e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
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May 09, 2021

Joined: Aug 15, 2017

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
550 Q49 V17

Essential Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

As the title tells you, it is an essential course, which I will recommend for whom who is starting to prepare for GMAT and have no idea to where to begin with.
As I have mentioned that this course will give you all the topics and the theory related to them, but It is not the only thing which you will need in your preparation, I mean you will need help from couple of other sources specially for practice.

I really liked the Critical Reasoning part. I will say with respect to CR its pretty much a bible/Geeta.

Overall, its a very good course specially verbal section.

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May 07, 2021

Joined: Dec 24, 2017

Posts: 16

Kudos: 22

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

550 (V28) to 710 (V40)


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My first attempt at GMAT was with an unstructured on and off prep using the manhattan guides and a marathon of randomly solving questions on gmatprep, which ultimately yielded a score of V28. For my next attempt, my biggest takeaway was that I needed a structured course provider to add some method to this madnesss. I started prepping first for Quant with one of the other test prep companies, but their verbal course was not striking a chord with me. So, I started looking for other test prep companies specializing in their verbal course offerings and came across e-gmat on gmatclub. I saw their reviews on gmatclub and as some folks might experience, I was immediately skeptical by seeing the sheer number of positive reviews. “How can a company have such a fanfare?? there is definitely a lot of marketing going on here”, was my thinking. I thought that all the reviewers were being compensated in some way. Now that I'm writing my own review, I feel so silly of having such thoughts earlier.

I had tried to find other alternatives, but none seemed to match the e-gmat question explanations and their content available freely on gmatclub and youtube. Watching the webinars hosted by Rajat over youtube, I kept thinking that these guys definitely have broken down the GMAT prep to a science, so I convinced myself to sign up for their free trial and have an experience. Although the free trial gives access only to a few chapters, the following quickly became apparent to me:

1. Most of their content is in video format – I used to hate video lessons due to the time commitment. But considering that most of us are visual learners, the video format actually turned out to be very helpful for me as I could quickly recollect a lot of the animations and illustrations while trying to recall concepts.
2. There are a lot of chapters – This meant that they have broken done the entire GMAT content to various subject areas, down to bite-sized lessons. This also meant that I could be flexible with my daily study commitments.
3. Content is extremely simplified – A wide audience ranging from native speakers to folks having English as their tertiary language can follow-along and learn effectively.

During the free trial, I noted all my concerns and sent an email to the e-gmat support team asking for a consultation meeting. Sundeep reached out to me and was very kind to address all my concerns. I then took a lap of faith and signed up for their ‘Verbal Online’ course.

For my experience through the course, I will summarize my thoughts based on each of the content areas and the e-gmat value offerings.
1. Induction – The lessons here are frankly under-rated. Apart from introducing the subtleties of the GMAT, there are some extremely important concepts introduced here, such as the ‘Takt Time’. This concept had a major influence on my skipping strategy for test-day.
2. Master Comprehension – This is the first section in the Verbal area of the course and is supposed to be taken prior to any of the SC, CR or RC sections. This section addresses a pain-point for majority of non-native test-takers, the ability to quickly and accurately comprehend written content. The strategies focus on how to breakdown any passage or sentences in order to fully grasp the intended meaning and information.
3. SC Section – Truly their strength. This section represents the most unfamiliar content for non-natives, but the e-gmat team have done a remarkable job of breaking down the subject area to a level that is extremely easy to grasp, remember and apply.
4. CR Section – They advocate the process of ‘Pre-Thinking’ for approaching all CR questions. This concept was totally new to me and frankly didn’t work for me in the beginning. But as you follow-along with the CR chapters and consciously apply the pre-thinking approach, it starts to become a sub-conscious activity. This approach definitely requires faith, but does pay huge dividends.
5. RC Section – Content is fairly simple and well-organized, the lessons are geared towards acclimating the students to the question types, common error types, and the strategic reading process to effectively comprehend the information within a short time.
6. IR Section – Lessons provide a good introduction to the 4 question types and highlight an effective way to approach each question type.
7. Support (Subject Areas) – Each of the lessons has a forum section included in the same page where a lot of previous students have posted queries and the e-gmat experts have answered them. A lot of the doubts during my study were already found to have been addressed here.
8. Sholaranium (Tests) – It is their platform for generating various types of practice quizzes. The options for selecting the specific types of questions allowed me to perform targeted practice of my weak sections. For anyone starting to use this tool, I need to point out that all quiz types use a common questions pool, so I would recommend planning the quizzes in order to avoid exhausting the number of available questions. The quality of questions is very identical to what I experienced in the official tests.
9. Sholaranium (Insights) – Apart from the practice tests, the performance is used to generate valuable data analytics. As a matter of fact, the areas identified by scholaranium as my weaknesses were a bit unexpected, but the insights turned out to be accurate when I reviewed my performance across the official practice tests. I used this data to plan my skipping strategy, quickly guessing on question types that I was most likely to answer incorrectly.
10. Discounted Official Practice Tests – Official practice tests can be purchased at a discounted price via e-gmat. Another value offering of subscribing to an e-gmat course.
11. Support (Testing Strategies) – Another under-rated offering of e-gmat. Once I had completed all the subject areas, I noted that I had become very good at answering the questions correctly in practice tests, but under timed test-taking conditions my accuracy was being severely impacted. My performance in the official practice tests was also varying from V35 – V41 for the same reason. So, I reached out to the e-gmat support team for some guidance and DJ responded and offered his mentorship to help me maximize my performance. DJ and other members of the strategy team have done a remarkable job of mentoring a lot of students, a bunch of success stories can be found on the e-gmat youtube channel that highlight the impact of the strategy team.
12. Sigma-X Mocks – DJ from the e-gmat strategy team had me attempt the first Sigma-X mock and analyzed my performance to point out some insights that pretty much were replicated in the official GMAT ESR. Although I cannot vouch for the sigma-x test algorithm or the questions pool (since no test company can accurately replicate the algorithm or the official questions), for me the biggest value was in the insights. Although DJ had analyzed the insights and pointed out my gaps, I couldn't change my testing behavior much as my official test was just days after this mock, so the gaps from my mock pretty much repeated in the official test. The key takeaway was that the Sigma-X mocks can reliably be used to identify gaps in test-taking behavior that can make or break your score on test-day, and it would be much wiser to leverage this feature ahead of your test day.

As I write this review/debrief, I am working on the insights and gaps pointed out by DJ and am preparing to give another attempt in order to further boost my score.

During my GMAT prep, whenever I was going through a phase of self-doubt I used to read the reviews on gmatclub and watch the debriefs on e-gmat youtube channel, which served as a constant source of motivation and boosted my spirit thinking that if they can achieve it, so can I.

Closing out, I want to give a huge shout out to the entire e-gmat team for not just making a great product, but also for actively working hard to support their students through thick and thin of their GMAT journey.

I hope that my progress from a V28 to a V40 provides you with a similar experience and instills a belief in your ability to achieve the score that you desire, and that me delving into such depth of my GMAT journey persuades you to make a quality decision of trusting the e-gmat team as a reliable partner in your endeavor. Know that there is a big team of subject-matter experts, strategy-experts, etc. who are dedicated to this subject and are completely vested in your success.

Wishing you all the best in your prep, good luck.

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May 04, 2021

Joined: Feb 08, 2021

Posts: 4

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:

Executive Assessment


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I have taken the E-gmat online course to prepare for the Executive assessment. With the help from e-GMAT, course I was able to improve quants score by 3 points and was able to score 12.

Before taking e-gmat online course I enrolled for the private tuition by one of the gmat prep company.

For anyone who is preparing for GMAT or EA, e-GMAT course content is just right. You can not get this wrong. Although I was not required to run through whole GMAT program but e-gmat has got good concept files and good practices to improve on your ability.

Amazing hard work put in by the team in creating wonderful content.

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April 30, 2021

Joined: Sep 15, 2020

Posts: 50

Kudos: 36

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

Determination + Right Help = 710


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

I was lucky enough to be recommended e-gmat right when I was starting my GMAT preparation by a friend who had scored a 730 through them. So, I did not waste any time or energy exploring any other service providers and went ahead with the e-gmat complete test preparation package, and I don’t regret this decision.

I love the way the modules are structured on the portal. Both the Verbal & the Quant sections have sufficient chapters / sub-sections built in to ensure that a student is thoroughly taught about the necessary concepts. After each section follows a practice test which further solidifies one's understanding of the concept. All these modules are visually very attractive and interactive as well - use of charts, arrows and colors really do help to clearly understand the topics being discussed, highlight errors that sample questions have, and bring it all together with suggested corrective processes.

The main highlight of the e-gmat subscription is their Scholaranium, which contains sections for both Verbal & Quant questions built by the e-gmat team, as well as a repository of Official GMAT questions available for practice. The Scholaranium gives you valuable insights about your performance - on average time taken to solve questions, sectional accuracy, topic-wise accuracy, performance graphs over a shorter period of time, etc. When you properly analyze these insights in tandem with your performance in these practice tests or performance in the sectional modules, you are able to draw very clear inferences about your weaknesses and areas requiring improvement.

SigmaX Mock tests are available on the portal, which further help the student acclimatize to the official test environment. The questions you solve in these mock tests are very closely representative of the type of questions that are thrown at you in the official GMAT test. Just like the scholaranium, the SigmaX module also provides you with sufficient insights about your performance in these tests and areas one needs to revisit or improve in.

Lastly, I would like to talk about my experience interacting with the e-gmat team. If you have any doubts arising across the length of your preparation, the e-gmat team has provided multiple points of contact across the module to reach out to them, and the response is very prompt – generally within a day. Moreover, when I reached out to the e-gmat team requesting an analysis of my official test performance, they were happy to deep-dive into the ESR, chalk out areas that I need to focus on and also build a customized study plan with targets. I worked very closely with Dhananjay from e-gmat who was very kind to make a video analysis about my 690 score on the official test. Dhananjay was the first individual who made me realize that I had a problem of “letting go” during the official test. He also laid out topics I need to revisit from the preparation modules, suggested weekly targets and also helped design the practice tests that I need to be taking, to further improve my test taking performance.

The net result is that I scored a 710 and I could not be more grateful to the entire team of e-gmat for helping me navigate through every step of the way for a 700+ score.

I hope my review helps prospective candidates in their decision-making process for GMAT Preparation. I also wish team e-gmat the very best for the road ahead!

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April 30, 2021

Joined: Oct 21, 2020

Posts: 13

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V40 (Online)

Went from 640 to 700!!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Hi everyone!!

So I had written my first GMAT and scored a 640 (V35 Q42) The real shocker for me was my verbal score. In my GMAT prep official mocks I had scored upto 690 and had gotten verbal marks in the range of V35 to V40.
Post the exam, I knew I had to try again. I was genuinely confused about how to proceed as I had already exhausted most of my resources - OG guide 2021, Quant guide 2021, Verbal guide 2021, Kaplan 800, Barrons.
That is when I kept seeing reviews of E gmat verbal score improvement all over GMAT club and decided to buy the course.
Cut to 2nd attempt. I have scored a 700 (V40 Q47) and the credit for ensuring that V40 definitely goes to E-Gmat.
Ask anyone who performs well in Verbal it comes down to developing your gut by having the right methodology and knowing the rules.
E-Gmat helped me internalise a flow chart on how to approach different types of problems.
CR - pre thinking method helps you by ensuring that you have absolutely understood the question and are picking an answer you have already thought about than go blindly looking in the answer choices.
SC - their comprehensive set of rules and explanation videos help you identify the flaws and when left with maybe the last 2 choices, you employ the meaning based approach to finalize the aNswer.

The quant improvement was thanks to GMAT club tests.

If you are looking to improve your Verbal score,I genuinely recommend E-Gmat. It helps solidify a structure kn your head that ultimately after enough practice turns into your gut!

(Sorry if there are any typos, have been typing on my phone) :)

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April 29, 2021

Joined: Nov 04, 2017

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V39

First attempt - 680, Second attempt- 710


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I had first considered attempting GMAT in 2019, just a year into my new job. I set a date 4 months in advance, thinking I would have ample time to devote to my preparation. A couple of hectic projects and several early mornings and late nights at the office, I realised I had just over a month to go to appear for the test. I also took measure of my practice performance and saw that I was nowhere close to achieving a satisfactory score. That is when I started frantically looking for prep courses to guide me in my preparation.

After attending various free seminars and watching tutorials of prep companies on youtube, I decided that e-gmat was the best fit available to me. They offered a unique feature of one-to-one mentorship to help students stay on the right track. A conversation with Karan Kantharia, who analysed my mock test in great detail and provided valuable insights, confirmed my belief in e-gmat.

As I signed up for the course, I received regular emails from my mentor Ashutosh. He mentored me on the kinds of questions I needed to practice given my ability at the time and the resources I needed to peruse to fill in the conceptual gaps. This is the greatest advantage of the course in my opinion. Any course has a large volume of resources and question banks both and picking the resources and questions needed for one's individual ability is crucial, when one is faced with severe time constraints.

I was recommended to attempt the Master Comprehension and RC modules since my mock test had revealed gaps in that area. Master Comprehension is an answer to prayer when it comes to reading long complex sentences. I would recommend this module not only to GMAT test takers but to anyone who wants to improve their ability to really understand the nuances of complex sentences. In addition to this, the question bank Scholoranium helps in keeping track of one's performance in various sections and sub-sections and keeps one motivated to get better at solving questions correctly and speedily.

After one month of juggling work and prep, I appeared for the test and got a 680. I was not satisfied with the score and attempted the GMAT again this year (January 2021) using the notes I had made when my course was active. In this attempt, I scored a 710. I credit e-gmat with building all the basics essential to get a 700+ score on the test.

To conclude, if anyone has lost direction with respect to their prep or is looking to build a strong foundation of GMAT concepts, this course is the first step in the right direction.

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April 29, 2021

Joined: Jan 21, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37 (Online)

EGMAT verbal is the best


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I will rcommend EGMAT Verbal to anyone who is looking at improving the basics. The step by step approach helped me a ot to gain ample clarity on the topics and then quizzes including the cementing quizzes helped me to cementmy undersatnding.

Also covering course daily as per the pattern helps you to keep up the pace with the preparation.

The prethinking approach for CR, and meaning approach for SC helps you solve difficult questions with aboslute confidence.

Scholarium helps you to design quizzes that help with attaining accuracy within timeline. I willanyday attribute my verbal GMAT success to egmat.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 28, 2021

Joined: Sep 01, 2020

Posts: 1

Kudos: 26

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

750 - A story of Persistence and Focus


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Amazing to have you here. If you are reading, we are probably sharing a love for cracking the GMAT. Trust me the process is worth it. I want to share with you a little about my story and hope this adds value to your preparation. Let’s start with some context.

I always knew I wanted to study an MBA. My mind is trained to think about businesses and my heart has always been towards seeing business as tool towards positive change.

I knew it as I studied my bachelors in mechanical engineering, that I will be doing the MBA route down the line. I did my masters in powertrain engineering in France because I am passionate about how mobility sector has been revolutionizing and impacting every other industry. I got involved into the tech sector and a product developer and it was not long before I could see the difference between my thought process and the 100 engineers in our group. Business viability to the future, its positioning and impact mattered to me. As I got busy learning about cultures, languages moving continuously across borders I realized the craving to expose myself to like minded people. I wanted to be among peers discussing the next big entrepreneurship idea and I chose to move to city that would give opportunity to head along the process.

This the beginning of my GMAT journey. Though I had played around with the GMAT idea back in 2018 it was December 2019 when I finally decided to go in for the exam. Little did I know it was going to be a year and a half before I would be prepared to take the exam. I started of my preparation doing some market research and getting in all the recommended books (GMAT Prep, Manhatten Prep). The Manhatten Prep guides were a joy and would recommend you to definitely read the Roadmap, because that prepares you mentally about GMAT. However till summer I was heading nowhere.

My first GMAT Preparation test I got a 670. I had tried to go through the Manhatten book and I was definitely not feeling confident about the verbal section. I made a decision at this point to go all in for the Exam and that was the mantra that carried me all along. I loved the interface, the explanation that experts global provided and I took several tests in the platform, focusing more on my test taking strategies and timing and I was plateauing in the 700 zone. I was there far too long and I was clueless how to go forward. Keen to go up, I persisted to look for solution and it was such a blessing that I found eGMAT. Initially I had planned to take my GMAT in a couple of week from the point I took the eGMAT course. I resonated so much with the approach I decided to postpone my exam and only focus on re inventing and building myself. I attended the webinars, watched their debriefs, went though the course structure, and just looking at their approach I had complete trust in the eGMAT process.

This debrief Is about eGMAT and why I think this is going to add value to your preparation. It was a huge value to me and I want to ensure that you can take value from this.

So what does eGMAT do that it gave me the right pedestal. Here are my 5 point synopsis based on the value I took from eGMAT.

1. Clearly SC: I will start with SC because that was the main reason why I signed up for eGMAT. I had no clue how, Why answers were wrong and WHY answers were right, I hated the approach to memorize and eliminate based on rules. And when I found about eGAMT meaning based approached I could so relate this to my own necessity to understand. I just gave me a lot of joy to finally understand. It gave me an appreciation for the test makers designing the exam. I started to love the SC problems. eGMATs approach Is systematic, clear, elaborate and through. You do have to trust the process and invest the time but the impeccable support from Rajat, Payal and team have that sorted having the approach customized for every single user who reaches out to the service team.

Hats off to the eGMAT team for pulling off such an excellent SC course. I would recommend you to do it just for fun, it will improve your appreciation for language.

2. Counter intuitively RC: When I started with eGMAT my RC was mediocre and I knew that to get a decent score that I needed to weed out why I was going wrong. Where was I making the mistake. The eGMATs Master comprehension course and clear structuring of the questions gave me a perspective that I missed out in my previous preparation. With the complete emphasis on understanding the meaning, I knew realized the key aress for me to improve on my RC was actually very counter intuitive. Not to worry about the timing as I read the passage. This is so hard to ingrain and trust this process but actually reading the passage thoroughly made me faster in completing the RC section with higher accuracy. I need to give huge credits to eGMAT to support me in driving this into me a habit. I picked this up from the eGMAT course and it has become a life skill.

3. Critically CR: I had always maintained CR to be one of my strong areas. Coming from a physics and engineering background I love CR. I enjoy this and have been so proud to answer CR questions. My own failures in the CR part of verbal I had related it to the lack of timing.

So it was a huge surprise for me when DJ from the e GMAT team reached to me and asked me to focus on CR because that was turning to be my weak area. While the data was telling me that my own conformity bias was not allowing me to see the real picture. I owe DJ a lot to ask me to go through the CR course completely. The pre thinking which was something that I was doing organically became something that I because conscious off and paid attention to how I was structuring it in my head with relevance to what was needed from the question. This helped me to get my accuracy in solving the Hard question correct high. The scholarinium at some point became very addictive to me. I cant wait for the upgraded version to with more analytics in it! This will be a huge plus to all the new test takers.

The second aspect on my CR that eGMAT added value was to look at my ‘takt time’ or my natural time that I was spending my time on getting the question correct. The video analytics which DJ provided me solidified my thesis that I needed a process improvement in approaching the question and also helped develop a sense of structuring.

4. Hard Quant: I am a natural math lover and I trust my process how I work with numbers so I did not take the math course even though DJ kept insisting me to take the newly launched quant program which I thought covered the basic in a well structured manner again focused on really understanding whats happening behind the numbers. Which is something I love about eGAMT. Where I took the most value from is the Quant scholarinium which can be timed and readily available solution to any question. I loved the way eGMAT structured Quant into 5 sections and I could use them individually to raise the difficulty level to hunt down my weaknesses and improve my speed. This was one of the key take-aways. I actually love the hard questions in eGMAT which tend to take a lot of time which I were I learnt he hard lesson to let go of questions that are taking a lot of time. Again this was a huge challenge to the ego when you pride yourself of your quant. This actually helped in my exam where I could pace myself and make a better decision with the exam.
5. The support : The one big value I took from eGAMT especially during the entire process is, there was always someone I could talk to during this whole journey. At time during the process you a bit by yourself and need that comforting understanding and analytical conversation which the eGMAT support team so excellently delivers. They supported me on weekends late hours and I always had the confidence that I would get a reply in the next 24 hours. This reliability is hard earned and as a business thinker I appreciate how well Rajat, Payal and team have developed this.

Other than the aforementioned points eGMAT turned out to be the only resource I started to use and the only thing that was necessary for me other than the GMAT Prep test to get the feel. I loved the SIGMA X mocks actually more and wished there were more than just the 5 available because they give you a detailed analysis as much as your ESR and give you a real visual of your performance. Also the Strategic review which eGMAT keeps repeating through the course was a game changer in my prep approach. This helped me shoot from a 670 in one of my first GMAT PREP mocks to 750.

I hope you take a lot of value from this analysis and good wishes in your preparation.

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April 28, 2021

Joined: Jun 09, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

Extremely Helpful Resource for Sentence Correction


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I enrolled with e-gmat after a friend's recommendation, which turned out to be a very good decision. I was mightily impressed with how structured the course is.

I would like to highlight the sections that I found helpful in my preparation.

Sentence Correction - If you are struggling with sentence correction, this is the course for you. The course builds the foundation and takes you through the details through an application-based approach, which worked pretty well in my case.

Critical Reasoning - I was particularly struggling with this section initially. The pre-thinking approach helped me a lot in streamlining my answers before diving into the answer choices and I was straight away able to eliminate the wrong answer choices.

Sigma-X - This is the closest to the actual test that you are going to get after the official mocks. The block-wise analysis at the end of each test helps you analyze each section in detail. The analysis is presented in a manner it is presented in the final ESR, which will help you assess the time you spend in each block/type of question.

Overall, I would highly recommend e-gmat.

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April 28, 2021

Joined: Jul 07, 2020

Posts: 15

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q45 V44

670 to 720 in less than 3 months


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

I signed up to eGMAT in February at a point when I was feeling quite lost in terms of where to take my eGMAT preparation next. Close to a year after starting my GMAT prep my score had been stalled at 670 for several months and despite trying another online course, reading countless posts on the GMAT club forum and even a 1-1 tuition session I couldnt figure out how to make my mark budge. In particular my quant score was stuck at a very low percentile.

Coincidentally I came across the eGMAT youtube channel and after watching a few of their free webinars I was convinced this could be the missing ingredient in my preparation. After finally breaking the 700 barrier this past weekend I can confirm that that intuition was absolutely correct.

I'd like to highlight and elaborate on three key areas which were of mostly value to me in the course:
- A methodical and systematic approach to preparing for GMAT problems
- Tailored study plans further enhanced by adaptive modules that match the content to your level of skill
- Timely and personalised support from the wonderful stragey team - shout out to DJ!

Begining with the eGMAT methodology this is what really stuck out to me when I initially came across their webinars. The curriculum is thoroughly structured and well thought out, building from learning of basic concepts though to cementing of those concepts and finally test readiness. This process really forces students to learn topics in detail and really to leave no stone unturned which is essential for answering higher diffculty questions. In particular I loved the use of the process skills concept which breaks down GMAT questions into the requisite key sklls which apply across topics - this really was a game changer for me in understanding where I was going wrong on questions and allowed me to adress those specific issues, be it translating the question or drawing inferences. All in all the curriculum really changed my mindset when it came to preparing for the GMAT and made all the difference.

Secondly the curriculum was very tailored, prompting the student to input various data points prior to starting the course and also each module - this in the form of mini quizes to assess proficinecy. I loved thie way this allowed me to be efficient with my time and focus in on weaker areas. This was further supplemented by the amount of data points available from the Scholiranium platform which is eGMAT's in built question bank. Upon completion of tests I could see anything from average time to answer incorrect questions to a breakdown of accuracy by question type and module. This data made all the difference in preparation as I was able to really understand where I needed to focus my time.

Finally and most importantly was the support of DJ and the strategy team who were just an email away through the whole expereince. At multiple points in my preparation I was able to raise any doubts or concerns and was always met with friendly, personalised and insightful suggestions. Mot helpful were the personalised videos I would be sent providing analysis on my performance on quizes and instructing me on how to use the vast amount of data the eGMAT platform provides to enhance my performance.

All in all eGMAT was the game changer for me in my preparation and I could not recommend them more. My only regret is I ddin't find them sooner!

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528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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