Maria Wich-Vila Reviews

Company: ApplicantLab

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 184 reviews
April 07, 2021

Joined: Apr 22, 2020

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Absolutely Amazing 10/10 (Cornell Johnson Admit)


I first heard about ApplicantLab during DMAC (Diversity MBA Admissions Conference). Maria did a presentation and I was extremely impressed by 1) how much knowledge she had 2) 2) how she approached the MBA applications process 3) how straight to the point she was, yet also has the ability to be personal and relate to each one of us in some way or another. I took some time to think and even did a few free initial calls with admissions consultants such as Fortuna, but the price was just not up my alley given how much I spent on test tutoring and HBS CORe already and it felt way too "sales-y" to me. Also, there was no guarantee I'd get in so why would I pay upwards of 10K+?!?!?!?!

I decided to go with ApplicantLab and I am SO happy I did. There is a plethora of information on the tool and in particular, I utilized the platform for writing my essays and putting my story together. The platform helped me figure out how to approach my story/questions and really play my strengths, as well as mitigate weaknesses.

Maria is affordable and also the sweetest kindest woman! Go with ApplicantLab and you won't regret it. I even contacted her after I got in and she was so happy for me.

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March 31, 2021

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Incredibly Helpful (Harvard Business School Admit)

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I cannot state enough how helpful this service is. ApplicantLab is easy-to-use, informative, logically organized, and sharp – all things that made the application process far less stressful and enigmatic.

Not only does the service help you easily organize your thoughts and formulate your "story" with conviction and clarity. Its prep for interviews and essays is unparalleled – a value-add that was critical for my application. I also found Maria's videos – which she tailors to specific MBA programs – to be extremely helpful. The candid, direct advice she shares is invaluable, particularly for any who are concerned about potential weaknesses in their application (e.g. lower GMAT, less work experience, etc.).

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March 16, 2021

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Truly wonderful prep, it helped me organize my thoughts for my application and nail my interviews. Its interview prep is unbeatable, the videos are easy to follow and the tips are super useful, even for the eventual job interviews.
After using the program I felt confident and ready for my interviews having polished my story and narrowed down the examples I wanted to use. Without it I would not have gotten the offers I am currently receiving. The team is also super helpful and always available. They go the extra mile for their clients. Anyone who is in the application process should use this program, you will not regret it.

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January 16, 2021

Joined: Jan 09, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44

HIGHLY recommend ApplicantLab (CBS admit)!


It wouldn't be an understatement to say that Maria got me through the gruelling MBA application process.

ApplicantLab holds your hand through the ENTIRE process, from understanding what is required for every component of the application package, all the way to interview preparation. Since the website already explains what makes ApplicantLab different from traditional consultants, I'll focus on addressing a few concerns that I initially had, in an effort to dispel any skepticism that you might have:

- The speed and quality of Maria's support for one-off questions: I was initially worried that given the virtual nature of the platform, that if I had questions that were unanswered by the website content, I wouldn't be able to get answers as quickly as a traditional consultant. I can tell you from my experience that this should absolutely not concern you. Maria is extremely quick to respond (often in a few hours, always within at least 1-2 days) and the thoughtfulness and expertise behind her answers were incredible.

- How 'in-the-know' Maria is: It will soon become very clear that Maria is an absolute EXPERT in the space. She pulls incredible insights from her numerous previous clients, and also keeps up-to-date on the latest by attending admissions consulting conferences and speaking with adcoms of top schools.

- How current the website stays: Maria very quickly translates these latest insights into the website, so throughout the application process, the website stays extremely current. For example, when I was applying to CBS, within two days (!) of a new application question going live, the website had a FULL page of advice as to how to tackle the question. Amazing.

- Quality of the "story" and essay reviews: If you can afford it, I HIGHLY recommend for you to sign up for the 'strategic essay reviews', at least for your top schools. With Maria's advice, I ended up applying with a very different story than my initial draft. It would be an absolute mistake to think that just because this platform is lower-cost compared to admissions consultants, that the quality would be compromised. I was blown away by how Maria was able to assess the strength and weaknesses of my overall story
(the big picture), as well as advise me on very granular details such as word choices.

Overall, I couldn't recommend ApplicantLab enough, and I honestly feel so grateful that Maria founded ApplicantLab to level the playing field in higher education because I definitely could not have afforded to pay an admissions consultant USD 10K (I applied to 5 schools). I hope this helps, and best of luck with the journey! :)

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January 05, 2021

Joined: Jan 05, 2021

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I am a white female with 7+ years of professional experience and was only willing to leave my job for very specific programs, so going into the application process I knew this was my last shot. This pressure initially pointed me towards the standard MBA consultant. I physically could not stomach the insane price tags that came with that one-on-one help, but luckily a friend of mine alerted me to ApplicantLab. I can not recommend this platform enough!!! ApplicantLab provided easy to use, step-by-step instructions to help me clearly define why I wanted the MBA. During essay writing, ApplicantLab helped me break down the questions to understand what the schools were asking. The best part though was that in the end, the essays sounded like ME! I got to keep my authentic voice, and didn't feel like I was "cheating" the system, but was also sure that I was presenting myself in a way that showcased my strengths. The platform exceeded my expectations by far!

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January 05, 2021

Joined: Aug 10, 2020

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Applicant Lab Review


To whom it may concern,

Hello! I am writing a review on my experience using Applicant Lab.

- The advice is school-specific and helped me craft my answers to each school differently while still being easy to use.

- Goes through what the ADCOM themselves are thinking when they read your application

- Maria is hilarious! The way she intersperses humour in between the advice is really good and keeps things interesting.

- The Lab gives you in-depth analysis as to what your strengths and your weakness are and how to leverage and explain them respectively.

- It goes through interview prep as well.

- Basically, it is an all-in-one admissions prep! With specific advice for each school.

- On top of this Maria and Carin reply back very fast and their advice is very good and consistent with what's in the lab. This extra support was extremely beneficial to me as it helped me craft my application more specifically!

- For someone like me who's an athlete applying to B-School they really helped frame my stories and brings the best ones to the forefront. I did not see this elsewhere!

Overall I would give it a 10/10, 5 stars, and my full approval! It's affordable and a great resource to get a third person's view on your application to B- School!

Thank you so much Maria and Carin!

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December 22, 2020

Joined: Aug 21, 2019

Posts: 4

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q50 V36

Amazing tool! Admitted to Yale SOM/ Kellogg/ HBS

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I signed up for the Applicantlab services, not really sure what to expect. I researched multiple consulting services (the usual complimentary 30 minutes of 1:1 consulting) and prices were out of reach. Applicantlab seemed a safer bet in comparison and I am delighted with my choice. The resources are phenomenal, Maria walks you through each school and, believe me, EVERY POSSIBLE question you might have. The material is updated to include the latest application requirements and the detail level is amazing. The process is beautifully designed to let you efficiently brainstorm for your career vision, the resume, and organize your thoughts to draft your essay in a way that brings out the qualities every specific school looks for.
I also worked with Maria on my essay and interview prep. She's amazing and her advice is strong and honest!
I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome!

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December 17, 2020

Joined: Dec 17, 2020

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Self-reported Score:
770 Q49 V46

Fantastic Product - Highly Recommend to Anyone

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Maria has created a truly wonderful product! I only used ApplicantLab and did not pay for an expensive consultant and I was blown away! I was admitted at all four schools I applied to (HBS, Wharton, Booth, and Kellogg) and I'll be attending HBS starting next fall! The product is extremely easy to use, you can move at your own pace, and all the information is tailored to the specific school you are applying to. Maria's videos are super helpful and the modules that help you reflect on your own experiences are great ways of pulling out stories for your essays and interviews. The interview module really helped me prepare for the most common interview questions and made me feel confident going into my interviews. For only $300, you cannot beat this deal! I would have paid $1,000 for ApplicantLab!

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December 08, 2020

Joined: Dec 08, 2020

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Booth, LBS Admit Very Happy with Applicant Lab!

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ApplicantLab was incredibly helpful for me.

Toward the end of the admissions process, I was totally stuck on my essays, and pretty close to giving up on my apps. I knew I needed guidance by the price tags of the traditional MBA consultants was discouraging, so I gave ApplicantLab a shot. I figured there was nothing to lose given it was a tiny fraction of the price.

I am so glad I did because the product was incredibly helpful. The interface is easy to use and really helps you organize your thinking. The school specific guidance was so useful for progressing my essays - and Maria's videos are all very engagement, information and at times hilarious. In addition, Maria was very prompt in responding to additional questions I sent throughout the process.

I recently was admitted to LBS and Booth and genuinely don't think I would have without ApplicantLab. Thank you Maria! I can't recommend ApplicantLab enough.

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October 17, 2020

Joined: Oct 17, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

HBS 2+2 Admit


Maria is a critical part of my MBA application process. As a senior in college and someone from a normal family, I could not afford those overpriced consulting services online, and that was why I initially chose the Applicant Lab.

Honestly, this turned out to be one of the best investments I made during my application. As a matter of fact, I've tried some of those "free 30min consultations" at other places and none of those shed any new insights on what I have already known. The Applicant Lab, however, was so much more substantial. Like every other DIY process, how much you get out of it depends on how much you dedicate yourself to it. I took full advantage of all the resources in the lab (and there were A LOT) and learned so many insider tricks about the entire MBA application and how to present the best version of myself while still being honest. Frankly, I feel I'm a half consultant now after using the lab - I know so much about MBA app now after using the lab.

The DIY tool made me extremely confident about the lab so I went on to book the sanity check, and then the essay and interview session with Maria, which were even more helpful! She really is one of the best persons in this field.

I rarely write reviews but I felt that I had to this time, because I truly appreciate the help I got and everything Maria was doing with the Applicant Lab. As a college student with no income yet, I'd have been completely on my own without the lab, but again, with the lab, I don't think I need those expensive consultants anymore. Maria, I said it to you privately before but again thanks so much! And for future applicants, I highly recommend trying out the Lab. There is a free trial version with your GmatClub account and you will know what I mean after giving it a shot.

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