School Package Reviews

mbaMission believes in its package approach; this flat-fee option gives you unlimited brainstorming assistance, ongoing feedback and advice and as many revisions to your essays, resume and other elements of your application as you feel you need to craft the most successful application possible. Here we outline our Complete “Start-to-Finish" package—a comprehensive process that has proven to yield results.
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April 28, 2017

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Great Service


Harshad is a wonderful consultant for any kind of person. He is dedicated to drive out the greatest story from you and align your story with your strength in application. We talked for two hours during the kickoff session and framed up all essays, super efficiently. His excellent skills in essay editing will help you a lot in language especially if you are not a native speaker. He also helped me on my interview. He arranged a face to face mock interview since I am a local candidate. He pointed out my strength and weakness in the mock and it greatly mitigated my risk to screw up real interview. I would highly recommend Harshad to anyone who is interested in any MBA programs.

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April 27, 2017

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An MBA admissions consultant who really cares

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I worked with Jessica while I was applying for MBA schools, and was able to get into Columbia for early decision. At the time, I was working in investment banking, and literally had no time to work on the essays and such.

During the first free consultation call, Jessica gave me real advice and the real deal while other companies whom I called gave me terrible mum answers, and told me that they wouldn't really help me until I signed up for their program. This is when I decided to go with mbaMission instead of other companies - I just felt that if the other companies cared so much about making sure that you pay first prior to helping you, then every help will be well-calculated going forward and they would not help you if they don't see an end-goal in sight.

Throughout the entire process, Jessica was very helpful in helping me craft my story. I had a few paths that I wanted go delve into (including quitting my job to start a startup), but she was direct about what she thought was a good idea and what wasn't. As I am now actually starting a startup, I've come to realize that the things which she shot down indeed were correct (she told me before that I would never have enough time to launch something given I was only 8 months away from application deadlines).

Additionally, although mbaMission has a 2-day turnaround guarantee on all products, she constantly met if not completely shattered those deadlines. Not having enough time on my plate to really focus on these applications, I would often email her questions and thoughts at 10-11pm (when I had a break at work), and she would respond within 15-20 minutes. Of note - she is very direct in what she believes, and would not give you a wishy-washy answer - even if it is something that you might not want to hear at the moment. To me, that was the most efficient method of changing/challenging my thoughts (if they were wrong). As someone who is relatively opinionated, the last thing I wanted was to have someone give me light suggestions which I could easily dismiss.

Finally, I would like to point out that the connection does not end after you get into whichever school you ultimately end up in. It has been almost 1.5 years since I last worked with her on an essay, and she still checks in on me. If you want someone who really cares and is not there just for the carrot, I highly recommend Jessica.

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April 27, 2017

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HBS Round 2 Admit!

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I entered the Round 2 application process this year with a 680 GMAT score, professional experience in the entertainment industry and a lack of understanding of how best to use this to aid me in obtaining my MBA from a top tier school. I hesitated to even apply this year because of my sub-700 GMAT score. Many people including other MBA consultants told me I was better off in Round 1 of next year and that I should stay focused on boosting my GMAT score. While the GMAT is a very important metric for admissions officers and consultants, my success in being accepted by my number one program can serve as a testament to the true “holistic” approach and to the advantage you can have in teaming up with the right consultant.
I came to mbaMission through Manhattan Prep, where I had a positive experience with their GMAT materials and private tutor. My concern in hiring a consultant was I would just be another client to them, which I couldn’t afford when I needed to really stand out in my essays and applications in order to have any chance of acceptance. I also knew that I was facing an audience whose understanding of my industry and my experience may be very limited.
mbaMission really worked to match me with the best consultant who suited my needs in every way. I had a preliminary 30 min call with John Sisk and we not only hit it off from a personality standpoint, but John had previously worked in entertainment and really understood how to best approach framing my essays and complete application. Following that call, I purchased the Complete “Start-to-Finish” Package - Three-School Package.
I found the entire mbaMission process to be extremely organized, thoughtful and streamlined. From our initial brainstorm to the final essays, John was very strategic about where we started so we could eventually use the content and stories from our first essay and mold it into every essay for each school, thus maintaining my essence and personal story throughout my applications. Looking back, John made the difference in truly unlocking the best story I could tell, and I honestly believe I would not have told the same impactful and compelling story if I chose to go it alone.
John’s approach to writing essays made my entire experience less stressful, more organized, and very streamlined. Additionally, the straightforward delivery schedule and holiday considerations in the mbaMission organization made it very easy for me to plan ahead and around holidays.
In the end, I was accepted into HBS in Round 2. Having made it through the application process, I would strongly urge future applications to not only trust in the holistic process of compiling a complete application but also to strongly consider teaming up with a consultant to help you tap into your best story and position. In my case, I know John made a huge impact in my applications that was exponentially more valuable than the price.

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April 27, 2017

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Personalised service and great experience

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I worked with Daniel Richards and had an incredibly positive experience. Working in banking, I needed someone to help keep me on track and give continuous feedback at short turnarounds - all of which Daniel did really well. I had several moments of complete panic when I didn't know what direction I was heading in and Dan not only provided specific guidance and honest feedback, but also made me feel a whole lot better about the application process.

I chose Dan because we connected well on the introductory call and I thought his background in journalism/ editing would help in crafting my story and tailor it to audiences not in finance. I was from Country A, had studied in Country B, and was working in Country C, so I had to find a way to weave that narrative into my essays. We spent a considerable time on each essay going back and forth, disagreeing on certain ideas, and eventually coming up with compelling stories. Some of the edits were incremental, some were drastic, but all resulted in a better output.

Dan never missed a deadline and responded even when he was on vacation. He was really nice to work with and made an effort to understand me as a person, going out of his way for some of my requests.

Overall, I am very satisfied with my experience and think the investment was worth it.

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April 26, 2017

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Guido is the one!!!

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To work with Angela Guido is to have an MRI performed on your soul.

After a 30-minute consultation with Angela, I was stunned by the accuracy with which she summarized my motivations, character, and potential. Other consultants took one look at my stats (3.1 GPA, mid-ranked public university, ~600 practice GMAT score) and either steered me towards 2nd & 3rd tier schools or ignored me altogether. Not so with the MRI of Souls.

During our consultation, she saw right through my unimpressive stats and assured me that I was a strong and differentiated applicant for a top program, then provided evidence for this assertion by highlighting the strengths of my candidacy. Where other consultants were hesitant to provide too many details for free, Angela was generous: She gave me a specific GMAT goal, a short list of top schools with which she thought I was a fit, and guidance on when to apply, all during the FREE call. She was professional, affable, and direct. I knew that I had to work with her when, in one sentence, she summed up my post-MBA aspirations more precisely and succinctly than I had ever stated them myself – to her or anyone else, for that matter.

I was sold and signed up for a 3 school complete package. Given my budget, she assured me that after we worked together, I would understand the process and be able to complete additional applications on my own. We decided to work on Harvard Business School (HBS), Wharton, and a Master’s in Public Policy application at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) together. I applied on my own to MIT Sloan and Yale SOM.

It became clear how lucky I was to work with Angela during our first brainstorming call. She had me complete a lengthy questionnaire in advance – I was sure she would need me to clarify a few things, but I was wrong; She already had me completely figured out. She has this uncanny ability to channel the essence of who I am. She thought the way I thought. She understood my voice. She could articulate things about me that I hadn’t fully realized myself.

This was particularly useful in my case because I have an unusual amount of varied experiences in my background and needed help choosing the most persuasive stories to tell. She noticed this (of course) and identified several experiences in my life that were formative, interesting, or revealing. She then suggested a few different narrative arcs that I could use to tie those experiences together into an essay, and left me to my own devices to pump out a draft.

Working with Angela is wonderful, in part because she teaches you the process as you go through it. There is always an overarching strategy, and she will explain the tactics as she guides you through the process. She will not write anything for you, and because she knows what your best effort is, she will reject sloppy substitutions for your best work. The process is demanding, but it is a lot of fun. She roots for you. She’s in your corner. She pushes you in a direction that she knows will be authentic for you. She will give you a pep talk whenever you need one, and in the end you really want to make her proud.

I eventually got my GMAT score up to 720 and submitted all my applications in Round 1.

And what were the results?

I was admitted to Harvard Business School – My dream program! I was also admitted to MIT Sloan with a Dean’s fellowship (1 ½ yrs tuition: ~ $107,000). I was dinged without an interview at Wharton, Yale, and HKS.

HBS & Wharton were no surprise to Angela – She’d told me all along that I was a strong HBS fit but wasn’t the Wharton “type”. Yale made sense to me – I didn’t have a clear rationale to go there. HKS was a surprise, but it wasn’t our fault: The essay that she pushed me to write was a masterpiece. I could not have made a stronger case and never would have gone in that direction on my own. So if that application didn’t get me admitted, nothing could. I’m fine with that.

I’m sure that a number of consultants could have helped me get into HBS, but Angela Guido’s services stand out because in addition to helping me submit the strongest possible applications, she’s also given me a bonus gift: A deeper understanding of myself than I’ve ever had before. This self-awareness leads to incredible confidence and is a tremendous competitive advantage.

So for anyone out there who isn’t sure about Angela Guido, you should be. A 30-minute call with her two years ago changed my life forever. It just might change yours, too.

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April 24, 2017

Joined: Nov 20, 2011

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mbaMission - Thank you Daniel Richards


The first decision in choosing an MBA consultancy package is determining which company to use. After interviewing approximately ten firms, I went with mbaMission on account of its simple, sober approach. Importantly, mbaMission won’t railroad you into working with a consultant of its choosing. Be sure that the firm you pick allows you to have a detailed conversation with the consultant to whom you’ll be assigned. Many didn’t offer this option, instead trying to convince me to sign-up for a package prior to be given this information.

During my initial interview, the contact person from mbaMission (not Dan) didn’t make any grandiose claims, but affirmed that with hard work and effort on my end, the consultant I worked with would be able to guide me successfully through the process. Additionally, she affirmed that if I chose mbaMission, she’d be thrilled to work with me, yet completely understood if I wanted to work with someone else on the team (I sense that mbaMission has more camaraderie than some of the other major players).

After reading countless reviews and holding a few calls, I chose Dan. He is prompt, straightforward, and congenial. Throughout the process he expertly walked the line between coach and teammate. When I needed a boost of motivation, he was there to help cheer me along. When I needed someone to confer with regarding which school offer I’d choose, he counseled with a smoothness that only comes from years of practice. His background is creative writing is an invaluable skill that separates him from the pack.

In choosing an MBA admissions consultant, assess candidates with this criteria in mind: 1) the confidence and wisdom to hold you to a timeline 2) the writing proficiency and creativity to help hone your essays 3) a strong understanding of the MBA application roadmap to help match your expectation to reality.

I recommend Dan without any reservation. If you seek an MBA admissions counselor to guide you along the path to MBA acceptance, Daniel Richards from mbaMission is your person.

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April 23, 2017

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mbaMission - highly recommended


I hired mbaMission for a two school package, and Debbie is my consultant. I only applied to two schools and was admitted to my dream school. I wouldn’t be able to achieve that without Debbie’s guidance.

Why mbaMission?
After talking to all top MBA consultant firms I could find, I decided to go with mbaMission because mbaMission truly puts my interest first and cares for its consultants. This is the reason why the firm does not offer money-back guarantee, promise unprovable results, and offer discounts or sales. (Read: I also like how I am paired with one consultant who will spend time to understand me, be my friend, and be with me throughout the whole process.

Why Debbie?
Besides all the great qualities that Debbie has a MBA consultant, I specifically asked Debbie to be my consultant because of the similarities in our backgrounds. I felt she could guide me to articulate my stories to the schools better, and it was the best decision I have ever made.

Here are a few reasons why I highly recommend Debbie:
1. During the brainstorming process: Debbie helped me prioritize my stories that would highlight my strengths and differentiate me from the rest of other applicants who are from the same industry. She also gave me advice on how I can arrange these stories so my essay will have a logical flow.
2. During the writing process: Debbie is very generous with feedbacks and willing to ask tough questions. These questions allowed me to think more strategically and improve my essays significantly. She continued to challenge me until we are both happy with the essays.
3. Throughout the process: Applying to top MBA programs is hard, and there were times I felt like giving up and thought I might not make it. Debbie never gave up on me. She was always there to support me and helped walk me through the process. This is why I really appreciate the one-on-one working relationship that mbaMission offers.

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April 17, 2017

Joined: Jan 24, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V40

Exceptional Experience with Harshad Mali


From the very beginning of the experience, mbaMission treated me with exceptional courtesy and respect. After the free 30 minute consultation, I did a "fit call" with Harshad Mali- that call confirmed to me that Harshad was the exact right consultant for me. Things to know about Harshad: 1) Harshad has detailed knowledge of school statistics, and an understanding of broad admissions trends. Harshad helped me get my game plan together to apply to four schools in short order and provided me feedback on historical trends of acceptance rates by round, by school. He even gathered other consultant opinions on my resume; 2) Harshad will push you until you have a cohesive product that is the best representation of you and your story. Just a week before the deadline, together Harshad and I started my Ross essay over from scratch because my previous version was not developing strongly enough. This was the best possible thing he could have guided me to do, rather than moving forward with a weak concept; 3) Harshad seamlessly understands scheduling, priorities, and the "admissions tempo". Harshad ALWAYS provided great feedback on my deliverables and questions within 48 hours or less. On New Year's Eve, we exchanged essay versions by the hour. He knew when we had to push to hit key productivity gateways, and let me have time to breathe between each of my applications, with consideration to the ones on which we were not partnered. When a hurricane destroyed my car and residence, Harshad was completely empathetic to my situation, urging me to focus on my life adjustments, and was encouraging throughout. He genuinely cared; 4) Harshad was a true partner in the process. Throughout the essay-writing journey, he gave me his edits to ensure that my voice was not lost before further editing/trimming was done. I had ultimate stylistic control, though Harshad proved to be the master of grammar! Also, when at the last minute I decided to partner on Harvard instead of Stanford, Harshad was in complete support and immediately started focusing our efforts on that best possible essay and short answers; 5) Harshad's candid feedback, support, and knowledge will give you confidence in the entire process, from choosing schools to after the interview, and receiving offers. Harshad was with me every step of the way. The price tag on the school packages is a hefty one, but my experience with Harshad and mbaMission exceeded my expectations and helped me bridge the gap and translate my military career into something of value to the admission committees. As a result, I was admitted to my top two choices, the Ross School of Business and the Stanford Graduate School of Business (decisions, decisions)! Applying to an MBA program and making the transition can be grueling and daunting, so don't do it alone. I recommend Harshad to anyone.

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April 14, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:

An incredibly positive experience!


Applying to business school is a daunting task. Prior to beginning the process, I imagined it being very stressful. For this reason, I had put off applying for a couple of years. After taking the GMAT a few times and a getting a lower score than I had hoped, I was discouraged. I knew I really needed to be thoughtful in the way I crafted my application. My strength was my work experience and, in order to get accepted to a top program, I needed to tell my story well, highlighting my breadth of experience and unique qualities that would make me successful in business school.

This is why chose to work with Monica, and I'm so glad I made that decision! She was the perfect mix of being supportive and encouraging while being 100% honest. She was honest with me about the need to overcome my lower GMAT score, but was optimistic that I could get into a top MBA program.

From the early stages of creating the brainstorming document, she really took the time to understand my background and pinpoint the unique qualities and experiences I have compared to other candidates. She really celebrated the unique stories from my background and got me excited to push forward.

Some essays were more fluid for me to write, others took 7 or 8 versions. I was so confident, however, after each essay that I was able to highlight the best stories and demonstrate my strengths. She really went above and beyond to make sure my applications were strong.

In the end, what I thought would be a stressful experience actually turned out to be fun! As my stories came to life through the essays, and I gained confidence and greater clarity regarding why I was going to business school. I learned a ton about myself along the way. I truly wouldn't have had the success or positive experience without Monica's help.

Oh, I should also mention that ultimately getting accepted to Michigan, Chicago Booth, and Emory was pretty fun too!

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April 11, 2017

Joined: Jul 25, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

AMAZING Experience


I absolutely loved working with Monica!

Applying to b-schools is a very long and grueling process, filled with a lot of uncertainty and ambiguity. It’s also one of the more competitive evaluations you can go through. Combining those two factors, I knew it would be worth getting some guidance and support.

I was recommended to mbaMission from my GMAT instructor (Manhattan Prep), whom I was very happy with. I scoured their website, reading the bios of each consultant, and decided Monica would be a great fit.

My dream school to attend was HBS… Monica is a graduate of HBS and deeply understood what the admissions committee was looking for. My background was in investment banking… before b-school, Monica was also a former investment banker so she understood the strengths and weaknesses of my experience/resume. My main concern with the application process (after getting through the GMAT) was crafting compelling essays… I hadn’t written essays like this since I applied to undergrad and saying I was a bit rusty is certainly an understatement. This was where Monica really shined. Monica helped me structure the writing process, working together to unpack my personal experiences and then weave the most compelling anecdotes into a cohesive story. As I’m sure many people feel at the outset, I didn’t think I had many fascinating stories to talk about in my essay, but after working together through a handful of versions, I came away incredibly happy with how my essays turned out. I give Monica a ton of credit for this!

Each step of the application process has its challenges and Monica helped me stay organized and tackle each one diligently. I’m very grateful for her mentorship, work ethic, and undivided attention throughout the entire process. I’m happy to report that I was accepted to HBS and will be attending this fall.

I simply could not have done it without Monica!

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