Square One Prep Admissions Consulting Reviews

You're at square one with the application process. Partner with us to ensure your next destination is business school. We’ve helped 1,200 clients since 2009. 90% succeeded and 35% secured unsolicited scholarships. Our focus isn’t client volume or revenue; it’s you. We hope you can sense that when you read reviews.

Top business schools teach that diverse teams create the most impactful solutions. Our diverse team ensures our clients craft the most impactful applications. In addition to being the most diverse among admissions firms, our team is the most rigorous and hands-on.
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Square One Prep Admissions Consulting Reviews

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Kathryn Lucas
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March 25, 2015

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I applied to one program only: Kenan-Flagler. I didn't have a great undergrad GPA and didn't have the most impressive career to date as I sort of just made my way without having a real career plan. In the last year I learned what I am excited about professionally. I knew that getting an MBA from a Top-20 program would enable me to make the transition. I just didn't know if I had a chance of getting into such a school with my metrics.

Enter: Square One Prep. They were a life saver. They brought order to the chaos in my mind and background. They helped me position myself and my career thus far in a way that showed thought and logic. My resume went through an unbelievable transformation. My essays did too. They really were my secret weapon throughout the process. By the time I did my interview I felt like a different, wiser person. It was great. Greater was when I got accepted into the program!

Thank you Square One!

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March 24, 2015

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I’ll start with the results: in at Kellogg, Anderson, and Booth. At Booth I got a FULL scholarship!

When I called Square One Prep in July, I didn’t know what my goals were or what schools were right for me. I truly was lost, outside of knowing that b-school was the right move for me. I never would have gotten the results I did without Square One. They were patient, encouraging and strikingly knowledgeable. They got to know me – my background, passions and skills. They discussed various career paths with me to gauge my interest and help me define my ambitions. I really was clueless about what I wanted to do. I knew I liked retail, even though I was in the payments industry. That's where my career conversation started with Square One. But within two weeks, after working with my consultant - the owner of the company - I had absolute clarity about my ambitions.

My advisor motivated me throughout the process. It wasn't easy for me, and i can't really explain why except that I felt like I wasn't coming from a glamorous enough industry and had already blown my chances due to my poor performance in college (I partied too much - went to more football games than classes). I thought I might not be cut out for the rigorous application process. Let me tell you: the process is tough. But Square One was amazing every step of the way. Beyond helping me define myself professionally, they helped me convey to the admissions committees who I am personally. I shared things in my essays that were so not what I would have shared if I had worked on my applications on my own. I also used a tone - sometimes humorous one - that I never would have thought appropriate for b-school applications. But with my advisor's guidance I made decisions I couldn't have made on my own that absolutely made a difference. I can’t thank you guys enough. The clarity I now have about my future, the fact that I am about to live a dream, I owe to you! I also just feel like I know myself better, which is wonderful!

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March 23, 2015

Joined: Mar 23, 2015

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As soon as I decided that I needed an adviser, I spoke with several MBA admission

consultancies including a well-known industry leader, but none offered assessments as sincere and

honest as Square One’s. Once I committed to working with Square One, my adviser responded with

her commitment and the utmost personal assistance. At one point, we talked for 6 hours over the phone.

         My adviser highlighted many parts of my past experience and qualities which I originally deemed insignificant, and strengthened my profile many times over. She also gave me clear reasoning behind all advice she offered, demonstrating her expertise. Even when things took an unexpected chaotic turn when one of my recommends became difficult, my adviser not only

showed full understanding, but also helped me choose an alternative recommender and patiently

repeated the entire recommendation letter process from scratch.

         I cannot thank Square One enough for my acceptance into INSEAD, my first-choice program.

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March 23, 2015

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I tried another MBA Admissions Company before working with Square One Prep. Square One Prep was more attentive to my needs, more available (the time difference was not a factor once), and more hands-on about ensuring I understood what admissions committees want and what I needed to do to make my applications as strong as possible. My consultant got to know me as a person. She went beyond my resume and who I am as a professional. In doing so, she was able to quickly direct me when it came time to select essays topics and then develop strong products. With her help, I know I stood out as unique. I cannot thank her enough for her assistance as I was rewarded with offers to London Business School and INSEAD. I don't believe this would have been possible without her services.

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March 23, 2015

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I was talking with a friend at CBS about applying to the school and he said I HAD to call Square One. I called the next day and was over-the-moon impressed with the consultant I talked with Kathryn (she was actually the owner); I totally understood why my friend had been so emphatic. We began working together right away and I cannot imagine what I would have done without her help.

My consultant had a genuine interest in getting to know me and was equally invested in the process and my success. Her direct and no-nonsense style coupled with her McKinsey-like ability to brainstorm and help me think strategically about my background and goals helped me write essays that better and more authentically told my story. When I called, I had already written my essays and resume. By the end of my first call, I knew that I would be starting over. Instead of feeling defeated, I felt rejuvenated. I knew I'd made the right decision when I called her.

I only applied to Columbia and somewhat late in the rolling admission schedule. My consultant helped instill the confidence and direction that I needed and was just as thrilled as I was to hear that I was accepted to CBS a few weeks ago!

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March 22, 2015

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"Going with Square One Prep was the one of the best decisions I've made. They were excellent. First, the owner remained in touch with me for more than a year to help me make sure I was making the right decision for myself as it regarded when to apply to business school and where to apply. Once I signed on with Square One, their focus on me remained razor sharp and sincere. My advisor was just as engaging and devoted to me as the owner. While writing my essays it was really amazing to see how my advisor reviewed them from a different perspective every time. Her persistence, creativity, and patience were the game changer in bringing my applications to a place that made them stand out at top tier programs, and led me to get a scholarship! Without Square One's help, I know I never would have gotten get admitted to Fuqua and Kenan-Flagler. Because I made such a good decision when I chose Square One, I was faced at the end with a tough decision - which school to attend!"

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March 22, 2015

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"I initially heard about Square One Prep through a friend who highly recommended the hands-on and supportive approach applied by this organization. My decision to pursue an MBA was difficult; it took a lot of time to internally justify because of the financial and personal sacrifices involved.

Square One was extremely helpful throughout my decision-making process, which was more than year, and helped me understand the merits of obtaining an MBA in today’s ever-changing marketplace. The Company’s leadership from the top-down was superb and extremely informed about what will stand out in the eyes of MBA Admissions Committees. Once I started the process, my consultant made ample time to address my needs, while at the same time challenged me to put forth my best work. What particularly impressed me was that my consultant helped me think about the assigned essay prompts from angles I would not have considered on my own and that would make me to stand out.

I would highly recommend Square One to any of my peers. With their help, I procured a spot in the one program I applied to: Stern’s Spring Part-time MBA program. Because of them I am about to start a new phase in my life journey that I am confident will help me get to the next level in my career."

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March 22, 2015

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Square One Prep takes the mystery out of the application process. I came to them with Round 2 deadlines fast approaching - less than two weeks away. I had uncertainty regarding my competitiveness and overall strategy as despite being a traditional candidate (banking), I didn't attend an Ivy League school and wasn't at a bulge bracket firm or in the NE (I went to school in Texas and am still here) so I didn't have a lot of peer or in-house guidance on what I should do.
The initial consultation with the owner helped me refine my focus and make an informed decision on where and how best to apply. That alone I felt like I should have paid for, it was so thorough and spot-on.
When I started my work with my consultant I continued to be impressed. He helped me develop an overall strategy for my application and a detailed game plan to get me to the deadline with strong work. Throughout the process, my consultant was professional, responsive and insightful. I was astounded by how much content we generated in two weeks and by how much more articulate I became in that time frame about how to position myself professionally, and even just as a person. People in my life noticed.
Once I thought my work was done, with less than 24 hours before the deadline, my consultant engaged Square One's owner to review my work. It was after midnight. Yet she responded immediately, did a full review of all my work and made insightful edits that made work I was already insanely proud of better. I still remember waking up on deadline day and seeing an email from her at 3am with her attached review. Square One's dedication to me was like that from beginning to end.
I applied to only one school - Kellogg, and got in. Square One Prep definitely maximized my chances of getting that result.

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March 21, 2015

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I was three years out of an Ivy League undergrad, management consulting, 780 on the GMAT, and had put in two terrible applications, at GSB and SOM. I wasn't called by either. Next year, I applied early to only Sloan, taking Squareone's exceptional and reliable advice, and was admitted first round! Kathryn helped me reflect and identify new and more compelling stories to tell. More importantly for me, they ensured I kept on my toes and put in the best application I could, or I'd have been scrambling at the last minute like the last time. (Thank you so much for your patience and intelligence Kathryn!) I'm so glad I took their help!

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March 21, 2015

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Before hiring Square One Prep (SOP), I worked with a reputed MBA admission consultant on my b-school admission process. My experience was disappointing. I was rejected everywhere.
SOP was a real savior. They helped me to do a thorough introspection of my qualities, experiences, and ambitions and then helped me improve my writing skills so I could reflect my qualities, experiences, and ambitions in the most effective way. They ensured that each and every part of my applications was consistent, engaging, and additive. As a result, I have been accepted to the EMBA programs of Duke Fuqua and Columbia Business School.
There are many admission consultants making rounds on websites and offering expertise, but please be careful before committing to them! I highly recommend SOP to all MBA aspirants because their admission consultants are MBAs from top business schools who know exactly what Adcoms are looking for! They know how to coach, mentor, and write. They know how to help elevate work without making it their work. Most important, they know how to be a partner in the process. They were genuinely concerned about my success - both my consultant and SOP's owner, and that was extremely motivating.
Thank you SOP. You made a grueling application process educational and rewarding.

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