Monica (SBC) Reviews

Company: Stacy Blackman Consulting

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 1 reviews
April 14, 2015

Joined: Apr 14, 2015

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When I began looking to apply for MBA programs, the process seemed daunting. My wife did some research and found Stacy Blackman Consulting. I contacted SBC and we had an initial review that allowed us to start addressing some of the issues within my application portfolio, sub-standard GPA was a major concern of mine. Based on the schools I was applying they introduced me to Monica Mesa. She was an undergrad from one of my targets and an MBA from another. As it turns out she works in the city of my third target school. Overall SBC found the perfect consultant for me.

Once Monica and I got started, she made the whole process less intimidating and as we started to learn more about each other we were able to develop a well laid strategy to highlight my strengths and mitigate my weaknesses. If Monica wasn't quite sure about the best plan of action, she had SBC as a resource and would reach out to get other opinions. It was really a joy working with someone who cared as much as I do about my successful admission to B-school. It was a relief and a joy, that we both shared when I received my first interview invitation and she made ample time to practice with me.

I have been accepted to my first choice and would not have been able to do it without Monica and SBC. For that I am extremely grateful and insist that it was the smartest investment I have ever made. If choose SBC, you will not be disapointed as they want you to succeed as much as you do. And, if you do get a chance to work with Monica consider yourself lucky. I know I do.

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