Comprehensive School Packages Reviews

You have questions about admissions: Where should you apply? What are your chances at top schools? How can you make the most of your achievements, distinctive background? How can you overcome negatives in your profile? How can you distinguish yourself from the competition? You want answers, but you don’t want editing. 

No problem. For those of you who just want mentoring and consulting, Accepted’s consulting services offer the following advantages:
  • Flexibility.
  • One-on-one service from a seasoned admissions professional.
  • You pay for what you need.
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July 21, 2015

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I worked with Michelle Stockman on the application to my dream school (US top 7 MBA's). When we had the initial call, I really appreciated Michelle’s advice on my reapplication strategy, which she shared with me prior to us starting to work together.
Michelle later helped me to develop a reapplication strategy: she provided me with great ideas, which really pulled out the most valuable parts of my CV to light.
I also appreciated that Michelle was very easy to reach and replied very quickly. It was very important for me because I was working in tight deadlines. Michelle was very supportive during the whole process.
I eventually was accepted to my dream school and I couldn’t be happier!
I am very glad that I chose Michelle as my application consultant and I will eagerly recommend her to other applicants!

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July 17, 2015

Joined: Oct 28, 2014

Posts: 2

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V40

Cindy was recommended to me by a colleague at work, and I'm so glad that she was! I worked in a niche consulting firm and was 2 years out of undergrad when I began the process.

I worked with Cindy from very early on in the application process (starting around March or April with a goal of getting out Round 1 applications 6 months later). From the beginning she was helpful in picking schools to apply to, helping me plan visits, getting to know me, starting the "story" process early, and making sure we stayed on schedule.

She helped me craft my story, guided me through first drafts of essays, edited many versions of the essays many times over, worked on my resume, strategized about recommenders, edited short answer questions, helped prepare me for interviews, and even helped me with a scholarship application.

I found working with her, and, to be very uncomplicated. She was fairly flexible around setting up times to talk around my busy work schedule and would always follow through with the items she promised, when she promised.

Cindy has a very straightforward way of explaining what schools are looking for and what the goal is with each essay or resume, that I appreciated. In the end I was admitted to 1 top 10 b-school (which I'll be attending) and 2 top 20 b-schools, and rejected from 2 top-5 b-schools.

I would recommend working with Cindy to anyone!

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January 06, 2015

Joined: Dec 03, 2013

Posts: 10

Kudos: 11

Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V34
740 Q49 V41

I don’t know how to begin conveying, in words, my experience working with Jennifer and Here’s my attempt at it, hope it does justice to my actual experience working with Jennifer Bloom.

A brief idea on my background – an engineer with a Master’s degree in Business Analysis and close to 7 years of work experience. When I started this process in 2013, I was not sure about working with any consulting company and learnt the hard way that I was wrong. I had the experiences, I had the stories but something was missing, I was doing something wrong! As an international applicant I had no idea of the actual process.

I had spoken to a few other consultants as well but from the first call for the free consult with Jennifer, I realized what my mistakes were and didn’t take much time to decide to work with Jennifer and for my 2015 intake applications. I wanted to be more focused and apply to only 4 schools in R1. I had my short list of schools and through multiple discussions with Jennifer I was able to narrow it down. She really helped me understand my fit with each school and how these schools could help me with my post MBA goals. I started the process in early September and I was juggling studying for my GMAT(retake), essays for 3 schools, the Finance course I was taking and a full time (6 day) job. I sure couldn’t have submitted the applications without Jennifer’s support and encouragement. I panicked the day before my GMAT exam and decided to postpone it to the next month and also to postpone my applications to R2. The one email I got in response from Jennifer helped me not only calm down but also give the GMAT the next day and manage a great score.

With Jennifer’s help I was able to present a complete picture of my experiences in my essays and even with a busy schedule submit 3 applications by end of September and the 4th before its October deadline. Jennifer was always very quick with all the replies and I had to never be worried about missing time lines. From the number of random questions I have asked her to the confusion on the schools to apply to, Jennifer has always managed to give me great answers and more importantly amazing support during the process. Receiving interview invites from 3 out of the 4 schools was even more exciting than I imagined. Again here, Jennifer helped me with my interview prep and made sure that was I prepared and more importantly calm for the process. I am still amazed by the depth of knowledge she has about all the schools and how she believed (more than I did) that I had a good chance at the schools I applied to.

When I received my first admit call, I couldn’t wait to thank Jennifer, of course after a lot of random words spoken to the adcom member. I am right now in a dilemma of choosing between 2 amazing programs and I couldn’t have got here without Jennifer’s help and support.

MBA application process is stressful but I had a great partner with and Jennifer to help me through the process. If you need someone to help you with your essays, advice you on the schools that will be right for you, make sure you are not going to get overwhelmed with the process, help you with any questions you have (no matter how silly they are, trust me I had a few that were rather absurd) and also to make sure you put your best into the applications, look no further. I highly recommend working with Jennifer and to everyone who dreams of getting into a top B school.

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January 02, 2015

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My experience with Jennifer Bloom from was excellent. I was planning to apply to top 15 US schools and was completely lost with my essays.

Jennifer gave me great insight in to which schools to apply to which we narrowed down to Chicago Booth, Kellogg, Columbia, Tuck and Johnson.

The level of detail Jennifer went to in helping me with essay frameworks and editing my first attempts was truly excellent, she helped me present my fairly unorthodox background in the best light.

The outcome was excellent, I was offered by 2 schools and wait listed by 3, and I will be attending Chicago Booth next year in no small part due to Jennifer's support.

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December 10, 2014

Joined: Dec 10, 2014

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I couldn't have done it without Natalie!

The process started with a free consultation with I thought I was going to use the consultation to get some free advice and then take it on my own. I quickly learned that I had no idea what I was doing and within 24 hours I signed up with

Natalie then helped me fashion a narrative that explained my background and my goals more compellingly than I could have without her input. The depth of her knowledge and experience in the industry outpaces any book I had bought and read.

With the help of the team I wrote my essays and submitted my applications and have recently been accepted into the program of my dreams!

The process was smooth and straightforward and I learned skills that I have already applied to other applications and admissions processes. These skills will be of value to me for a lifetime.

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November 17, 2014

Posts: 2

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My experience with Accepted was incredible from Day 1 - the initial free consultation. I had spoken to a few other consultations by the time I had my call with Natalie and within the first few minutes, I knew that Accepted was different. Natalie took a genuine interest in me. While free consultations typically run 30-45 minutes, Natalie and I spoke for over an hour and a half in that first call -- and I felt like she truly grasped why I was seeking an MBA and already had great recommendations for schools I should consider, outside of my established list. I felt that she truly wanted to help me find the best match and program for me -- not just trying to help me get into a certain brand-name school.

This personal touch and deep investment in her clients is what sets Natalie and's services, in general, apart from the rest. Natalie not only helped me build confidence in my own skills and profile but helped me better articulate my goals not just for my essays, but for my personal development.

You can say that Accepted is just an admissions consulting company, but I think the services they offer extend far beyond that in terms of professional and personal development. I would recommend Natalie Epstein to anyone considering with a consultant -- you will be thankful to have such a wonderful supporter in your corner throughout the process!

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September 10, 2014

Joined: Aug 28, 2014

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I had a great experience with Jennifer Bloom at

Before contacting, I had applied to several business schools on my own and failed. I knew I had it in me, but i did not know how to put my message across to business schools. I am glad I worked with Jennifer.

Jennifer helped me highlight my strengths and navigate through the ups and downs of the applications process. She made me really think and come up with stories of my successes and failures, and helped me write them down in the essays beautifully. She also helped me prepare for the interviews. I was accepted at both the business schools I applied to - INSEAD and HEC.

I would highly recommend

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July 15, 2014

Joined: Jul 15, 2014

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I was a re-applicant after being weight-listed at three top schools last year, but receiving no acceptance.

In my first conversation with Linda, she wanted to learn more about me and asked to see copies of my submissions from last year. Knowing which schools I was targeting (MIT Sloan, Booth, Wharton), she put me in touch with the consultant she felt could most help me, Natalie.

From the start Natalie was honest and really got to know who I was. After reviewing my previous submission, and talking multiple times, she identified numerous ways that I could enhance my application. As part of helping me craft an application that highlighted my attributes, we redesigned the layout of my resume and optimized my essay topics to present me in the most well-rounded way.

My favourite thing about Natalie is that she is very strict on the ethical boundaries of offering advice but not taking over the application. This allowed me to focus on what makes me unique, without having to form fit my stories to a predefined template. Her best advice would push me to emphasize a point that I had only previously briefly mentioned, thereby livening up my stories.

She is very responsive to email and took extra time to prep me for the interviews via Skype. The process is hard and certainly not for people wanting essays written for them, but if you expect the best from yourself then Natalie will help you achieve it. The results speak for themselves as I with be attending MIT Sloan.

I have already recommended Natalie to two other applicants, both of which I know spoke to her and appreciated the insight she brings to the process.

I suggest everyone at least talk to Linda at before making a choice on admissions consultants.

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July 15, 2014

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As an international student outside of the US, I had little inside information about the MBA admissions process and felt kind of overwhelmed at the idea of trying to get all the important information on my own. After struggling for a couple of months on my own, I found Accepted and signed up for a consultation package after an initial phone consultation with Ms. Linda Abraham. She signed me up with Jennifer who guided me through the entire process brilliantly. She replied to every single one of my hundreds of questions, day in and day out within 24-35 hours without fail and I was able to put together an application that reflected my strengths in the best possible light.

I ended up gaining admission to every one of my top choice schools and ultimately accepted an offer from the program of my top choice, Chicago Booth. Now I'm happily looking forward to the first semester this autumn. I would strongly recommend Accepted - and Jennifer - to anyone who needs detailed guidance on how to plan and fill out an MBA application.

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February 14, 2014

Posts: 1

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I worked with Natalie from and had an incredible experience. I highly recommend working with her!

I had free consultations, basically interviews, with 8 different firms. Each lasted 45-60 minutes, but the content varied greatly from conversations regarding a firm or consultant's general approach, to outlining a list of schools and an application strategy, and everything between. Some of the firms will match you with your actual consultant before the initial conversation, while others will tell you that you need to be evaluated before you are matched (or, in some cases, given a few consultant options to choose from).

In my case, I spoke with Natalie directly. Accepted was the last firm that I spoke with, and had pretty much already made up my mind on another consultant, until I spoke with her, and immediately knew that she was the one. Not only did our personalities mesh well, but she demonstrated an incredibly intimate knowledge of the admissions process and the interworkings of adcoms at top-tier schools.

I purchased a 6-school comprehensive package, and hit the ground running. The value that I received from Natalie went far beyond simply editing my essays; we worked on finalizing my school list, updating my resume, crafting my story/brand, each individual school's specific essays, mocked my video essays, mocked my interviews, etc, etc etc. She assisted and provided valuable insight into every single step of the process. In addition, her knowledge of the process saved me an enormous amount of time that would have otherwise been spent researching specific questions that Natalie could simply answer off of the top of her head.

Of course, results are the most important factor, and I have been thrilled with the outcome of my applications thus far. I have several top programs to choose from for R1, and still have two R2 application decisions to look forward to!

Overall, incredible experience, and worth every penny. I doubt I would be in the incredible situation that I am in without the help of Natalie and Accepted!

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