Stacy Blackman Consulting MBA Admissions Reviews

Since 2001, Stacy Blackman Consulting clients have been admitted to every top business school worldwide, often with merit scholarships. Stacy Blackman Consulting (SBC) delivers results, as shown through its record of the highest number of online reviews across multiple MBA admissions ranking and review sites. Our online track record includes: #1 on MBAinsight, BeattheGMAT, ClearAdmit, and #1 out of 11 firms for our team caliber by PoetsandQuants.

We begin with meticulous matchmaking before we begin an engagement or accept payment. We recommend a primary consultant only after evaluating your candidacy strength and differentiating qualities; we respect your investment and the trust you place in us. We offer a high-touch, limited client-per-consultant experience.  

Contact us to request a free MBA advising session with an SBC Principal. Just give us 15 minutes.



SBC is the only consulting firm in the industry who has on our team a complete panel of former MBA Admissions Officers from the top US programs and European programs. No other firm has this complete talent. 75% of our MBA consultant team hails from the top seven US MBA programs as MBA graduates and/or former MBA Admissions Officers, including from Harvard and Stanford. We know what’s going on, and we know it first. We have tremendous insight as to what is currently keeping the AdCom up at night and what values they are looking for from their current students.



The SBC System™ has eight core modules and is the most robust of all firms. SBC offers unlimited time with a carefully selected Primary Consultant, allowing for full accountability and dedication. SBC also believes in checks and balances, and thus developed our Flight Test™, which is a complete review by a former Admissions Officer. This structured feedback from a former AdCom member mimics a real AdCom review and helps to ensure that a candidate’s application is most compelling to the target audience. We also offer an "hourly first" option for applicants who prefer to test the waters initially before engaging in our All-In service.


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Stacy Blackman Consulting MBA Admissions Reviews

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December 20, 2023

Joined: Aug 04, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41 (Online)

Amy & the SBC team are incredible!


I decided in June to apply to Wharton in round 1 and couldn't start prep until July because of a family wedding. I found SBC online because I knew there was no way I could get everything done myself in that amount of time while still working full-time.

I worked with Amy to apply to the Wharton/Lauder dual degree program and she was fantastic. She was so responsive and very quick to turn around feedback and she was candid with her suggestions. I graduated college only 2 years ago, so I knew that my short time in the workforce was going to be a major weakness in my application. Amy helped me craft my story to spin that to my advantage, which gained me admission to the program.

SBC also works with a FANTASTIC gmat tutor (Anthony) and he was worth every cent. I was going to take the GRE because I had already done some prep earlier in the year, but was struggling with the vocab section. I'm stronger in math so I decided to pivot to the gmat 2 weeks before I had to take the test. Anthony is seriously the best tutor/teacher I have ever worked with. I did a few hours with him and got a 760 on my gmat with 2 weeks of total prep. He gives you so many tricks to get faster and generously shares his extensive guides to continue studying on your own more efficiently with targeted practice.

What's better is that SBC services don't stop there. Amy helped with the essays and application strategy and Anthony helped with the test prep, but after your application is done, another consultant from SBC does a comprehensive review of your entire application package to give you feedback with fresh eyes from someone who is unfamiliar with all the details. Then if oyu get invited to interview, SBC provides mock sessions to practice since it's such a unique interview experience. You get to go through a practice interview with other SBC clients and it's moderated by an SBC consultant who gives each participant personalized feedback when it's over.

I can't thank SBC enough for all the help they provided! It was SO worth it.

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December 19, 2023

Joined: Dec 19, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

An Invaluable Amount of Insight


I chose to work with Stacy Blackman Consulting (SBC) for my MBA admissions journey as many reviews and resources noted that they were known for getting students into Kellogg. Long and behold, I did get into the Kellogg MBA full-time program and into McCombs' and Anderson's. The experience has been nothing short of outstanding.

One of the key reasons I chose SBC was the opportunity to work closely with Beth, a former AdCom member. Her inside knowledge and deep understanding of the admissions process at Kellogg provided invaluable insights. Beth's personalized approach and attention to detail undoubtedly played a crucial role in my successful admission to Kellogg, McCombs, and Anderson, with the added bonus of scholarships at Kellogg and McCombs.

SBC's team-based approach sets them apart from the rest. From the very beginning, Sarah served as my initial point of contact and matchmaker, ensuring a seamless connection with the consultant best suited to my needs. Amy, another former Admissions Officer on the SBC team, served as my "flight tester," providing constructive feedback and refining my application strategy. The collaborative effort of the entire SBC team, coupled with access to resources like the Vault database, significantly strengthened my application.

Before selecting SBC, I researched and spoke with several other admissions consulting firms. While many were reputable, what set SBC apart was the depth of their team, the personalized attention, and the proven track record of successful admits to top-tier MBA programs. The decision to choose SBC was ultimately driven by their unparalleled expertise, and it's a decision I am incredibly grateful for.

SBC offers a unique and effective approach to MBA admissions. With Beth's individualized guidance, a team-based support system, and a wealth of resources, SBC goes above and beyond to ensure your application stands out. My successful admissions results speak volumes about the quality and impact of their services. If you are serious about securing a spot in a top MBA program, SBC is the consulting firm that will make a difference.

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December 19, 2023

Joined: Mar 14, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q48 V49

Worth It! - Stacy Blackman All In Service HBS Admit


I had a fantastic experience with Margaret Orenstein and Stacy Blackman Consulting. I had an initial phone call with Esther Magna, who matched me with Margaret based on our similar backgrounds in the Life Science space and Margaret's experience in Management Consulting, my desired post-mba field. Margaret, a former HBS student, was able to give me excellent insight into what the admissions team is looking for and what they value most. This, along with the SBC wiki page, was essential to preparing high-caliber materials. The SBC flight test (flight tester Amy Bergrud - former AdCom) was also an excellent feature to make sure I put my best foot forward when I hit submit on the application. After receiving an invitation to interview, the interview prep and mock interview (plus post-mock feedback) really helped me refine my answers and feel confident going into the interview. Ultimately, I think this service was worth every penny and made my HBS application process smooth and stress-free.

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December 18, 2023

Joined: Dec 15, 2023

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Amy was an amazing consultant to work with. As a LatAm applicant with a relatively low GRE score, she kept me motivated thorugh this incredibly stressfull journey and helped me focus on my key personal and professional strengths to portray in my applications, and also helped me select the MBA programs that made the best fit for me. I appreciated how direct and candid she was and how she helped me resolve all of my doubts and concerns in a clear and concise way. Her insights and experience from being a former admissions committee member were truly invaluable. Amy was always available to jump on a call at anytime to review my essays or discuss any topic regarding my applications.
The SBC team was very professional and responsive throughout my journey and would highly recommend them. One of SBC's most useful resources is the Flight test, where another consultant reviews your application, acting as a member of admissions in an MBA program and providing critical feeback. Beth Tidmarsh was extremely helpful as an external consultant by reviewing my essays with a fersh set of eyes and poiting out the strenghts and weaknesses of my application. Another great resource is the pool of sample essays that the SBC team makes available from different programs.

I was immediately engaged after the intro call to SBC with Bill Chionis's who also helped me make my match with Amy, and Toni Pollak was always available to solve any doubts and help me create my profile.

I couldn't be more excited for my multiple admits and can't thank the SBC team enough for their help!

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December 16, 2023

Joined: Mar 17, 2023

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V39

Deanna knocks it out of the park!


Deanna with Stacy Blackman Consulting was an incredibly valuable resource to me as I navigated the MBA admissions process. My background is in public arts education and Deanna helped me frame my nontraditional background as an asset rather than a concern. Deanna was easy to reach and was a clear communicator. She took an interest in me as a person, which enriched our working relationship and helped her give me very specific, helpful feedback. With her guidance I was able to obtain a T20 MBA Admit with scholarship!

While Deanna was my primary consultant, the biggest benefit of SBC was the depth of their team and the breadth of their experience. This depth and breadth are what set them apart from other consulting firms that I looked at. From my initial discussion with Sarah, to my flight test with Lisa, a former AdComm member, I felt I was being guided by people who could give me targeted advice based on their lived experiences with MBA admissions. If you are serious about getting admitted into the top programs, it is well worth the investment to seek out their expertise!

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June 05, 2023

Joined: Jun 05, 2023

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It is great having Alex on your team!


Alex has been a great resource during applications. I was hesitant to use consulting assistance due to the high cost, but I think that it was worth it for keeping me on track and explaining the process. Alex is very responsive and will read your essays well into the night, even at crunch time, which I appreciated. He's a talented writer and helps bring out the best content and cut fluff. Being budget-conscious, my overall process was: take notes from Adam Markus blog, 1 hour with Alex on essay topics and strategy, then writing and proofreading with 2 trusted friends, then 2-3 hours of back and forth proofreading with Alex, and finally 1 hour of miscellaneous work like resume, etc. I found that the overall value of consulting was logarithmic - invaluable at first and less relevant as the application becomes more polished and suggestions become more stylistic rather than practical. Overall, I think it was a worthwhile expense, because it reduced the stress of possibly missing something, and because it saved me time (whole process took less than two weeks).

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June 03, 2023

Joined: Aug 22, 2022

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Meg gave me the edge I needed to get accepted

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While SBC's services are on the pricier end of the spectrum and probably wouldn't have been worth it if I was only applying to T20-T50 schools, SBC and Meg especially were worth every penny throughout this process. The insights Meg brought to the table as a former Booth Adcomm, the number one reason I chose her, were invaluable. Without Meg my applications would have been shallow rambling garbage with no coherent narrative, my interview answers would have been all over the board and not focused on the topics B-Schools want, and my waitlist strategy would have been a mess and most likely ticked off the adcomms instead of showing my recent professional growth. The guidance and probing feedback Meg and the SBC team gave me are the reason I was successful in getting accepted to a top school.

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May 31, 2023

Joined: May 31, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q46 V42 (Online)

Dione and Esther -- rockstars of SBC!


I was accepted to Kellogg MMM, Tuck, and Berkeley Haas (with scholarship!) during the Round 3 application cycle, in large part due to the exceptionally high degree of thoughtfulness that Dione (former Stanford AdCom member) brought to her coaching style and the foresight of Esther's matchmaking. Dione was critical in helping me crystallize my "career vision" by pushing back on me to refine and make credible / meaningful my vision for my short- to long-term career path. Similarly, when it came to my core "why business school" essays, Dione really pushed me to keep my key themes top of mind and specific, which I wouldn't have had the instinct to do without her. All of the content / stories / ideas for my application were my own, but the structure and constant pressure that Dione applied to it all turned it from a set of raw components into a strong and cohesive story.

Dione worked great with my communication style. I would send her frequent, long emails with each of my thoughts bulleted out. She would reply ~2-12 hours later (at maximum, regardless of the time) with individual replies to each of my separate thoughts. This made our work very productive over email with only a few Zoom sessions.

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May 11, 2023

Joined: May 11, 2023

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Bill is the EMBA expert!

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I cannot thank Bill enough for his assistance during my EMBA application journey. During our first call, he helped me set appropriate expectations and identify the programs I should consider. Bill provided invaluable help with my application essays and the interviews. The entire SBC team was also extremely supportive. I appreciated the team-based approach and received valuable feedback from my flight tester Amy.

A friend highly recommended Bill to me, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have worked with him. Bill demonstrated an impressive knowledge of the programs and was a pleasure to work with. Thanks to his support, I was able to gain acceptance into my desired program-Wharton!

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May 05, 2023

Joined: Aug 30, 2020

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SBC - The Ultimate Admissions Partner

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I was admitted to Haas, Anderson, and Marshall with scholarships, and Stacy Blackman Consulting (SBC) played a significant role in my success.

After researching multiple MBA admissions consulting firms, I chose SBC for their reputation, professionalism, and authenticity. I sensed they genuinely cared about my goals and that they weren't just telling me what I wanted to hear. I also connected well with Sarah, my initial SBC contact, who skillfully paired me with Beth, my primary consultant.

SBC's Key Differentiators:
Beth Tidmarsh: More than a consultant, Beth genuinely sought to understand me, helping me craft an authentic and compelling application. Her invaluable expertise as a former Admissions Officer at Kellogg, along with her professionalism and genuine care, fueled my success.
Team-based Support: From Sarah to Beth to the flight test review team (also former admissions officers), SBC enhanced my applications with diverse perspectives and invaluable feedback.
Resource Database: Sample essays, interview questions, and school overviews made each stage of the MBA journey manageable.
For anyone seeking admission to top MBA programs, I wholeheartedly recommend SBC for their commitment to clients' success. Thank you, SBC! My experience exceeded my expectations, and I couldn't be happier.

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