David Braslow Reviews

Company: Manhattan Prep

4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 5 reviews
September 10, 2014

Joined: Sep 10, 2014

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I had a great experience with the Manhattan GMAT review class. They paced me very well and the recommended homework was incredibly helpful. They have a method and it works if you put the time in. The class built a solid foundation. Then it was up to me to put in the time and practice to get the score I wanted. David Braslow is very smart and very elegant in communicating ideas. His explanations for walking the class through answers was thorough and his patience for questions seemingly infinite. I would definitely recommend him as a teacher, and I recommend the books to anyone who asks.

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September 08, 2012

Joined: Sep 08, 2012

Posts: 2

Kudos: 7

Self-reported Score:
760 Q48 V47

My pre-class scores were below 600, so needless to say I had a lot of work ahead of me. My goal was to clear 700. The course with David Braslow was great for reviewing and re-learning a lot of the concepts (math in particular), but make sure you're willing to practice, as the amount of material can be overwhelming.

If you're like me and really need to go through all of the strategy guides to re-learn the math, practice problems are the best way to burn those concepts into your memory (something I failed to do the first time around). I tried learning as much as I could in the 9 week session, but I don't think I practiced enough, and I was still prone to making careless mistakes. My first test scored a 640, I was disappointed. I started private tutoring sessions with Kate McKeon to refine my skills, learn my weaknesses, and give me areas for focus. After a few sessions with Kate, I was back up above 700 on my practice tests, and I ended up with a 760 on my 2nd official attempt.

Highly recommend the instructors at Manhattan GMAT, especially for personalized sessions. They won't tell you what you want to hear. If you're weak in a particular area, they'll let you know! Better to have that honest feedback upfront than to be disillusioned by a few successful practice tests.

Rather than familiarity with concepts, try to master what you can before you even step into the test room.

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April 16, 2012

Joined: Sep 18, 2011

Posts: 10

Kudos: 1

MGMAT is fantastic. The material is taught in a very intuitive way. There are clear steps in this course. It is very structured to take you from the lowest levels up to the highest rung. It gives you a clear plan to get you where you need to go (as long as you are fully willing to put in the work.) The practice questions are very similar to the actual GMAT questions. One of the cooler parts of this course is the "OG Archer" which is an online tool you use to record and analyze your strengths and weaknesses. It charts your progress and shows you where you need to focus.

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April 04, 2012

Joined: Apr 04, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

The Manhattan GMAT 9-Session Prep Course drastically improved my test score and helped me achieve my goals for the GMAT. The course gave me excellent structure for studying for the test, the proper tools to study and critical strategies for solving all of the problems on the test. My instructor was smart and engaged the class well in discussions, providing simple and effective explanations for all of our work while teaching us to think about how to handle the problems.

The volume of information in the class and textbooks means that taking this course is a serious commitment. I spent at least 5 hours a week studying and reading the materials for the week's classes. With thousands of pages in review content, there is plenty of material to cover. The course will not teach you everything you need to know in the classroom. You will absolutely need to put in the time and effort to study.

The instructor that taught my course was fantastic and did a great job engaging with the class and working through problems thoroughly. He helped teach us multiple ways to attack and solve all of the different types of quantitative and verbal problems, which helped us understand the different ways to approach problems. He focused on helping us understand how to approach problems and identify methods to solve them instead of focusing on the different individual steps. While the work was sometimes tedious (I lost track of how many times I wrote AD BCE to begin working on Data Sufficiency problems), the detailed reviews and analysis of real GMAT questions helped me to quickly identify how to approach each problem. After reviewing the material on my own and doing many practice exams and questions, I was very comfortable taking the test on the day of my exam.

I found that putting in the effort yielded a significant improvement in my score. The course provided me with the tools and strategies that I needed to succeed on the GMAT. However, I did need to put in a lot of time and effort on my own to supplement the classroom work. If you are looking for a course where you can sit in a room, be spoon-fed content and then take the test immediately after, this is not the right course for you. If you are a highly-motivated self-starter who will put in the time and effort to study and want smart, engaging teachers who will help take you from a great score to an outstanding score, Manhattan GMAT is the place to go. My score rose from below the average grade of accepted students at the top business schools to above it thanks to this course.

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