MBA Application Boot Camp Reviews

Throughout this four-session class, 12-hour course, we will guide you step by step through the process of creating a compelling MBA application that reveals your unique character and will inspire the admissions committee to grant you that coveted letter of acceptance.

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August 17, 2016

Joined: May 11, 2016

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q47 V44

As a part of Forte's 2015 MBALaunch class, for women preparing to apply to business school, Angela is ever-present. She's the main speaker on at least 6 webinars during the 10-month program, and covers some of the most important material: how to think about the whole MBA application process; how to determine which schools are a good fit; how to tell your story via your resume and your essays; how to communicate your career goals clearly. Angela is clearly having fun, all the while being very candid about her own experience and the mistakes she made. It's hard not to feel like she's definitely on your team and rooting for you, real solace during the long slog of applications. She provides a raft of free, awesome content on her Career Protocol blog, too!
But don't be deceived: she keeps it real, and will give it to you straight if you're being delusional or if your resume needs some serious work. I signed up for mbaMission's free 30-min consultation, and she is just the same one-on-one as she is on a webinar destined for 500 people: generous, enthusiastic, authentic, and unsparing in her constructive criticism.

The Forte program has been amazing for a number of reasons: the accountability, the support, the community of Launchers, the access to Admissions staff and insider knowledge about schools. Angela is a crucial part of the package.

*note that I have not yet applied or been admitted to any business schools, but gmatclub seems to require that I enter a school in order to post this review!*

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August 13, 2016

Joined: May 04, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q44 V40

Strategy and guidance to take on MBA admissions process


I’ve had the fortune of working with Angela through the Forté MBA Launch program. She led a number of webinars and workshops on resume, essays, interview prep, and storytelling for MBA applications. In these sessions, Angela shared her knowledge about each aspect of the MBA admissions process with honesty, energy, humor, and thoughtfulness. She has created a number of very useful tools and protocols to navigate each stage of the process, like the Explore Your Experiences Toolkit (

In her workshop on storytelling Angela asked participants to conduct mock interviews with partners, addressing professional successes and failures. We went through the exercise several times, incorporating new tactics into our responses after each run. Angela offered concrete methods for developing our answers into stories with a structured narrative arch. She helped me to transform the raw details of my professional experience into succinct, interesting responses for short essays and interviews.

In each of her workshops and webinars, Angela emphasizes the importance of developing an authentic connection with the admissions committee through effective storytelling. Each of her workshops encourages productive and useful self-reflection. Her protocols helped me to source a number of ideas for my applications. At times the MBA application process can feel overwhelming, but Angela’s approach combines creativity and introspection with efficiency and structure. Her MBA Resume Protocol ( perfectly demonstrates this combination. I dare you to get through it without learning something new about yourself! An unexpected benefit of working with Angela is that I now have even greater conviction about my decision to pursue an MBA and my short- and long-term career goals.

tl;dr Work with Angela Guido at mbaMission and get empowered to tackle the MBA application process!

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August 10, 2016

Joined: May 09, 2016

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
500 Q27 V32

Thought provoking, honest and clear admissions advice!


I was lucky enough to work with Angela through my MBA application process through a series of webinars. Angela's webinars and toolkits are some of the most helpful pieces of advice of gotten throughout my MBA prep journey. In particular, her MBA Resume Protocol is one of the standouts from working with her. It helped me to focus in on both strengthens and weaknesses in my resume and figure out how to actually pull together a resume that reflects my accomplishments, the impact I've had but in a way that totally fits with my personality. I would highly recommend working with Angela on any piece of the admissions process. She is smart, funny and really thoughtful in the time she puts into working with you. She was a great balance of honesty to push you passed the hardest parts of this process as well as cheerleader in keeping you motivated and positive.

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August 03, 2016

Joined: Aug 03, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

Feeling confident after insightful and practical advice!


I can’t say enough about good things about mbaMission and the very thorough (but enjoyable) process I’ve been through in the past few months planning my MBA applications! The process can seem a bit daunting at the beginning, as Angela encourages you to do a lot of self-reflection in her “Exploring Your Experiences” document, but I can guarantee that the time spent here helps make later stages in the application process SO much easier!

After I evaluated my past experiences, core values, and what I want to gain from my MBA, Angela helped me evaluate my specific candidacy and select a mix of schools that fit my profile. Angela emphasizes “aiming for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground,” and I’m confident that I’ve selected a good mix of schools (reach, near reach, fit, etc.) based on my background.

Another incredibly helpful tool is the MBA Resume Protocol ( since your MBA resume will look very different than your ‘normal’ one. I had no idea how different they were until reading this document, so the detail here was awesome!!

Finally, we also spent time focusing on various facets surrounding the MBA application essays - including how to craft a career game plan and how to tell effective, inspiring, and uplifting stories. The essays definitely seemed like the most daunting part to me, but after learning about mbaMission’s strategy I feel confident that I’ll be able to write stellar essays that are true to me.

Actually, that is my favorite part about working with Angela at mbaMission - she encourages you to BE YOURSELF. Really. A lot of the other consultants I’ve talked to encourage ‘branding’ or packaging yourself and your ‘story’, and while Angela encourages careful reflection of which facets of yourself that you want to emphasize, she wants your application to reflect your true passions and goals, which makes things so much easier!

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August 02, 2016

Joined: Aug 02, 2016

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Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V42

So grateful

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Angela is amazing and has the best resources! Her MBA Resume Protocol is incredible (check out the career protocol website) and she helps you think through your essays in a way that will make them compelling and a true reflection of yourself.She also helped with my Career Game Plan – the long term vision, medium term strategy, and short term tactics needed to fully share my goals with the MBA program to admissions committee. I'm thankful for all her resources and advice - she is always willing to take the time to answer any questions and is so positive about everyone's experiences.

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July 31, 2016

Joined: Jul 31, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V41

structure and joy through ALL the chaos


mbaMission's materials and advising take the gut-wrenching uncertainty out of the complex and competitive MBA application process. Their materials break down the strategy behind each aspect of the application.

mbaMission provided succinct lessons and materials that sprung me into action, even when exhausted after work. I worked with Angela in particular, and without reservation can say she is truly committed to the success of her applicants. Angela was able to speak to so many of the issues I encountered in the MBA application process and provide specific solutions and advice.

One of the most elements in the Boot Camp that saved me the most time was the "Exploring Your Experiences" worksheets, which was a guided reflection on my personal and professional experiences that left me blooming with rich, thoughtful ideas for my essays. I often shyed-away from soul-searching, but this worksheet made it comfortable for me to talk about my accomplishments and what mattered to me.

Aligning my resume with impact was never conveyed to me prior to MBA Resume Protocol, so the information completely changed what a reader would know about my experience. I previously struggled writing about my accomplishments because my experience was in consulting, however Resume Protocol addresses this issue head-on and suggests amazing verbiage that still conveys impact.
(here is the link if you are interested:

I strongly recommend the mbaMission services and materials for anyone who is looking for guidance and inspiration!

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July 31, 2016

Joined: Jul 30, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
500 Q31 V28

Empowering Advice


Angela Guido from mbaMission led several webinars for the Forte Launch Program and provided a number of resources to help us on our journey. One of my favorite resources was the MBA Resume Protocol. It helped me format my resume, organize my experiences effectively, and convey impact. I've received compliments on my resume which was based on the MBA Resume Protocol template.

One of my favorite webinars led by Angela was about writing effective essays for a MBA application. She discussed who our audience was (the AdCom) and what they are looking for. She explained the types of applications (multiple essays vs. single essays), narrative theory, the importance of vivid moments to start a story, and presenting challenges to reveal authenticity.

Her insight has been extremely helpful during this process and enjoyed all of her webinars. Thank you Angela!

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July 30, 2016

Joined: Jul 30, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q47 V42

Organizing my Thoughts...and Timeline!


The arduous application process for MBAs takes its toll on us all after a time. Just as I completed one portion (a resume, the GMAT) the next obstacle rose in front of me and exposed my self doubt. Could I really pull this off? Is it possible all of these pieces will come together to create a desirable profile for admissions officers?

Angela's guidance at every step was not only encouraging, but she laid out an achievable framework for completion. While working on the resume, we listed all accomplishments and divvied up the "real estate" between resume and essays where these might shine. While crafting compelling stories, the tactics proved solid groundwork for interview prep. Most of all, Angela's humor resonates both in person and virtually, putting me at ease in getting to work. An MBA application is just that: work, but Angela's comprehensive process will inspire confidence in your personal brand without bragging, leaving no story left untold.

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July 29, 2016

Joined: Jul 18, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

So much support!


Angela's program is incredibly helpful for anyone who is starting the application process and doesn't know where to start. The Explore Your Experiences document helped me delve into the areas of my personal and professional life that mean the most to me and represent a wholistic view of myself. It is LONG but so worth the investment of time. All of her workshops are worth watching as well-Angela is incredibly knowledgable and has insight that changed my view of the application process. The resume workshop in particular was eye-opening; there is so much more to this process than I thought. Knowing that she has a history of success made me so much more confident in the direction I will be taking my application.

Greatest strength-the content. Greatest weakness...I'll let you know once my schools get back to me!

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July 27, 2016

Joined: Oct 27, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
610 Q38 V35

Thought-Provoking and Energetic Experience


I really enjoyed hearing and taking down Angela's insights on how to create your personal story for reflection in the MBA program admission essays! She is super energetic and clearly loves her job, plus she's great at it. What I gained the most was from her "Create Your Story" workshop and particularly questioned myself on what my greatest accomplishments were and why they were meaningful to me, as well as how I grew by overcoming challenges, both personally and professionally. I realized how key it was to show humility and make an emotional connection with the adcomms. The Experience Exploration toolkit was also a great way to get my thoughts and experiences down on paper.

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22 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for mbaMission
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