Marcus Hedahl Reviews

Company: Manhattan Prep

4.5 /5 Average Rating
Based on 11 reviews
July 02, 2014

Joined: Feb 21, 2014

Posts: 1

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Washington DC - In Person Class Winter 2014 The GMAT is daunting, no one can deny this. One of the first things MGMAT does is make things manageable and segment the various areas of study. Once you know every possible area you can (and will) be tested on, it becomes easier to find your weaknesses and do targeted studying. 1000 hours of studying is not the same as 100 hours of very targeted prep. I had Marcus Hedahl as my teacher who was an excellent instructor and absolutely hilarious. I will say that I did not love the cold calling but suppose it did keep me engaged throughout a rather long three hour class (after work). The content was there but what was most beneficial to me is the information you cannot get from solo studying but only from someone who lives the GMAT. Marcus at one point told us his ridiculous score and the number of questions wrong he was able to get to still attain this score. Furthermore, he hammered in the point that it's not about getting every question correct but more so about getting those easy/med questions write and getting some (very few) of the harder ones. Against all odds I did well on the test. Not because I am some genius but because I strictly followed the syllabus, stayed focused in class, and dedicated a ton of time outside of class. If I took this class and did well there is no reason why someone else cannot do the same. Highly recommend it.

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March 15, 2013

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I found the Manhattan GMAT resources to be extremely useful throughout the study process. Their syllabus, combined with MGMAT handing you all of the resources you needed, made the potentially overwhelming process of studying feel more manageable.

I didn't love the class, though. My instructor was Marcus and though he was clearly smart and and a decent teacher, I found his jokes to be distracting and take up too much time. It sometimes seemed as though he was jumping all over the place in terms of content. It was probably the most useful in terms of familiarizing me with the content.

In the end, I found studying on my own to be the most useful. Taking practice tests and going over exam questions taught me a lot more than the class or other studying. My first practice test was a 630, and my actual GMAT was a 730 (68% quant, 99% verbal).

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July 11, 2012

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Manhattan GMAT is truly best in class. The professors are organized, intelligent, and engaging. They provide great materials, but also help you to tailor the course to your appetite and capacity.

I found the quant review to be particularly helpful and that was where I improved most. The materials are thorough and easy to digest. They also provide a great number of practice questions and the professors guide you well to the problems that meet your skill level. Staff is easily accessible and responsive.

I would definitely recommend this class to a friend and have already done so! Manhattan GMAT is great.

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July 11, 2012

Joined: Jul 11, 2012

Posts: 0

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I would recommend the Manhattan GMAT course to anyone.

My score went up over 100 points during the class. I actually had the benefit of having a number of professors, since my main teacher, Marcus Hedard couldn't make it to half of the sessions. They were upfront immediately about the situation, telling all of us that we could receive a refund or switch into a different class if we didn't want multiple teachers. They also gave us a free "700 and up online course" pass, which is usually a couple hundred dollars, for our trouble. It turned out to be completely fine, all of the teachers are equally competant and were all excellent teachers.

From what I've heard about competing classes, Manhattan GMAT definitely seems to be the bset.

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