e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
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January 13, 2022

Joined: Dec 28, 2021

Posts: 6

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

Great course for complete prep


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I was suggested the verbal online course by a friend who used it a few years ago. The verbal section is very elaborate. It covers everything from basics and prepares you to tackle the difficult SC questions. I improved significantly and learned to tackle the SC questions with a structured approach, saving precious time.
The CR section also introduces you to the different types of questions you may find GMAT and gives you enough practice to learn. The RC section could have some more difficult questions. I found the RC of GMAT to be more difficult than what I solved in RC practice questions.

I bought the quant course only to practice questions and did not go through the whole course as it covered maths basics and I didn't need it, but it is great for someone who does not have a Maths background.

I really liked the Scholarnium with clear classifications of questions by difficulty level. The analysis after you give a test is very helpful to understand where you can improve.

The mock tests were good but I didn't find them very close to the real GMAT. It is good for practice but please do not take the scores seriously, as the marking scheme is very different from what GMAT has. But it does teach you time management and gives you a glimpse of what to expect in real GMAT.

Overall I recommend this to every GMAT enthusiast, especially its verbal course.

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January 19, 2022

Dear Shweta,

Heartiest congratulations on improving by a massive 120-points and landing at a 710 and thanks for sharing such lovely words. I am very happy to see you be a part of the eGMAT 700+ Club.

Do you know the top 2 reasons for your success?

Great usage of Scholaranium for Practice

Fabulous efforts in Test Readiness

I have attached the Screenshots depicting the same.

Scholaranium Stats:

Test Readiness Stats:

Since you were very diligent in your entire approach as a whole, success was inevitable, it was just a matter of time.

This is one of the most important traits for a student which is not followed by the majority of the test-taking population. Your sheer resilience and determination made this possible for you and I am very happy.

I love the fact that you liked the whole analysis that the Scholaranium Platform provides an eGMATer.

All the best for your next steps! Do well.


January 13, 2022

Joined: Jul 27, 2019

Posts: 2

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

5th attempt - 740


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Entering the GMAT world was so overwhelming with a ton of options available everywhere and I initially looked at the prep companies with a lot of scepticism. Once I was done exploring GmatClub and attending various webinars, I could figure out the most prominent players. I came across E-GMAT during that time, attending their free webinars every weekend to gain familiarity with the GMAT but never actually seriously considering it. I only took the plunge once my GMAT score had plateaued at 690 after 4 attempts over 2 years of self-preparation. Looking in hindsight now, how I wish I had gone for it earlier. Attending those free webinars, I always thought that E-GMAT had a methodical and simplified approach to the application of concepts and it became the reason I trusted them over others.

The product that E-GMAT has created is just phenomenal. A simple interface, yet one containing a ton of insights and data that gives you critical feedback points throughout your prep. If utilized in the correct way, following the step-by-step process that E-GMAT advocates, the Scholaranium platform is designed to help you succeed. The concept files, the Scholaranium question bank and the mocks are seamlessly integrated within the product and you don’t need to go outside this ecosystem.

The verbal prep from E-GMAT was an eye-opener for me. The course starts with strengthening the most basic fundamentals of understanding and constructing a sentence through the Master comprehension course. It significantly reduces your mistakes and prep time across all the sections. Mastering the meaning-based approach, deeply embedded throughout the SC course, will alone improves your SC ability on GMAT. The logical intended meaning of the question will always take precedence over the grammar rules.
Similarly, the pre-thinking approach taught in CR section forces you to think of possible answers before attempting a question until it becomes a habit. The attention given to each question type and subtype in CR course provides so many different perspectives of looking at a question stem. The course teaches the concept, and the approach and solidifies both through application files.

Every person has somewhat a unique approach to Reading comprehension; however, RC ability is built over time and the only way to do that is to read a lot. RC ability is tested by the GMAT over a range of topics that you may like or dislike. E-GMAT RC course focuses a lot on reading strategies that encourage you to read more actively and understand the intent of the author.

Quant course is even better. The course advocates a series of steps that help you solve a question under 2 minutes effectively. Its flexible enough to let you skip the stronger areas and extensive enough to work on your weak areas. Needless to say, all concepts tested on GMAT are present in Quant course and solving difficult level questions methodically gives a real boost to your quant ability whether you have a quant background or you don’t.

The scholaranium has one of the best question banks I have come across my prep and it’s aided by a lot of data points that help you identify your weak areas and fine tune your prep. You can see the performance statistics for the individual sections such as assumption, strengthen, etc. and further drill down to your performance over a number of attempted questions as well as the difficulty level. The takt time can also be seen to identify any timing issues over a particular set of questions. All these stats are based on the questions attempted via customizable quizzes that highlight non-ideal issues such as luck factor, rush factor, etc. The answers explanations are superb and in case of any query, every question has a discussion thread where answers are provided by E-GMAT experts.

E-GMAT mocks are also really good and closely resemble your ability as per GMAT. I can vouch for it because I had tried both official and Manhattan mocks, which are also awesome. The insights provided with the mocks are mind-boggling. They give you the sense of your block-wise timing, accuracy, etc. Its ESR + additional cool info. There are 6 Sigma-X mocks available in E-GMAT with each having its own question bank, so no repetitions. Leveraging my analysis of the mock, I transcended from a score of 660 on my sigma-X mock to 740 on my actual GMAT just 3 days later.

Lastly, the support provided by E-GMAT mentors complements everything mentioned above and really is the difference between getting a good (sub-700) vs an awesome (720+) score. I was lucky enough to be engaged in the Last mile push program by Dhananjay (DJ) who gave me a structured and personalized plan right from the beginning. I was already saturated with 4 attempts on GMAT and yet I learned so many things in my 5th attempt that I didn’t before. DJ pushed me a lot to do that introspection and get over my weak areas. He helped me analyse my performances through the error logs and came up with key inputs or training videos from time to time whenever I got stuck in a particular section. He kept me accountable by setting up the weekly milestones. There was I time when I got frustrated and wanted to move to another section but DJ quickly identified that word problems was my weak area and helped me improve my ability to 80% from 30% in the section. Despite helping so many students, his replies were always prompt and always carried I tinge of motivation that is so much needed when you are trying to ace the GMAT.

To sum up, if you want all-in-one package for GMAT prep, you don’t need to look elsewhere.

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January 19, 2022

Dear Ankur,

Congratulations on scoring a 740, you are the first student from my cohort this year to score a 740. Always makes it extra awesome 😊 Your journey is special in SO MANY WAYS! I am reading this line a little more frequently now – “I wish I had known about this(e-GMAT) earlier”

But the tenacity you have shown to get to this point is phenomenal. 5 GMAT Attempts can really take a lot out of you, and you have shown that improving from 690 to 740 is more about strategy and perseverance.

I am glad you found Mocks you can trust and with the wealth of ESR+ data you and I were able to create hyper-specific plans.

ESR + Data:

A lot of people look at the “easy way-out approach” in RC or just I am going to read a 1000 RC’s and will improve, you now know it does not work.

RC Reading Strategies e-GMAT:

Finally, very few people talk about support, but I am sure you know how critical it can be. I am glad I could help you break this plateau and hit a 740! You truly understand what LAST MILE embodies. I love it 😊

Thank you for taking this time to review us. I appreciate it.

Warm Regards,
Dhananjay (DJ)

January 13, 2022

Joined: Nov 18, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42

Great course content, practice quizzes, and support


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started with a score of 680(Q49V34) in my official practice test in September. I had planned to prepare for two months. Since I prefer learning through a structured course, I searched online and came across e-gmat. I liked the structure and content and signed up for it. What I enjoyed the most about e-gmat was Payal's video lectures. I really appreciate the time and dedication she and the team have put into providing such excellent explanations. The concepts are very well explained, and I felt great re-learning some of them. It didn't translate to an increase in my quant score, but I thoroughly enjoyed learning things like probability which I was previously nervous about. The tabular approach for distance and rate related problems helped me become more confident tackling these problems. In Verbal section, Pre-thinking for CR questions was very helpful. Their approach for solving bold-faced questions was super useful and I started to enjoy solving them.

The biggest mistake I made during my preparation was trying to complete reviewing all the concept videos before taking up mock tests. If I were to do it again, I would have simultaneously taken mock tests every weekend while going through the concept videos and also not try to complete all the videos in a short sitting.

Because I hadn't practiced enough, I was super nervous for my first attempt. I hadn't developed my time management skills either. I ended up exceeding my break time between Quant and Verbal by 4 minutes. That along with my lack of sleep and anxiety contributed to a super low score, much lower than my first practice test. I had to cancel immediately.

I planned to prepare better for my next attempt. I realized that it wasn't that I wasn't good enough to get a good score. It was that my approach was not right. I reached out to the e-gmat support team and decided to follow their advice promptly. Atreya first responded and suggested taking the practice quizzes and completing the cementing stage. When I reached out again a couple of days before my test, DJ responded with helpful suggestions. The guidance provided by the e-gmat team was also very helpful in taking the required quizzes which prepped me better and helped reduce my test-day anxiety. I was able to get a score of 740 (Q49V42) in December.

One thing which I felt could be improved in the e-gmat course was providing an overview of what the Sentence Correction is testing us on and what the different kinds of errors are. I could have missed this as I went through all the videos and concepts of this section without really understanding the application of them. I really struggled with SC and it was only after going through Gmat Ninja's YouTube videos that I was able to grasp the bigger picture better. After that, the Scholaranuim quizzes certainly helped cement the concepts.

Overall e-gmat has great content, practice quizzes, and support available. I would definitely recommend it. For others who are reading this, I would say please plan to leverage all their resources, reach out to their support team early, take as many practice quizzes regularly even if you don't feel ready, and continually iterate on your approach, see what is working and what isn't.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 20, 2022

Dear SVP1,

Congratulations on scoring a 740, it’s a special achievement and I could not be happier for you 😊
When a student says that I started loving Probability & Word Problems is when I KNOW we did a good job with it. These are two most feared topics for anyone with “Math Phobia”

Secrets of Quant 2.0 –

I think your review is so honest and I completely take your feedback on the SC Course. Having said that, I completely mirror the advice you have stated. Constant iteration and reaching out to the support team is the one thing that can help you improve by leaps and bounds.

Student Conundrum -

I wish you all the best for your future and I know you’d get into a top business school!


January 13, 2022

Joined: Aug 27, 2021

Posts: 16

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V41

50-Point Improvement


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I've had the e-GMAT course for a few months now and must say that it's a great investment made along my GMAT journey, especially after I enrolled in eGMAT's LMP program. Below I'll summarize a few points about the e-GMAT platform and the LMP program that I found particularly valuable, as well as a few tips on how best to use eGMAT's course. Hopefully this can help you on your preparation journey!

The Platform

1. The Verbal Course. The bulk of my focus on eGMAT's platform was in its SC and CR courses, and I must say that the SC course in particular was a complete game-changer. The combination of 1) long and comprehensive list of grammar topics on the platform and 2) eGMAT's unique meaning-based approach helped me tremendously in my SC preparation, helping me push from SC ~70% to 90%+. The "Mastering Comprehension" modules in the Verbal course was also very useful, since it teaches not factual knowledge but a way of thinking that helps you focus on the core task of identifying meaning and errors in SC questions.

2. The Quant Course. Compared to my usage of the Verbal course, I spent relatively less time on the Quant course. However, I was still able to see that the course covered an extensive list of all the topics that you need to know for the exam. Not only that, but there were also tips and tricks for individual topics that can help you minimize the time you spend on each question, and the explanations for all the topics were very clear and easy to understand.

3. Scholaranium. I have to say that Scholaranium is by far the best Q-bank platform that I have seen in my journey - it allows you to customize your practice according to your individual progress. The Sigma-X mocks were also fantastic and mimic the algorithm used in the real exam. I really liked how each question's topic is indicted in the review screen for the mocks, so you can go back to each specific module if you find that you are still lacking in that particular topic.

The LMP Program

I reached out to the eGMAT team a few weeks before my 4th GMAT attempt in a panic attack at not seeing my score improve after months of preparation. For people who don't know, the LMP program is a mentorship program offered by eGMAT to selected students (so it's not a public purchase option on their website), and the plan is to have a mentor help you during the last few days/weeks of your preparation journey to pinpoint and get rid of your last weaknesses before the real exam. DJ quickly replied to my email, and we met together to go over the ESR for my previous 2 GMAT attempts. In our meeting, DJ analyzed my ESR extensively, and I was really surprised at how quickly he could see where exactly I was going wrong. Based on these weak spots, DJ made a customized 10-day plan for me that included 3 components: Verbal, Quant, and Test-Readiness. Each section was extremely detailed as to what I needed to do EXACTLY for those last few days of my attempt: for example, during our meeting DJ quickly pinpointed that one major weakness/mistake that I was making in Verbal was that I took too much time to solve some of the questions that I still ended up getting wrong, so he told me what exact steps I needed to take to reduce the time I spend on Verbal questions. With his customized plan and the eGMAT platform, I improved from 660 (my first Sigma-X mock score) to 710 (Official GMAT score). After my GMAT, I also discussed my exam and preparation experience with DJ, and I've decided to try the GMAT one more time to aim for a higher score. I have no doubt that, with the help from DJ and the eGMAT platform, I can push my score even higher.

How to Use the Platform

The course at eGMAT teaches you a 3-step approach that helps you first cement your foundational knowledge and then practice and perfect your skills at answering specific question types, and I have to say that these 3 steps held a lot of importance in the final stages of my journey. It is truly not the case in which you can just do all the questions in Scholaranium and hope that magically lifts up your score - it is extremely important to follow the 3-step approach and keep an error log with eGMAT's error log templates to make sure that you know where you are faltering in your question-solving process. The best series of steps that helped me to solidify my knowledge and skills were as follows:

Learn basic knowledge in courses --> Do preliminary practice questions within individual modules --> Review concepts if necessary --> Begin taking small quizzes on different sections in Scholaranium --> Keep updating the error logs --> Find out which areas I was weakest in and go back to those specific modules --> Practice specifically with those question types

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January 19, 2022

Dear jlo1234,

I love the username by the way! Jennifer Lopez is one of my favorite singers, haha! Congratulations on scoring 710 and I am glad the LM program brought you quick success! 10 days, was it? I thoroughly enjoyed this engagement. I like your mini-guide around our course and the LM program – so innovative 😊

50 points 10 days  Here is how:

I want to applaud you for 2 things –

1) Your faith & trust in me and the advice I gave  Right off the bat when we did the call, I felt that you were bound for success because you understood the value in what I was saying and followed through with the plan.
2) Diligence  Creating a hyper-specific plan: I created this, but you followed it. From my experience anyone that follows even 90% of this plan – they improve their chances of success by 2X or 3X.

Hyper specific Plan Teaser (I know so many people want this):

I don’t think there is a review that gives someone a roadmap on how to use our course till now which makes this review ultra-special.

I look forward to helping you increase this score too! Above and beyond always.

Warmest Regards,
Dhananjay(aka DJ)

January 06, 2022

Joined: Aug 27, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

Guided approach towards GMAT


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started off with my preparation in April 2021. The biggest challenge for me was to break the inertia of not studying for 6 years during the course of my professional life. I have a 6-day working schedule, so tsking out ample amount of time to study was challening. I started off with Manhattan guide of Quant because I had been from Engineering background and Quant flows easily for me. After some time I realised that it got quiet boring for me to go through the concepts from that book. I consulted one of my friends and he suggested me to take an eGMAT course. I read many reviews of e-GMAT on GMAT Club and found it quiet interesting.
I enrolled in the Q+V course in May-21. I did a mistake of not taking a sigma-X mock at the beginnning, so I am not aware where I stood before I started off with the course. I started off with Sentence correction in Verbal course. The course was very detailed and comprised of everything required for the SC course. The forum of e-GMAT is an excellent feature. All the previous doubts asked are available on the form. So if any doubt arises in the topic, I found them discussed on the forum previously. There is a ready reference of all the doubts other students have regarding the topic/module that is being studied. I made very detailed notes of SC which eventually helped me to revise all the concepts of the module at a go. While going through the course, I realised the English we used in the normal conversation s way too flawed. The main punch line for the SC is the meaning based approach. I firstly learnt to understand the meaning of the sentence by breaking it into small chunks and then check for grammatical errors in the sentence. It took me about a month to complete the course. I practiced SC from scholaranium and used strategic review to analyse the mistakes I was doing. The strategic review is also an amazing process to analyse mistakes. It actually points out where you are faultering. I used it to improve on SC.
I further did CR modules. CR is a logic based analysis in which there are 2-3 elements linked with each other. We need to analyse those linkages and find the must-be-true situations for the conclusion to hold true. Accordingly, for the strengthener and weakener questions we need to hit one of those linkages to make the argument strong and weak respectively. e-GMAT gave a very clear idea of how to attempt a CR question. The main punch line for CR is pre-thinking. Just take around 15-20 seconds after reading the passage to apply negation test. This really helped me to reach the assumption of a given passage. I faced problem when I pre-thinked well and the answer choices didn't have any suitable choice matching my pre-thinked assumption. I used to panic and mark any option randomly in those cases. I used scholaranium a lot to counter this problem in CR. Of course, strategic review is again a saviour. It points out exactly where you falter. So I was good at pre thinking, but bad at analysing and visualising the answer choices. There is much of probability that the answer choice won't match the pre-thinked assumption. So main thing I learnt was to not to panic and try to visualise what answer choice is pointing onto.
I further did RC modules. RC is a very scoring area. e-GMAT mainly outlined how to comprehend the passage at one-go. So, the key to attempt RC is to read the passage with full involvement and again breaking the sentences into smaller chunks to understand the idea presented by each sentence. The key-words play a very important role in deciding such roles. So if you comprehend the passage properly by may be making very short notes, you dont need to come back to the passage while attempting the questions. I faced problem when the passage was out of my interest area like biology or humanities. I found it boring and didn't read the details through it and eventually faultered in the questions.Also, I was taking a lot of time to complete one passage with all the questions. Its just that you need to believe that whatever is aked in the question is right there in the passage. You just need to read and comprehend the passage properly. So once I came out of the comfort zone and read the passage with full compassion and made short notes while reading, I was able to solve the RC questions in minimal time while it took me 5 minutes to read the whole long passage.
Even though I was good at quant from childhood, I decided to revise all the concepts at one go from e-GMAT modules. They were quiet comprehensive and you may personalize the study plan according to your strong and weak areas in Quant. I took quiet a bit of time to complete quant from the e-GMAT modules. I realised few of my weak areas and spent more time on it to improve overall accuracy of quant.
After completing quant and its practice, I gave my first sigma mock ang got a 680 in the mock. There were few areas in both verbal and quant which I neede to fix. I revised all the areas I faultered and again gave a mock and score 650. It was quiet shocking for me. Specially in verbal, I was struggling a lot with the timing. I was able to complete 30 questions and randomly guessed last 6 questions due to time constraints. It was just one week from exam and the results shook me up.
Dhananjay came to my rescue. He told me that I am having process related gaps in SC and CR which need to be fixed. He also advised me to reschedule the GMAT by around 20-30 days. I took a day to think and decided to reschedule the exam. I postponed the exam by a month. DJ
helped me to identify the areas I needed to work on. While solving the SC problem, I wasn't focusing on the sentence structure. I worked on the sentence structure and practiced with OG questions. Initially the timing to complete a SC question increased from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes for me but eventually as I got used to with the process, making the sentence structure and solving the problem became a habit to me. It actually helped me to understand the intended meaning of the sentence and to identify the errors(grammatical and logical) in the sentence very easily.
Accordingly, I made an error log to identify the conceptual and process related gaps and kill the gaps appropriately.
For CR, DJ advised me to follow revision B module. I revised all the application files of the CR course and then solved questions from scholaranium. I further made an error log to identify the gaps. Also, he asked me to make a video of how I solve a CR question. DJ reviewed the same and told me that I am pre-thinking well and visualising the answer choices also. I need to work on negation test. I wasn't negating the statement properly. I worked on negation test of conclusion and answer choices. Eventually, I got better at solving CR.
For RC, I was taking quiet a bit of time to complete the passage. I practiced the comprehending part of the passage for some time and realised that the time to attempt the questions decreased.
I finally gave a mock and scored 720. I was still struggling with time in verbal in the last 2-3 question but I gained confidence that I can improve it further with a strategy. I decided to break the complete set of questions in verbal in equal parts and allocated time to the questions. I practiced it on GMAT club test and found that I improved my time management of verbal section.
For IR section, I just did the OG questions. I found them enough for practicing the real GMAT like IR questions. IR is a mix of verbal and quant.I found spending 1-2 days for IR was enough for me.
For AWA, I read on 7-8 passages on GMAT Club and Manhattan to get an idea of how a passage is written. I practiced 3 passages and found it enough.
Exam day experience: I had exam anxiety and slept barely for 4 hours before my exam. I meditated in the morning. I had headache due to lack of sleep but I was determined that I wont let it interfere during my exam. I just tried to pacify myself of all anxieties by deep breathing.I gave my exam in order - Q-V-IR-AWA. This order worked for me because the exam anxiety in the beginning gets down with my strong area- Quant; mind gets warmed up and I can concentrate better. I admit that if I would have slept for 4 more hours,the score would be at least 20 points more, but I managed to get a 710.(Q49-V38-IR6-AWA5)

1. There is a lot of self control needed while doing such a preparation. I meditated intermittently to keep myself calm. One can follow the same.
2. In SC, look on the meaning first. Don't jump blindly for grammatically correct choices. There may be more that one choice which is grammatically correct but doesn't convey the intended meaning.
3. In SC, try to make sentence structure. It shall make your work easier to understand meaning and identify errors.
4. In CR, try to visualise the linkages between different elements and then prethink to reach on the assumption. Finally dont panic if you dont find the pre thinked assumption in the choices. Just visualise the choices keeping in mind the linkages.
5. In CR, try to check for must be true cases. There may be some cases that are necessary but not sufficient or sufficient but not necessary. Try to rule out such cases.
6. In RC, try to comprehend the passage as much as you can. Make very short notes to keep key words in mind. This will save your time in solving question related to the passage.

Thanks giving: e-GMAT has a big role to play in getting to that score. The forums have been amazing. The SMEs reply promptly to all the queries. For me, DJ made final fixing to push me further towards the score. I am very grateful to the complete team of e-GMAT.

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February 22, 2022

Dear Ridhi,

When I read a review this descriptive and heartfelt, it makes all the work that we put into as a company worth it. Not just LMP, not just Forum support, not just a great course, not just powerful analytics but it becomes a PRODUCT THAT CARES FOR THE STUDENT. For me, it’s rare. Congratulations on the 710, I know how hard you have worked to get to this point 😊

The courage you showed to break those chains of inertia after not studying for almost 6 years is stuff that dreams are made of!
For anyone out there who wants to see her story, please take 15 mins out of your day and watch it here -

Leave a comment and like too!

I honestly think that the most undervalued part of our product is our Forums. I know you made good use of them. A serious problem most students face when they begin studying for the GMAT is the lack of good explanations out there, not everyone is born with a V40 spoon in their mouths! :D

e-GMAT Forums:

I still remember the call we had! I told you that scoring a 700+ wasn’t possible in a week and you’d need 20-30 days. I know it took some time for you to consume that information but thank you for trusting my judgment. You gave me the opportunity to bring out the potential in you. This is when the entire teaching pedagogy from the SC, CR & RC came together.

I am so proud of the work you put into this, and I know you will crack the B-school you want soon!

All the best!

Fond Regards,

January 06, 2022

Joined: Nov 24, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

E-GMAT is an absolute life saver!!!!!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I took the GMAT in November of 2021 right before Thanksgiving. I scored a 660. I was super disappointed. I didn't know how to move forward. I saw all the online reviews e-gmat has, and I decided to take a call with on of there strategy experts. I explained to him that I was signing up for a re-take and that I was studying from the OG. He told me not to go down that route. I had very little time before my next exam which was only 2 weeks after my last attempt. I trusted e-gmat with my final preparations. I ended up scoring a 710! I was shocked how quickly things changed.

I wanted to highlight some specifics about the course. I primarily focused on the SC portion of the course because I needed a refresher. I was so impressed with how COMPREHENSIVE the entire course was. After taking 2 other well-known courses on this forum, I can hands down say e-gmat is the best. The meaning base approached really changed how I look at SC. Before I use to think it was all just random explanations and I was frustrated because I wasn't making progress. The meaning based approach made even the most difficult SC problems a breeze.

The support staff on the forums are there to answer your questions and they do so in a timely manner. The forums are also rich with queries from other students who share the same problems as you, so often you can just get your answer from prior posts. You will always see Payal and Stacey on the forums answering your questions. It feels good to know the same experts in the videos are answering your questions below.

Scholaranium 2.0 is such a game changer. I was so impressed with how gmat-like the questions were. There are so many questions in the bank and the explanations have both video and text explanations. Each answer is thoroughly explained.

Similarly, Sigma-X mocks are just so precise. They identify your true weak points down to subsection levels. This allows you to truly figure out your weaknesses and address them. Before I kind of just thought I knew what my weaknesses were, but this brought in the data to tell me exactly what they were. Without this I would not have been as effective in my studies.

The quant course is also unmatched. My biggest fear on quant was always seeing a new type of question on the test hat I had never seen before. This course really touches all of quant and leaves no stone unturned. The way the diagnostics and learning concept files are setup makes it super easy to approach quant with confidence. The video explanations are so through and the forums have rich answers. I was truly impressed with the level of quality and the breadth of problems on the quant course.

If you're at any stage of your gmat preparation, it's crucial that you check out e-gmat. The level of time, effort, and quality put into this platform is unmatched. I know because I was with 2 other platforms prior to e-gmat. I wish I could have gone back and just started with this platform. I would have saved so much time and headache. All around the best platform for gmat prep!!!!!!!!!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 13, 2022

Dear Apexrex,

Congratulations on making it to the 700+ Club! A 50-point improvement from a 60 to a 710 in 2 weeks is exceptional. I am extremely happy for you.

Improving your score on such short notice was possible because you focussed on your weak areas and areas of improvement. I was going through your account, and I saw that even during that short amount of time, you did the SC course and parts of the RC Course where you had issues. The Screenshot below shows your attempt in the SC and the RC courses.


Good a good attempt in the course, you also did well in your Scholaranium Quizzes: both in Medium and Hard. Your weak areas in Sentence Correction turned strong, and you cleared the cut-offs in the Medium and Hard Questions. Refer to the screenshot below to understand this in more detail.


I also loved the fact that your interactions in Forums were fruitful.

Overall, it was a short journey, but an exceptional one. And your hard work and diligence paid off well.

I wish you all the best for your applications and future endeavors. All the best!



January 05, 2022

Joined: Jun 23, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40 (Online)

Excellent resource to get you ready!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I took up E-Gmat after doing a X-sigma mock test. What intrigued me was detailed the feedback on my verbal and quant ability - very similar to getting an ESR for the actual GMAT. This was unlike the first platform i was using and given the short time i had, I needed something prescriptive in telling me where i was struggling and give me targeted conceptual videos to do that. I love how E-Gmat equips with all the major habits that help you pass 700 - they provide you with error logs for each component, they have a conceptual quiz to test both your conceptual understanding and your GMAT test taking ability for that topic (a distinction that i only realised via e-Gmat), they also test not just your accuracy but your timing on certain questions. It helped me pinpoint my weaknesses so well for verbal especially where I struggled initially with understanding where in my "thinking" i was going wrong. It makes enforcing the discipline of getting concept right, getting test taking ability right and getting both accuracy & speed very straightforward, and makes attaining a good GMAT score more of a methodical process than a monumental task.

Scholaranium is TOUGH and super humbling but is integral to achieving high scores consistently because they have selected the right questions to target even the most nuanced understanding of concepts and test-taking skills. If you use the lectures, scholaranium, keep an error log, hitting 700+ is a straightforward. I find that extremely telling of a superior platform. Even after scoring 710, I am convinced i can do much better so have even extended my access so i can squeeze out the additional 40 points for my GMAT. I am confident e-GMAT will help me get there.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 11, 2022

Dear ravk2709,

Congratulations on making it across the 700-barrier, you join the long list of e-GMAT achievers 😊

I am glad you spoke about Sigma-X Mocks because not only do they give you ESR + analysis, but they are also actually quite accurate! I am sure you would agree.

Sigma-X Mock Score right before GMAT:

I love how you have written about equipping a student with good habits like an error log, revision, and focus on NOT JUST ACCURACY. This is so important to score a 700+ on the GMAT. And based on what I have read, you are a diligent student too.

Thank you so much for leaving such a great review and I wish you success in the LM program!


January 04, 2022

Joined: Jan 04, 2022

Posts: 3

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V41 (Online)

A Planned and Structured Course Empowered by Data!


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I was connected to one of the members of eGMAT prior to my purchase of the course. In the meeting I was shown around their website, the portal, Scholaranium 2.0, and the verbal course material.

Post my enrollment in the course, I was invited to an onboarding session in which I was told about the best practices on using the Scholaranium 2.0 and the course videos. I took a diagnostic test and based on the assessment of that, I was assigned a mentor (DJ!!) who gave me feedback on my ability and created an overall plan for my preparation, which revolved around the target score that I had specified.

The overall course is designed in a 3-stage manner and students have an option to skip to Stage II if they are confident about their skill levels in certain sections. Based on personal taste, I decided to go through the entire course since I felt that skipping a few concept files would mean that I am impatient :P

I was constantly in touch with DJ, on a weekly basis. He would share hyper-specific and personalized plans, particularly designed for my weak areas. They ranged from concept files, how to take revision notes, how to effectively revise etc. What helped in these feedback sessions/plans was that DJ was very calm and confident about the process. "Trust the process" really resonated with me during this journey. Along with that, eGMAT, with Scholaranium 2.0, utilizes quiz data to analyze weak areas within each subsection (SC, CR etc) and based on that the support team guide you on corrective actions.

I essentially followed the plan and took the Sigma X mocks when I was asked to go for it. Towards the end of my preparation, DJ had noticed a weakness in SC and gave me a Sentence Correction booster plan, that I followed throughout the last week before my exam date. I think it helped me refresh my ability and ensure that my ability is fresh for the main day.

Overall, the 6 month long journey was a very planned one, with lots of useful feedback and data. I think the mentorship program was a really huge factor in ensuring that everything is planned and executed well. I am glad I made that choice ^_^

Thanks, eGMAT!

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January 13, 2022

Dear Akshat,

Congratulations on scoring a 98th percentile score, you are the first student from my cohort this year who scored a 750. I hope you are lucky for me! 😊

Your entire journey is centered on trusting the 3-stage teaching pedagogy and I admire your patience and resilience to follow through on this commitment. I wanted to show this commitment in 3 images

Stage 1 Diligence (Foundations):

Stage 2 Diligence (Cementing):

Stage 3 Diligence (Test Readiness):

It was a memorable experience engaging with you in the LM program and I wish you all the best for the bright future you have!

Warm Regards,

January 03, 2022

Joined: Jan 03, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V34 (Online)

e-gmat review


Improvement 10 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I joined e-gmat in September and was a part of the Last Mile program. Before joining them I had a 690 on Gmat. The courses on verbal were fantastic and gave a structured process to approach a problem. Under the LMP, Atreya Roy gave the personalized support to identify weak areas, made me take a number of quizzes and helped me fix timing issues. He also analysed my sigma-mocks.

Unfortunately, my variance in mocks was something that we could not fix (710-760). Even though I ended up with a score I am not satisfied with and a low verbal I don't think e-gmat's course and support was in anyway lacking.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 13, 2022

Hi Dkp,

First of all, congratulations on scoring a 700. I wish you would have gotten to the 730. You were well on the way, and I hoped you will reach there. Nevertheless, let us understand the key takeaways of your journey till now.

Breaking the 700-barrier needs persistence efforts, diligence, and resilience. You had portrayed all the above and hence you were able to get to a 700. From our journey, I found two major highlights:

1) I loved the fact that you completed the course diligently and that translated to your scores in Scholaranium. The screenshot below entails more information.

Course Stats of Dkp:

2) Perfect Test Readiness Scores: You had great scores in your Test Readiness quizzes that laid the path to a 740.

Test Readiness Stats for Dkp:

I wish you all the best for the next steps. In case you retake the GMAT, you know whom to dial 😉

Best Wishes and Regards,

January 01, 2022

Joined: Dec 09, 2016

Posts: 16

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

Finally managed to score 710


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

This was my fourth attempt at the GMAT and I knew that this was probably going to be my last chance at breaking the 700 barrier. I gave my first attempt back in 2017 and I got a below 600 score. It was self-study using Official books, Manhattan guides and YouTube videos. For my next two attempts in 2018 (610 Q44 V31) and 2019 (640 Q48 V31) I enrolled for e-GMAT but I could not do the course properly and had to rush through the course because of my personal and work commitments. The way e-GMAT course is built, I knew it was the only course that was going to help me break the 700 barrier. So naturally I decided to go with e-GMAT for my fourth attempt and it finally worked wonders as I was finally able to get a score of 710 Q49 V37.

I started with Verbal section, and covered each topic as designed in the course. e-GMAT SC course is pure gold. All the topics in SC is super simplified. Meaning based approach in SC set a solid foundation for solving SC questions. Once you understood what the sentence was trying to communicate, it was easy to eliminate all the incorrect answer choices by applying the grammar rules. Meaning based approach was especially helpful when you have two grammatically correct choices and you have to eliminate the incorrect choice. CR course is based on Pre-thinking approach. At the start of the course, all the different parts of CR passage such as premise, fact, claim, conclusion, main conclusion, author’s point etc are clearly defined. Honestly it takes time to completely hone the pre thinking approach to arrive at assumptions. But once you consistently follow the step-by-step method to find conclusion, falsification condition and assumptions, solving CR questions using pre thinking approach becomes easy. Once I fully got the hang of the approach, I never took notes while solving CR questions. Arriving at assumptions even before looking at the answer choices saves you a lot of time while eliminating answer choices, which eventually helped me in pacing the test. While solving RC questions you use few concepts learnt in CR course. I always felt that RC was my weak area. So, I focused more on improving my ability in SC and CR than on spending too much effort on RC. One thing that I did differently this time in my preparation was that I used the cementing quizzes after each section diligently to get the desired accuracy in medium and hard questions before proceeding with the next section. This helped solidify the concepts I learned during the initial stages. I realized the value of doing cementing quizzes when I returned to verbal course again after months of doing Quant section. When revising I did not spend much time relearning the concepts, saving myself a lot of time.

Qaunt course in e-GMAT has improved significantly from 2018. The new Quant 2.0 was detailed and the summary at the end of each section was helpful during revision. I followed the same approach for qaunt with regards to cementing quizzes – getting desired accuracies in both medium and hard questions, before proceeding with next topic.

Scholaranium is a wonderful tool from e-GMAT. This is super helpful when you want to solidify your learnings, improve time management and understand your strong or weak area by giving mixed quizzes – combining all the sections in verbal or different sections in quant. By giving multiple cementing quizzes, ability quizzes and ability quizzes you are improve both your accuracy and your ability while getting comfortable with skipping questions during the tests. Do not forget to do strategic review and make notes after each attempt and before giving another attempt. OG questions feel relatively easier than the questions in scholaranium.

Lastly, the support from the e-GMAT team was wonderful. They supported me with my queries, with my subscription extensions and also pointed out my weaknesses and a way forward whenever I mailed asking for help. Thank you e-GMAT!!

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January 11, 2022

Dear Siddhesh31,

Congratulations on your 100-point improvement! Your perseverance is perhaps the single most important factor that got you across the line and while you used our course to do it, I must commend you on making the right choices instead of being complacent about your preparation.

Your review touches perhaps on everything that makes the course unique –

1) Content – The SC, CR, Quant 2.0 course
2) Scholaranium – We have just launched Schol 2.0
3) Support – We are available 24*7, 365 days a year
4) Diligence – Strategic Review and Error Logs

Instead of talking about everything, I wanted to talk about one feature that not a lot of people know about -

Timing Threshold:

If you have all these pillars and you are preparing for the GMAT, nothing can stop you from scoring a 700!

All the best Siddhesh.

DJ & Team

528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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