e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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Based on 1205 reviews
May 07, 2021

Joined: Dec 24, 2017

Posts: 16

Kudos: 22

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

550 (V28) to 710 (V40)


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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My first attempt at GMAT was with an unstructured on and off prep using the manhattan guides and a marathon of randomly solving questions on gmatprep, which ultimately yielded a score of V28. For my next attempt, my biggest takeaway was that I needed a structured course provider to add some method to this madnesss. I started prepping first for Quant with one of the other test prep companies, but their verbal course was not striking a chord with me. So, I started looking for other test prep companies specializing in their verbal course offerings and came across e-gmat on gmatclub. I saw their reviews on gmatclub and as some folks might experience, I was immediately skeptical by seeing the sheer number of positive reviews. “How can a company have such a fanfare?? there is definitely a lot of marketing going on here”, was my thinking. I thought that all the reviewers were being compensated in some way. Now that I'm writing my own review, I feel so silly of having such thoughts earlier.

I had tried to find other alternatives, but none seemed to match the e-gmat question explanations and their content available freely on gmatclub and youtube. Watching the webinars hosted by Rajat over youtube, I kept thinking that these guys definitely have broken down the GMAT prep to a science, so I convinced myself to sign up for their free trial and have an experience. Although the free trial gives access only to a few chapters, the following quickly became apparent to me:

1. Most of their content is in video format – I used to hate video lessons due to the time commitment. But considering that most of us are visual learners, the video format actually turned out to be very helpful for me as I could quickly recollect a lot of the animations and illustrations while trying to recall concepts.
2. There are a lot of chapters – This meant that they have broken done the entire GMAT content to various subject areas, down to bite-sized lessons. This also meant that I could be flexible with my daily study commitments.
3. Content is extremely simplified – A wide audience ranging from native speakers to folks having English as their tertiary language can follow-along and learn effectively.

During the free trial, I noted all my concerns and sent an email to the e-gmat support team asking for a consultation meeting. Sundeep reached out to me and was very kind to address all my concerns. I then took a lap of faith and signed up for their ‘Verbal Online’ course.

For my experience through the course, I will summarize my thoughts based on each of the content areas and the e-gmat value offerings.
1. Induction – The lessons here are frankly under-rated. Apart from introducing the subtleties of the GMAT, there are some extremely important concepts introduced here, such as the ‘Takt Time’. This concept had a major influence on my skipping strategy for test-day.
2. Master Comprehension – This is the first section in the Verbal area of the course and is supposed to be taken prior to any of the SC, CR or RC sections. This section addresses a pain-point for majority of non-native test-takers, the ability to quickly and accurately comprehend written content. The strategies focus on how to breakdown any passage or sentences in order to fully grasp the intended meaning and information.
3. SC Section – Truly their strength. This section represents the most unfamiliar content for non-natives, but the e-gmat team have done a remarkable job of breaking down the subject area to a level that is extremely easy to grasp, remember and apply.
4. CR Section – They advocate the process of ‘Pre-Thinking’ for approaching all CR questions. This concept was totally new to me and frankly didn’t work for me in the beginning. But as you follow-along with the CR chapters and consciously apply the pre-thinking approach, it starts to become a sub-conscious activity. This approach definitely requires faith, but does pay huge dividends.
5. RC Section – Content is fairly simple and well-organized, the lessons are geared towards acclimating the students to the question types, common error types, and the strategic reading process to effectively comprehend the information within a short time.
6. IR Section – Lessons provide a good introduction to the 4 question types and highlight an effective way to approach each question type.
7. Support (Subject Areas) – Each of the lessons has a forum section included in the same page where a lot of previous students have posted queries and the e-gmat experts have answered them. A lot of the doubts during my study were already found to have been addressed here.
8. Sholaranium (Tests) – It is their platform for generating various types of practice quizzes. The options for selecting the specific types of questions allowed me to perform targeted practice of my weak sections. For anyone starting to use this tool, I need to point out that all quiz types use a common questions pool, so I would recommend planning the quizzes in order to avoid exhausting the number of available questions. The quality of questions is very identical to what I experienced in the official tests.
9. Sholaranium (Insights) – Apart from the practice tests, the performance is used to generate valuable data analytics. As a matter of fact, the areas identified by scholaranium as my weaknesses were a bit unexpected, but the insights turned out to be accurate when I reviewed my performance across the official practice tests. I used this data to plan my skipping strategy, quickly guessing on question types that I was most likely to answer incorrectly.
10. Discounted Official Practice Tests – Official practice tests can be purchased at a discounted price via e-gmat. Another value offering of subscribing to an e-gmat course.
11. Support (Testing Strategies) – Another under-rated offering of e-gmat. Once I had completed all the subject areas, I noted that I had become very good at answering the questions correctly in practice tests, but under timed test-taking conditions my accuracy was being severely impacted. My performance in the official practice tests was also varying from V35 – V41 for the same reason. So, I reached out to the e-gmat support team for some guidance and DJ responded and offered his mentorship to help me maximize my performance. DJ and other members of the strategy team have done a remarkable job of mentoring a lot of students, a bunch of success stories can be found on the e-gmat youtube channel that highlight the impact of the strategy team.
12. Sigma-X Mocks – DJ from the e-gmat strategy team had me attempt the first Sigma-X mock and analyzed my performance to point out some insights that pretty much were replicated in the official GMAT ESR. Although I cannot vouch for the sigma-x test algorithm or the questions pool (since no test company can accurately replicate the algorithm or the official questions), for me the biggest value was in the insights. Although DJ had analyzed the insights and pointed out my gaps, I couldn't change my testing behavior much as my official test was just days after this mock, so the gaps from my mock pretty much repeated in the official test. The key takeaway was that the Sigma-X mocks can reliably be used to identify gaps in test-taking behavior that can make or break your score on test-day, and it would be much wiser to leverage this feature ahead of your test day.

As I write this review/debrief, I am working on the insights and gaps pointed out by DJ and am preparing to give another attempt in order to further boost my score.

During my GMAT prep, whenever I was going through a phase of self-doubt I used to read the reviews on gmatclub and watch the debriefs on e-gmat youtube channel, which served as a constant source of motivation and boosted my spirit thinking that if they can achieve it, so can I.

Closing out, I want to give a huge shout out to the entire e-gmat team for not just making a great product, but also for actively working hard to support their students through thick and thin of their GMAT journey.

I hope that my progress from a V28 to a V40 provides you with a similar experience and instills a belief in your ability to achieve the score that you desire, and that me delving into such depth of my GMAT journey persuades you to make a quality decision of trusting the e-gmat team as a reliable partner in your endeavor. Know that there is a big team of subject-matter experts, strategy-experts, etc. who are dedicated to this subject and are completely vested in your success.

Wishing you all the best in your prep, good luck.

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April 29, 2021

Joined: Jan 21, 2014

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37 (Online)

EGMAT verbal is the best


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I will rcommend EGMAT Verbal to anyone who is looking at improving the basics. The step by step approach helped me a ot to gain ample clarity on the topics and then quizzes including the cementing quizzes helped me to cementmy undersatnding.

Also covering course daily as per the pattern helps you to keep up the pace with the preparation.

The prethinking approach for CR, and meaning approach for SC helps you solve difficult questions with aboslute confidence.

Scholarium helps you to design quizzes that help with attaining accuracy within timeline. I willanyday attribute my verbal GMAT success to egmat.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 23, 2021

Joined: Oct 28, 2020

Posts: 30

Kudos: 15

Self-reported Score:
770 Q50 V44

Outstanding verbal course available in the market

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I invested quite a time back then to find out the best verbal course available. I have gone through the GMAT club course reviews to finalize the same. After contemplating for such a long time I gave a shot at E-GMAT verbal online course. I am giving this review so that many students can be benefited.

E-GMAT verbal course is very structured. As SC is my weakest part I have gone through the SC course. It focused purely on the basics of the SC and it meaning based approach is what needs to applauded. As we all know that GMAT verbal is basically not a grammar test and tests your reasoning skills like intended meaning E-GMAT course helps us to focus in that way.

Pre-Thinking in Critical Reasoning helped me to reduce the time needed to answer and also very helpful. I struggled with Assumption questions for quite a time but with the above said approach I gained confidence and achieved 83 percentile in CR.

Also, needless to mention their scholaranium questions. These quizzes are customizable by topic/difficulty, but on top of that they have adaptive ability to develop test taking ability. The metrics that they provide has a lot of data that can can be used to identify any weak area with concept, timing or difficulty and work on it.

Overall, I would recommend verbal online course of E-Gmat for fetching a good score.

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April 18, 2021

Joined: Mar 18, 2020

Posts: 22

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

e-GMAT verbal (from 30 TO 38)


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I believe the e-GMAT verbal course is very well suited to someone who is unclear on the strategy for verbal preparation. While doing your research online, you may come across a lot of resources to study from. You tend to get confused, but this course is well structured in terms of concepts and practice questions for each of the sections under the verbal umbrella. This course provides a systematic approach to solving the question; this approach helps one spot the correct answer than coming to the answer by eliminating the incorrect ones. The approaches not only improve the accuracy but also helps in time management as GMAT often puts similar options to confuse the candidate which will consume a lot of time in answer by elimination approach.

In addition, what stood out for me was the constant support from the e-GMAT team. Their online support via email is great. The team is quite responsive and ready to help you as you proceed with the preparation. They will solve simplest of doubts and answer your questions thoroughly.

In all, I would say if you are indeed looking forward to improving your verbal and are a little clueless or lost on how to, the e-GMAT verbal online course can help you do wonders.

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April 07, 2021

Joined: Jan 17, 2021

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q49 V37

V28 to V38

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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My GMAT journey started in the Spring of 2020. Like most other GMAT candidates, I started by studying from books by a big brand test prep company and the Official Guides. I familiarized myself with all the stuff that is tested on the GMAT and studied for three months, thinking that was enough time. I took a few mock tests in that period, but my score was never consistent. My best score was 670(Q48, V34), but I was never able to get that score again and was never able to break the threshold. After three months of prep, I took a break from the GMAT. Demoralized and frustrated, I thought that the GMAT wasn’t for me.
Months passed, but I was not happy with myself. I always thought to myself “What if I was just following the wrong strategy until now?” Finally, at the beginning of 2020, I committed to preparing for the GMAT again but decided to change my approach this time. After a lot of research, I decided to sign up for the e-GMAT verbal course. I heard about the company several times on the GMAT Club forum, and watched some of their live sessions on YouTube, but I finally decided to give them a try. After spending a little over two months on the e-GMAT course, I can definitely see the improvement in my verbal score. I was able to go from low 30’s to high 30’s and even a 40 one time on the mocks. Below are some of the reasons why the e-GMAT verbal course stood out to me:
For SC, the e-GMAT meaning based approach is a game changer. I had gotten decent at eliminating wrong answers by noticing splits in the answer choices, but sometimes ended up with two answers to choose from and ended up guessing between those two. The verbs module was the most helpful and the content was delivered in a way that made it easy to visualize the timeline of events happening in a sentence.
For CR, the structure-based approach helped me break down the passage and understand it better. I had studied the negation technique for solving assumption questions earlier but was never quite able to apply that well in an argument. The e-GMAT approach to pre-thinking falsification questions helped me apply the negation technique in a better way, and this approach helped me improve my CR accuracy.
The RC section of verbal has been the trickiest for me. It’s something that you can’t guess on entirely and it can be the most time-consuming portion of the verbal section. I am not a fast reader and don’t comprehend well what I read. My biggest fear in the verbal section is getting two RC passages back-to-back, and then getting derailed for the rest of the test. The submersion technique taught by e-GMAT helped me get involved in the passage and this definitely helped me do better on RC.
I found the e-GMAT’s scholaranium to be a great source for verbal questions. After exhausting the OG, I didn’t have a good repository of questions to practice from, but I was surprised by the level of questions that scholaranium has. The analytics provided by the e-GMAT tool is also great. It really helps you analyze your weak areas and helps measure accuracy. Also, the kind of support provided by the e-GMAT team is great. Though I didn’t ask a lot of questions on the forum, as the thread below each question had detailed discussions between students, who had similar doubts, and the mentors, the few times that I did ask a question, I got a prompt response from Kanupriya.
Looking back, I think the e-GMAT verbal course added the most value to my GMAT prep journey. I would highly recommend it.

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March 26, 2021

Joined: Apr 02, 2016

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Self-reported Score:
720 Q40 V49

e-GMAT - Highly recommended for improving your verbal.


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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When I attempted GMAT 3 years back, I scored 660, with a decent quant score but a dismal verbal score. I started preparing for GMAT again around October 2020, with an aim to score 700+. I initially relied on questions from GMATClub and OG, and after a few months of practice gave my first official mock test, scoring a 660. Again, I noticed a stark contrast between my quant and verbal scores. Realizing that I needed serious help with verbal, I decided to opt for e-GMAT.

The video lectures offered by e-GMAT for verbal are unparalleled in terms of quality. The lectures start with explaining the basics, and then show how questions are solved by breaking down each option and eliminating options one by one. I learned a lot of strategies to solve various types of questions, such as placement of verb-ing words for SC questions, negation strategy for CR questions, summarizing RC paragraphs, etc.

e-GMAT Scholaranium provides plenty of questions. You get to apply the strategies learned from video lectures on questions of varying difficulties (Easy, Medium, Hard). Scholaranium comes with a dashboard to help you understand the areas/types of questions that need improvement. Apart from the video lectures and Scholaranium, e-GMAT also provides a myriad of helpful articles on their website, and I often found myself going back to these articles again and again to refresh my memory.

In conclusion, e-GMAT helped me overcome the verbal score plateau, and I would recommend their verbal course to everyone aiming to score 700+ on GMAT.

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March 24, 2021

Joined: Jun 21, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V35 (Online)

e-GMAT = strong verbal foundation


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Being a non- native candidate, verbal was always tedious and difficult to master for me. With about 6 months of self-preparation and hopping on & off from random contents of preparation from online resources, I realized that GMAT requires a structural approach than some random tricks.

I stumbled upon e-GMAT through reviews on GMAT Club and other forums. I was already scoring Q49 to 50 on mock tests but was scoring V25 to V28 on verbal section. I gave their sigmaX mock and got 640 with similar results in quant and verbal section. I reached out to e-GMAT for help in only verbal section. Thereafter, the journey has been great.
Module-wise review -
1. SC- One of the best section with foundation building concept videos. I think this is the best module prepared by them. Meaning based approach is really great.
2. CR & RC- Entire approach was around understanding the passages and thinking critically with out of box solutions.
PS: No mugging up (most imp :) )
I think for all the students whose basics are not on line. e-GMAT is the only platform which can help you.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
March 12, 2021

Joined: Jul 15, 2016

Posts: 46

Kudos: 22

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V41

A mind-blowing 13 point improvement in Verbal : Road to 750


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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e-GMAT as a whole is phenomenal to say the least.

I signed up for the e-GMAT Verbal Online course after 3 failed attempts and specially when my score had dropped from GMAT #2:690 Q50 V34 to GMAT #3:650 Q50 V28!!! One of my seniors from undergrad recommended me this course.

Before my third attempt, I thought that my preparation was rock solid and that I would smash the GMAT with a 740+ score easily (since I was getting in the mocks). But after downloading the ESR and getting it reviewed by the eGMAT instructors, I came to know that I had big structural gaps when it came to concepts.

The e-GMAT's Master Comprehension is such a good thing to learn. It helped me not just with Sentence Correction, but also with understanding complex CR arguments. I definitely recommend everyone to follow the process very closely and strictly. Then came the meaning-based approach to solving Sentence Correction questions and I cannot overstate the fact that how much this actually changed my mind.

I would highly recommend their Verbal course if you're a non-native speaker who's struggling with sentence correction. I improved my ability considerably with the course, and started scoring good in the mocks with my newly increased accuracy. My GMAT #4 went considerably better with a Q50 V38 but just a 710, which was quite low for this breakdown. And during the test itself I felt that this is not my ideal attempt - I experienced short mind blocks.

Nevertheless, I approached eGMAT support again, even though it had been 2 months since my course expired, and sent them my ESR. Dhananjay Lowe (DJ) picked me up from there and scheduled a call with me wherein he provided me a deep analysis of my performance and identified exactly what the issue was: A weak RC ability coupled with incorrect answers to my first RC passage, which had a very low difficulty level. I was amazed by how many insights DJ could draw out of the ESR.

I just listened to Dhananjay's advice and reappeared for the GMAT#5 and scored a super 750: Q49 V41. Notably, I got a 99%ile in SC with not even a single incorrect answer - this itself speaks for how good their Verbal online course is.

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February 23, 2021

Joined: Jul 02, 2020

Posts: 8

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V35

EGMAT review


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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E-gmat is a good platform for improving your GMAT scores. I had taken the verbal online course. Its a comprehensive course. I found the Sentence correction and reading comprehension courses the most helpful. Scholaranium is also a very good platform to improve your timing as well as the accuracy. The e-gmat support team is also quite helpful. I scored a 35 in the final verbal test with a total score a 700. I believe I underscored a bit (probably because of the anxiety). I believe egmat prepares you to score well in verbal which can help you cross the magic mark of 700!

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January 11, 2021

Joined: Apr 10, 2019

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

740 First Attempt ! Thank you E-Gmat !!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I started my GMAT Prep journey in Sep'20. Although I was confident in the Quant and RC section, I knew I had to score well in SC and CR as well to achieve my target score of 720+. I started researching about verbal courses through the internet and interacting with friends/seniors. This is where E-Gmat came into the picture.

I must say that the course content and the method of teaching has exceeded my expectations. The course has been designed elegantly with a perfect mix of concepts, theory, examples, application, and tests. The best thing is that they never tell you to mug up rules, instead, they will tell you how to answer questions through logic and meaning. This approach assisted me a lot while attempting tricky questions. Also, the pre-thinking approach in CR helped me develop an overall thought process by which I could eliminate 2-3 options directly. The scholaranium, with its vast question pool and analytics system, helped me to improve on my timing while attempting the questions and enabled me to identify and learn from my mistakes. The instructors were quick to respond to questions, although I just sent them a couple of them as most of my questions were already answered in the inbuilt forum.

I would firmly recommend E-GMAT verbal course to anyone who's looking for improving their score in the verbal section.

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