Miranda Forman Reviews

Company: Admissionado

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 2 reviews
January 15, 2013

Joined: Jan 15, 2013

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First of all, I have to say that Lauren is very persistent. She's pretty much the reason why I used Admissionado, because all the other agencies I contacted kinda forgot me. I have an extremely busy work schedule, so I had to take my time to write the first draft and then pick out the consultant that I want. I had contacted several consultants, and did the normal 30 min consultation, but forgot about them. Lauren was the ONLY one who consistently emailed me to remind me that she still had consultants available.

I thought my first draft was pretty good until Miranda went through them and red inked everything! I am an emotional person, so I was sad at first, but I made myself look through the edits and her suggestions made perfect sense. I love that she focused on the quality of my essays, and not the quantity. She continually encouraged me to write as much as I could, and then she would reduce it for me. I'm an engineer, so writing is not my strong suite, but I can honestly say that my writing got better after working with Miranda.

I also appreciate the fact that Miranda never talked down at me; she always encouraged me, even when I knew I sent her drafts that were terrible in my eyes (and I have really low writing expectations). She sent me an email once to send 'good vibes' across to me. Before admissionado I contacted one admissions consultant, and she pretty much berated me; I decided against applying to B-school that year. I'm so glad Miranda wasn't like that.

Some people say their consultants had a quick 72 hour turn around. I wish that were the case. Miranda was 48 hours! I could barely rest my writing muscles before she sent another edit back! Every time I sent her an edit, she responded with an email telling me when she would get back with me. And she was ALWAYS on time! I sincerely appreciate that; I think that's the definition of integrity.

I think that the money spent on my essays was most definitely worth it. Miranda over-exeeded my expectations, I just wish I did the full package with her rather than just the edits.

The question below asks: "Were you admitted to the schools that you applied to?" I applied to Wharton, Booth and Kellogg. I have not heard anything from them yet because I just submitted two weeks ago!

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