e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
 $399  $199
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 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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May 09, 2023

Joined: Nov 03, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42 (Online)

260 point improvement


Improvement 200 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

My GMAT journey began when I took my first mock test at in September 2021 and scored 500 (Q42; V14). I was overwhelmed by the Verbal Section of the exam. For the next few months, I was improving my general English skills by preparing for TOEFL, and at the same time, reading a lot of scientific articles and enhancing my vocabulary.

On 30 April 2022, based on positive reviews, I decided to purchase GMAT 360 subscription. The feature of the course that I liked the most was profoundly deep explanations for every concept that enabled me to understand as many details as possible. Moreover, e-GMAT experts always responded to my questions within a day. Scholaranium is a great tool to practice by creating question sets. When I finished learning concepts and practicing them, I was contacted by Rida, Senior Consultant at e-GMAT, who designed a review strategy for me to get ready for the test. After reviewing, I took three mocks and scored 750, 730, 760.

On 29 April 2022, I took my final exam – and scored 760! So, I improved my quant score by 8 points and my verbal – by 28 points. For sure, I couldn’t imagine such a strong improvement when I started my GMAT preparation, but hard work and dedication led me to decent results.

I wanted to say a big thank you to the e-GMAT team and especially to Rida for guiding me!

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May 19, 2023

Hi stas0nchik,


A 260-point improvement is what dreams are made of. This is Rida, your mentor, and I am so glad to have been a part of this journey.

You put in all the required time and effort needed to get to a 99th-percentile score. Throughout thick and thin, you have persevered in your journey to get to 760! Just a glance at your stats on the CR course shows your dedication towards achieving perfection.

Image Link -

You worked to learn all the necessary methodologies to achieve GMAT success. You moved on to mastering the application of these processes on Scholaranium, where your outstanding scores are proof of your 760 ability.

Image Link -

I am sure that you will approach your future endeavours with the same zeal, dedication and perseverance that you have shown throughout your GMAT Prep. All the best for your next steps and future endeavours.


May 03, 2023

Joined: Sep 03, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V34

Decent Course.


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Very detailed SC and Quant.

Would make the product better:


The couse has very detailed SC and Quant. They both helped me iron out few key areas and cleared my confusion about certain concepts. It solidified my learnings and gave me confidence.
The most beneficial area, as per me, is the egmat mentor, who guided me along the way with systematic plans and metrics to achieve. Sometimes it was tough to achieve the metrics. But it meant that i needed to work on that topic. But, whenever i achieved the prescribed metrics on 2 or more quizzes, it meant i have achieved sufficient competency in the topic. All of this helped me achieve the increased score.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 04, 2023

Hi RakshitG

Heartfelt Congratulations to you on your 710 score! 

Obtaining a 150-point boost in overall score is a notable feat that merits acknowledgment.

Your exceptional aptitude in mastering and implementing the required procedural skills resulted in an outstanding Quantitative score of Q50 (87th Percentile).

Your remarkable achievement was always on the cards as is seen in the attached image.

Image Link -

Your diligent efforts to master the Meaning-based approach for SC paid off, resulting in a strong foundation and eventual improvement. Despite facing initial challenges, you persevered and used them as steppingstones to improve your accuracy at the same time reduce the time you to answer SC questions,

It was a delightful experience for us to be a part of your wonderful GMAT journey, Rakshit. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.


May 03, 2023

Joined: Jul 10, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

Very sorted GMAT prep


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


1. Personalized PACE of course
2. Meaning based approach for SC (Extremely good)
3. Great error log and analysis tool
4. Rich forum for QA discussions on every question
5. Strategies to figure out and tackle CR question type

Would make the product better:

1. The quality of type of questions in Quant mock tests can be improved to make it closer to official GMAT questions.

I started my GMAT journey with no background and tried to navigate on my own. After a couple months of preparing from different websites in a very unstructured way, I scored 650. To improve my score, one of my seniors suggested me e-GMAT. I took a free lesson of Sentence correction and it was an eye opener to me. I trusted e-GMAT as the single source of prep (along with GMAT official mocks) and scored 740 (target score I submitted during e-GMAT registration). I would strongly recommend this course for every GMAT aspirant (irrespective of his/her journey stage) for below reasons:
1. PACE methodology : I had 3 months for my next attempt and I wanted to make sure that I focus only on my weak parts and PACE helped me A LOT. It helped me skip the contents where I had a good command by testing me on various difficulty levels and helped to give more time where needed.
2. Verbal content : The content of Verbal course, especially SC and CR, is really good. I was able to figure out my right weakness using error analysis sheets and made sure I never repeat those mistakes. Once I did this, I could see a huge difference in the e-GMAT sectional tests which replicated in e-GMAT and official mocks
3. Forum Discussions : I learnt a lot through the discussions forum of every questions. It increased my capacity to look questions from a different perspective or other possible ways which I could have taken and probably would have marked the incorrect answer. This helped me a lot in the negation approach of tackling a question.
4. In depth videos and cementing : Last but not the least, the videos on every topic is very relevant and cover crucial topics in depth with an interesting pedagogy. The concept of cementing really helped me in assessing my understanding and work on my weaknesses accordingly.

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May 10, 2023

Dear Teddy777, 

Congratulations on a 60-point improvement to a 740! Thank you for posting the review! I am happy that e-GMAT could help you ace the GMAT.

It is commendable that early into your preparation, you were able to identify the need for a structured approach and took the necessary steps toward this including testing out the trial version before finalizing the course.

I am impressed by how you leveraged the PACE time-saving feature to selectively address just your weak areas in quant. I can see that through this approach, you were able to save over 16 hours in your quant study. In Algebra alone you were able to save over 10 hours as seen in this image:

Image link:

The effectiveness of this study plan is demonstrated in how this helped you excel in the quizzes during cementing, helped you score a Q50 in the final test:

Image Link:

In verbal, you followed a similar structured and strategic approach to identify and fix your weaknesses. It is good to know that the error log helped you internalize the meaning-based approach in SC. See how this helped you improve to an 86% accuracy in SC while reducing the overall time to 1:30 min:

Image Link:

The course is as good as the student who uses it. I am glad that you used all the resources on the platform including the internal forums, the error logs, and the process of cementing to reach the 97th percentile in the GMAT.

I am so glad that your efforts paid off, and I am sure you are going to excel at everything that you set upon in the future.

Wishing you all the very best,
Best regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

May 02, 2023

Joined: Sep 01, 2021

Posts: 37

Kudos: 15

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V39

150 score improvement


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for creating such an outstanding GMAT course tailored specifically for non-native speakers. As an engineer, I had previously neglected my quant skills and focused primarily on the verbal section. However, after taking E-GMAT, I can confidently say that this course is the gold standard for GMAT preparation.

The sentence correction section in particular stands out as the most exceptional I have come across. I have tried various sources, but none can compare to the quality and depth of E-GMAT's solutions. The detailed explanations are approximately 13 minutes long and allow students to thoroughly comprehend each question. Additionally, the forum review component adds another layer of learning, enabling students to view questions from multiple perspectives and identify mistakes they may have missed. The prompt response by the mentors is another significant advantage of E-GMAT.

The scholaranium section is where the true value of this course is revealed. It helps students identify their weaknesses and provides insights on the aspects they need to improve on. Sometimes we misinterpret our weaknesses due to time constraints, but the medium and hard cementing quizzes in scholaranium provide an excellent opportunity for students to challenge themselves and fine-tune their skills.

I wholeheartedly recommend E-GMAT to anyone looking to excel on the GMAT. The course and mock tests are on par with the actual GMAT, and the benefits are immeasurable. Thank you for creating such an outstanding resource!

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May 05, 2023

Dear munindra95,

Congratulations on your score of 700 with a Q49 and a V35! This is Akash, your mentor. I am so happy to read about your success. A 150-point improvement overall and a 15-point improvement in Verbal is a phenomenal achievement and everyone here at e-GMAT is so happy to have been a part of your journey.

Your diligence and hard work made the journey easy for you, as the processes became second nature to you through continuous efforts. The image below shows how you were able to improve your accuracy in SC hard questions from 60% to 85%, translating to greater than 90%ile ability, by adopting the meaning-based approach effectively –

Image Link –

You maintained your diligence and perseverance through all the Scholaranium quizzes for all the Verbal subsections, allowing you to reach your GMAT score in a very predictable manner. The below image, showing your statistics across the three subsections in Verbal in hard questions, depicts how this consistent approach helped you get that 15-point improvement in Verbal.

Image Link –

We are glad you found our forum responses helpful and the mocks effective for your preparation. You have greater heights to mount, and I am sure that you can overcome any challenge that you may face with the same grit and determination that you have shown during the preparation.

All the very best for your next steps!


May 05, 2023

Thank you Akash. Without your concrete action plan, I would not be able to reach this score.

April 30, 2023

Joined: May 24, 2021

Posts: 5

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

e-GMAT Course Review


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The verbal course is really great and comprehensive. The course is very interactive with the pre-quiz to gauge your current knowledge on the topic and then the lesson followed by the post-quiz. The PACE AI was really helpful for quants as it allowed me to skip lessons in which we already have a good hold. Scholaranium was great for practice and the level of questions in it and the Sigma-X mocks were representative of the actual GMAT. The analytics was really insightful and allowed me to target my weaknesses and focus on what’s important.

I started my GMAT preparation in the first week of August 2022 and soon realized that there was just too much information available on the internet. I needed a structured course and purchased the e-GMAT course on a friend’s recommendation. As I had my GMAT scheduled in mid-October, I quickly went through the course without really going according to the plan. I scored 630 (V31, Q45). I knew I could score better so after returning dejected from the test centre I decided to mail the e-GMAT team. They were really quick to respond and Dhruv was assigned as my mentor. He went through my ESR and laid out a detailed step-by-step improvement plan starting with SC. The meaning-based approach helped a lot here. I was also told to make an error log which also helped me track my mistakes and understand the pattern of mistakes I was making. After I was done with my SC improvement, I was given another detailed plan for CR. Pre-thinking was a game changer in CR as it gave me a direction on how to go about answering CR problems. I was able to solve hard questions with ease with the help of the pre-thinking technique. After CR improvement we went ahead with similar plans for RC followed by Verbal test readiness and Quants. The analytics page especially in Quants was really valuable for me as I was able to target my weaknesses and this allowed me to devote more time to Verbal. The level of questions in the Sigma-X mocks was also great and representative of the actual GMAT and the scores I got in these mocks were also close to my actual GMAT score. I gave another attempt in January and scored 710 this time (V39, Q49). Dhruv was a great mentor and provided a lot of value as he was quick to respond to all my queries and in drafting apt improvement plans which helped me improve by 80 points.

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April 06, 2023

Hi madhurjya98,   

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 710 score! 

It takes an enormous amount of effort and extreme diligence to achieve an 80-point improvement, and you demonstrated both qualities as you progressed from a score of 630 (Q45, V31) to 710 (Q49, V38).

Your impressive improvement in Sentence Correction (SC) is notable and deserves recognition. By adopting and internalizing the Meaning-based approach, you were able to raise your SC percentile from the 60th to an outstanding 90th percentile, and your success in this regard is depicted in the SC improvement image that serves as an inspiration for aspirants.

Your Verbal score underwent a remarkable improvement of 7 points, which can be attributed to your adoption of the Meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction (SC) and the Pre-thinking approach for Critical Reasoning (CR). These two strategies were the key factors that enhanced your Verbal score, elevating it from a V31 (59th Percentile) to an outstanding V38 (89th Percentile). Here is an image that serves as evidence of your exceptional Verbal ability achieved during the final phase of your preparation journey.

It's great to know that you found the Data-Analytics feature on the platform and the P.A.C.E AI feature in the Quant section to be beneficial in your progress from Q44 to Q49.

Your performance on the SIGma-X mock test gave you the confidence you needed on the actual test day, as you could predict your performance by simply glancing at your last mock score, which happened to be exactly the same score 710 :). Here's an image that displays your last mock score.

Madhurjya, it was a pleasure that we could be a part of your success. We wish you the best for the next steps and all future endeavours.


April 30, 2023

Joined: Aug 03, 2021

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V37 (Online)

Egmat Review


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


It is very comprehensive and covers each concept in great detail. AI helps extract most out of the questions.

I initially started preparing for GMAT from the Official Guides. However, it took me only a short time to realize this strategy wasn't right. I needed more than the concepts in the guide before the questions to solidify my preparation for the exam. Hence, I started navigating the internet to select an appropriate course. I came across excellent reviews for e-gmat on websites such as Quora, Reddit, and GMAT Club. A lot of people said that the verbal course is ideal for non-natives. I decided to opt for the 'GMAT online 360' course in e-gmat.

I was amazed by the depth of the content for each part of the test. Every topic was discussed in great detail, covering all possible ways the test maker may test that concept. To minimize the time spent, the modules in SC had pre-assessment quizzes s that one could go through the files accordingly. Post-assessment quizzes tested how much one had learned through the file. RC strategies were beneficial. The quant part was extensive; if one diligently follows their course, one can easily crack GMAT quant.

Cementing process was one of the most impressive parts of the course. It ensured that the concepts were solidified. Additionally, it helped me get comfortable with the hard questions required to score high in every section.

AI and data analytics helped me identify my weak areas to work upon. We could identify the questions that took us longer than the median time. Analysis of such questions was a great opportunity for improvement.

The subject matter experts were extremely helpful. Each doubt was cleared within 24 hours. Their intent wasn't just to solve the immediate doubt but to identify why the student had that confusion and to recommend suitable courses of action to bridge the gap in understanding.

Strategy experts were exceptionally helpful at every step of the preparation. Whenever I hit any roadblock, they would guide me. As a part of the Last Mile Program, I received direct support from Rida. She was an outstanding mentor. Not only did she help me analyze my mocks in the right direction, but she was also a constant source of support. I would contact her after each mock, and she used to help me with the corrective actions. The study plans made by her allowed me to practice a disciplined approach to the exams. You could feel the level of commitment from each of the e-gmat mentors.
I highly recommend this course!

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March 17, 2023

Hi AishwaryaSaxena,


This is Rida, your mentor. I am so happy to read about your success.

Aishwarya, from day one, you have been dedicated to acing the GMAT. Just a glance through your course attempts shows that you gave it your all to perfect the concepts and the processes that would enable you to reach success.

Image Link -

This dedication continued even through the cementing process as you understood the importance of a structured approach to taking quizzes Thus, you ensured that each quiz you took would enable you to improve to new heights, as we can see from the image below.

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You effectively used to the analytics on Scholaranium to identify your weak areas and worked on them. Doing this you built your ability to tackle the hardest questions out there and reached amazing accuracies in Quants.

Image Link -

I really loved working with you Aishwarya. Your focus on process, your drive to improve and your passion are all attributes that will serve you well in B-School. All the very best for your future endeavours.


April 28, 2023

Joined: Nov 05, 2022

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V36

Well Structured Contents and Practical Approaches


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


SC section is really good.
Scholaranium feature is also a very good practice portal.
All the contents are very well structured.

Would make the product better:

There are some improvement rooms for e-GMAT, and I will be honest about this.
1. Forum response: I found quite a number of "not so good" responses in the forum. I think the experts can do better in answering the students' queries.
2. The error log: I think the Scholaranium is a good tool, but it can be better if it has an error log built in. I think it is not a complex feature to build. Rather than having students documenting stuffs on excel sheets, having a built in or automated error log will help a lot.
3. For Quant part, it would be better if more application questions are illustrated explicitly.

I have been studying with e-GMAT for around 4 months before I got the latest 710 GMAT score.

I first took a mock test and got 650 score. After 2 months, I finished Verbal section and took my first GMAT test in Feb 23 and got 700. Then, I joined the Last Mile Push (LMP) program from e-GMAT and took another test in Apr 23 and got 710.

Before breaking down into each parts, my overall impressions to e-GMAT are:
1. The courses are well-structured. The content are taught in a good sequence. The topics are broken down in a good way, so I can see the big picture of what I need to learn and how important each topic is.
2. The forum posting/commenting in every questions or contents. When you have any doubts, you can always post in the forum and the experts will answer you in 1 day. I used this feature a lot and most of the time my doubt was clarified.
3. The Scholaranium portal is a very good and convenient tool. It is a question bank where you can do practice quizzes or mock tests on the platform itself. The platform collects the statistic and provide valuable insights regarding your performance. Your mentor can really see how you perform and provide on-point feedbacks.

My feedback towards Verbal:
1. SC is really great. The content are provided in the way that you can see how SC questions can be. The meaning-based approach is honestly a pretty simple but very powerful technique. The way of thinking e-GMAT that teaches you is very structured and practical.
2. For CR, the general conceptual knowledge about CR is well taught. The approach is practical as well. However, I think some logics from e-GMAT original questions are a bit off for a few questions. There is nothing as good as OG questions when it comes to CR part I think, but e-GMAT is doing quite okay for me though.
3. For RC, I think the reading strategy taught by e-GMAT works for me, but it might not work for everyone. The more you read and practice, the more you excel in RC. The reading strategy is just another way of cracking this type of question.

For Quant part:
1. I think the general knowledge are taught well. The concepts are quite strong in my opinion.
2. However, I think the content lacks application aspects a bit. There are a lot of question types in Quant. One topic, let's say divisibility, can be twisted into many many types of questions. Knowing the concept helps you to be able to solve the question, but mastering how to apply the concept helps you to be able to solve the question in time and in a easier manner.
3. The solution provided are sometimes not realistic and practical for GMAT exam.

Last Mile Push (LMP)
1. I think this program helped me a lot. You will be assigned a mentor who will plan things out for you, analyze your performances and come up with a corrective action, provide suggestions in terms of testing preparation, and talk to you over all other aspects of GMAT.
2. My mentor closely worked with me. She first planned out the schedule for me, but I failed it by getting a lot behind the plan. She then adjusted and tried to make the best alternatives for me according to the situation and limited time. In short, the mentor worked with me closely and kept adjusting things based on the real situation. It is always better to work with someone rather than to work alone towards the same goal.

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May 04, 2023

Hi oattp,

Congratulations on the massive 60-point improvement and achieving 710!

Thank you for taking out the time to share your feedback.

Your hard work and dedication throughout your journey is impressive. You internalized the meaning-based approach in SC, which improved your accuracy and timing. Your accuracy in Modifiers improved from 50% to 67% in hard-level questions and time was reduced to 1 min 12 sec per question, as shown in this image.

Image Link -

You completed each step along the way with utmost sincerity and attention to detail to such an extent that you made following the right approach become second nature to you.

I am happy to know the RC strategies helped you improve your reading skills and accuracy. Here is an image that displays how diligently you completed the RC modules and achieved great scores in practice quizzes.

Image Link -

As for the Quant section, it's good to know that you found the foundation well-taught. We believe it’s important to master the concepts and their application to questions of all difficulty level and I am glad you did exactly just that. Here is an image to showcase you scoring 60% and above (80th percentile) across Quant sub-sections.

Image link -

It's also good to know that sharing your concerns over the forum and Scholaranium portal were helpful tools for your preparation.

We appreciate your feedback regarding the Quant section and Error Log. While an automated log may seem convenient, documenting mistakes manually and reflecting on them provides students with a better understanding of their thought processes and weaknesses, leading to more effective improvement.

It was a memorable experience engaging with you in the LM program.  

 I wish you all the best for the next steps!   

Abha Mohan

April 26, 2023

Joined: Jan 24, 2021

Posts: 19

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q49 V34 (Online)

Great to build concepts, application is on you!


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Sentence Correction - Meaning based approach
Critical Reasoning - ABC, Negation of conclusion to find the assumption

Would make the product better:

Reading Comprehension

My journey with GMAT has been far too long, and it is still going on. E-Gmat did help me get a score improvement of 40 points over my previous best score. If one would fully dedicate oneself to the methodology, chances are high that you would get to the target score. However, I was not able to and the blame is on me.
Below is my honest review about the course.

In the verbal concept building phase, the questions discussed are too easy. There is a sudden increase in difficulty and complexity when you start with practice. The answer explanation is not upto the mark and I had to refer to gmatclub discussion many a times. For any particular question, there is an entire discussion thread that one must sift through to check whether anyone else had the same confusion as you did. If yes, great! If no, then you ask the question and wait for an unsatisfactory answer. (Exception: Answers by Harshendra are great!) The discussion thread contains a lot of stale answers as well. So, beware of going through an inaccurate explanation.

In quant section, there is no complaint.

Overall, the course did help me develop my basics. I have a better grip on the individual concepts. I faltered in the application phase, but that's my issue. Maybe it will work out nicely for you. All the best!

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May 04, 2023

Dear rishav009,

Congratulations on your 690 and thank you for your feedback about the course.

I am really happy that the course helped you build your basics and the processes that you learned helped you improve by 6 points in verbal from your starting score of V28 in the first mock.

The effort that you spent in learning your basics and building your ability from foundation up is clearly visible in this image that shows near perfect practice quiz scores in SC:

Image Link -

In quants too, you left no stone unturned to solidify your foundation and I am sure given a bit more time, you would have reached your target score, which I know for sure you will do on your next attempt.

Thank you for your feedback about the forum support – I will pass on the message to Harsha that you really appreciated his responses. We are always striving to improve ourselves and meet the diverse needs of our students and your input help us in this endeavour.

That said, the questions that we use for concept-building are in the easy – medium range and it is intentional as you need this level of questions to solidify your concepts and practice with these will make you adept at solving medium and hard questions.

Thank you again for your input, and we wish you success in your studies. Please reach out to us for any assistance for your reattempt journey and we shall work together to achieve your dream GMAT score.

Best Regards,
Rida Shafeek

April 25, 2023

Joined: Jul 01, 2018

Posts: 146

Kudos: 61

Self-reported Score:
670 Q48 V34

Great for Verbal. Decent for Quant


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT GMAT Live Prep

Location Online


The curriculum design and flow. The 3 stages of learning approach.

Would make the product better:

I think Question quality can be improved for Critical Reasoning. I found some answer choices to be ambiguous and so did several other subscribers.

Overall I would recommend this product especially for someone looking for major improvement in Verbal. They have excellent content on Sentence Correction and RC.
The Quant content is also good but I was not very happy with Quant questions and curriculum because I found some of them not to be of GMAT type and I have given GMAT 6 times so I have a sense of the type of questions. Their support team is excellent and responsive. Their Mocks are very good and are a close approximate of the real GMAT.
Overall, a good option considering the price, quality of content and support.

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May 01, 2023

Hey Karan0912,

Thank you for posting your review!

This is your mentor, Rida, I really admire your perseverance. Truly, the efforts that you have put into acing the GMAT test are very admirable. I can see that for RC, you took the effort to perfect a methodology that would enable you to achieve repeated success. Your improvement to 83% accuracy is testament to the same.

Image Link

I am glad that you also enjoyed the SC and Quant courses, and that you were able to replicate the test environment through our mocks.

Thank you for your feedback on the course. This enables us to create better content to help all our students achieve success. I just wanted to let you know that our questions on the platform are modelled after OG questions and go through rigorous testing before being made live to our users. All of our questions test the skills and concepts you need to ace the GMAT.

All the best for your next steps!


Rida Shafeek

April 19, 2023

Joined: Mar 01, 2022

Posts: 13

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V37

My journey from 540 to 700


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Well-structured course work,
data based progress trackers, and
SIGma-X mocks are the key strengths of this product.

Would make the product better:

1. Though they provide query support, which normally takes a day to receive a response from the instructor, holding live biweekly or weekly doubt clearing sessions where students may get their confusions or doubts clarified right away will save a lot of time and mind space during this journey.
2. Easily accessible Crisp summaries, summarized charts of a few essential sentence structures, key idioms or important phrases, formulas, and short tips and tactics that must be memorized would substantially assist students in revising the key points in the last minutes.

The entire course is well-structured, easy to follow, and provides enough questions to learn, practice and strengthen the fundamentals. Finally the course provides 5 Mock tests which help assess our preparation and take corrective measures on time. In the process of learning, primarily I developed a new skill-set, whereas a score of 700 became a fruitful byproduct.

It is worthwhile to invest in the course provided by EGMAT. In my opinion, if we solve the material provided by egmat in the time allotted, we won't need any more material to pass the GMAT with a good score. They provide very extensive and clear answers to each practice question, thus the material becomes adequate for cementing the concepts and practicing them.

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April 28, 2023

Hi Rajgupta95

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 700 score! 

Achieving a 160-point increase in total score, along with a noteworthy 19-point enhancement in the Verbal section (from V18 to V37), is a significant achievement that deserves to be celebrated widely.

Your success has been driven by your unwavering determination and resilience that you demonstrated throughout your journey.

You exhibited impressive proficiency in both learning and applying the necessary process skills, leading to a remarkable improvement in your Verbal score from a V18 (17th Percentile) to a V37 (84th Percentile)

The attached image is a testament to your remarkable progress.

Your Quantitative ability underwent a remarkable improvement through effective utilization of the data and analytics tool on the platform. This can be observed in the image below showing your NP accuracy improving from 44% to 87%, which is just one of several examples of your progress in this area.

Since we at e-GMAT always look forward to improving our product and services, your feedback is well taken. Having said that, we do have the course summary file in the SC course. You can check it for yourself.

Working closely with you to help achieve this score was a delightful experience, Raj. We extend our best wishes to you for your future endeavors. 


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