Shannah (SBC) Reviews

Company: Stacy Blackman Consulting

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 2 reviews
May 02, 2014

Posts: 0

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At first, I was hesitant to spend so much money on a consulting service. I had done my research, narrowing down to MBA Mission and Stacy Blackman.

I felt like MBA Mission pointed out issues with my application I was already aware of (e.g., lower quant score, social science background, etc.) but didn't bring solutions.

Then, I met Esther from Stacy Blackman. She quickly matched me with a couple of consultants to make sure I had a good fit (e.g., target schools, interests, working style). And upon talking to the consultants, I recognized how **solution-oriented** they were which is why they exceeded my expectations and why I want everyone to know about them now!

I ultimately was paired up with Shannah Varon who had the exact type of working style, demeanor, and attitude that I was looking for in this application process. We spent hours chatting about my background, values, aspirations which all ultimately provided potential topics to essay questions. She was part-consultant, part-coach, part-editor, and part-therapist throughout the whole process. Shannah truly listened to me and made the (at times) painful essays be more of a meaningful process, reflecting on what means the most to me.

The thought and preparation that Shannah and the Stacy Blackman team put into the process is so valuable. And, thanks to them, I got in to 3 out of the 4 schools I applied to and will be attending Wharton in the Fall.

I HIGHLY recommend Shannah and Stacy Blackman. You won't regret it.

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May 21, 2013

Posts: 6

Kudos: 0

I came into this process feeling very average and wondering if I had a shot at all at a top 10 school. For those who like stats (3.2/700). Shanna was realistic but very encouraging and pushed me to apply to more competitive programs than I really believed I could get into (along with some back-ups). While I was not admitted to my number one stretch school, I WAS admitted to Kellogg and Sloan and was ecstatic to get one of those, let alone have a choice.

I think the key to success in our process was her ability to really understand me and what I wanted to say, almost better than I did myself (I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but she could put my random thoughts into words) And once the plan was defined she could coach me towards pulling it together. My end product reflects me and feels very authentic, but is also a very tight marketing piece that I was ultimately very proud of.

I went through a process up front of selecting my consultant and felt great about Shanna from the start. I put all my trust into Stacy Blackman's team and process and I was not let down.

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