e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
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 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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February 04, 2023

Joined: May 01, 2016

Posts: 5

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V38

Final Score 740, 130 points improvement


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


A) The course modules are designed carefully to build/improve the basic concepts.
B) The structured methodology of e-GMAT helps build a process to approach every question. For the verbal section, I am confident that it is one of the best courses for non-native speakers.
C) Cementing process (Medium, Hard level) helps to solidify the learning.
D) AI-based analytics by e-GMAT helps to analyze the areas of improvement. This tool is fantastic.
E) PACE engine helped me to save a lot of time on the quant section.

Would make the product better:

SME support on few SC section questions

I want to thank e-GMAT for helping me to achieve a score of 740 on the GMAT exam.
Brief introduction:
A) Bachelors & Masters: India
B) Work experience: 10 years, Location: Japan, Role: project engineer
C) Sector: chemical, Industry: Electronics
D) Reason to pursue MBA: move to management and leadership role in the same sector
1st attempt
I gave my 1st attempt at the GMAT exam in Oct’21. My score was 610. I aimed to achieve around 720 as this score was around the average score of my target B-schools (1-year program in IIMs, ISB). I used officia1-year books for preparation. During the exam preparation, I found several verbal solutions posted by e-GMAT on the GMAT Club portal. The answers from e-GMAT were based on a structured approach and were easy to understand for a non-native English speaker like me. Therefore, I decided to enroll in the e-GMAT course.
e-GMAT course
I enrolled for GMAT online 360 course. This course covers Quant, Verbal, and IR. I chose this course because I did not want to spend my limited time searching resources for Quant.
2nd attempt
I gave my 2nd attempt at the end of Sep’22, and my score was 640.
Here I want to share critical information:
As I shared above, I have worked in the electronics industry for the last 12 months. I worked around six days per week and 14-15 hours per day. All the credit goes to the unanticipated surge in demand for semiconductors due to the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances. This work schedule only allowed me to study for around 45 minutes per day on working days and 2 hours per day on holidays. Therefore, I was able to give my 2nd attempt in Sept’22.
After scoring 640, I wrote to e-GMAT for their expert guidance. And from there, Rida Shafeek strategy expert, guided me to score 740.
3rd attempt (all thanks to Improvement Plan by Rida Shafeek, the e-GMAT strategy expert)
Based on my ESR report, she shared the improvement plan for all sections (one by one after I was able to clear the passing criterion) for each section:
D) Quant
Even before completing Improvement Plan for Quant, I appeared for the e-GMAT exam, and the final score was 740 (more than my target score, I was so happy).
My strategy during the GMAT exam
Based on my experience of cementing quizzes, I realized that my mind needs some time to warm up. So, I attempted sections in the following order:
i) AWA
ii) IR
(AWA, IR: helped to warm up the mind)

iii) Quant

iv) Verbal
Advantages of the e-GMAT course
A) The course modules are designed carefully to build/improve the basic concepts. Please complete the course in an order prescribed by the e-GMAT team.
B) The structured methodology of e-GMAT helps build a process to approach every question. For the verbal section, I am confident that it is one of the best courses for non-native speakers (I am not sure about the grammatical accuracy of native speakers).
C) Cementing process (Medium, Hard level) helps to solidify the learning. Please complete these stages.
D) AI-based analytics by e-GMAT helps to analyze the areas of improvement. This tool is fantastic.
E) PACE engine helped me to save a lot of time on the quant section.
Finally, I want to share a couple of points.
A) Plan for the GMAT exam based on your work/academic commitment.
B) Consistency is key.
C) A higher score always helps to strengthen your chances in your target B school.
D) Do not compare your performance based on the success stories of other applicants. The capabilities and circumstances of each person are different.
All the best for preparation!!!

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February 11, 2023

Hey tarunkrishna,

Congratulations on the massive 130-point improvement to 740!! This is Rida, your mentor, and I am so glad to have been part of your journey!

I am really glad to see that you have strived to take all the right steps in your journey. You realised that there was a structure to the course that could teach you methods to get to success. Just looking at the efforts you put into the modifiers module in the SC course, I can see that you set out to learn and internalise methods that would get you to success-

Image Link -

I am very glad to see that all those efforts paid off and that you were able to improve to a V38! I

In RC as well, you displayed the same rigour and motivation to improve. The proof is in the pudding! When I look at your stats, I can see that you were able to utilise the right analytics and data to empower a massive improvement in RC.

Image Link -

I am also really glad to see that P.A.C.E was able to help you save time in prep. Overall, in Quant, you were able to save close to 50 hours of prep time! In algebra, as seen below, you could save close to 12 hours of prep time

Image Link -

As a working professional working exceptionally long hours, it's really difficult to take time to prepare. But throughout your prep, you gave it your all and followed each and every plan diligently. I am happy that you were able to succeed and get an amazing score!

All the best for your future endeavours tarunkrishna- I am sure you will make all your dreams come true!


February 02, 2023

Joined: Apr 30, 2022

Posts: 11

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

540 to 720, with a full time job


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


A very comprehensive course with detailed approach to each type of question and a team of strategists for personalised help.

There are four things that I loved about the whole process:
1. Comprehensive and structured course
2. The emphasis on meaning & Pre-thinking Approach
3. Personalised support for strategic performance analysis and planning
4. The accuracy of the mocks

I decided to attempt the free mock by e-gmat in July'22.
I got a 560, which was quite discouraging. However, as part of their process, the e-gmat team asked me to get on a call with them and encouraged me to give it a go. Moreover, considering that I had attempted this mock without any preparation, it seemed like I could achieve a better score with some practice and concept revision. So after returning from a work related trip, I enrolled to the course in September'22.

Over the next two months I studied 2-3 hrs a day and completed the video lectures and the practice & cementing quizes, which btw are well structured to give a holistic exposure of certain topics, build process skills, and practice varied question types.
Then around October-end I decided to give my first mock and got a 640. Seeing the improvement of 80 points, I felt there is a good chance that with more practice I could get 700+. However I lacked direction of what approach to take. I was confident about my quant yet was unable to cross 48, and in verbal I was having difficulty crossing even 30.

At this point I remembered that in the early lectures a 3-step approach had been mentioned.
1. Concept & practice,
2. Cementing, and
3. Test readiness.
Since I was done with 1 & 2, I emailed the support team and asked about the 'stage 3' process. This is when I started interacting with Dhruv, who did an in-depth analysis of my performance so far and gave me a step-by-step personalised plan to improve. He also helped me whenever I faced a blocker and encouraged me every step of the way.

Finally as the January application deadlines approached, I gave another mock scoring a 700 and rushed to book a GMAT slot. Dhruv supported my decision with some last minute steps to improve, which led to the official score of 720 (Q49, V40).

I'm grateful for all the support, and really recommend all GMAT aspirants to consider the e-gmat course.

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December 29, 2022

Hi kshitij234,   

Heartfelt Congratulations to you on your 720 score! 

A 160-point improvement is a rare feat that needs a herculean effort and endless commitment from one’s end.

The most commendable part of your journey is ‘the simplicity’ with which you went about it. You went through your prep in the recommended 3-stage sequence. You spent most of your prep time building a strong foundation which is evident in the image below where you went through each file in the course with utmost diligence.

Image link:

The above efforts helped you master the structured approach and the required process skills that resulted in some exceptional ‘Cementing scores/accuracy’. Here is an image that shows how you consistently hit the 90th Percentile scores across all cementing quizzes

Image link:

The outcome of all the efforts you put in the first two stages of your prep translated into remarkable sub sectional accuracy in the last phase of your prep journey.

The image below shows some jaw dropping Quant accuracy during the last leg of your prep.

Image Link:

Your journey is a great example to justify, I quote, “When you trust the process, you learn. When you learn, you score well. When you score well, you succeed! “ 

I, on behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.

We wish you the best for all your future endeavours


February 02, 2023

Joined: Mar 04, 2019

Posts: 15

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V35

One of the best course available in the market


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


Well-structured and on-prompt mentorship are two key aspects of the course that can help you ace the test

Started off my journey with e-GMAT with a score plateau of 650 in 3 attempts, I was skeptical of buying another course. But to my surprise, the course exceeded my expectations in terms of not only the structure and content of the course but also the mocks that were quite comparable to the actual GMAT and the on-prompt mentorship provided which helped me in analyzing further the data points to pinpoint the gaps in my preparation.

The course is well-designed, well-structured, and quite intuitive. It makes online learning easier. With the Practice Quiz and Application Quiz between the modules, I was able to retrieve many of the concepts taught and solidify them during the Cementing Quizzes. This helped me to build the foundation of one section before moving to the next one.

The analysis provided is good enough to understand your gaps and corrective measures to be decided. This is where error logs would help.

The Sigma-X mocks were quite analogous to the actual GMAT. Since I scored twice the same score in the actual GMAT that I got in the e-GMAT Sigma-X mock taken previously.

Lastly, when my course was over, I was blank on what to do next. At that point my mentors (special mention to Abha and Richa) weighed in on the exact gaps in my preparation and how can I improve upon them. They provided regular plans to up my game and help me the target they anticipated.

Overall, my journey was a short but promising one.

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January 29, 2023

Hi arehman94,

Congratulations on your wonderful score!

This is Abha from e-GMAT.

Overcoming a score plateau is never an easy task but the sheer diligence and grit that you have shown to get to this point is truly inspirational.

Considering the limited time you had in hand, you put in the right efforts to build a strong foundation by learning the concepts and applications and then mastering each of the sub-sections by cementing them. Look at the image below to see how your strong conceptual understating in Verbal, translated into exceptional accuracy in hard-level questions.

Image Link -

You completed each step on the way with utmost sincerity and attention to detail to such an extent that the process became send nature to you Here is an image where you can be seen improving to 70% accuracy (85th percentile) in GEO hard questions.

Image Link -

I am happy to see that you mentioned the importance of maintaining an Error Log and were able to utilize it in identifying and working on your weak areas and conceptual gaps.  

At last, I just want to say, it was a pleasure working with you and I am so proud of the work you have put into this journey.    

All the best for the next steps!

Abha Mohan 

January 30, 2023

Joined: Jun 16, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37

e-GMAT Tutor that enabled me to ace the exam


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Abhishek Raj

Location Online


e-GMAT platform has tons of resources to practice (lecture exercises, practice test and mocks) and cement your knowledge of each section.

Would make the product better:

With all the resources available, you may get lost if you are not familiar with the platform. Also, tutoring services are currently not available to all students.

After studying by myself for almost a year, I did not see any improvements on my verbal score. Luckily, I started to take tutoring session with Abhishek who patiently identified my gaps and walk me through the right strategy to solve each type of verbal questions. He was able to make me conscious about my errors and encourage me to practice in a methodic way – not quantity, but quality. When I got my first score 620 (Q44, V31), Abhishek was very supportive and made me believe a 700+ was on my reach. I truly felt he was there for me, and I am sure that I would not get my 710 (Q50, V37) without his help. The GMAT preparation is for many a long road that test your resilience. You need the right resources but most importantly you need a supportive team that will cheer for you especially when you want to give up. Abhishek was to me more than a teacher, he not only provided me with key tools for the exam but also lifted me up in numerous occasions. To anybody out there looking for a verbal tutor, I highly recommend you to get in touch with Abhishek.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
February 07, 2023

Hi mariagmoreno,

Congratulations on your wonderful score!

This is Abhishek from e-GMAT.

A 90-point improvement is highly commendable, the sheer determination you have shown to get to this point is phenomenal.

Being a non-native speaker of English is considered by many one of the biggest impediments to scoring high on the GMAT. The low initial scores and the slow learning curve can be extremely frustrating. However, you kept your eyes on the prize and didn’t give up. I am so glad I could be a part of your journey to an impressive 710 after months of dedicated hard work.
For instance, your diligence in imbibing the right processes and skills can be seen in how you have improved from 25% accuracy to 65% (80th percentile) accuracy in hard-level SC questions.

Image Link -

I also fondly remember our sessions together cracking the codes to CR questions or demystifying tough RC passages. From deciphering idioms to deriving implications, each session was a learning experience, not just for you but for me as well. Your journey shall serve as an inspiration to countless others who have their eyes set on the GMAT.

At last, I just want to say that it was a pleasure working with you and that I am so proud of the work you have put into this journey.    

All the best for the next steps!

Abhishek Raj

January 29, 2023

Joined: Nov 07, 2022

Posts: 5

Kudos: 9

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

One Stop Shop for all your GMAT needs


Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


The Scholaranium platform - It is just brilliant with the analytics and the reservoir of different types of questions. There are small milestones that you achieve during coursework and you keep getting positive re-enforcement after each achievement, that helps keep the morale up.

Would make the product better:

They try to keep the weekly sessions inclusive for everyone. Probably, a few sessions can be kept only for the candidates who have availed the services.

The course gives you a real time analysis on where you stand when you take its first Sigma X mock test. I feel the verbal is a little easier than actual on the Sigma X mock tests but quants are tougher. Once you get that analysis, a timeline for preparation will be given to you in accordance with your needs that is really accurate. You just need to trust it and follow the timeline without missing a single day if you are on a tight schedule. I prepared for 2 months. I started with a score of 560 and reached 730 (Q49, V41). I could have done way bettwe even if I had 1 or 2 weeks more time on my hands. Their quant section teaches you all the concepts from basics and focuses on building a strong foundation rather than shortcuts. However, you can also check out their forums where multiple students have given various methods of solving problems, if your foundations are strong, you will be able to figure out the logic behind shortcuts as well. They will feed you so many questions during learning itself for both verbal and quants, that you will automatically start feeling confident. The verbal section gives you a variety of used cases and also talks about exceptions.
They have a mentorship proramme (if you are serious) and they chalk out your plan for the last few days before your test. This really gave my preparation a structure and helped me in revising concepts that I was lacking on. Their mentors are really helpful - Rashmi Vaidya guided me in my last few days of prep and helped me through this process smoothly.

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February 01, 2023

Dear Tejash98,

Congratulations on the 730! Achieving a 170-point improvement in 2 months is highly impressive😊

I am glad that you started the right way – by taking the Sigma-X mock to assess your starting abilities and creating a Personalised Study Plan to structure your preparation.

I appreciate that you invested substantial time in building your foundation – both in verbal and quants. See how the time that you spent on building a rock-solid foundation helped you improve your accuracy for hard questions in NP to 67% (85th percentile):

NP accuracy:

I am glad that the practice questions during the learning stage helped you improve your confidence. Kudos to you for having taken this confidence to the next level by mastering the applications by practicing on GMAT-like questions during cementing. See how this structured approach helped you improve to 90th percentile ability across all the topics in Sentence Correction:

SC accuracy across blocks:

Thank you for your suggestion on the weekly sessions, but we try to keep it inclusive since we want everyone to benefit from these sessions. For our students, we have internal forums which you have used during the preparation, that one can leverage for any subject matter-related query. Also, we have a lot more such sessions in the pipeline and we shall keep your recommendation under consideration.

Tejash98, it was a pleasure mentoring you in the last days of your preparation and I am sure you will excel in any of the B-schools that you get into.

Wish you all the best,

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

January 29, 2023

Joined: Jul 23, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

eGMAT Online Course Review


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Very nicely structured and well curated content.

Would make the product better:

A fast paced section for students who have already gone through the course multiple times so that they can revise well in the eleventh hour

eGMAT verbal course is really good for aspirants who are struggling with score improvement. I was stuck at the V27-V32 range before I came across eGMAT.

Critical reasoning and sentence correction sections of eGMAT are one of a kind. Having used multiple sources, I can say that eGMAT has all the important content that is just required to achieve a high target score.
Pre-thinking concept comes in very handy in the exam, but one needs to practice extensively to improve the timing before the exam. It greatly improved my accuracy and time/question initially. But eventually, things become second nature and one can easily see the time/question going down.

Sentence correction course will be an eye-opener to many as it highlights a lot of exemptions to the grammar rules which are applicable to the GMAT. eGMATs forum support has been amazing in giving prompt and in-depth analysis for any queries posted.

RC course is well-made for the ones that get stuck between 2 close options. eGMATs RC process will give students enormous clarity in answer choice analysis. This works wonders for people who can apply the process well but miss out on marking the correct choice. Identifying the type of incorrect answers for each and every practice question kind of drills down the concepts into you before you realise. So I think using the video course to the maximum potential will massively help you improve your score.

eGMAT saves the hard work and a lot of time for aspirants who spend time self studying and searching online for free resources. eGMAT's study plan, swift forum, mentors who communicate with you promptly can be of real help to the students. These were the factors that were critical in my score improvement from V27 to V38.

All the best.

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February 01, 2023

Dear Jayadeepan,

Congratulations on the tremendous 120-point improvement to 710 – a success made all the sweeter with a 11-point verbal improvement to V38.

I am glad that you followed a structured diligent approach to building your verbal ability.

You understood the importance of pre-thinking in solving CR questions and extensively practiced such that it became second nature to you. See how this focussed approach helped you improve to 75% accuracy in CR and reduced the time to 1 min 36 seconds:

CR accuracy vs timing:

In SC, you followed a similar structured approach and leveraged the internal forums to clarify any subject-matter-related query to internalize the meaning-based approach. I am really glad to see that this helped you improve to a 90th percentile ability in SC.

90 percentile ability in SC:

Jayadeepan, I must commend how determined you were to succeed and left no stone unturned. You leveraged all the features available to you – study plan, mentorship, internal forums and this helped you improve by a massive 120 points in your final GMAT.

The grit and determination you have shown towards your preparations, I am sure you will have great success in each of your future endeavours.

All the best and Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

January 28, 2023

Joined: Jan 22, 2022

Posts: 2

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q51 V37

730 After 3 Weeks of Intense Practice


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Quality of Questions
Cementing Quizzes
Structured Content

I gave my first GMAT attempt back in August'22, but due to a network issue in the test centre (Ansal University) my test got ruined and I couldn't reschedule it as I had to leave for college the next day. Although I was pretty devastated about it, the moment I reached home I made up my mind to give another attempt in my winter vacations. During my self-preparation I had seen the content of most of the test-prep companies and due to the short time available to me, I felt that e-gmat would be the perfect fit for me as they were known for their personalised study plan.

During the three weeks of my GMAT preparation, I was enrolled in the LMP Program by Abha Ma'am. She gave me a detailed study plan and I was in constant contact with her throughout. I followed the plan diligently and kept on getting regular feedback about my performance.

Quant: I would like to give a special mention to the cementing quizzes on the e-gmat platform. These quizzes have a selected set of questions, which are made to exploit the holes in your learning. I found these especially helpful for quant because even though I had a strong foundation in all the topics, these quizzes pointed out exactly where I need to pay attention.

RC: The effective reading strategies are really a blessing and improved my RC ability significantly. I could notice the difference in the results after I followed each step systematically.

SC and CR: The famous meaning based approach works wonderfully and should be carefully followed for it to work its magic.

Overall, e-gmat offers great structured, quality content that is more than enough for your GMAT preparation. Greatly thankful to Abha Ma'am for her insights throughout my preparation and would recommend anyone who is willing to put in serious efforts to choose e-gmat.

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February 02, 2023

Hi Anirudh18,

Congratulations on the 730!!

This is Abha from e-GMAT. It was a pleasure working with you in the Last Mile Push program.

Achieving a 50-point improvement in just 3 weeks is a Herculean task, but it was only possible because of your determination and diligence.

I am glad to know that the cementing stage helped you identify the weak areas so that you could work on them which in turn translated into exceptional stats across Quant sub-sections. Here is an image where you can be seen excelling at hard questions in across Quants sub-sections.

Image Link:

In Verbal, you created a strong foundation by completing the concept and application files and built your skills by solving GMAT-like questions on Scholaranium. You truly immersed yourself in the reading strategies and this helped improve your accuracy to 76% and reduced your time to 1 min 24 sec per question in RC.

Image Link:

I, on the behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavours. I am sure any program would be enriched to have a diligent student like you as part of its cohort.  

Abha Mohan  

January 26, 2023

Joined: Dec 31, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V36

e-GMAT review


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


The comprehensive structure of the course, as well as how each concept is broken down and explained, are extremely beneficial. AI-based adaptive and personalized learning modules enabled me to focus on my weaknesses and effectively improve them. The ability to access the analysis of my attempts at practice questions and the mocks provided me with much-needed insights and guided my overall test preparation.

Would make the product better:

While the meaning-based approach is fantastic, in all of my attempts and mocks, I struggled with timing in the verbal section. The emphasis in the course and during the webinars is on fixing the concepts, which will lead to better timing. While this makes sense, my timing did not improve in the same way that my accuracy and understanding of the concepts did. If within the course, there are direct modules which could help address such issues, it would make e-GMAT an even better platform for GMAT preparations.

I found e-gmat's course for the GMAT to be incredibly valuable. The course content covered all the necessary topics for the test including Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension and Quant. The methods taught, such as the meaning-based approach, Prethinking and reading strategies, were particularly helpful in getting me more confident about the right answer, especially for the hard questions. The quality of the questions, mocks and analytics on the platform were also impressive. The mentorship support was also very helpful, the mentors were always available to answer any questions I had. The Last Mile Push program was a great addition to the course, it helped me to focus on my weaknesses and improve my score. Overall, I highly recommend e-gmat to anyone preparing for the GMAT.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
February 01, 2023

Dear nisarg39,

Congratulations on a massive 150-point improvement from 560 to 710. It takes a lot of grit, determination, and focus to improve by such a tremendous margin, and kudos to you for having achieved that.

I commend you on how with a single-minded focus, you set about building your ability. In CR, by investing the time to build a rock-solid foundation, you were able to build tackle hard questions with ease. See how the time that you spent learning the pre-thinking approach helped you improve to a 74% accuracy in Assumptions:

Accuracy in CR -

I am glad that you leveraged the analytics on the platform to identify and work on your weak areas. See how this iterative feedback-driven approach helped you improve your accuracy for both medium and hard questions in Algebra:

Medium and hard accuracy in Algebra:

Your feedback regarding SC timing is taken. That said, cementing which is an integral part of the preparation is a step that does exactly that – it helps build your ability by working on GMAT-like questions under timed conditions. This helps you reduce the time and improve your accuracy.

nisarg39, it has been a pleasure working with you and I wish you all the best for your applications and interviews.

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

January 25, 2023

Joined: Jan 07, 2019

Posts: 275

Kudos: 81

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

Scored 740 - Best GMAT course


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


Personalized feedback

Here's my GMAT journey :
I decided to go with GMAT exam in 2019. Since I already prepared for CAT in India, I thought I won't need any new coaching. So I bought the official guide and advanced guide. watched few youtube videos on Sentence correction rules. I was fairly confident after solving the official guides so went with official mocks. As far as I remember, below are the scores.
Official mock 1 - 730
Official mock 2 - 700
Official mock 3 - 710
Official mock 4 - 720
These scores were right in my target range and these were official mocks, that too 4 of them. What confirmation else do I need? "This is most accurate prediction of what my actual score on GMAT might be" I thought. Boy was I so wrong.
I gave my first official GMAT attempt in December 2019.
After the exam, the score popped up - a 650. This was devastating. This is not even close to my official mocks.
I was dissapointed. But I had only close to 2 years of experience and I knew that average work experience in US MBA colleges is around 5 years. So I knew I have time.

I kept preparing from other sources that I could find for next 1.5 years. But this was not a serious preparation, not even close. Fast forward to October 2021. I decided to ramp up my GMAT preparation as I have almost 4 years of work ex in next 4 months. I watched few youtube free sessions and e-GMAT caught my attention.
Why?? Because they had a super power. They read my mind. After the great GMAT debacle of 2019, I went into retrospection mode. And in my retrospection, all strategies and concepts that I realized were cause for my low score, were specifically mentioned by e-GMAT also to be major causes for lower scores of candidates in the GMAT. They also kept giving importance to 'No shortcuts to success in GMAT' mantra.
So I signed up and looked at the free modules and realised that this might be the course that I needed. I purchased the course in January 2022.
I blindly followed their module because, as I mentioned earlier, they were reading my mind. For every time some skepticism popped up in my mind be it about my ability or whenever I felt like I don't have it in me to succeed in GMAT, they already had a video debrief on youtube with candidates who went exactly through what I was going but still got a great GMAT score. This boosted my confidence that it is not just me - everybody feels the same - If they could do it - I can too. So I kept going with the modules, cemeneting quizzes, test readiness quizzes and finally the mocks.
The mocks are the most important of all as they even showed how the scored progressed with every question/block that I attempted. This helped me with coming with my own startegy that suits my personal style. 1 week before the GMAT official exam, Payal Tandon reached out to me saying that they observed inactivity on my account and asked me if there were any change of plans. I told that I have my GMAT exam in next 5 days. They immediately assigned me a mentor under Last Mile Program. Unfortunately I had only 3 more days to do what the suggested based on my weak areas. Yet they made a plan and scheduled video call sessions to help in with the last leg.
D-Day, I gave my exam on June 30th 2022 (offline centre exam) and it was 700.

Then I joined the ELP program to get feedback from mentors and followed their advice.
I gave my 3rd attempt after 2 months from my second attempt and the score 740 flashed on my screen.

Thanks to e-GMAT for their well-structured course and for not selling 'tricks to ace GMAT' just to onboard as many students as they can.
Special thanks to Rida Shafeek for taking time and mentoring me in the last days of my exam.

For anyone trying to decide which online course to go for, I will 100% recommend e-GMAT.

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January 24, 2023

Joined: Dec 17, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V40

eGMAT led my 660 to 720 journey


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


Well-structured and easy to comprehend course
Exhaustive question pool
Realistic Mock Exams
Extremely professional and sensitive team

Would make the product better:

Quant 700+ questions are I believe more difficult and require more calculations than official questions

Reaching 720 has been a roller coaster ride, and throughout this ride my constant partner has been e-GMAT Online Course. The more I say about the well-structured course, interactive interface, easy to comprehend material, humongous question pool, and realistic Mock Exams, the lesser it is. And most importantly, a very special thanks to the extremely talented, prompt, and professional team at eGMAT, especially Ms. Rashmi. The kind of handholding she did in the last phase of my preparation, especially focussing on my weak spots, providing step by step approach, following up on my progress, I can’t thank her enough for her role in my success story.

I appeared for the GMAT exam for the first time in 2018. Since I am an engineer and loved maths and had this feeling that I am good at English, I reached the exam hall with 2-3 months of self-study with official GMAT materials and came out with a disappointing 660(Q49 V30). Disappointed with this score and then overwhelmed with family and professional responsibilities I dropped the idea of GMAT.

In Dec 2021, I realized that in order to break the monotonous job cycle, I need an MBA and hence a good GMAT score. And this time i would not be approaching the exam ill prepared. I analyzed my weaknesses and simultaneously researched for the best online course to prepare with. And my thorough analysis led me to ‘eGMAT Online Course’. I started the preparation, but it wasn't a smooth ride till around July 2022, because of my demanding work schedule. Only in July I started following the structured approach as per eGMAT course structure. I started with SC, followed by CR, and then RC. Quants, I approached last. And for each of these sections, I followed the eGMAT’s principles as it is:

eGMAT course adds a whole new dimension to approaching SC sentences. The Meaning based approach that you learn is the only solution to 700 range questions. There is no way around this for anybody 🙂

Pre-Thinking approach not only saves a lot of time, but also, it's very organic and lays out a methodical framework which an engineer like me needs to solve problems.

Reading for GMAT is unlike any other reading approach. The art of visualization that I learnt after going through the course saved time and improved my accuracy, especially on 700+ questions.

I completed the course going through concepts, application files, solving cementing quizzes and scoring 740+ on mocks. I appeared for an exam in Aug 2022, and my score bombed at 680. I was devastated. I had zero doubts about my preparation, but probably the pressure of the actual GMAT exam, or probably the difference in aspect ratio of my small sized laptop vs the big screen in exam center, or probably the discomfort of big sized noise cancellation headphones became some of the reasons for the tanking of my score.
I immediately approached the eGMAT team and they offered me the LMP program. I was skeptical about that, so I declined, but Ms Rasmi from the eGMAT team was kind enough to motivate me for a reattempt.

I booked a slot in Sept 2022, and from that point of time to the exam date, the kind of support I received from Ms Rashmi has been invaluable. I was very thorough with eGMAT material, and the eGMAT strategies for each of the sections. Ms Rashmi identified my weaknesses by analyzing my past tests scores, approach to questions etc. That’s where I would like to mention the GUI and kind of data analytics the eGMAT software platform does is amazing. eGMAT team even extended my subscription by 11 days short of exam without a single penny on my request, else I would have to pay entire subscription amount. And, her step-by-step guidance led me to break the 680 ceiling and I scored 720. It was indeed a very happy and satisfying day for me. Thanks to the entire eGMAT team.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 27, 2023

Dear abhisheksharma19,

Congratulations on the 720! This is your mentor, Rashmi here. It has been a pleasure working with you during your preparation.

Despite a rocky start, I really like how you approached the preparation in a structured way once you set out to get it right.

Having identified the verbal section as your weak area, you set about building your foundation by learning concepts and applications and then mastering each section by working on GMAT-like questions, you built your ability ground up. See how this methodical approach helped you improve to a 90th % + ability across all the sub-sections in verbal:

Sometimes things do not go as planned and that is exactly what happened in your second attempt. Despite putting in all the efforts, the score on the GMAT was far from satisfactory.

I am glad that you did not let this attempt deter you and decided to reattempt. Then it was a matter of identifying and working on the weak areas, guided by the data tools available on the platform. See how this data-driven approach helped you go from a 65% accuracy to a 95% accuracy for hard questions in SC:

I am really glad that the efforts paid off and you were able to get to a 720 with a V40 - a 10-point improvement from your first attempt.

I appreciate your feedback on the hard quant questions. But as they say, if you sweat in practice, you do not bleed in the battle. You need to have an exposure to questions from all difficulty levels so that you are not surprised or thrown aback on the day of the test.

I know it hasn’t been a smooth journey and as you have rightly said, a roller coaster ride to success. I am sure this never-say-die attitude will help you in all the facets of your life in the future and help you ace the next stage of your journey.

All the best and best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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