April Stewart Reviews

Company: Gatehouse

A Harvard Business School MBA and former management consultant with Boston Consulting Group, April takes a methodical, hands-on, and client-centric approach to admissions coaching. Her additional experience in strategy and innovation — specifically in retail — has equipped her to identify the critical details, ideas, and words that will bring a client’s application to life and showcase their candidacy as a whole. April particularly enjoys learning what makes each of her clients unique and helping them craft a compelling narrative that highlights the best of who they are. While not afraid to push her clients to dig deep as they advance through the admissions process, she also works to ensure that they believe in themselves and their aspirations throughout the journey. Before pursuing her MBA from Harvard, April earned a bachelor of arts in economics from Bryn Mawr College, where she was captain of both the varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field Teams.

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 11 reviews
April 26, 2021

Joined: Apr 26, 2021

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April Is A True Partner


Background: Male, six years of finance experience, 332 GRE, 3.5X GPA from a T20 undergrad, pursuing media/entertainment.
Result: Accepted to four T20s with $$

April is fantastic - she helped me whip up eight applications (three paid, the rest leveraging the material we worked on together) in less than 45 days before R2 application deadlines. It was a herculean task, but April rose to the challenge - at once career coach, admissions dean, crisis manager, and spiritual leader in addition to her normal roles of editor, narrative crafter, mock interviewer, scholarship negotiator, and so much more.

At the most fundamental level, she helped me crystallize what I wanted to get from my MBA, explained some of the key distinctions between the schools I was targeting, and devised a strategy that maximized my ability to reuse the materials we worked on together to cover as much ground as possible on the applications I worked on privately. From there, we began identifying the stories and accomplishments I needed to highlight - I was feeling particularly daunted by the application process and uninspired by my achievements at that point, so we worked tirelessly on framing them properly in my resume and essays, focusing always on the specific actions I took and explaining in detail how the results were meaningful. This was difficult and uncomfortable for me, but April always provided concrete examples of how it should be done and was never shy about letting me know the quality of my work, good or bad.

At the same time, she helped me construct a credible story, reframing what I had initially considered a hodgepodge of unrelated jobs, a year-long unemployment gap, and limited extracurriculars into a carefully-curated career plan in which an MBA was the obvious next step, and then helped me sell it confidently in a three minute package to the seven schools I interviewed with. During our interview prep, we discussed the questions I would most likely receive (which were 90% spot on), and how I should answer them. She has a keen eye; for example, she noticed I was often unconsciously downplaying my accomplishments to build rapport and avoid seeming arrogant, so we worked together to frame them in a more positive light.

Beyond that, April was incredibly professional, patiently answering my questions, never missing a deadline, and checking in constantly to make sure I was staying on track. She was eminently knowledgeable about the MBA process, and I found that many of the skills and frameworks she taught, like self-reflection via the STARR method, or how to sell yourself in a negotiation, have helped put my upcoming journey into perspective. I came into the MBA application season with a lot of unanswered questions about my career, and under April’s guidance and partnership, I came away with four great opportunities and answers to those questions, and I can’t recommend her enough!

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