April 18, 2023

Joined: Feb 08, 2018

Posts: 52

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V48
670 Q48 V50

This review is for Rotman


Class of 2022

Experience during the program

Excellence can be rate as surpassable as esteemed standard for determination to achieve aim of expectations goal with dreams of top financial services and insurance industry and International relations and affairs.
by achieve excellence people in this aspect of work with interview by Company, Organisation and gorverment.

I passed through many challenges in my life.but I encountered with major crisis of challengee when I found no helpers.It is good to anticipate problem before problem solved.
I started deal with difficult situation by aknowledged my feeling and feel the pain the personal challenges that I have most recently experience were beyond my capability due to the way things happened throughout my challenges by lacking of financial and facing invisible challenges that were through enough to see the consequences and challenges that I have encountered in my life.

Grit is important to achieve in future it can help to pull through the hardest situation of is also a driver of achievement and success beyond the talent and intelligent.
I need to be naturally smart and talented in any aspect of education and organization.
I have been in race of climbed the mountains of success the breathing experience is hard to forget until I reach the top to achieve my target goals.
It is my personal journey of experience towards my education enlightenment.
If I can treated myself with kindness and understanding the others peopleI issues must be treated kindness.
I am more likely to forgive myself as part of learning and discipline.
I need to build a strong positive and relationships with loved ones and friends which can provide me in time of needed help.
It's easier to think about the grit but there's time for challenges and time to overcome.

Resilience is one of most challenges to stay stronger in time of bounce back in hardship situation of life.the process of adapting in time of facing stress in under pressure as myself an intensely devoted student and practice resilience as psychological strength to cope with stress and hardship such as many factors that play an important role in resilience.these include coping skills, emotional regulations,and social support.

Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization, innovation in company is a driver that keeps companies moving forwards with new strategic plan and development.
For new development and investment management will come from internal and external sources.
Investment management entity that need to improve in order to operate performance.

Externally,the pressure to improve come from various kinds of sources include investment management and development to create new strategic plan for investment management and development as new company is not easy as an industrials company that owns strong procedures in standards startup company required the value of solid capital strategic planning.with impact of new planning as solid organization executives are responsible for generating development and management and ability to work successful ly.
Innovation and International affairs that can support to drive the global economy as possible as ensure to proceeded need for global policies.
Economy is one of the greatest impacted in global affairs by innovation.

My ambition is to become professional finance and International relation and affairs I believed in most relevant element and achieving desired goals in advance esteemed level in life.
First inspired my passion for investment management leading in the financial services and insurance industry in diversified companies in institutional development and management. Where I was be able to achieved a fanatic understanding on systematical and global finance in global economy to increase financial investment in global business

Also my ambition in international relations and affairs the important series has designed to make relevant contribution and organization for development and management in esteemed way to handle and treat the global issues and problem solvings such as defend, security and Peace,diplomatic and International institutional, Economics, Energy,Health, Human right.Humanitarian Aid, International Law,Documents.
Official Languages, Sustainable Development and Climate Action,Global issues
The world is need the individuals intelligent and experience as professional who have esteemed ambition that really want to make positive impact in global issues.

The present global political situation is critical and desperately order public awareness and concern on global problem that Connor be solved easily I must be psychological study of major global problem.solution to the world issues such as End poverty.End hunger and improve nutrition and sustainable. agriculture,Promote well being for all ages.
Ensure equitable and quality. educationAchieve gender equality.
Ensure water and sanitation for all.
Ensure access to modern energy for all.

By Israel

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Culture & Student Support
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

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