*** Deluxe Package Reviews

Admissionado's Deluxe package is a full-service program that includes support for every aspect of the MBA application. This offering covers essays, resume, letters of recommendation, short answers, interview prep, and waitlist help (if required).
4.9 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 82 reviews
January 09, 2022

Joined: Sep 30, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42 (Online)

Great experience with Admissionado + Liz


If you are reading this review, then you are probably weighing the cost-benefit analysis of hiring an admissions consultant like I was - thinking "How did we arrive at a world where hiring people to help us get into school is so common?".

Right off the bat, I will say that you have come to the right place. If you are considering seeking help on your business school applications, then rest assured that these review are legitimate. These clients, like myself, have asked the same slew of questions you have, such as: Should I include that trophy I won in high school on my app?; Does XYZ school care that I have 500 followers on twitter?; Should I use Arial or Calibri font on my resume?; Will they even like me???.

The folks at Admissionado reassuringly and firmly addressed all of my questions, never once making me feel silly for asking. They have institutional knowledge and passion to find out who you are, what you want, and how to express that in the best way possible to your target schools.

Being that I do not have any family members or friends who have taken on an MBA path, I chose the Deluxe Package so that I could receive guidance, start to finish, from Admissionado's great team. I then chose 2 schools with the applications the most different from each other so I could apply what Admissionado taught me to other target schools on my own.

My background and career path are non-traditional, coming from the public sector and looking to transition to the gaming industry, but Liz Eavey with Admissionado had no problem helping me craft a compelling, fun, and unique story that was extremely successful. With their help, I was admitted to 4 of my 5 schools and received over $400,000 in fellowship offers.

You can find more of the nitty gritty on Admissionado's process from other reviews, but I will add that Liz was crucial to my success. She helped me structure my application timeline, determine what was worth taking up the valuable 300 word maximum essay real-estate, and reassured me whenever imposter syndrome crept up. She is extremely smart and knows how to get to the heart of the matter, especially when it comes to connecting your experience with your career goals.

Admissionado isn't just a company - they are group of passionate, empathetic, intelligent individuals looking to help other people attaint their goals and asperations.

Thank you Liz and thank you Admissinoado!

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January 06, 2022

Joined: Jul 27, 2013

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44 (Online)

Thank you Admissionado!


I entered the MBA application process with a vague idea of what to do, but with Admissionado and Mark Lellouch's help, I walked out of the process with an admission to one of my top choices (Haas) and a hefty scholarship!

From day 1, Mark was encouraging, honest, and direct, giving me the feedback I needed to hear instead of just agreeing with me as some of my friends might. He briefed me on each of the schools I was applying to, helping me understand what each focused on, and helping me organize my thoughts to target each school. In every communication, he was polite, responsive, and always provided a point of view that gave me something to think through. As a consultant myself (albeit not an admissions consultant), Mark is everything that I try to be with my own clients!

As an added bonus, the resume that Mark helped me refine not only helped me with my MBA admission, but also was a key driver in landing me 3 big tech and consulting job offers as well! All in all, I would highly recommend Admissionado and I can't imagine completing the application process without their support.

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September 19, 2021

Joined: Mar 21, 2021

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40 (Online)

Great help from Mark!


I had a great time with Mark, through the Deluxe Package. With his help, I got admitted to two of the schools that i was aiming for: HEC and INSEAD.

I immediately clicked with Mark, as he was very kind and open to my ideas and discussions. He listened to my "biography" and understood very quickly my strengths and weaknesses. On this basis, we were able to form a solid strategy and worked on a very short schedule to keep up with the deadlines. Although you have to work hard yourself, you will always be assured that you are working on the right track, and that the end will be rewarding: you will know more about yourself (honestly, who doesn't want to) and will be admitted into your dream school (yay)!

Mark also helped me with the interviews, where he opened my mind about the whole process which really reduced my preparation stress and made me much more confident going into them.

Mark and the whole team, Claudia and Rose, were very responsive and were always available and encouraging.

Overall, I had a great experience with Mark and the whole team and would like to recommend them to anyone who is kinda lost in this admission process and want to succeed.

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July 01, 2021

Joined: Mar 04, 2021

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Thank you Karen!!

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Coming from a non-traditional MBA applicant background, I was immediately aware of the gaps I had in my application and the help I would need to close them. I needed someone who could not only counteract my weaknesses (low undergraduate GPA and unique background) but could help me speak to my strengths. After interviewing multiple firms, I was incredibly lucky to find Karen and the entire Admissionado team. From day one they dove into my story with intense rigor and positivity. It seemed like I was the only person Karen was working with due to the speed and kindness in which she always responded with. Each time I took the GMAT, Karen and the entire team reached out with words of encouragement and celebrated with me when I received my highest score. I truly felt like they were my teammates!
Karen was by far the greatest coach and teacher I could have asked for. She took the time to listen to every life and work experience that I felt could build my story, then gave constructive and timely feedback. She was always honest and straightforward, which is so appreciated when building an application and working full time. Karen was also always calm when I was worried about essays/scores/news articles about my application round competition… and extremely flexible with meeting times which occasionally needed to change due to my work. When I was struggling with my essays, she took the time to brainstorm and discuss possible changes prior to the editing rounds. She even practiced video interviews with me on December 26th!
Karen became such an integral part of my application process and I truly do not believe I would be heading to Cornell this fall without her. If you are looking for someone who is so incredibly kind, intelligent, and caring, stop looking and work with Karen!

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June 17, 2021

Joined: May 13, 2014

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V41

Highly Highly recommend Doris Huang!

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Indian (with US citizenship), Engineering degree from an Indian university (not a feeder school per se, Non IIT-ian), non-consulting or finance background, 710 GMAT and here I am with an admit to Wharton, Ross with $$$ and waiting on a couple of more results for class of 2023. The problem I faced was that I didn’t know how to approach the application or how do I put my best version out there? Coming from a highly competitive applicant pool, how can AdCom look at my application and say “okay, this guy is unique and let’s give him a shot”.

I looked over multiple options for my admissions consultant and finally decided on Admissiondo because of three reasons:

1) They didn’t sugar coat anything. Doris was spot on on my strengths and wasn’t shy in mentioning the pitfalls and weaknesses in my application. This did wonders in my applications as I knew (through Doris of course) on how to navigate my weakness
2) She was candid, open and really gave multiple scenarios and approaches that we could take to make my profile unique and cater to the top schools
3) Doris herself graduated from WHARTON with her undergrad from HARVARD and OXFORD – I mean, she knows what she is doing right? She has seen the M7 graduates, and she knows what AdCom is looking for

I understood from that first conversation that she will work hard to make my application as best as I could get, and I wasn’t wrong. After our initial call, we started the process with the strategy call and client questionnaire. The one thing I really liked about this was the final product – an action plan which provided my top 10 greatest strengths, a unique spin on my application and some smart methods of making me stand out from the crowd. Throughout the process, she challenged me on my personal and professional resumes to understand more about my motivation and to connect my education and experiences to my passions and motivations. She was with me, answering my questions and concerns as we navigated the process (I feel like she doesn’t sleep... I’ve got emails from her at 1 AM and 2 AM at nights haha) and my application went from a confused mess to a polished, well thought-out material, including my resume, essays and LORs, for the M7 schools. Results: Admits from HBS, Wharton and Ross, Interview invites from all the 5 schools that I applied.

If you’re ready to work hard and challenge yourself and want the best guidance possible to get into your dream school, I highly highly recommend Doris and the Admissionado team to you

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May 26, 2021

Joined: Sep 17, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
630 Q46 V31

Review for Admissionado with Liz Eavey


I enjoyed the process working with Liz when I started the initial free one-hour review. Initially, I had not planned on actually getting the paid service but after doing the one-hour call and getting the tailored feedback to my experience and how I could improve my profile for my top preferred programs, I decided to pay for the deluxe package with two schools. I also liked the fact that Admissionado paired me with someone who had a focus on my career interests post-MBA and that Liz was experienced not only in Entertainment but also in the entrepreneurial/startup space which helped me think strategically about the companies/opportunities I should be referencing in my essays. Liz was extremely timely and supportive in the process even while managing her own full-time job and going through a childbirth! From the resume review, to the multiple essay edits and feedback sessions, as well as conducting mock interviews to prepare me for my interviews, I definitely feel that the additional support put me over the edge to strengthen my application and get my top choice at UCLA Anderson.

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April 03, 2021

Joined: Mar 01, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q49 V46 (Online)

An Investment that Pays Off


I worked with Julia Hazen, Rose Ngo, and Claudia Nelson for R2 applications to multiple schools including M7 and top international schools. I had a high GMAT, average GPA from a non-Ivy undergrad school, and relatively average working history. I ended up with multiple admits including getting into my dream school and was also offered substantial scholarship money.

Like most applicants I spent a lot of time and effort on these applications. Admissionado offered a competitive advantage compared to many applicants by helping me understand my profile and how I was coming across in my applications from an independent perspective that also clearly understood what admissions committees look for. The team also helped me distill what made me unique and how to tell my story in as compelling a way as possible. Not only was this critical to the application process, it also helped me understand myself better and see clearly the unique parts of my background and strengths, which was extremely valuable beyond business school applications, but also in my career.

Overall the majority of the help Admissionado's team provided was for the essay process. They also helped with interview prep, misc. questions about the application process, and also were great supporters throughout the stressful process.

Hiring an admissions consultant is a big investment however for me it clearly paid off. The amount of scholarship money I've been offered significantly outweighs the cost of working with Admissionado. Going to a top business school is a life changing event which will be extremely expensive anyway, so to me it made complete sense to spend additional money and maximize my chances of admissions, while also 'earning' the cost back in the form of scholarships. I highly recommend all other prospective students consider working with them as well.

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March 22, 2021

Joined: May 03, 2017

Posts: 2

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Self-reported Score:
600 Q35 V36


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I had a great experience working with Admissionado! I decided to get a consulting service to sharpen my application, especially since my GMAT was average and I was struggling on how I should position my story.

I had an introductory call with a few different consultants - Admissionado was the last one. I was scheduled with John DC Miles, and after our first call, I knew John understood exactly why I was struggling. He got me. He’s extremely empathetic, having spent time in pre-med (same as me), and right then I knew who my choice of consultant would be.

John created an Action Plan based on everything we talked about: my goals, background, target schools, and other concerns. I was extremely impressed by John’s speed and ability to stitch together my story/ theme I should aim for based on my background.

The part of the application process causing the most stress for me were the essays. However, after I sent in the first draft, John returned them promptly with suggestions, edits, encouragement, and a full plan on how to structure the essay for maximum effectiveness and impact. The quality of the edits we conducted on my essays blew away my expectations. They really make sure you are being as concise as possible in all your app components: main essays, short essays, resume, and interview - no fluff. Further, Admissionado says that all drafts will be retuned within 72 hours, however I noticed John was returning most drafts much sooner - and even working weekends - when I would have the most time.

I ended up getting in to all the top schools on my list except for one!

I want to thank John (who I HIGHLY recommend), and the whole Admissionado team (Claudia and Rose) for their help, encouragement, and prompt responses. I was DREADING planning my essays and undertaking the application process, but their support took the pain out of the process, and looking back, I had fun! When it came time for interviews, I was not nervous at all because I was prepped so well for anything they could throw my way. I highly recommend Admissionado if you ever think about getting a consulting service for your MBA application. Five stars aren’t enough to express my gratitude or show the quality of their service.

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January 03, 2021

Joined: Jul 13, 2019

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John is a phenomenal consultant

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Before signing up for Admissionado, I did a few free consultations and was unimpressed by their cookie cutter approach and encouraging me to only apply to schools where my GMAT score was 20-40 points above the average. After my initial consultation with Admissionado, I had a follow up call with John and was impressed with how personable he was and confidence he demonstrated in his ability to get someone like me coming from a tough demographic and work experience in finance into a top ten school. I was particularly drawn to his personal background getting into Fuqua with below average stats and his understanding how to craft a coherent story that highlights not only my work experience, but also incorporating my life story to overcome my average GMAT score.

As long as you bring the creativity and are willing to put in the work, John and the Admissionado team excel at crafting your story to demonstrate the qualities sought after by the adcom and there is no reason you will not obtain admission to one of your top choices.

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December 20, 2020

Joined: Dec 20, 2020

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Quality MBA advisors


I could not recommend Admissionado more. They stood out from the start for being true experts, responsive, positive, and personable. The MBA process is stressful and those qualities, eminent from the get-go, made choosing Admissionado amid a sea of other MBA advisory firms a no-brainer.

My consultant, John DC Miles, is awesome. He takes the time to get to know you...and not just your "B-school stats"...he invests his time getting to know what motivates you and what qualities and experiences will position you best for getting into a top MBA program. He keeps it real. He's personable and best of all, he cares. I liked John from the start for his expertise and personality.

Overall, I would recommend Admissionado to anyone considering an MBA, especially if you're looking to get into a M7. You will learn so much about yourself through the admissions really helps Admissionado as not only an advisor, but as a partner through the process. They're right there with you along the way. Look no further!

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6 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Admissionado
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