Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring Reviews

There are higher standards for what defines a competitive GMAT score today. We have no magic formula, no silver bullet, no empty guarantees. Instead, we have three basic principles that separate us from other test prep: the best teachers, the most advanced learning approach, and a focus solely placed on the GMAT.
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4.9 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 95 reviews
September 09, 2018

Joined: Sep 09, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q45 V40

Worth it


I was concerned about the cost but I had tried to just use the online resources and needed some specific strategies for how to master the test. Daniel was incredibly helpful and flexible. He didn't waste any time and we got to the core issues immediately in each session. We worked on my timing and approach. I was doing things that I had read about and I thought would be helpful but in reality they were slowing me down and he helped me realize that. He was was dedicated to my success and not only when we were in a paid session—he would respond to emails with questions and was very helpful.

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September 07, 2018

Joined: Jan 27, 2018

Posts: 0

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Self-reported Score:
750 Q48 V42

Highly Reccomend Kevin Shen and Manhattan Prep

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When I began talking to older people about the GMAT, everyone recommended I use Manhattan Prep. I strongly echo this advice. They are unparalleled in their resources and knowledge of the GMAT.

I used Kevin Shen for about 6 private tutoring sessions, following a stint with another tutor. I worked with Kevin over their online software (I was remote at school), which worked out great. It is easy to use and very helpful. Kevin was a very good tutor. He came prepared to every session, knew the answers to my questions, and had a game plan each time. He was very responsive over email, and never cut off sessions until he was done explaining answers to my questions.

I worked with Kevin almost exclusively on the Quant section. He was realistic in setting expectations, and always helpful. I highly recommend working with him!

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August 31, 2018

Joined: Aug 31, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V41

Joe Martin: Fantastic Instructor


Joe Martin is an incredible GMAT tutor. I worked with Joe for several private tutoring sessions. First off, Joe is incredibly skilled and intuitive with respect to the GMAT. He shows his students powerful tricks and strategies for approaching questions. He makes sure to reinforce where these strategies can be applied, which allows for broad improvement in scores. This also allows his students to grow and develop their skills generally. Joe also pushes his students hard to learn and develop their skills, which is much needed given how people can plateau on the GMAT. He is perceptive and can see when a student cannot follow along on a technique, and he then is able to pull out an alternate strategy for a problem. Joe is also a fun tutor to work with, and cares a tremendous amount about the success of the people he works with. Given the intensity of prepping for the GMAT, this makes the whole experience more positive and fun. I would highly recommend working with Joe and prepping for the GMAT (or another) test with him. It is a very positive experience, and if one puts in the work to study and prepare, working with Joe can yield very positive results.

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August 13, 2018

Joined: Aug 13, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q43 V40

Ryan McGorman


I had already been working with a tutor before meeting with Ryan, and decided to make a switch after making very little improvement and receiving a less than desirable first score. I can say quite positively that I would not have received the 720 without Ryan. All GMAT tutors know the material and can explain it, but that is not what made the difference for me. Ryan was able to pin-point my weaknesses in quant almost immediately, and was able to explain critical concepts in a palatable way. Most importantly, he did not allow me to stay in my comfort zone. He did not just explain a concept and ensure that I could repeat it back to him, but insisted that I be able to explain the reasons why it made sense. Even though it was sometimes painful, he made sure I learned these critical concepts forward and backward. I would (and have) recommend Ryan to anyone who needs an extra push and personal attention. I am extremely grateful for Ryan's help and could not speak highly enough of his talent as a tutor.

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August 07, 2018

Joined: Dec 26, 2017

Posts: 27

Kudos: 74

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V34



Improvement 90 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Ryan Starr

Location Seoul, Korea

Having already some tutoring experience with another big prep company I am able to distinguish a good tutor from a bad tutor. I have taken about 6 hours with my tutor in the other prep company and it has not brought me much, I guess my quant score improved by 2 or 3. This was because the tutor was focused on trying to teach me things I already knew and did not make much effort to find out where the problem is.

On the other hand, working with Ryan is more or less like going to see a doctor. He will try to get into your shoes and find everything that is wrong. In four hours of tutoring he has not taught me once any concept I could just learn in a guide, instead, he pointed out each and every problem I had and helped me to find a tailored solution. Some of the techniques prep companies teach to students do not all work for everyone, but Ryan knows it and helped me to build my own strategies.

But much more than helping me to build strategies, he has helped me to get into the mindset that gets people to score over 700 on the GMAT. He has initiated his so-called “epiphany”, and a week after I hit a 700 Q50V34 (before we started the tutoring I scored 610 Q45V28). Now I am able to look at more or less any GMAT question, see the traps and avoid them.

Also, Ryan is not someone here just to collect money, you can really feel that he takes pleasure in teaching. He is aware that tutoring is not cheap at all and will tell you to do the things where you do not need him on your own so that you can spend time with him on things that matter.

The return on investment was huge, I very strongly recommend Ryan!

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August 01, 2018

Joined: Oct 15, 2017

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
730 Q47 V44

Manhattan Advanced Course & Mark Sullivan

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Improvement 30 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Mark Sullivan

Location Eagan, MN USA

This review is for Mark Sullivan and the Manhattan Prep Advanced Course.

I started studying for the GMAT in October 2017 and used a variety self-study resources. I made my first GMAT attempt in February 2018 and scored a 700 (Q43/V42). I was slightly disappointed because my goal score was 720. But I figured I was close, so I hit the books again focusing solely on quant for another few months, and took the test again in May 2018. I scored a 680 (Q44/V39). I was incredibly frustrated and I was losing faith in myself. This is when I decided to call Manhattan Prep, looking for a private tutor.

While on the phone, they informed me of Mark Sullivan's Advanced Course, so I decided to give it a try. This was the best decision I could have made. I would highly recommend this course for anyone who needs help getting from the high 600's to the low/mid 700's.

Mark's approach was a complete game-changer for me. Quant problems had always really intimidated me, but after studying with Mark I felt like I could dismantle any problem. He taught me to focus on recognition of what the problem was testing, rather than just banging content into my head over and over again. In addition, I was already strong in Verbal, but Mark was able to help me develop consistency and speed better than ever before by teaching a rules-based approach that supplemented my ear.

I was calm and confident going into my third GMAT attempt, and I came out with a 730 (Q47,V44)!!!

After 10 months, 14 practice tests, and two real tests, my third and final GMAT attempt was a success thanks to Mark.

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July 17, 2018

Joined: Jul 17, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

Manhattan GMAT Services


I used Manhattan GMAT and Reed Arnold for my GMAT prep. The course was great and really prepared me. But I still was having trouble breaking the 700 barrier, which I felt was necessary for me to get into the schools I was most interested in.
To get over this obstacle, I set up 4 2-hour sessions with Reed and it was worth every penny. Reed was extremely attentive and immediately found small weaknesses in how I approached different problems. Additionally, he taught me different techniques and changed how I reviewed my work. He listened to specific issues and designed a program to fit my needs and strengthen my weaknesses. He made himself very available and even moved around his personal schedule to accommodate me during test week. I have already recommended Reed to colleagues and friends.

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July 07, 2018

Joined: Apr 30, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V41

Highly recommend Mark Sullivan


Improvement 70 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Mark Sullivan

Location Seattle, WA USA

I started working with Mark after taking the Manhattan Prep 10 week course and scoring well below my goal (650 with goal of 700). After this, I decided to invest in private tutoring and started working with Mark Sullivan. I took the GMAT again, and scored 720 thanks to Mark (47 quant, 41 verbal). He quickly diagnosed my weaknesses, and then provided a clear plan to hit my goal. He focused on the biggest hitting items / content areas and devised a plan that I could manage with a full time job.
Outside of providing excellent tutoring services during my paid sessions, Mark was always available to respond to emails and provide feedback on practice tests. I never felt like I was “on the clock” – if we ran slightly over the time allotment, I didn’t feel that he was rushing to end the session. Mark was really a source of positivity and made me feel confident going into the test.
Very highly recommend Mark for anyone needing personalized tutoring!!! Just wish I’d started working with him from the beginning.

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May 30, 2018

Joined: May 30, 2018

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Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
670 Q45 V37

Highly recommend


Improvement 70 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Jeff Vollmer

Location Baltimore, MD USA

I could not recommend Manhattan Prep more. I did a 9-week online course, some solo studying, and then two private tutoring sessions with Jeff Vollmer before my exam.

1) The 9-week online course: Highly reccomend. This course got me on the right track in terms of studying and strategy, freshened up my rusty quant and verbal skills (haven't studies this content since high school aka 10+ years), and the teachers (Stacey Koprice and Liz Moliski) were great teachers. This course includes all study materials (about 9 books) which were super digestible and helpful throughout and after the course. Course also comes with a ton of online resources. Worth every penny.

2) Private tutoring: very helpful. After taking the course, I felt as though I was floating out in space alone. Jeff helped me identify some areas I needed to touch up on within the last two weeks before my exam which helped me gain a better understanding of important topics and improved my performance. Very grateful to him and would definitely reccomend.

Overall, I wouldn't do it any differently. Manhattan Prep instructors are enthusiastic teachers and you can tell they really care about their students' performance.

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April 03, 2018

Joined: Sep 21, 2017

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

Joshua helped me break 700!


Prior to starting private on-line tutoring with Joshua, I took a Manhattan Prep review course with Isaac. The review course helped me re-learn a majority of the quant material, but I needed additional help preparing for the sentence correction and critical reasoning parts of the exam. After the course and prior to starting with Joshua, I was consistently scoring around a 600 on practice tests, with low verbal scores (31/32).

My sessions with Joshua were challenging and often focused on sentence correction. He assigned thoughtful homework after each session that truly helped me finally understand the material. Joshua completely transformed the way I approached sentence correction, allowing me to bring up my verbal score to a 40.

Joshua also taught me a number of test taking strategies that helped with my quant timing and data sufficiency, helping me improve my quant score from 43 to a 47.

Overall, Joshua is an extremely patient and knowledgeable tutor. I believe he is the reason why I was able to surpass the 700 mark. I strongly recommend working with Joshua if you are looking to achieve your goal score on the GMAT.

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8 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Manhattan Prep
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