Yigal Walt Reviews

Company: ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 3 reviews
February 19, 2014

Joined: Feb 19, 2014

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Now, after I finally made it into Harvard Business School and Chicago Booth, there is no doubt I can summarize this journey as great success. Yigal, my Aringo consultant, deserves a lot of the credit for my success! He believed that Harvard is a possible destination for me, and eventually he was right. He understood what are they looking for in an applicant, and he guided me and helped me demonstrate exactly what was needed. I had a great time working with Yigal, and our cooperation was fruitful. I would also like to send a big thank you to Lee, Karin and Gilam!

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November 17, 2013

Joined: Nov 17, 2013

Posts: 7

Kudos: 0

I can't think of a way to express my gratitude for the last year… starting with the first phone call and first meeting, through the intensive exchange of emails during the process until the final stage of my admission to NYU Stern.

Especially I'd like to thank Yigal, my consultant, for endless emails and editing at the highest level I've seen. Even when he returned my first essay after the first round of editing I was already impressed. After that I got used to the "magic" he can create with my essays, without even changing the content at all. In addition, he gave me many ideas and was able to extract from me the crucial information for the essays. It was clear that this process is a profession for him and his substantial experience in this field was shown.

Both my consultant and the Aringo staff was able to provide me with support exactly when it was needed. I want to thank Aringo for the entire process. Your assistance during the last year was invaluable!

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