. For each essay, I drafted an outline and discussed it with Sophie. Based on her feedback, I’d go back to the drawing board and redraft / modify my essay. We would iterate on this step by step, gradually condensing down to word limit.

Interview prep -
After the introspection, school research, and essays, I felt positively thrilled going into the interviews. Most of my groundwork was already done. The only remaining bit was to structure my behavioral stories, which was fairly straightforward. Sophie helped me do mocks for the interviews and gave actionable feedback to improve each time. By my second interview I felt ready as a tank - I was prepared for everything that could be prepared for, leaving my mind free to genuinely enjoy the conversation with my interviewers and be ready for any curveballs. A lot of how your interview goes ultimately depends on how confident you’re feeling with yourself. As a result of all the work we’d done in the preceding months, I was as confident in my interviews as I should have been.

Sophie was the difference between my success and failure in this process. Thanks to her, I was able to create applications that I know were the best I could do - which is what really matters. If you work with her, I am confident this is the feeling you’ll walk away with as well.

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April 22, 2024

Joined: Apr 22, 2024

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Terrible Experience with Stratus Consulting - No Refund Policy!

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Even if you die Stratus Consulting will still not give you refund.

I had an incredibly disappointing experience with Stratus Consulting. Despite their promising advertisements and commitments, their service was far below what was expected. I encountered numerous issues during my consultation, which not only wasted my time but also cost me financially.

The most frustrating part of my experience was their rigid refund policy. They refused to offer any form of refund. This inflexibility shows a lack of consideration for customer satisfaction and service quality. I tried multiple times to resolve the issue amicably, explaining my situation and seeking a fair resolution, but the company was unresponsive and dismissive. Their customer service is severely lacking; they do not value client relationships or the basic principles of customer service.

It’s appalling that a company operates with such disregard for client feedback and post-service support.

I strongly advise potential customers to look elsewhere.

There are many other firms that not only provide superior service but also respect their clients enough to offer protections like refunds when services do not meet reasonable standards. Save your money and your time!

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April 21, 2024

Joined: Apr 21, 2024

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

At the start of the process, I reached out to 3 different consultants at different companies. Lisa and Stratus stood out as clear winners; I felt confident in the Stratus offering / backing, which included help developing my story, essay iteration with a second reader, and interview prep. More importantly, I found Lisa to be genuine and easy to work with.

The time spent working with Lisa on shaping my story before starting essays was invaluable. I would not have had as strong of an application without her guidance at this stage in particular. When it came to essays, she always returned drafts quickly and with thoughtful suggestions. Just as important was interview prep. I valued Lisa's candor and experience as a prior interviewer. I also appreciated Stratus' Wharton TBD simulation, and know that it helped me nail the actual Wharton TBD.

With Lisa's help, I gained admission to 7 top MBA programs, with scholarships / fellowships at 3. I will be attending Wharton with a partial scholarship as part of the class of 2026

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April 09, 2024

Joined: Oct 04, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q48 V45

Lisa Cummings - The Best Decision I Made for my MBA Application


I could not have been as successful as I was in my application process without Lisa's help! From the very beginning of my journey, Lisa provided me with helpful and much needed guidance.

What most impressed me was that she took the time to get to know me as a person and fully understand my future goals before ever putting pen to paper on any of my essays. This helped me polish my overall story, and built trust that enabled Lisa to provide very direct feedback whenever my work was not hitting the mark.

With Lisa's help throughout the busy application season, I ultimately gained admission to 7 MBA programs, many of them with scholarship offers! I am certain I would not have been as successful without her advice along the way.

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February 29, 2024

Joined: Jun 30, 2020

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Susan Cera - exceeded all expectations!


Choosing Stratus, and specifically Susan Cera, has proven to be a life-changing decision. Initially torn between two options, resounding recommendations from Susan's previous clients gave me the confidence to move forward with her - a decision that exceeded all expectations.

We started off by delving into the intricacies of my past experiences, meticulously exploring every detail relevant to my business school application. What initially felt like a chaotic stream of stories and reflections was expertly curated by Susan, weaving together pertinent details to create a narrative that not only showcased my breadth as an applicant but also articulated a coherent story of my journey and distinctive qualities that set me apart from the crowd.

Her guidance was instrumental in forming a cohesive strategy, pinpointing areas of development to address through an MBA and identifying key themes that authentically portrayed my character and career trajectory. Throughout numerous iterations and feedback sessions, Susan remained steadfast in her commitment to refining and polishing each aspect, steering me back on course even when I veered off track.

We also completely remade my resume, with each word meticulously selected under her guidance, drawing from her extensive experience as an admissions committee member at Duke Fuqua. Further, once I got to the interview stage at my first choice school, Wharton, Susan arranged for a mock interview with a colleague—a Wharton graduate—who provided invaluable insights and tailored guidance specific to Wharton's interview process. Each step of this journey, from brainstorming sessions to interview preparations, was marked by Susan's dedication to excellence, ensuring that the final product was nothing short of exceptional, which in turn led to my being accepted to Wharton. I cannot overstate the impact of her guidance, and I am immensely grateful for her role in helping me achieve my aspirations.

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February 20, 2024

Joined: Feb 20, 2024

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Loved Working with Melisa!

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I really enjoyed working with Melisa and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for an MBA admissions consultant. She made the whole application process so much more approachable and pleasant. I felt at ease knowing I had her support and guidance throughout this journey: I felt like she was truly in my corner and wanted what was best for me. She was very generous with her time, patiently answering my (many!) questions, and taking the time to really get to know me, my values, and my goals, so that we could ensure my application was as strong and authentic as possible.

Melisa helped me with everything from my resume to preparing my recommenders to essays to interview prep. It was clear that she is incredibly knowledgeable about all things MBA admissions, and she was always very timely and thoughtful in her comments and guidance. I also really appreciated that Melisa went above and beyond, providing holistic mentorship beyond the application itself, such as by pointing me towards career opportunities for post-MBA and connecting me with others with shared interests.

In the end, with Melisa's help I was able to get into both of my dream schools, and had a very difficult decision to make! I am really grateful for all of her support, and would choose to work with her again in a heartbeat.

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February 12, 2024

Joined: Feb 12, 2024

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Susan Cera is One of a Kind


Before meeting Susan, I truly believed there was no way I could get into a top 20 business school. However, Susan not only had a clear and structured process to help identify key and unique traits but she also helped me to regain my confidence and pride in my accomplishments to date. She helped to dig up all my accomplishments including ones that I never thought were significant. She patiently helped me revise my CV 10 times with no complaints but the mere justification that she wanted it to be absolutely perfect. She helped me navigate standardized testing anxiety and reminded me that scores are just a small part of the entire application. Susan made navigating the tricky application process easier by providing tips & tricks that someone completing an application on their own would never know. It is no question that part of the reason I got into the schools I did was thanks to Susan and her team! If you are applying to grad school working with Susan and stratus is worth every penny.

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February 11, 2024

Joined: Dec 30, 2022

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Donna is absolutely amazing! Highly Recommended :)

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Stratus Consulting overall offers amazing MBA admissions consulting services. I personally worked with Donna Bauman. Coming from an Indian male engineering background, I thought my chances at getting in an M7 school were pretty slim. However, Donna guided me in the right direction and helped me understand my motivation to go for an MBA. She gave me new perspectives which helped me build my story for my applications. From understanding the essay questions to preparing for interviews, Donna was there for me every step of the way. Another great aspect about Stratus admissions is that you will get inputs from multiple stakeholders which will help you mould your application for different colleges.

With Donna's help, I was able to get an admit into multiple M7 colleges, including my dream college - HBS. I understand making a choice of MBA admissions consultant can be a tough one, but honestly, you cannot go wrong with Stratus, especially Donna :)

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January 06, 2024

Joined: Jan 06, 2024

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Couldn't have done it without Stratus!

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I was lucky enough to work with Sophie for my admissions counseling. Before I found Stratus, I had no idea how to effectively position myself to stand out to top business schools and felt lost trying to navigate the admissions process.

Sophie made the whole process very structured and easy to tackle while providing constant support and encouragement throughout the process! She helped me find my confidence and develop my story to stand out in both the essay and interviews.

Through her counseling, I received acceptances to M7, T15, and T20 schools. I truly do not think I would be where I am today without the help of Sophie! Cannot recommend Stratus Admissions enough!

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January 02, 2024

Joined: May 28, 2022

Posts: 5

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

Kelly Lundy & Susan made It Happen!!


I loved working with Kelly and the Stratus team. Kelly helped me with the CBS and Stanford GSB applications. As advertised, Stratus use a team approach. During each of these applications I received guidance from Kelly, Susan Cera, and multiple editors (CBS & Stanford Alums). Kelly even connected me with her classmates at CBS during the process.

The methodology that Stratus uses not only helped me complete the applications for these schools, but the introspective nature of the process prepared me for the school interviews and will definitely help me throughout my career.

Kelly is truly a marvelous mentor. She supports you and enables you to develop your own authentic narrative. She spends a lot of time to learn about you. Many times, she nudged me to dig deeper into parts of my essays based on all the information she had gleaned from my introspection exercises. Further, she is extremely diligent and patient. I completed almost 15 drafts for both the Stanford and CBS essays with Kelly. Never, did I feel that she was not completely vested in improving the narrative or was growing frustrated with stagnation. She was extremely responsive and gracious with her time.

Finally, I want to commend Kelly on never talking about my chances or trying to sway me in applying to different school. Both Susan and Kelly were fully committed to help me create the best product possible to elevate my chances of getting admitted. They provided candid feedback in a timely manner and were never closed off to new ideas or suggestions.

Kelly was instrumental in helping me get admitted to Stanford, which was my primary choice, and I wholeheartedly endorse her as a mentor to help you through the MBA application process.

Thank you Kelly and Stratus Team!!

***Final Outcome: Admitted to Stanford, Interviewed with CBS, withdrew application after Stanford Admit. ****

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1 Older and Non-Verified Review for Stratus Admissions Counseling
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