e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1206 reviews
May 20, 2016

Joined: Dec 08, 2015

Posts: 257

Kudos: 119

Self-reported Score:
600 Q44 V27

Completely useless. Save your money and time.


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

When I first did GMAT I barely looked at verbal, I was concerned with Quant. So I had 540 (Q35 V29). After this I was decided to improve my score and of course I had to drastically improve my Verbal. After some 2months and 200+ hours of Verbal preparation with eGmat, guess what I had? (Q44 V27)
How is this possible? I studied all their lessons applied the techniques did dozens and dozens of official questions and I get 2 points less? This is absolutely absurd and the only reason I see for such a disaster is that eGmat and their method are completely useless.

As it appears there is no way to study Verbal the "easy" way. So stay away from this "preparation" and take a serious course (that will probably cost you serious money too...)

And I find it very strange that they have a 4.7 stars ranking. Perhaps 90% of those who had good score never needed preparation in first place. And I bet that those who get bad scores as I did, don't bother to come here to give their review. Only those who had the score they wanted speak out.

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June 08, 2016

Dear Ilia,

I am sorry that you have not done well on the test. However, the claims in your review are not based on facts. You mentioned that you completed the course, did everything that was offered, and spent over 200 hours on the course. None of these claims is true based on the data that we unearthed. Our course contains three components - learning, in place quizzes accompanying the learning content, and full length assessments in
Scholaranium. Overall, you have completed about 30% of all the content, cumulatively. I have mentioned the same to you in an email but I did not get a response. Hence, I had to paste my response here. Please read below for hard facts:

1. Learning Content: You have done about 50% of all the learning content. You have completed 76% of the Sentence Correction course, 66% of the Critical Reasoning course, and a mere 30% of the Reading Comprehension course.

2. Quizzes accompanying the learning content: Out of the 58 quizzes in the Verbal course, you have merely attempted 18. Out of these 18, you have scored less than 80% in 13. Hence, you have only performed satisfactorily on 8% (eight percent) of the concept quizzes.

3. Full length assessments in Scholaranium: You have completed less than 10% of the full length assessments.

The above is hard data that clearly shows that you were not as diligent as you should have been while studying the course. Also, it shows that you have not spent the 200 hours that you claim on the portal. In fact, based on the data above, I am quite confident that you have not even spent 100 hours since you have just logged in "66 times" since you completed your purchase.

Ilia, do you still think that your feedback is based on “objective facts”? Do you still see that there can be “no gaps” in your preparation despite the data above? Please understand that merely purchasing the course does not lead to improvement, you do need to study the course diligently.

Do you think you have been diligent? I don’t mind a negative review based on facts. However, I don’t see a reason for the same here since you have not completed the course. Every claim that you mentioned does not stand up to the facts.

Students who study our course diligently improve tremendously. We would not be in a position (1000+ reviews) in which we are had that not been the case. Please see a few such success stories below:

June 09, 2016

I love how fiercely you defend your course and I love even more the facts you use to do it.
Well, if you want to get into a CR battle...

I have no idea on how you count the hours I spent studying, but I guess your formula must have some major mistakes. Just because I didn't complete all the content, it doesn't mean that I studied 200-X hours, so I have no idea on how you made these calculations. Obviously these numbers benefit your position though ;)
Also you should have take into account that a student doesn't only "study" when he\she is looking at your specific website. I spent many hours double-checking your course information on forums and OG questions to get another perspective of the content.
Your claims about the nº of hours I studied are simply ridiculous.

-As you can probably see in your data, and you could have mentioned this interesting fact, is that I started by completing your quizzes and then gave up on them. More on that, I completed all of the SC course and I didn't do the quizzes because those are of very poor quality.
Same goes to other eGmat questions, I didn't do them because I don't trust the quality of their writing.
I prefer to spend my time attempting OG questions. Those are 100% indisputably correct.

On what goes to CR and RC I have no idea on how your magic formula gave you those percentages, but rest assured that I have seen all of the content of CR and some 80% of RC. I didn't complete the RC because I wasn't convinced by your philosophy to approach it. Honestly it doesn't say anything that the other prep companies don't day.

Your comment only proves that all these criteria you (and many other prep companies) use to defend your course against critics is like on of those "warranties" on a travel bag. "30 years money-back guarantee!*" (*except: drops, theft, misuse, improper cleaning, change of pressure, etc etc etc). So no way these can be met by anyone and you always get some facts to attack any criticism.

Lastly, about the position of eGmat on the rankings. Let me tell you that all the companies have the same 4.6-4.8 ranking, a fact that I find to be very strange. Everyone loved their prep? Or only those who got high scores speak up? What about all those who don't get their scores? I don't see their opinions here.. No wonder that you get all defensive and use all the data you can put your hands on when someone finally comes here to give a different perspective of your preparation.

Extra: I learned more about SC from the 2h30min free video by Veritas than in 100h of SC by eGmat. check it out, you'll find it interesting.

June 16, 2016

Extremely unprofessional comment. I am someone who purchased egmat just today and your claims don't make me want to give up at all. In fact, I had a skype call with one of the team members for 2 hrs today answering all of my questions!! Time is valuable and time is money and Manas gave me his time before I even purchased anything!!! That just shows how much they care. Haters are going to hate and from the numbers that egmat provided in their response here, I can say you're just making up stuff. By the way, I've watched a free video on SC verbed and verbing I believe and I got it in a matter of minutes. Super efficient and well done course. Keep the great work egmat!

P.S. You seem like you got some personal issues with egmat, grow up and solve them in email exchange instead of blasting it off here. Very unprofessional and rude of you.

June 16, 2016

Yeah yeah sure, I will be expecting more random happy customers to show up here to say how happy they are with the course and how my comment is wrong lol. Good thing this is a business school forum and people here know what comment trolls are and how the industry works :)

Just one more piece of evidence that this course is a joke.

June 16, 2016

Toooooo funny dude!!! I have zero association with egmat. I found out about them recently. Google my name, I co founded an environmental company. How's that related to egmat?! LOL! Such a loser. You're wasting my time. Bye.

June 16, 2016


June 18, 2016

Dear iliavako,

I have summarized your comments in this review and responded to three different parts. Please read the below:

Part 1
“ilavko’s Claim in original review” After some 2months and 200+ hours of Verbal preparation “with eGmat,” guess what I had? (Q44 V27).
“Rajat’s Response” You could not have spent 200+ hours “on the course” because a) you did not finish the courses and b) you have logged in just “66 times”
“ilavko’s counter” I studied 200 hours because spent many hours double-checking your course information on forums and OG questions to get another perspective of the content.
“Rajat’s final counter”So essentially you may have spent 200 hours studying from “all resources” but you definitely did not spend 200 hours “on the course” which is consistent with my claim based on your attempt data in the course.

Here is what’s more surprising to me:
1. You claim to have started with a V29, yet you found the concept quizzes difficult in SC. In my 5 years of running this business, I have not seen a single student make that statement about the concept quizzes. Note, we have served 15,800+ students.
2. You found the questions objectionable, yet you never wrote to me about the same. I have no record of receiving an email from you.
3. You did not choose to get a refund on the course. We have a 7 days no questions asked refund policy. Note, the data shows that you did not perform well in many of your concept quizzes during the first 7 days of your subscription. I wonder why you did not ask for a refund at that time.

“Part 2”
“ilavko’s Question”How do you calculate the number of hours spent?
“Rajat’s Response”
Number of hours = (Number of concept files) X (Time per concept file) + (Number of quizzes) X (Time per quiz.)

The formula above is how anyone would do the math. It’s not designed to be “favorable to e-GMAT”. Note, this method is outlined in detail in the study plan that is provided to you with your purchase receipt so that you can plan your studies.

“Part 3”
“ilavko’s Claim” Extra: I learned more about SC from the 2h30min free video by Veritas than in 100h of SC by eGmat.
“Rajat’s Response” How can you spend 100 hours on SC course when the course itself is no more than 40 hours (that too for a V17 student) and you did not even finish the course. Also, the nature of your comment demonstrates your seriousness while doing the course.

“Part 4”
“ilavko’s Statement”
I love how fiercely you defend your course and I love even more the facts you use to do it.
Well, if you want to get into a CR battle...
“Rajat’s Response” Yes, that’s what Critical reasoning is for – arriving at a conclusion based on facts. A good argument is one in which the conclusion is based on facts + sound logic. Every review/reviewer should follow this because a logical review benefits everyone.

We spend upwards of 1500 hours every month enhancing our courses. Over the years, the success of our students has demonstrated the value that our course provides, and I am very proud of the product that I and my team have built. Can you critique it? Absolutely!! But please do it based on factual data and not on unsubstantiated claims. That’s all I ask.

June 18, 2016
June 18, 2016

The fact that you keep playing the blame-the-student card, insist on telling me your conditions of refund and some formulas that I am suppose to assume to be universally correct really shows how sketchy your company is!

Omg can you just admit that your course can be considered to be useless? You can't can you?

You are repeating the same arguments again and again. About some money back guarantee that nobody can ever use.. How am I supposed to know if your course is of any use in 7 days? Study 24h with no sleep and do my official GMAT to see how I perform or something?

I never said I find the quizzes difficult or whatever you mean by that anyways. I said I found them to be of low quality, I didn't want to spend time solving them and I switched to OG questions.

Why am I supposed to mail you if I find your questions to be of bad quality? Why should I bother? I just move on and start solving other questions, this is what people do, they don't like a product they just find another one, no one will send you mails to discuss the writing of questions...

Perhaps your magic formula should take into account that people pause the videos, watch them again and do external research while studying, so obviously the study time will extend far beyond what your formula tells. Can you tell for how long I was logged in during my 66 logins btw? No? Inconvenient data for you? How does that fit into your magic formula?

Do you assume that people watch your 40h SC course in one go? No replays? No external search?

As I said and I say it again, your conditions are like one of those life-time warranties with conditions that can't be met by anyone in the real world. And I say again that this is a B-school forum and the users here are aware of these practices and I find it very important to give my opinion on what your course actually did to my preparation (wasted a lot of precious time)

Honestly I am sick and tiered of spending time answering your claims based on blaming me for not sticking to your formulas and terms. My friend, this is the real world, not an Excel spreadsheet, things don't always work as you plan on paper. Your course failed miserably and all you can tell me are these canned arguments about not following your plan 100%.

Look, give up and move on. Make a better course and hire some quality content writers. You have typos in the course all over the place for christ's sake..

June 18, 2016

"Your comment" The fact that you keep playing the blame-the-student card, insist on telling me your conditions of refund and some formulas that I am suppose to assume to be universally correct really shows how sketchy your company is!.

Rajat's Response: I am not playing blame the student card!! Just simply stating that the course cannot help you improve if you do less than 40 percent of the course.

"Quality of Questions"
Below is a guy who scored 780 including a V50. Below is a student who score a V50 - a bit higher than you did and unlike you he found the quality of questions to be quite good.

Note, this guy was not an e-GMAT student. He just got an offer to try our product out because he filled out a survey conducted by GMAT Club. Yet he benefited from the questions enough that he felt the need to mention the same.

BTW - the conditions of refund are simple. If you don't like the course, just let us know within the first 7 days and we will refund your purchase. You logged in about 15 times during the first 7 days which is enough to know whether you like the course or not.

What is "Blame the student"?

I would have agreed to your "Blame the student" comment had you completed 80%+ of the course "properly" (yes properly) and then not improved. You cannot just attempt 40% of the course loosely and then play blame the course card. That's not fair.

May 16, 2016

Joined: Jan 27, 2013

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e-Gmat is a must for non-native test takers!


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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In my previous GMAT attempt, I scored high in quant but had a low score in the verbal section, which pulled my overall score down. I am retaking the exam this year and I have decided to take the help of e-Gmat (as recommended by a friend who score 760 overall)!
I must say that I am throughly impressed by e-GMAT's techniques and methods of attempting problems especially in the Sentence Correction part. The three step approach to solving a question - meaning analysis, error analysis and options analysis is a beautiful strategy that can help one solve any SC question with a decent accuracy. Not only this, the concept of takt time can be used to monitor one's performance and confidently skip some questions, and still get a high score. Having mastered my speed, I am currently looking to improve my accuracy. Yet another product 'Scholaranium' (a part of the Verbal Online Course) provides me with a good set of practice question and helps me to understand my areas of improvement. I would strongly recommend non-native English speakers to give e-GMAT a try!

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May 16, 2016

Joined: Aug 03, 2013

Posts: 2

Kudos: 48

Self-reported Score:
730 Q50 V41

Best verbal course if English is your second language


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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E-Gmat has one of the best verbal courses out there in the market. As a non native ( English ) this course helped me understand the intricate details in the language which helped me through out Sentence Correction.

The techniques through which they approach a given problem..( Yes i mean problem !!..Thats how one should attack every Verbal question in my opnion ) is very calculated and to the point. These techniques certainly help you to solve the question very quickly and save time. My timing improved by 6 full minutes.!!

A big thanks for their detailed videos, which can viewed again and again at your ease.

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May 16, 2016

Joined: Feb 16, 2015

Posts: 3

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37

Verbal : The Devil - not quite anymore!


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Flashback to July 2015: I have just returned from the test center after a forgettable GMAT, one that has raised serious questions over my basic knowledge of the English Language.
I was determined to make amends and by a happy coincidence, I came across E-GMAT on a certain gmat-club forum. What struck me about them back then was the simple procedure they used to arrive at VA solutions regardless of the question/question-type.
As a result, I further attended a few webinars and eventually decided to enroll to e-gmat Verbal Online course.A few lessons in, I was able to see a change in my approach towards GMAT questions. With regular practise, I learnt to apply [Logical Diagram - Prethink - Evaluate Answer Choices] effectively to all verbal question types and this simple practice helped improve my accuracy in a major way.
The course for VOL is broken down into several chapters with a mix of videos and PDFs, all of which contributed to a healthy learning experience. What I most enjoyed during my preparation was the pre-quiz & post-quiz for every chapter. These exercises along with the solution analyses really help with one's self-assessment(They helped in my case atleast and I was able to set targets for myself).
I was particularly impressed with the CR & RC sections of the course, the level of the questions in the practice files of these sections was spot on with regard to GMAT and I believe solving these helped me overcome my fear of the GMAT environment.
However, it is worth mentioning that a lower average response time to queries would be preferable. They take about 2 days to respond to queries, as of now.
All this said, I would certainly recommend e-gmat verbal to anyone who's looking for a carefully structured course to help prepare for the GMAT.

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May 15, 2016

Joined: Jul 27, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
650 Q49 V30

E-Gmat is the real deal


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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When i started preparing for GMAT, One of the major decision to be made was to select an online course which can help me in building my concepts and approach ,and understanding question types and unique ways to solve them. E-Gmat not only helped me get all the above but more. I took its Verbal online course and below is a brief review of my experience.

E-gmat has a unique approach to SC. It first builds your concept and afterwards help you apply them in various types of questions. One thing i can say for sure is the methodology is amazing and it helped me in improving my accuracy from 40% to 85%.

Moving on to CR, The most highlighting point will be the Pre-Thinking step. The introduction to various types of questions and concepts is really good. I got a hang of it quite quickly but its Scholaranium helped further enhance my ability to solve questions.

In RC Section of E-Gmat, It has divided the various Essay types such as Buisiness, Eonomics , Bio Science and etc. These Various types of essay helps you in getting acquainted to every type of essay question asked in GMAT.

All the above, The Scholaranium is the best i would say. All the questions give you ample much of practice and help you get best statistics.
I hope my review will help people in making a crucial decision.
Thanks E-Gmat

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 15, 2016

Joined: Jul 11, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I was actively looking for courses online for my verbal preparation. Since I have graduated from one of the top engineering colleges in India, I never faced issues with quant section. Without much efforts I was scoring in the range of 49 - 51. However my pain point was the verbal section. I did not have proper structure in place for verbal preparation. Also, I could never develop the confidence of reaching a point where I could say that I would score > 35 in the verbal section. In fact I was constantly scoring in the range of 26-30 in this section. I had exhausted all the study materials I had such as the Manhattan SC guide, Manhattan cr guide and some other materials which I found online. Such was my frustration level that I decided to put my preparation on hold as there was uncertainty of my score in the verbal section despite my sincere efforts. Then I stumbled upon eGMAT verbal online course on facebook. I realised that there were a bunch of people who were in the same boat as I was with strong quant skills but weak verbal skills, but with eGMAT's assistance had sailed through all the hurdles. I just took the decision of going ahead with this course. I think this step single handedly changed the course of my preparation.

Here are the positive points about the course. In case a student is facing trouble in the verbal section, try eGMAT for the following reasons.
1) Great quality content: The team has created online video courses for each and every important section thats important from GMAT prep perspective with very nice illustrations and top quality examples.
2) Online test platform : eGMAT provides its users with a tool called scholarium which is a very powerful platform to analyse ones performance/progress after one completes certain topics. Additionally it lets you set the topics you would specifically like to be tested on with attributes such as time, sub section, etc. Highly effective in my case. I used it extensively by filtering questions based on the topics I wasn't good at and started tracking my progress.
3) Expert's help: Whenever you are in doubt, you could write to them and you can expect a reply in just 2-3 days with concept clearing answers.
4) SC : The team provides a secret sauce particularly in this section. Honestly I started enjoying solving SC questions. I reached a very high accuracy rate for SC questions.
5) Study plan : The eGMAT team also provides its users with a study plan. This is also very effective as it defines your goals for the course of your preparation.
6) Very economical : The verbal online course is priced at a very reasonable rate compared to products offered by eGMAT's competitors.

Please register for eGMAT if you are struggling with verbal section. Haven't tried their quant but I can vouch for their verbal section. Trust me. I have seen ample materials online but none comes close to the quality which eGMAT provides.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 11, 2017

Hi i joined e-GMAT verbal live prep batch 01/04/2017,which ended on 07/05/2017.It was a great course,as far as i improved my Verbal score from v13 to v23. Although,the very first time i appeared was on 31st march without any or much of preparation and landed up in getting extremely poor score.Any way after a long gap of study almost 26 years at sea. In fact i did not finish the complete verbal live prep as far as home work and other post live session study is required.May be one can say about only 50% of study i appeared for workshop and scored v23. In fact it is not recommended to appear with preparation like me but again,i wanted to test myself ,where do i stand in the crowd.I am attending Quant live prep from 14/05/2017 and i hope to complete all my verbal live prep post live session home with Quant live prep from 14/05/2017.Its a great improvement for me in verbal and i hope i will achieve v37 by end of June 2017 with believing to score well in the final phase of Quant live prep.The next,2nd attempt GMAT date is on 29/06/2017.Lets hope for best.It was amazing live session and will continue with quant as well.Excellent team of teaching faculty.

May 11, 2016

Joined: Oct 07, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

Egmat - the very best course out there!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Exceptionally happy with it!
The verbal is rather good. I promise you, you can't find a better SC course anywhere else. My improvement in SC accuracy was through the roof! also the CR and RC sections give you approaches to solve every question type a certain way. The best thing is that there are not hacks or dumb tricks to identify the correct choice like in other courses I have glanced at (trust me, every word you have been told can never be part of the correct answer, CAN be!!! I have seen it myself on the gmat and gmat prep)
The best part is the scholaranium. I especially like the ability quiz and custom quiz section. Helps to work on specific weak areas. And the variety of questions is unparalleled. I don't think there is a better quant question bank in any where else.
All in all, one month of prep and I got a decent score - 720. All thanks to egmat :)

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 11, 2016

Joined: May 12, 2013

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Best GMAT Verbal Course Available


Improvement N/A

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I am a GMAT retaker and would like to highlight the improvement egmat Verbal Online course has brought. The course content is very well structured . The concepts especially for SC are explained in a highly effective manner. No further guessing or memorising is required.

The eGMAT three step process for SC and CR initially appears to be quite slow and time consuming but it actually trains the mind to pock the right track. kudos to the Prethinking strategy in CR.

I highly recommend e-GMAT Verbal Online course and can declare that this is the best programme available online for anyone aiming at improving Verbal accuracy to as high as 99%.

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May 10, 2016

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How did e-GMAT Verbal Online Prep helped me


Improvement N/A

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The e-GMAT Verbal Online Prep was just what I was looking for – an online course covering all aspects of the verbal part of the GMAT.

I have started preparing for the GMAT exam a year and a half back. At the beginning, I took a classroom training course offered in my country. After failing to get my desired score on the actual GMAT exam, I realized that in order to improve my score I have to concentrate my efforts on the Verbal section. While I searched for the best Verbal online course, I noticed the very positive reviews about the e-GMAT Verbal Online Prep and I decided to give it a try. It was probably one of my best decisions that I have made so far. The e-GMAT course was a "game changer" for me. The strength of the e-GMAT Verbal Online Prep lies in the audio visual videos that are succeeding in deliver complex verbal concepts in an easily understandable way.

The best thing about the e-GMAT Verbal Online Prep is that it teaches you a consistent and reliable process to tackle all SC, CR and RC questions. This step by step approach improved my verbal accuracy rate dramatically. Lastly, the Scholaranium tool that according to e-GMAT official website contains questions that have been created based on the latest developments in the GMAT world, gave me the option to analyze and to identify my strengths and weakness areas by providing detail statistics, including time spent for each question.

The e-GMAT Verbal Online course is the best course you can find online. It’s not a secret that in order to success in the GMAT exam every test taker should build a solid foundation. Not only that the e-GMAT Verbal Online Prep offers the most comprehensive preparation materials that you can find, but it also comes with reasonable price and tons of questions to practice.

The e-GMAT Verbal Online course along with self-discipline would definitely help everyone who wish to improve his English verbal skills and to perform its best during the actual GMAT exam.

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May 10, 2016

Joined: Aug 22, 2011

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e-GMAT rocks!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am a huge fan of the teaching philosophy at e-GMAT. Instead of teaching you "tricks" that may or may not work, e-GMAT gives you a thorough grounding in the key grammatical rules and concepts tested on the GMAT examination, and saves you the countless hours that would otherwise be spent futilely browsing through archaic texts on grammar. In particular, the explanations on verb+ed and verb+ing modifiers are the best I have found anywhere on the web, Manhattan GMAT's forum included. I wholeheartedly recommend e-GMAT! The primary cons are that the videos could have been created more professionally (although I am probably nitpicking by using the high standards I have come to expect from and that it is sometimes hard to understand the thick Indian accent (for the record, I went to college in the U.S.). In any case, these are minor flaws that should not detract from an otherwise superb learning experience!

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258 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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