Lisa C (SBC) Reviews

Company: Stacy Blackman Consulting

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 3 reviews
October 15, 2014

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A good business school application consultant may have some helpful tips, but an outstanding consultant not only has brilliant suggestions but also possesses a keen intuitive ability to identify your deeply personal dreams and then supply you with the perfect framework to go after them. SBC's Lisa Chen is beyond any doubt in the "outstanding" category.

I knew I wanted to apply to business school but had absolutely no idea how much stronger my personal narrative could be UNTIL my first conversation with Lisa. Within five minutes she identified my strengths and weaknesses and gave me clear-cut, actionable ideas on how to make myself a significantly stronger applicant - and all this happened literally within the first five minutes of our very first call! Needless to say, from there on out I proceeded through the application process with supreme confidence thanks to her. Her feedback and insights on all aspects of my application from essays to resume to data form were impeccably well thought out and always added tremendous value. If you are truly serious about presenting the best possible application you can to business school, hire Lisa. You will NOT regret it.

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April 14, 2013

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The comprehensive service I received at Stacy Blackman and the admits I received as a result of this service exceeded my every expectation. I worked with Lisa Chen as my consultant on 4 schools, and I was accepted by every program (3 with scholarships). I am thrilled to be attending HBS!

I consider myself a highly motivated, organized person with the ability to tackle just about anything; however, the business school application process seemed both formidable and cryptic. I knew to give myself the best chance and to have no regrets at the end of the process I needed to seek the guidance of a consulting service. Stacy Blackman came highly recommended to me from a former work colleague who had been accepted into his first choice program.

Working with Stacy Blackman completely demystified the process. I received a workable timetable for completing aspects of the application, an entire website of resources (school info, sample essays, interview transcripts), and what seemed like 24/7 access to Lisa.

There wasn't a single facet of my life, interests, and ambitions that Lisa and I left unexplored, and it resulted in essays that were vibrant, compelling and even more true to myself than those I could have written without her mentorship. Lisa's marketing background was extremely helpful in solidifying my story, and she pushed me until my essays left no room for any school to question why I wanted to attend and what I could contribute to the community. Lisa's interview prep was also critical to my success. Her mock interview was spot on, and her analysis of my answers left me better prepared to face those questions during actual interviews.

Let me conclude by saying that I might have been accepted to 1, maybe 2 (if I was lucky), schools had I been left up to my own devices. Being accepted into every school which I applied is miraculous, and I unabashedly believe that my overwhelming success was a direct result of working with Lisa and Stacy Blackman.

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