Manhattan GMAT 9-Session In-Person Prep Course Reviews

There are higher standards for what defines a competitive GMAT score today. We have no magic formula, no silver bullet, no empty guarantees. Instead, we have three basic principles that separate us from other test prep: the best teachers, the most advanced learning approach, and a focus solely placed on the GMAT.
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4.8 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 419 reviews
August 01, 2013

Joined: Nov 26, 2012

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The Manhattan GMAT Review Course gave me the confidence I needed to improve my score, and provided me with the tools to create my own personalized test strategy. From studying to reviewing and then actually preparing for test day, the instructors and materials were clear, concise, and helped me to streamline my approach. I recommend this course for anyone prepared to take an intensive approach to studying for the test, and found it was particularly useful for people working full time as I would have struggled to study on my own without a plan. The MGMAT class and instructors helped me to surpass my GMAT goal, and helped me stay upbeat and focused throughout the entire process. If you want to see real results, and are willing to put in the time on your end, this is the most efficient way to do so!

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July 19, 2013

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Before attending the course, I purchased the entire Manhattan GMAT book series to include the Advanced Quant book. I slowly studied the books for several months prior to attending the 9-session course. I believe this course of study was somewhat flawed. I found myself teaching myself fundamental concepts from the books that the course later reiterated. I recommend that people attend the course and then study independently with the books prior to taking the test.

I used the CAT exams offered on the MGMAT site, and they were very beneficial. My scores on my practice tests were below my score on test day.

CAT 1: 570 (35% Q, 69% V)
CAT 2: 640 (63% Q, 75% V)
CAT 3: 670 (64% Q, 84% V)
CAT 4: 650 (55% Q, 85% V)

On my last CAT, prior to the test, my score dropped to a 650, which was pretty discouraging, but I decided to take the test anyway and not focus on my latest CAT.

The Manhattan GMAT website is very comprehensive and has a myriad of resources that I found myself exploring frequently.

Private tutoring with Dmitry, my MGMAT instructor, was what I found most beneficial during my studies. I had several tutoring sessions prior to my test.

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July 13, 2013

Joined: Oct 30, 2012

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Jiehae is incredibly sweet, patient, smart, and effective. As soon as you meet her you will be excited to work with her and excited to study for the test. I highly recommend her to anyone. She completely tailors the sessions to where you need the most help, and was able to offer very insightful perspective on why I was making the mistakes where I was - for example, in doing math problems, I had a habit of using one equation, and then going across my scratch paper horizontally to make the next calculation. She asked me to try moving vertically to write the next equation rather than horizontally, and this made a drastic improvement to my efficiency. Not something I ever would have noticed or been aware of! That is just one example of many where she made a huge difference. Ultimately, I was admitted to HBS.

Thank you Jiehae for everything!

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July 11, 2013

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I don't have a business background and haven't done math since high school, but Manhattan GMAT made all the difference for me. I went from a 590 on my first practice test to a 760 on test day.

My instructor JP was fantastic--engaging and adaptable to the needs in the room. Also, because a number of students didn't show up after the first couple of sessions, the class was much smaller and the prep much more personalized than I had expected. I appreciated that while we worked on test taking tips and timing, the real focus was on the content--where I most needed help.

The online test prep materials are amazing. Once the course finished and I had a month left to work on my weak points by myself, I relied almost entirely on the OG Archer and previous practice tests to target my review.

I would say that Manhattan GMAT provides a course that really requires you to spend a lot of time outside class to get out of it what you want--the course time alone isn't enough and you have to be prepared to make that time commitment.

Thanks again JP!

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July 08, 2013

Joined: Jul 08, 2013

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Manhattan GMAT's prep course gave me the preparation and confidence I needed to succeed - and I'll consider my 730 a success! The framework helped me organize the GMAT topics into digestable pieces so I could quickly see which areas I needed to focus on most. The quantitative drill set workbooks proved invaluable in helping me shake off the rust on my math fundamentals. And the strategies taught in the classroom helped me focus my time on the exam. I particularly loved the interactive class format where we were timed on practice problems one at a time and got to see where we (classmates and I) got tripped up so we could also learn from each other's mistakes.

Keith Blume is a great instructor who was able to think through problems and solutions from multiple perspectives on the spot to test alternate approaches considered by the students. I strongly recommend Manhattam GMAT if you want to challenge yourself to a high score!

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July 06, 2013

Joined: Jul 06, 2013

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The course led by Gregg Lachow is incredibly helpful. He's an engaging and thoughtful instructor who provides several tools for absorbing the material.

The Manhattan GMAT facilities are top class. They offer realistic testing centers, which help prepare you for the feel of test day. They also provide fantastic online resources, including video tutorials on the essay and IR sections that supplement the classes.

Manhattan GMAT classes are large enough to spur discussion on difficult problems and small enough to allow for individual attention for students.

Thanks to Gregg and Manhattan GMAT for raising my score by 100 points!


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July 01, 2013

Joined: Jul 01, 2013

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I would recommend this 9-week course to anyone who is looking to get a 700+ score. I was very impressed with the instruction-- Josh is very good at explaining both verbal and quant problems, and he is completely non-judgmental, which makes students feel comfortable asking questions, raising points, and defending their answers. He also kept the class on track, and I never left class feeling as though it was unproductive. I made a 30-point gain on my initial score, reaching 740-- while it was not a monumental gain, I now feel much more comfortable with my GMAT score going into the application season, and I even feel as though I learned some useful math and critical thinking skills. Not bad for a test prep course...

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June 28, 2013

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As an English major who hadn't done math since high school, I am very grateful for Manhattan GMAT's clear instructional style and their breakdown of basic math concepts. The books and syllabus were an excellent complement to the in-class instruction. The extended syllabus's easier and harder options helped me to find additional practice for the areas that I needed. I also found the online labs very helpful for picking up on little tips and tricks. I really enjoyed the class and will definitely recommend it to my friends. Thank you so much Manhattan GMAT for helping me get that magical 7 in front of my score!

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June 26, 2013

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Happy to recommend the Manhattan GMAT course. I just took the GMAT and scored a 770 (49Q/48V), and I couldn't have done that without the course. I went into the course never having taken a GMAT. On my first practice test (admittedly, I didn't know what I was doing), I got a 600. So, pretty substantial improvement.

Three things about the class really stand out: the instructor, the presentations, and the materials.

Pedro was a great instructor. He made the class engaging and fun, and he really knew his stuff. Going into the class, I expected someone who was really good at test-taking, but not well-versed in the substance. Boy was I wrong. Where necessary, Pedro went into the weeds of grammar and mathematics, and it was clear that he knows this stuff inside and out. I don't know or care what a participle is, but it's nice to know my GMAT instructor does.

Pedro was also really cool about staying after class to go over specific problems and challenges. He also was really quick to respond to questions over email. He definitely went above and beyond.

I really appreciated that the course was organized around GMAT problems, not around "tricks" for "beating" the test. Pedro would put a problem on the screen, we would do it individually, then talk about different ways to solve it. Any "tricks" that we learned were in the context finding shortcuts to solve specific problems. I found this approach refreshing, straightforward, and respectful of the students' intelligence.

The materials were first-rate. The course comes with a book on each major GMAT topic, and they do a good job laying out what you need to know. There are lots of online "labs" and practice sheets that I found useful. There is a great online system for inputting your answers to practice problems. It includes lots of data viz tools to help you see where you need to get better/speed up. And there are lots of practice tests, and solid tools for analyzing your results.

Bottom line, I went into the test feeling prepared.

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June 26, 2013

Joined: Jun 26, 2013

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The Manhattan GMAT course is flawless. The layout of the course and the books really help you understand many of the intricate details of the GMAT. The course is fun, efficient and effective. The strategy guides give great practice problems and general guidance in each topic. Then the OG archer and Advanced Quant really prepare you to score high on the exam. I HIGHLY recommend following the Error log procedure. This was the key to my success!
Even if I got the problem right, I used the error log to find a quicker way to the solution, which really helped boost up my score. (If you don't know what is wrong in that sentence, read the sentence correction strategy guide!)

I increased my score from a 610 to a 730 is 5 months. Stanford here I come!!

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