ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting School Packages Reviews

ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting has helped hundreds of people with GMAT scores below 720 get accepted to the top MBA programs by bringing out the real person behind the application. Founded by a former Wharton Admissions Committee Member, we know what the top business schools are looking for, and we will help make sure that your strengths will emerge in your application.
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Based on 177 reviews
November 18, 2016

Joined: Nov 10, 2016

Posts: 5

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:

ARINGO makes the impossible, possible


I think that the most important question all us MBA applicants have in the back of our minds is “Can I get into a top MBA program with a low GMAT score”? My personal experience taught me that it is possible, and I would not have realized it had it not been for the team at ARINGO.

The truth is, GMAT or GRE results are not the only factor an admissions committee take into account when reviewing an application. It’s not even the selling point that would entice them to review the rest of your application. It is simply one out of 8+ factors that help an admissions committee determine whether you are the right fit for that year’s class. By fit, I mean you being able to add value to other students, and make their MBA experience that much more memorable. This is something I did not realise until I started working with ARINGO to strengthen my application, and was the key driver that helped me get into one of the top ranked business schools worldwide with a GRE score that would be the equivalent of 350 on the GMAT.

350 on the GMAT = 6th percentile. This means that 94% of people reading this review, either did, or will receive a better score than I did, and would still be anxious about “not succeeding”. Trust me, there is no point. I cannot emphasise just how big a role every other aspect of your application plays when it comes to selling your candidature to an admissions committee.

A high score on the GMAT or GRE simply means that you have strong critical reasoning skills when put under time constraints. They do not express your logic (when not under the same circumstances as the exam). They also do not express anything about your leadership skills, personality, knowledge etc.; these are some factors which are equally as important in the eyes of an admissions committee, and where ARINGO has an overwhelming amount of knowledge and experience to help put any applicant's best foot forward, ultimately increasing your chances of admittance.

I can only highly vouch for the team at ARINGO for helping me (and I’m sure many others) get into top-ranked dream schools worldwide, by helping us realize, and convey the best versions of ourselves on paper. My consultant specific was Rachel Segal, and I could not be more honoured to have worked with her throughout the entire application process.

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September 29, 2016

Joined: Sep 21, 2015

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

completely satisfied with Aringo and my Consultant Tim Potter

REVIEWER IDENTITY VERIFIED by school email address [?]

Aringo is very accommodating in terms of helping you with the package and pricing that fits your particular needs. Excellent communication and network of alumni from various schools.

Generic advice before choosing any consulting company and consultant: Work with the ones that want to fulfill your particular requirements. Know exactly how you want to use the time of your consultant. Set the expectations with clear communication upfront to be cost effective. In the end you will still end up spending a few extra $$$ more than what you had expected. Go with full-school packages then hourly atleast for the first or second school. After that you can do it hourly.

About Tim Potter:
Tim is a seasoned consultant with a lot of successful placements across universities and programs. He gave me high level pointers, and direction to shape up my essays and application based on my background. His turn-around on reviewing my documents was practically few hrs to worst case 24-hrs. His advice was very genuine and straight-up which I appreciate. I did set the expectations up-front in terms of time, cost, review time, quality of content and I believe that is the key to working with anyone. Knowing what you want is very important. I was driving my application and deadlines. In the end you will be satisfied with your application packet. I worked with him on NYU and Kellogg. He is matured, grounded and very personable - we keep in touch and are friends now. I strongly recommend Tim Potter. 20 out of 10 stars.

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February 02, 2016

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q44 V44

Booth Weekend MBA


Before I scored my un-anticipated 710 on the GMAT, I never thought a school like Chicago Booth (even the weekend program) was within reach for a student like me. I came out of the undergrad Industrial Engineering Bachelor of Science program with a 2.9 GPA - due to some adversarial personal issues I experienced early on in my academia. So let's sum this up - I was a guy with BIG professional aspirations, a poor undergraduate GPA - albeit a great story about how I overcame my adversity and grew into a better person in my later college years, a 710 GMAT (91st % - largely thanks to the verbal section) and about 6 years of relatively solid work experience with some extracurricular volunteer work and interests. I had no clue how to go about framing and writing my essays for school, all I knew was that if I could do it in the best way possible, I MIGHT stand a chance at making something great out of my career and completely moving past the challenges I had academically in undergraduate. I MIGHT stand a chance at getting into a top 5 school like Chicago Booth. Aringo was the answer to closing and effectively addressing this gap. I worked with a consultant as part of a comprehensive school package, who not only knew the right things to do, - but also had a lot of confidence in me as an applicant for Chicago Booth. I will readily admit that I did not realize all of the room for improvement I had in terms of writing essays. My consultant had all of the right suggestions in terms of wording and how to incorporate very beneficial strategies that tied my essays together with the rest of my application nicely. I have 0 regrets about my decision to enlist Aringo's consultancy and am so glad I did. I have recently learned that I have been accepted into Chicago Booth's Weekend MBA program and couldn't be more excited to start! Couldn't have done it without them - I would recommend this service to anyone else for getting into the school(s) of their choice.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 26, 2016

Posts: 57

Kudos: 11

Self-reported Score:
700 Q49 V35

My Aringo Experience


I believe the experience with a consulting company can be a very individual. However, even more important than the company itself, is your personal consultant.

Your consultant will have much more impact about the process than the company. Hence, we should really review consultants and not admission companies.

I worked with probably one of the best consultants Aringo had to offer at the time.

Yoga was super responsive, fast, accurate, and most important, was always there for me.

He replied to my emails within hours, made very useful edits to my essays and had tremendous tips that helped throughout this entire process.

I'd recommend him any day.

As for Aringo, I know that ownership and management changed not so long ago, so don't believe that I should post a review about the company as I'm not familiar with the new execs.

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May 28, 2016

Hi Tal,
Thanks for posting a review! We are so glad you worked with us, and got into NYU!
Just a note however that ownership and management have not changed - we have added a few people, but we're all still here :)
Thanks again for the review!

October 22, 2015

Posts: 22

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37

Review of Intro-call with Chaya of Aringo Conulting services


"After scouring the different sites and reviews, I finally decided to give Aringo a try for a free initial service to understand the admission-consulting process and how it can help me. I chose to try Aringo because they seem to have a good track record in the most competitive pool to which I belong to, "The Indian Male" and have highly qualified consultants in the team.
I got a call from Chaya, Aringo' CEO. The half hour call was truly enlightening.
We started with a small introduction of Aringo's services. Then she explained me about how the process of application is all about marketing yourself as a product that the B-school is willing to buy. She patiently heard about my intentions for the call, answering my queries and giving insightful suggestions. She took examples from my profile and explained how I can project a weakness as a strength in my application all the while acknowledging it as a drawback to the Adcom. She made practical points about how to be realistic in my application process. The half hour call had a cheerful air in it and made quite a positive impact on me, leaving me wanting more. She was willing to be flexible in Aringo's approach for me. I would certainly recommend Aringo's services going forward. I will update the complete services once I start working with them soon.
P.S: For Indian applicants, She does understand our capabilities well and that these rates are little high for us. Aringo was willing to offer discounts when necessary and tailor suit a plan for me as required."

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2 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting
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