e-GMAT Online Intensive Reviews

Full access, Excel through 4 months of intensive preparation, Achieve 740+

GMAT Online Intensive is for aspirants aiming to go from mid 500s to 740+ in a limited time. GO Intensive personalizes your learning experience to optimize the content you need to master and not study what you already know. GO Intensive also ensures that you achieve the required proficiency required to ace each sub-section, enabling you to score 740+ in the most optimal manner.


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans


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April 30, 2021

Joined: Oct 21, 2020

Posts: 13

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V40 (Online)

Went from 640 to 700!!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Hi everyone!!

So I had written my first GMAT and scored a 640 (V35 Q42) The real shocker for me was my verbal score. In my GMAT prep official mocks I had scored upto 690 and had gotten verbal marks in the range of V35 to V40.
Post the exam, I knew I had to try again. I was genuinely confused about how to proceed as I had already exhausted most of my resources - OG guide 2021, Quant guide 2021, Verbal guide 2021, Kaplan 800, Barrons.
That is when I kept seeing reviews of E gmat verbal score improvement all over GMAT club and decided to buy the course.
Cut to 2nd attempt. I have scored a 700 (V40 Q47) and the credit for ensuring that V40 definitely goes to E-Gmat.
Ask anyone who performs well in Verbal it comes down to developing your gut by having the right methodology and knowing the rules.
E-Gmat helped me internalise a flow chart on how to approach different types of problems.
CR - pre thinking method helps you by ensuring that you have absolutely understood the question and are picking an answer you have already thought about than go blindly looking in the answer choices.
SC - their comprehensive set of rules and explanation videos help you identify the flaws and when left with maybe the last 2 choices, you employ the meaning based approach to finalize the aNswer.

The quant improvement was thanks to GMAT club tests.

If you are looking to improve your Verbal score,I genuinely recommend E-Gmat. It helps solidify a structure kn your head that ultimately after enough practice turns into your gut!

(Sorry if there are any typos, have been typing on my phone) :)

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April 29, 2021

Joined: Nov 04, 2017

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V39

First attempt - 680, Second attempt- 710


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I had first considered attempting GMAT in 2019, just a year into my new job. I set a date 4 months in advance, thinking I would have ample time to devote to my preparation. A couple of hectic projects and several early mornings and late nights at the office, I realised I had just over a month to go to appear for the test. I also took measure of my practice performance and saw that I was nowhere close to achieving a satisfactory score. That is when I started frantically looking for prep courses to guide me in my preparation.

After attending various free seminars and watching tutorials of prep companies on youtube, I decided that e-gmat was the best fit available to me. They offered a unique feature of one-to-one mentorship to help students stay on the right track. A conversation with Karan Kantharia, who analysed my mock test in great detail and provided valuable insights, confirmed my belief in e-gmat.

As I signed up for the course, I received regular emails from my mentor Ashutosh. He mentored me on the kinds of questions I needed to practice given my ability at the time and the resources I needed to peruse to fill in the conceptual gaps. This is the greatest advantage of the course in my opinion. Any course has a large volume of resources and question banks both and picking the resources and questions needed for one's individual ability is crucial, when one is faced with severe time constraints.

I was recommended to attempt the Master Comprehension and RC modules since my mock test had revealed gaps in that area. Master Comprehension is an answer to prayer when it comes to reading long complex sentences. I would recommend this module not only to GMAT test takers but to anyone who wants to improve their ability to really understand the nuances of complex sentences. In addition to this, the question bank Scholoranium helps in keeping track of one's performance in various sections and sub-sections and keeps one motivated to get better at solving questions correctly and speedily.

After one month of juggling work and prep, I appeared for the test and got a 680. I was not satisfied with the score and attempted the GMAT again this year (January 2021) using the notes I had made when my course was active. In this attempt, I scored a 710. I credit e-gmat with building all the basics essential to get a 700+ score on the test.

To conclude, if anyone has lost direction with respect to their prep or is looking to build a strong foundation of GMAT concepts, this course is the first step in the right direction.

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April 28, 2021

Joined: Sep 01, 2020

Posts: 1

Kudos: 26

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

750 - A story of Persistence and Focus


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Amazing to have you here. If you are reading, we are probably sharing a love for cracking the GMAT. Trust me the process is worth it. I want to share with you a little about my story and hope this adds value to your preparation. Let’s start with some context.

I always knew I wanted to study an MBA. My mind is trained to think about businesses and my heart has always been towards seeing business as tool towards positive change.

I knew it as I studied my bachelors in mechanical engineering, that I will be doing the MBA route down the line. I did my masters in powertrain engineering in France because I am passionate about how mobility sector has been revolutionizing and impacting every other industry. I got involved into the tech sector and a product developer and it was not long before I could see the difference between my thought process and the 100 engineers in our group. Business viability to the future, its positioning and impact mattered to me. As I got busy learning about cultures, languages moving continuously across borders I realized the craving to expose myself to like minded people. I wanted to be among peers discussing the next big entrepreneurship idea and I chose to move to city that would give opportunity to head along the process.

This the beginning of my GMAT journey. Though I had played around with the GMAT idea back in 2018 it was December 2019 when I finally decided to go in for the exam. Little did I know it was going to be a year and a half before I would be prepared to take the exam. I started of my preparation doing some market research and getting in all the recommended books (GMAT Prep, Manhatten Prep). The Manhatten Prep guides were a joy and would recommend you to definitely read the Roadmap, because that prepares you mentally about GMAT. However till summer I was heading nowhere.

My first GMAT Preparation test I got a 670. I had tried to go through the Manhatten book and I was definitely not feeling confident about the verbal section. I made a decision at this point to go all in for the Exam and that was the mantra that carried me all along. I loved the interface, the explanation that experts global provided and I took several tests in the platform, focusing more on my test taking strategies and timing and I was plateauing in the 700 zone. I was there far too long and I was clueless how to go forward. Keen to go up, I persisted to look for solution and it was such a blessing that I found eGMAT. Initially I had planned to take my GMAT in a couple of week from the point I took the eGMAT course. I resonated so much with the approach I decided to postpone my exam and only focus on re inventing and building myself. I attended the webinars, watched their debriefs, went though the course structure, and just looking at their approach I had complete trust in the eGMAT process.

This debrief Is about eGMAT and why I think this is going to add value to your preparation. It was a huge value to me and I want to ensure that you can take value from this.

So what does eGMAT do that it gave me the right pedestal. Here are my 5 point synopsis based on the value I took from eGMAT.

1. Clearly SC: I will start with SC because that was the main reason why I signed up for eGMAT. I had no clue how, Why answers were wrong and WHY answers were right, I hated the approach to memorize and eliminate based on rules. And when I found about eGAMT meaning based approached I could so relate this to my own necessity to understand. I just gave me a lot of joy to finally understand. It gave me an appreciation for the test makers designing the exam. I started to love the SC problems. eGMATs approach Is systematic, clear, elaborate and through. You do have to trust the process and invest the time but the impeccable support from Rajat, Payal and team have that sorted having the approach customized for every single user who reaches out to the service team.

Hats off to the eGMAT team for pulling off such an excellent SC course. I would recommend you to do it just for fun, it will improve your appreciation for language.

2. Counter intuitively RC: When I started with eGMAT my RC was mediocre and I knew that to get a decent score that I needed to weed out why I was going wrong. Where was I making the mistake. The eGMATs Master comprehension course and clear structuring of the questions gave me a perspective that I missed out in my previous preparation. With the complete emphasis on understanding the meaning, I knew realized the key aress for me to improve on my RC was actually very counter intuitive. Not to worry about the timing as I read the passage. This is so hard to ingrain and trust this process but actually reading the passage thoroughly made me faster in completing the RC section with higher accuracy. I need to give huge credits to eGMAT to support me in driving this into me a habit. I picked this up from the eGMAT course and it has become a life skill.

3. Critically CR: I had always maintained CR to be one of my strong areas. Coming from a physics and engineering background I love CR. I enjoy this and have been so proud to answer CR questions. My own failures in the CR part of verbal I had related it to the lack of timing.

So it was a huge surprise for me when DJ from the e GMAT team reached to me and asked me to focus on CR because that was turning to be my weak area. While the data was telling me that my own conformity bias was not allowing me to see the real picture. I owe DJ a lot to ask me to go through the CR course completely. The pre thinking which was something that I was doing organically became something that I because conscious off and paid attention to how I was structuring it in my head with relevance to what was needed from the question. This helped me to get my accuracy in solving the Hard question correct high. The scholarinium at some point became very addictive to me. I cant wait for the upgraded version to with more analytics in it! This will be a huge plus to all the new test takers.

The second aspect on my CR that eGMAT added value was to look at my ‘takt time’ or my natural time that I was spending my time on getting the question correct. The video analytics which DJ provided me solidified my thesis that I needed a process improvement in approaching the question and also helped develop a sense of structuring.

4. Hard Quant: I am a natural math lover and I trust my process how I work with numbers so I did not take the math course even though DJ kept insisting me to take the newly launched quant program which I thought covered the basic in a well structured manner again focused on really understanding whats happening behind the numbers. Which is something I love about eGAMT. Where I took the most value from is the Quant scholarinium which can be timed and readily available solution to any question. I loved the way eGMAT structured Quant into 5 sections and I could use them individually to raise the difficulty level to hunt down my weaknesses and improve my speed. This was one of the key take-aways. I actually love the hard questions in eGMAT which tend to take a lot of time which I were I learnt he hard lesson to let go of questions that are taking a lot of time. Again this was a huge challenge to the ego when you pride yourself of your quant. This actually helped in my exam where I could pace myself and make a better decision with the exam.
5. The support : The one big value I took from eGAMT especially during the entire process is, there was always someone I could talk to during this whole journey. At time during the process you a bit by yourself and need that comforting understanding and analytical conversation which the eGMAT support team so excellently delivers. They supported me on weekends late hours and I always had the confidence that I would get a reply in the next 24 hours. This reliability is hard earned and as a business thinker I appreciate how well Rajat, Payal and team have developed this.

Other than the aforementioned points eGMAT turned out to be the only resource I started to use and the only thing that was necessary for me other than the GMAT Prep test to get the feel. I loved the SIGMA X mocks actually more and wished there were more than just the 5 available because they give you a detailed analysis as much as your ESR and give you a real visual of your performance. Also the Strategic review which eGMAT keeps repeating through the course was a game changer in my prep approach. This helped me shoot from a 670 in one of my first GMAT PREP mocks to 750.

I hope you take a lot of value from this analysis and good wishes in your preparation.

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April 28, 2021

Joined: Jun 09, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

Extremely Helpful Resource for Sentence Correction


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I enrolled with e-gmat after a friend's recommendation, which turned out to be a very good decision. I was mightily impressed with how structured the course is.

I would like to highlight the sections that I found helpful in my preparation.

Sentence Correction - If you are struggling with sentence correction, this is the course for you. The course builds the foundation and takes you through the details through an application-based approach, which worked pretty well in my case.

Critical Reasoning - I was particularly struggling with this section initially. The pre-thinking approach helped me a lot in streamlining my answers before diving into the answer choices and I was straight away able to eliminate the wrong answer choices.

Sigma-X - This is the closest to the actual test that you are going to get after the official mocks. The block-wise analysis at the end of each test helps you analyze each section in detail. The analysis is presented in a manner it is presented in the final ESR, which will help you assess the time you spend in each block/type of question.

Overall, I would highly recommend e-gmat.

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April 25, 2021

Joined: Sep 03, 2020

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V41

Excellent choice for someone looking to Ace the GMAT


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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The Egmat online course (quant+verbal) is possibly the best in the business. It is an extremely structured course and is ideal for someone who is looking to ace the test with minimum effort in trying to figure out how to!
Quant : with the updated course material, the Egmat quant package is possibly the most comprehensive out there. Its very rigorous in its approach and is a tad bit more difficult than the actual test. The good news is that if you can do the Egmat quant, you can definitely do the GMAT quant :)
Verbal : well, what more can i say to an already cult favourite in this domain? Egmat verbal is the most lucid and structured course. It boasts of non-native speaker success and rightly so. It breaks down a seemingly absract subject into steps. (basically converts verbal into quant!)
Mentors at Egmat : I have only good things to say about the mentors here. They are extremely prompt. They even reply on sundays and the most important thing is that they are effective! My assigned mentor (Archit Bhargava) was a treat to work with. Archit gave me the confidence that i could ace the test with a very detailed feedback and easy-to-follow steps in my preparation.
Kudos to the team! I highly recommend them!

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April 22, 2021

Joined: Sep 18, 2018

Posts: 252

Kudos: 208

Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q49 V36

600 to 690 With E-GMAT's Support - V25 to V36, Q48 to Q49


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Hi Fellow Test-takers,

Hope your preparations are going good. I just wanted to update you on how my GMAT journey has been. So, the milestone 700 has been in my target list from 2016, right when I got my first job. To give a background, I am a finance guy with 4 years of Work experience based out of Bangalore aged about 24.

Attempt1 :

Well, I did not research a lot about the exam and how I should prepare for it. Meanwhile, my work kept me busy and in the process the professional exams intrigued me and enrolled for a couple -CIPM and CFA. After finishing those, my focus got shifted to GMAT after gaining 2 years of work experience. So one of my friends who also struggled as I suggested that Princeton Review Private tutoring is good. So, me and him enrolled for the course. Well, it did not work for me as they have a very simple mindset and assumed everyone knows basics about the exam and the syllabus.

After giving a couple of mocks I realized something's wrong in my preparation. So went to GMAT club read a couple of reviews and purchased E-GMAT verbal course in 2019. I went through the complete course couple of times and took the Exam in Aug 2019 only to find out that my preparation was not good enough to beat the 700 score though my performance in Scholaranium was good. So I ordered the ESR and asked for Rajat's opinion. He said I should give it a try again.

Sources: PR Material, E-GMAT Verbal Course, GMAT Club Tests, MGMAT for Quant.
Score: 600 (Q48 V25)

Attempt2: (2020 - 2021)

This time I decided that I will not spend a lot of money on Prep and hence completely relied on GMAT Club, Free webinars from various Test Prep Companies and GMAT Club points to buy Veritas Tests and GMAT Tests.

So before starting my prep, I looked at my ESR and reflected on how I prepared myself in the past for the exam. I realized that I considered GMAT to be of the same type as those professional exams that I took and I prepared in the same way. So, I realized that I need to approach it differently by going about practicing questions gave an official mock and my Quant score is still at 48 but my verbal score was 30. I started preparing in August 2020 focusing completely on Verbal SC and RC. I made sure that I do a couple of passages from GMAT club daily irrespective and trust me, it just increases your comprehension speed for SC and CR as well. After a month into my preparation I got CORONA and luckily recovered from it.

Post which, I started my preparation in February 2021 again, using MGMAT Quant and Verbal books, RON Videos, OGs for practice. I gave a mock sometime at the end of February and realized I could only get my score to 650. My major issues are with CR.

E-GMAT's Entry into My Prep again:

I attended E-GMATs Quant Workshop during the beginning of March, post which I got a link for a free strategy call with one of their experts -Vaibhav, who showed me a profile of one their students in Scholaranium. I realized that there is a sequence to follow for improvements in each of the verbal and Quant sections. I saw a gradual progress in each of the sections using what they call Cementing Quizzes. He suggested me to take a Sigma X mock and shared the link for the test. In-fact he even followed me up to check whether I have taken the test. So, I gave it on a Sunday and got 660 with a very low CR score. I went through my performance using the analytics of Sigma X mocks. I think they gave me a pretty accurate representation of my performance in each of the sub sections. And then I had a call with Vaibhav again and we analyzed my score in Sigma X mock and he offered me a one month course.

After a lot of speculation I decided to take up the course and pushed my exam by a month to April 22 2021. So, the first thing Vaibhav asked me to do was to drop an email to E-GMAT's support team for the plan and to decide how I should prepare. I tell you they are very prompt and they analyzed my performance again in Sigma -X mock and my ESR and they assigned me a mentor DJ (name sounds fancy I know) who forwarded me something called E-GMAT's bible for preparing GMAT. It was pretty elaborate: mentioned when I should take Quizzes to cement my methods, what are the target scores I should aim for in each of the Quizzes and what I should do in case I did not get the target scores. I decided to follow it blindly and also built a study plan using the E_GMAT's platform.

Verbal Prep:

I am not promoting or anything, I think everybody who's been through E-GMAT's verbal course would tell that the course's Master comprehension and SC module are really good. After going through the course I can see my scores improved in SC and RC tremendously but I still had trouble with CR. Here I reached out again and he gave me a plan as to how I should revise and take quizzes for CR. Believe me it worked.


To be very frank I liked their Quant course better than their verbal. It implemented something called XPert architecture in which every sub concept in Quant starts with a Diagnostic quiz including Medium and Hard questions and suggests you which sections you can skip and which you cannot based on your performance. I realized that I had gaps in Word Problems and Geometry and frankly I liked how Shwetha ma'am used real world explanations in Geometry. One small thing I didn't like about Quant questions in E-GMAT is that they are pretty dense and the actual GMAT questions are not that dense and focus more on logic and E-GMAT's solutions are more process oriented. There are gaps in the course, which you can cover from GMAT Club Quant book.


I did not get sufficient time to go through official questions this time but I was sure that E-GMAT scholranium questions covered all the topics. What I liked about Sigma-X mocks is that for every test you take, an additional 200 questions get added to your Scholaranium. By today, I have about 1000 questions in Quant and 1000 questions in Verbal and I finished four of Sigma X mocks in which I score, 660, 680, 750 and 700. The forum moderators are also prompt in answering the queries and it did cover all my doubts.

Score: 690 (Q49 , V36)
Sources: E-GMAT's GMAT Online Course, GMAT Club Quant Workbook and the material in the below link: - QUANT Guide by GMAT Club

Mocks: Sigma X mocks (660, 680, 750, 700), Veritas Prep (700, 710, 720) Mocks, Official Mock tests 5 & 6 (710, 720), GMAT Club tests (Q48~50).

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April 20, 2021

Joined: Aug 07, 2020

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Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V39

eGMAT Online


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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After a dismal attempt 1, I took the eGMAT course.

I started with the verbal course. I did every video in the course.
Out of the three sections, the content on SC worked the most for me. The meaning based approach helped me improve considerably on SC.

For CR, Practicing from eGMAT Scholaranium helped me improve considerably on CR.

Once I completed the course, eGMAT chalked out the number of quizzies that I need to give before I move to the next stage in the preparation - this really helped me as it ensured that I only move on once I am thorough with a section.

For Quant, eGMAT has revamped its quant section. I had given the previous quant course, this once is more robust. I was able to drastically improve in number properties after the new course.

After finishing both the sections, I worked with DJ on how I can prepare towards the final leg of writing the exam. He helped me with a step-by-step guide.

In addition, he would also help with the quizzies, the accuracy I should attain etc. This I thought was imperative to score well on the mocks. Once I started giving the mocks, DJ after each mock would send a video with an analysis of the mock along with the next steps to improve.

Additionally, as and when I plateaued in a section, I received the inputs from the experts on how I can mitigate and improve. That again worked really well for me.

I plan to continue to leverage Scholaranium and build quizzies to improve for my next attempt.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 15, 2021

Joined: Jan 02, 2021

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V38 (Online)

e-GMAT, exactly what I needed for 140 points increase upto 700


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Today I received my GMAT score: 700/800, a 140 point increase achieved in little more than three months!! I couldn’t be more happy, but at the same time more grateful to the e-GMAT team.

Their support throughout my learning journey was immense. The strategy team is always (ALWAYS = 7/7) there to support you and provide corrective measures to your learning plan. The software itself, provides the ultimate in class teaching and mentor simulation. They prepare you for this ability test by indeed teaching those required abilities by means of diagnostic quizzes, concept files teaching the core concept skills, followed by practice quizzes to apply those concepts and eventually solve GMAT level 700+ questions. This method, they apply for all Verbal and Quant. Their Quant just got updated to Quant 2.0. I got to know e-GMAT as the best way to optimise your Verbal skills; today I equally value their Verbal and Quant course. Both allowed me to excel!

In the last two weeks, I got additional coaching from DJ (Dhananjay Lowe). After my first GMAT attempt in March, he reached out to me to join the Last Mile Program. He provided me with a hyper-specific plan to boost my score and get that 700 score. E-GMAT allowed me to significantly increase my score, the mentorship by DJ gave this extra boost to excel truly.

What I really liked about e-gmat, is their data-oriented approach. Thanks to the data they collect and share with their students, there should be no surprises during your GMAT exam. Their know-how allows them and yourself to estimate your ability and therefore reflect an estimate of your score. The mock prep tests by e-GMAT (Sigma-X Mocks) also provided an accurate estimate of my score.

In short: I would have NEVER achieved this 140 point increase without the e-GMAT software, their strategy team, and DJ. First, I bought official prep content by GMAC, but soon I realised I needed more. E-GMAT was exactly what I needed. Although no one would officially recommend studying for GRE using GMAT tools, I also took GRE between my two GMAT attempts and got a score of 322 on this exam.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 14, 2021

Joined: Dec 24, 2018

Posts: 2

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V36

Great product with awesome analytics


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I utilized e-GMAT for my first attempt and scored a 650 with 3-4 months of preparations.

I found the course beneficial on two major fronts -

1. Filtered study material - e-GMAT's prep material is refined to what you'll actually need for the test. Unlike the books, this course is straightforward and teaches only what is required and in an efficient manner.

2. Engaging - with all the analytics, prep videos, and routine targets, I found this product very engaging and keeps you on a defined timeline.

The SC course is hands down one of the best course out there. It teaches you the right error types and optimum process to boil it down to the right answer.

In CR, the pre-thinking approach is efficient and certainly helps when one is encountered a hard level CR question.

Scholaranium is a great question bank with exceptional capabilities. It's inbuilt analytics shows you exactly at which point you are faltering and which topics needs the most attention.

Sigma-X Mocks are one of the best mock tests out there in the market. The analytics is great and the definite time limit pushes one to replicate actual test conditions.

Finally the support is "Extraordinary" - answers to your queries are prompt and experts go above and beyond to help you succeed. I had calls with Payal, Rajat, and Shaarang for my re-takes and everyone was very supportive and gave me the required feedback based on my previous tests and eGMAT data.

After my first attempt, I gave couple more attempts but couldn't improve my score past 660. Though my quant was constant at 49, my verbal was fluctuating. I finally took help from a private GMAT tutor to help me increase my verbal score and was able to score a 700.

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April 12, 2021

Joined: Dec 03, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
680 Q47 V36

e-GMAT Online Prep course review

REVIEWER IDENTITY VERIFIED by gmat club tests [?]

Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I stumbled upon e-GMAT after taking my first attempt of the real GMAT exam and scoring poorly. I knew I had to dive deeper into concepts in CR and SC specifically and also improve my concepts in Quant to reduce "silly mistakes". After comparing a lot of courses, I finally decided to give e-GMAT a shot because of how well their material was presented and the effort they had put into their course videos and mock exams (which I got to experience first hand during the 7 day trial period). The emphasis on collecting meaningful data from the quiz and exam performances and the elaborate reviews which followed were what instilled confidence in me that I had chosen the correct course to help prepare me for the GMAT.

A few aspects of the course which I specifically liked and used were:

1. The verbal course: I think its the most exhaustive verbal course I have come across. The deep dive into the concepts of SC especially helped me tackle the harder questions which I previously had to guess my way through.

2. CR - I understood that the different types of CR questions warranted a different way of thinking. The key learning of coming up with assumptions after reading the passage before looking at answer choices was a great tip which eventually saved me a lot of time during those questions.

3. RC - I was relatively comfortable with RC because I enjoy reading hence I never had too much trouble here. However, the amount of passages in the course helped to sharpen my skills in reading passages of various topics/subjects quickly and to grasp the main point of the passages.

4. The entire quant course was really helpful. If you're rusty with certain topics, definitely go through the quant course.

5. The part of the course which helpedme the most was the Scholaranium. It's basically a huge database of questions which help to "solidify" the concepts of both Quant and Verbal and the question bank is almost endless. This is what stood out to me and helped me the most.

6.The sigmaX Mocks: The difficulty of these mocks is just right. A good feature of these mocks is the absence of a pause button, forcing you to prepare yourself to sit for a 3 hour exam with the same mindset as you would during the real thing. As mentioned above, the review at the end of the exam shows you exactly where you struggled, which type of questions took you the most time to solve and also which concepts you need to brush up on. I found this data very helpful because it saved a lot of time during the review and I was able to spend more time on working on those concepts.

Lastly, the support e-GMAT provided was the best! Hats off to experienced coaches like Dhananjay and the others who replied to my endless emails about questions and concepts and even helped review my exams telling me which areas to focus on.

Overall, I am very happy that I chose e-GMAT. I cannot talk about every online course out there but I would recommend this course to every single person who wants to succeed at the GMAT and start their MBA journey on a positive note.

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