ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting Reviews

ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting has helped hundreds of people with GMAT scores below 720 get accepted to the top MBA programs by bringing out the real person behind the application. Founded by a former Wharton Admissions Committee Member, we know what the top business schools are looking for, and we will help make sure that your strengths will emerge in your application.
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March 06, 2014

Joined: Mar 06, 2014

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I got an acceptance call from Insead to join the Singapore Campus, in Aug 2014. I am super excited and wanted to write a short note to thank Aringo and Prasanth, my consultant through the process.

Here's my specific feedback

1) Responsiveness
Aringo and Prasanth, were specifically extremely responsiveness through the 5-6 month engagement. I would typically get a response on my queries/ emails in less than 24 hours, and most times faster than that. I never felt inconvenienced even though I was engaging with Aringo from a different continent and time zone.

2) Clarity of thought and process
In the first conversation itself, Prasanth helped me get clarity on my objectives, target schools and gave realistic and practical inputs on what my overall strategy should be. He was also extremely clear about the process that i should follow while working on my essays.

3) Quality of Inputs
Prasanth helped me improve the quality of my essays 3-5 X. He gave very specific guidance and examples which helped me think through my responses and provide more structured, and relevant responses to the essay questions.

4) Approachability and Emotional Support
Last but not the least, Prasanth was my guide through the ups and downs of the last few months. He reassured me when things looked bleak and celebrated with me when things went well. He was always reachable and very approachable- I was lucky to have Prasanth as my Consultant from Aringo through this process.

Prasanth and Aringo- thank you once again for helping me through this journey.

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February 26, 2014

Posts: 1

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Before I contacted Aringo I was already sure about my first choice school (INSEAD), so I looked into the number of successful applications they had for INSEAD and contacted them. They replied immediately, which was an important factor that made me choose Aringo. Especially because I was only two months from the round 2 deadline and I had just started the online application. My TOEFL was pending and I wanted to retake the GMAT. In addition, I was unsure about what documents I would need from my university and how I would get them since I was living far from my home country.

I was stressed and in a hurry and Lainie and the Aringo team managed to work on time with quality during the entire process.

Finnaly, I have been accepted into INSEAD and I am sure that without Lainie’s criticism and perfectionism it would’ve been really hard to achieve my dream, if not impossible.

Thank you Aringo!

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February 19, 2014

Joined: Feb 19, 2014

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Now, after I finally made it into Harvard Business School and Chicago Booth, there is no doubt I can summarize this journey as great success. Yigal, my Aringo consultant, deserves a lot of the credit for my success! He believed that Harvard is a possible destination for me, and eventually he was right. He understood what are they looking for in an applicant, and he guided me and helped me demonstrate exactly what was needed. I had a great time working with Yigal, and our cooperation was fruitful. I would also like to send a big thank you to Lee, Karin and Gilam!

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February 10, 2014

Joined: Feb 10, 2014

Posts: 6

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Before I first contacted Aringo, I got a warm recommendation on Joy, but when I asked to work with her I was told she was too busy at the time, and would not take on another client in order to keep her high level of quality and commitment. I had to wait a little while for her to be available to work with me. Today, after Joy and Aringo helped me get accepted to all 4 schools I applied to – UCLA, Berkeley, Ross, Duke – and 3 of them with a scholarship, I'm also happy that I waited for Joy.
I want to thank Joy for her exceptional professionalism, availability, flexibility and sensitivity she displayed while working with me. After submitting the final application I thanked her personally for our joined work since I felt that regardless of the results, she helped me put everything I got into this process.
I would also like to thank the lovely Karin who accompanied me throughout the process, listed to me and always gave the right advice at the right time.
Thank you so much Aringo! Keep on helping candidates getting admitted to the top programs!

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January 29, 2014

Joined: Jan 29, 2014

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The MBA admission process for a top MBA program is different from anything I knew before. Not only it is long and exhausting, but it is conducted in a completely different language, especially for someone like me who is not used to present and "sell" himself. In this game, where you compete against other people, who are as impressive and successful as you, the Aringo contribution is substantial.
Starting with building the strategy – how to sell the story and ambitions of each candidate in the best possible way, selecting the most suitable schools – and until helping the candidate through the application process and preparing for the interview, the added value of Aringo made all the difference between success and failure.
Joy, Moshe, Karin and the rest of the Aringo staff – a big thank you for your uncompromising professionalism, your dedication and your ability to see the big picture. I have no doubt that without you I would not have finished the process with two offers from top programs and full scholarship to Chicago Booth!!

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January 15, 2014

Joined: Jan 15, 2014

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Kudos: 5

I started the application process with Aringo with some doubts. I didn't know where it would lead me to, if it's necessary and I even need admission consulting or can I make it on my own.
The day when we submitted my applications as a day of relief and satisfaction, and I'm saying "we" since working so closely with Lainie made this our process.
Lainie's honesty and dedication made all the difference, and in retrospect I have no doubt that all the hard work we did was necessary and contributed to the final result – admission to MIT.
I want to thank Lainie and the entire Aringo staff!

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December 25, 2013

Joined: Dec 25, 2013

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I offer my highest recommendation to Prasanth. I had a very nice experience working with him.
He was an extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable consultant. Prasanth helped me tell my story with integrity, creativity, and purpose. Always a patient listener, he made the effort to get to know me. Often times his insights would be pulled and patched from conversations we had weeks earlier.

I was seeking honest feedback, and that is what I received.I was happy to hear "we need to re-think this. this could be stronger. I don't really like where you're going here." This 'real' communication ultimately made my essays stronger. He consistently pushed me to go deeper instead of taking the easy to write route. . There is no doubt that my applications were stronger after working with Prasanth.

Also Prasanth made sure to reply to my mail within a day. Most of the times I used to get reply within an hour or two which was really wonderful as I could start with my work without having to wait a day or two. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Prasanth.

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December 12, 2013

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

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If I had to go through the application process on my own, I have no doubt that the result would not have been as good – admission to INSEAD! Even though English is my native language, the first drafts of my essays were not even close to the goal.

Lainie accompanied me throughout the entire process, from school selection, through thinking on the essay topics and search of interesting stories to write about, eliminating irrelevant topics, rephrasing and rephrasing again. I wanted to work all the time and constantly improve my essays, and Lainie was always ready to help and meet my perfectionist needs, and sometimes tell me when the changes I've been working on for hours are worthless…

At the end of the process, I feel that the essays I submitted, even for the school that didn't accept me, reflected who I am at the best possible way. The process was long and hard, but at the end I reached my goal and also earned a lesson in writing essays and resumes, a lesson I will definitely use in the future.

Ever since I first contacted Aringo, the entire Aringo team supported me and made me feel they really care about me and my success. The put me in touch with the right people when I had questions, helped me get feedback from alumni of the schools I applied to, and helped my get prepared for my interviews.

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November 25, 2013

Joined: Nov 25, 2013

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This is the time to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I cannot tell you enough how instrumental you were for my successful admission to Harvard MBA program and how much I loved working with you.
It was apparent to me from the start that your editing was a lot more than just correcting grammar or styling sentences; You put a lot of thought and effort into making my essays shine in every possible perspective, and you poured into them tremendous knowledge about each school. It was moving to see how truly invested you were in my success and how hard you worked to help me achieve my goals. You truly cared. It was also obvious that you love what you do.

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November 17, 2013

Joined: Nov 17, 2013

Posts: 7

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I can't think of a way to express my gratitude for the last year… starting with the first phone call and first meeting, through the intensive exchange of emails during the process until the final stage of my admission to NYU Stern.

Especially I'd like to thank Yigal, my consultant, for endless emails and editing at the highest level I've seen. Even when he returned my first essay after the first round of editing I was already impressed. After that I got used to the "magic" he can create with my essays, without even changing the content at all. In addition, he gave me many ideas and was able to extract from me the crucial information for the essays. It was clear that this process is a profession for him and his substantial experience in this field was shown.

Both my consultant and the Aringo staff was able to provide me with support exactly when it was needed. I want to thank Aringo for the entire process. Your assistance during the last year was invaluable!

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