Sach Orenstein Reviews

Company: Admissionado

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 1 reviews
December 17, 2012

Joined: Apr 18, 2012

Posts: 21

Kudos: 3

I first started toying with the idea of getting an admissions consultant a few months back but was very hesitant when I learned how expensive these types of services are. However, after reading such positive reviews from successful past Admissionado clients, I decided to send over a draft of one of my essays for a free consultation. To my pleasant surprise, I received a personal email from Lauren, welcoming me and introducing herself, only minutes after I hit "submit."

As promised, I received my edited essay within a couple days and was very pleased with the helpful comments I received. Without any hesitation, I had Lauren set me up with the basic package. As soon as I paid my fees, I was set up with my editor Sach, and I was ready to go!

Sach is truly an amazing editor - not only did he offer great suggestions for edits, but he also provided unbelievably quick turnaround times. I always received my edited essays back well before the 72 hour mark (sometimes even within the same day!). He was so speedy, there were times when I felt that I couldn't keep up with his edits! If you're looking for an editor who will push you to your limits and make you work hard, then Sach is your man. Looking back, he was much more than just my editor - he often threw in extra very helpful advice that weren't included with my package. The best part was Admissionado never charged me an extra dime for these bonus services!

Overall, I am extremely thankful to have chosen Admissionado as my admissions consultant. Not only do they do their job and do it well, these people truly care about their clients. Just the other day, I received a very heart-warming email from Lauren, wishing me good luck on my second round of the GMAT. Keep in mind that my contract with Admissionado was up in October, but Lauren and her team still occassionally check up on me to see how things are going. This level of sincerity is definitely hard to come by and this just goes to show me that I made the right choice with Admissionado!

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