Magoosh Premium Reviews

Our comprehensive online prep program features over 150 video lessons and 700 online practice questions and video explanations to help you conquer the GMAT. Includes over 150 math and verbal video lessons, 700 math and verbal practice questions, video explanations after every question, access for 1 year and email support within 24 hours.
Save up to $109 on Magoosh courses + $250 bonus for GMAT Club members
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December 17, 2014

Joined: Oct 24, 2013

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Improvement 40 Points

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This is an excellent course for Math - clear, easy to understand videos that will help anyone in the 500 or 600 level.

Verbal has a great section of videos as well.

Their strong point is Quant and the question bank is one of the best I have seen. For $99 this is a great value for money. Do yourself a favor - don't spend $1000 on gmat courses. This is actually a great companion to the MGMAT books. See their study plans. You can get a good gmat score (700+) if you study hard.

The question bank for verbal is okay - use it to master fundamental s then move on to official questions.

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December 17, 2014

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Magoosh was very helpful for my GMAT preparation. I have yet to give the official test but I have already experienced a significant score increase. Starting out with a 450 before my preparation, I achieved a 110 score increase so far and I am not planning on stopping yet. I have been following the 3-month schedule for beginners and I can particularly recommend the daily consumption of the lesson videos that give you an in-depth view on the theory necessary for the different quant and verbal sections.
Magoosh also comes with countless practice exercises with answer explanations for every single exercise.
I found the quant difficulty level to be comparable to the quant section of the GMATPrep test. The Sentence Correction exercises however seemed a little easier.
Keeping this in mind, Magoosh is an invaluable method for boosting your GMAT score for an unbeatable price.

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December 16, 2014

Joined: Oct 14, 2014

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I love the instructional videos, you have the ability to break down and critique any of your weaknesses through their customization tab. However, the real beauty of this course is you can go at your own pace. It is studying made fun. I have never taken a course that was so intuitive and helpful. The other aspect that I love about this course is the team that is there to help you with any clarifying questions. They respond quickly and they are not short with their responses. They take the time to explain to you when you are confused. Thanks Guys!

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December 14, 2014

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Magoosh's materials are really detailed and well explained with a lot of practice questions. It helped me a lot to understand the various elements in the verbal section and revise my concepts on the maths section. I would recommend some more IR questions and some more full length practice tests as well. I'm completely satisfied with magoosh course and I'm looking forward to make it to the 700's! Best of luck Magooshers!

-Could focus more on strategy
-Although the SC aspect of verbal is strong, CR and RC could be enhanced (although everything you NEED to know is covered)
-IR is covered in the same way as CR and RC, but it could be more comprehensive
-No AWA practice essays

Thanks a lot Magoosh!

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December 14, 2014

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The Videos at Magoosh specially on the Sentence Correction are excellent. All the topics are explained in detail and organised in a very easy to understand manner.

The topics align well with the way GMAC prepares the test as well as the GMAT official guide.

The videos on RC and CR are good too but are less impressive when compared to the ones in SC.

Practice questions are well designed and help one with good analytics to understand ones weak areas.

The Quant videos are great too specially the ones on Combinations and Probability. The course has been very informative and I recommend the course to any one who wants to prepare for the GMAT.

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December 13, 2014

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Excellent course - videos are very self-explanatory. I have been following the Magoosh study schedule and it has been super helpful. Would highly recommend this to anyone! i think the most helpful part of this course is the videos. I like watching them to understand concepts, especially if i get the answers wrong. If you are looking for a course to do at home - highly recommend Magoosh. The other added bonus is the support. I had a question about something and the response rate was very fast and informative, they are always here to help. I have my GMAT scheduled for end of December - will keep you folks posted on the score improvement! :)

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December 10, 2014

Joined: Mar 26, 2013

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I have been working with many different online courses through my GMAT studies, but have to say that my favorite one has been Magoosh. The idea of having short videos explaining each problem makes you feel like you are in a classroom that goes at your own pace. Overall the software is great for proving you with the data you need for reviewing your mistakes and makes sure that you can access the necessary theory for solving a problem with the click of one button. Regarding the video explanations on the theoretical side, I believe that they be more concise, I fell sometimes overwhelmed with the fact that I have studied for 3 hours and haven’t even finished an entire section. This video theory is good if you have the time to go through all of it. If not I would just recommend to start solving problems and then reviewing them individually with the video explanation of that particular problem. I will definitely recommend Magoosh to my friends. Since it has helped me reach my 650 goal in a timely matter and by really focusing on the subjects that I have not yet mastered.

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December 09, 2014

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Watching a video is an easier and a quicker way to understand problems. That is what Magoosh does. They have a collection of good videos for lessons as well as for all the questions. This helps a lot. Reading the solution to a problem is quite time consuming and one may not grasp the actual approach followed in the solution i.e. step by step. Besides, Magoosh has a good collection of questions and a large pool of practice questions with the flexibility to create custom practice tests. This is quite helpful.
However, it would be better if they could include some AWA questions in addition to the related video and also they could give the option to start a practice test with IR section included.
Overall, my experience with Magoosh is quite satisfactory and I would recommend it to others as well.

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December 09, 2014

Joined: Apr 09, 2014

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The only prep you need to ace GMAT...
Do not spend hundreds of dollars for online courses. Magoosh worth more than $1000. Hundreds of questions with video explanations is enough to get more than 700.
Mike explains every question in a way that you enjoy studying math :). Also its IOS apps is free as well. work on flashcards on the go.
The only prep you need to ace GMAT...
Do not spend hundreds of dollars for online courses. Magoosh worth more than $1000. Hundreds of questions with video explanations is enough to get more than 700.
Mike explains every question in a way that you enjoy studying math :). Also its IOS apps is free as well. work on flashcards on the go.

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October 16, 2014

Joined: Aug 11, 2014

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Self-reported Score:
730 Q47 V44

Improvement 100 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

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Magoosh is a bang-for-your-buck winner in the world of GMAT prep. I used Magoosh in conjunction with MGMAT to score a 6/8/730 (44v 47q) on my GMAT. Magoosh was the foundation and MGMAT was the topping. I was highly verbal skewed at the beginning (never dipped below 87th percentile in any of my practices start to finish and scored 98th percentile on the real deal) so quant was where I needed help, and where Magoosh delivered.

I am 30 years old, and many of the topics on the GMAT, particularly quantitative, I have not seen or graced since high school. Magoosh is perfect for someone like me: a person who needs to refresh or relearn old material and to learn it right the first time. The instructional videos were the foundation for my preparation and during my 10 week study. I watched all the quant videos and about half the verbal. After that preparation I was consistently scoring in the 640-660 range on my practices.

The Magoosh Quant is what really stands out. MGMAT quant answers are often as difficult or more difficult than the actual problem to understand; its just a wall of text and numbers. Magoosh's video guide made the solution clear 99/100 (every now and again the narrator would skip a little too much in his coverage for me, but again my quant skills are probably below average for GMAT Club readers).

The Magoosh verbal is slightly below its quant in quality, but is still very good. My issue with verbal was that when the questions reached the "very hard" difficulty the rationale and reasoning behind the answers became a little dodgy, in my opinion sometimes substituting ambiguity for difficulty. Even still, I did half of all of the Magoosh practice problems and the effort showed in the results.

Magoosh's primary deficit, and in comparison to its cost the deficit is minor, is that it does not take the prospective taker to their 700+ score that we all aim for. As above, after doing all the magoosh lessons I was in the 650 range plus or minus. It was not until I dug well into MGMAT that my score got pushed to 690, then 710, then eventually 730 on the real test. MGMAT has the "holy sh*t that problem is hard" practice questions that prepare you for the hardest issues the GMAC can toss your way, while Magoosh's very top level questions were not always so precise.

Aside form top-notch review and foundational preparation on quant, the most valuable reward of using Magoosh was a fundamental change in thinking process. Watched the hundreds of videos actually trains you to THINK LIKE THE INSTRUCTOR. The narrators are great at explaining their logic, and after 300 videos you learn to channel them and actually find yourself thinking in their voices. Though it sounds a little creepy, it was immensely helpful for me bringing my quant up to the necessary level.

Overall I gave Magoosh 4/5 stars because in order to reach the 720+ score I demanded of myself, I believe MGMAT was a necessary addition to the Magoosh Curriculum. But it was Magoosh that not only supplied 80% of my study materials at only 22% of the total cost, but also gave me the foundational knowledge and confidence to take on MGMAT's rigorous problem set.

Without Magoosh my success would never have happened. I highly recommend the $100 internet access program to all GMAT takers.

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