e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1205 reviews
April 14, 2013

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e-gmat SC course is an excellent resource for any GMAT taker. It really breaks down the SC concepts into nice logical way so that one can really start applying the concepts right away. The best part is the way the course creators have logically grouped the most tested concepts in the course. Also, the examples and the quiz in the course nicely compliment to the concepts provided in the course.

For me personally, the course has increased my confidence level in tackling the SC questions. I have been scoring high in all my GMAT prep tests particularly SC. I highly recommend this course for any non-native speaker.

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April 10, 2013

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Well, I always believed in self study instead of tutor, classes and all. After taking some MGMAT mocks, I realized that verbal score was not improving, and it was always dancing between 29-31. My GMAT was around 2 weeks away, and I thought of taking a GMAT prep test. It was a real bummer and scored 28 on verbal. I knew that I could not change 28 to 38 in 2 weeks time, but did not want to change the exam date either, so talked to Rajat Sadana and explained my situation. Rajat suggested to me to take SC course only. I purchased just that and finished it in 10 days.

The Course was awesome. Concepts were explained like teaching kids at elementary level, so they are hard coded in your memory. Their approach to tackle questions was really strong, if practiced religiously you will overcome timing issues. Their approach digs the question really deep and there is a very little room left for errors.

Not only the SC course, but I also got some free videos on their website for CR and RC course. I worked on their CR bold faced questions approach and figured that my accuracy in OG increased surprisingly using their strategies.

If I would have come to know about their course earlier then I would have turned my 28 verbal to 38+ by doing all 3 sections from their course. Anyways I did good on my test day and was able to score 34 in verbal. I believe e-GMAT course came really handy for this improvement in my score. Not to mention, if you have any doubts or concerns just post it on their website, and you will get reply really fast that is useful for people who get anxious if they have a question while studying.

I believe that if one seriously studies all 3 sections from their course and practices really well using those techniques for all OG and Verbal Review questions, then one can easily improve by 7-8 points in verbal.

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April 10, 2013

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I have taken knewton, a instructor-lead verbal course in bangalore and e-gmat. E-gmat teaching methodology is unique and the best.

I have always liked the pictorial method of teaching and e-gmat teaches concepts representing them in a pictorial fashion. The concepts are concise and to the point. They have a great customer support. Compared to other Test Prep company, their course cost is reasonable.

I have researched a lot and finally took e-gmat after getting twice fooled by knewton and the local test prep company. E-gmat is value for money. If you are looking for something in verbal, e-gmat is the final destination.

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March 25, 2013

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The process-wise approach to attack the GMAT works better for the non native speakers like me. I have gone through the e-GMAT course module many times to get the process wired in me. First I thought that I am investing too much time in understanding the process and then applying it, but this investment of time seems paying me now in form of accuracy and time saving.

Though I don't have an official GMAT score to prove my point at this time but I can see the improvement while solving problems during my practice sessions.
The logical diagram to connect Premise and Conclusion dilutes the haunting CR problems and gets you to the right track of thinking with a clear understanding. You can really visualize the argument and its assumptions.

Thanks a lot e-GMAT.

-Pradeep Dwivedi

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March 15, 2013

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I became an e-gmat SC customer, while I have already completed courses MGMAT (Self Guided Course) as well as Even though I completed the courses at those other two programs, which are pretty useful as well, but I have never felt as confident as I do now after completing SC course with Payal. I wish I would have tried this earlier in the process, it would definitely have saved me a lot of time. I would highly recommend this course to anyone whose fundamentals are not as strong as an avg. native speaker and who feels helpless when taking the traditional courses.

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January 07, 2013

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660 Q48 V32

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The verbal online course of E-gmat is an awesome choice for someone who is very busy and yet enthusiastic enough to study for GMAT in his free time.

The SC course is the best according to me !! it works from the very basic which helps even a person who is not familiar with grammer for a long time. The live sessions are also very lively and informative as i can say from my experience of free live sessions !!! Really gem of a course for non-natives verbal improvement :)

The CR course is helpful for improving the overall accuracy. The prethinking process rocks !! I just loved it.

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September 02, 2012

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I have been struggling with my verbal, especially Reading Comp. I have looked all over GC for tips and strategies. But nothing seem to help. It was becoming really frustrating.

So reluctantly decided that maybe I should buy a GMATPill for RC. But after I saw the prices for the single RC pill, I decided to "shop around." I saw that many people were recommending e-gmat. I looked up the reviews, looked at their prices (1 GMAT Pill apprx to the Verbal section on e-gmat online), went to their website and signed up for a trial for the Verbal section.

I have spent a good portion of today going through the Verbal e-gmat course. I have already seen an improvement in my understanding and practice questions both on e-gmat and in the OG. Tomorrow I will be officially purchasing the Verbal section.

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September 04, 2012

Dear Kristin,
We are glad that you are seeing improvement. We look forward to a stellar score from you. Make sure you follow the Best Practices as we advise. Also, be sure to attend the Strategy session. You will get an email invitation. The next strategy session is scheduled on September 15.
Welcome to e-GMAT!!

September 28, 2012

Thank you!

August 13, 2012

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RC review:

I would highly recommend e-GMAT RC course for every GMAT aspirant especially non-natives. I have improved my accuracy from 50% to 80%. All the credit to e-GMAT RC course. One major difference in comparison to other courses is the way RC is taught in this program. The method is very scientific and easy to understand & apply. The audio and visual feature of the course is amazing and make the student to get involved in the course. In a way, the method helps you to recognize a pattern in GMAT RC's and subsequently helps you to increase your accuracy tremendously.

The course is complete value for money and is highly recommended for all those aiming to score more than 35 in Verbal in GMAT.

SC Review:

We all know that SC in GMAT exam tests how well the test takers are as communicators rather than how well the test takers as grammarians. The SC course in e-GMAT helps to achieve this. e-GMAT highlights a 3 step process to crack any SC question. This process gives importance to the meaning of the sentence along with the grammar. I have improved my accuracy of GMAT like SC questions from 65- 70% to 85-90%. The kind of confidence you get in applying the e-GMAT SC process to the questions is unparalleled.

I would highly recommend all the students to go for this course and enjoy the art of cracking all kinds of SC questions.

CR Review:

GMAT CR not only tests the reasoning skills but also tests the quick execution of the skills on variety of questions. This is what is taught in e-GMAT CR course. The course teaches you the various ways & means to do the prethinking. This has helped me to solve some of the the tough CR questions in less than 2 minutes. I have improved my CR accuracy from 60% to 80%.

I would definitely recommend all the students to go for e-GMAT verbal course. For CR particularly, it will help to improve your accuracy and save time.

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August 11, 2012

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Hi All
I scored poor 610 (Q49,V21) in my first attempt. I analyzed and realized that its SC which has done damage for me. I came across e-gmat and joined its SC aong Grockit bundle.I would not say that its the best course but its definately value for money.

E-gmat pragmatic approach of discarding wrong options helped me to improve my score.
Equipped with rigorous prepartion through Grockit ,E-gmat and othere resources I attempted GMAT again and i scored 700 (Q50,V35) .

Grockit has good quant question bank but lacks in RC and SC.E-gmat has good fundamental overbiew but lacks on question bank. If they improve their question bank it could be more beneficial for other students.

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July 02, 2012

Joined: Oct 13, 2011

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I had a lot of trouble with sentence correction, and I am a native speaker. Certain nuances always escaped me for some reason under the pressure of time constraints. I read the Manhattan Gmat Sentence Correction book, and found it very useful, but did not have a bricks to wall approach.

e-gmat is an excellent course because it precisely has a bricks to wall approach. I recommend anyone having any issues with Sentence Correction to first do e-gmat. If more advanced topics are needed, then go use manhattan gmat sentence correction book, as you would have already acquired a solid foundation to tackle the advanced topics.

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